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Aug 05 2023

Open Thread

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson

Aug 04 2023

Wokesters Block Speech on Woke Threat to Free Speech

As RFK Jr learned when his fellow Democrats tried to censor him at a censorship hearing, one way to get suppressed by leftists is to sound the alarm on leftist suppression. In Canada, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) is suing the University of Leftbridge I mean Lethbridge (UofL) over the cancelation of a speech by Dr. Frances Widdowson on “How Woke-ism Threatens Academic Freedom.”

Per the JCCF:

“Dr. Paul Viminitz, a UofL philosophy professor, invited Dr. Widdowson to speak at UofL on the topic of how woke ideology is hostile to free speech, open inquiry and dissent, which are essential components and conditions of universities.”

Widdowson has personal experience on the topic:

Widdowson had been a tenured professor at Mount Royal University (MRU) in the Department of Economics, Justice, and policy studies until she was fired in late 2021.

She lost her job over thought infractions.

She has spent much of her academic career focused on public policy in relation to indigenous people, including the causes of massive socioeconomic disparities between indigenous and other Canadians. She said her research has led her to what some deem ‘politically incorrect’ conclusions which do not conform with ‘woke’ ideas.

She had been approved to speak, but then leftist thugs stamped their feet. As usual, sympathetic educrats caved.

Despite the cancellation, Widdowson chose to attend the UofL on Feb. 1 and speak in the UofL Atrium.

However, a moonbat mob descended. She was “drowned out by shouting, drumming, and chanting” lest anyone be exposed to views that do not comply with leftist orthodoxy.

Laments Widdowson,

“Instead of encouraging faculty and students to engage with my ideas in order to reach a better understanding of totalitarian identity politics’ impact on the academy, the University of Lethbridge created an ‘unsafe space’ for critical thinking and open inquiry.”

Rebel News has more:

Adam Soos is onto something:

The laws follow the culture, but the culture is often set by academics.

The mind viruses destroying Western Civilization were engineered in the Ivory Tower, which we are forced to fund. Unsurprisingly, that is where we see the most alarming attacks on free speech.

On a tip from Rob A.

Aug 04 2023

Al Sharpton and the Founding Fathers

Liberal luminary Al Sharpton has discovered respect for the Founding Fathers. Yet like the media establishment he represents, he continues to be full of baloney. Here he responds to the latest meretricious Trump indictment, this one over 1/6/21, the most important day in history according to Democrat dogma:

The Federalist provides a badly needed lesson on both current events and history to the MSNBC audience:

Contrary to common belief, Biden’s Department of Justice is not charging Trump with inciting an insurrection — something he has already been acquitted of by the U.S. Senate. Instead, the DOJ is prosecuting him for stating that the 2020 election was rigged — an opinion shared by many and one that’s protected under the First Amendment.

However, Sharpton apparently believes that Trump tried to overthrow the government and will now be punished for it by righteous defenders of Our Democracy like the senile corruptocrat Joe Biden and the hyperpartisan apparatchik Merrick Garland.

Unlike Trump, the Founding Fathers really did want to overthrow the government. We can all be thankful for their success.

Sharpton has incited riots, as liberals accuse Trump of doing. The pretext for the 1991 Crown Heights race riots was a Jewish driver accidentally hitting two black children:

Sharpton inspired violence and hatred in the aftermath of the accident, publicly and falsely suggesting that the Hasidic ambulance crew purposely did not aid the injured black children so they could instead treat the Jewish men who were in the vehicle. Under sworn testimony, a former Hasidic resident of Crown Heights even said he heard Sharpton repeatedly say “Kill the Jews” while marching down the streets in protest.

Sharpton’s race-baiting got people killed again in 1995 in a pogrom at Freddy’s Fashion Mart.

Regarding Sharpton’s reverence for the Founding Fathers,

In 2017, Sharpton called for the federal government to stop maintaining Washington D.C.’s Jefferson Memorial because Jefferson owned slaves.

Imagine trying to reason with people who choose to get their information from malevolent idiots like Al Sharpton.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 04 2023

DeSantis Slays DEI at Disney World

This is a sword plunged into the eye of the dragon. The board Ron DeSantis selected to oversee the district governing Disney World has nixed diversity, equity, and inclusion programs that promote sexual perversion and penalize people for being Caucasian:

The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District — which replaced the former Disney-run Reedy Creek district after the Mouse House contested DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay” law — said it would scrap its DEI committee and any job duties connected to it.

The clearly needed “Don’t Say Gay” law, as the media calls the Parental Rights in Education Act, requires teachers to wait until after third grade before indoctrinating Florida schoolchildren with LGBT propaganda.

The board also eliminated initiatives pushed by the former Disney-controlled board that awarded contracts based on goals of achieving racial or gender parity.

Glenton Gilzean, the district’s new administrator, a conservative African American and a former head of the Central Florida Urban League, called such initiatives “illegal and simply un-American.”

That popping sound is liberal skulls exploding throughout the country.

By systematically targeting children for LGBT grooming, Disney has become the quintessential evil corporation — as we have seen:

Disney Announces LGBT Clothing Line for Children

Disney Embraces Evil

Disney Employees Busted for Child Molestation

Disney’s Degenerate Business Model

Gay Teen Animated Movie Strange World Is Bombing

More Child-Grooming Sickness From Disney

Woke Disney Bomb “Asked Too Much of the Audience”

Wokefied Disney’s Conception of a Fairy Godmother

CEO Bog Iger has been forced to issue an embarrassingly unconvincing public denial that Disney sexualizes children.

However, taking on this malign corporation requires rare courage, because Disney is at the core of the liberal establishment, many people still think of it as innocuous, and it is one of the largest employers in the state.

This isn’t the first time DeSantis has taken the fight to the enemy to defend equality from equity:

Last spring, DeSantis signed into law a measure that blocks public colleges from using federal or state funding on diversity programs.

DeSantis also has championed Florida’s so-called “Stop WOKE” law, which bars businesses, colleges and K-12 schools from giving training on certain racial concepts, such as the theory that people of a particular race are inherently racist, privileged or oppressed.

This was blocked by a liberal judge. No one said taking our country back from moonbats would be easy.

The first step is to support the one guy who has earned medals fighting the Culture War. If we don’t, we have no right to complain when degenerate liberals continue to win it.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Ed McAninch, and Chuck A.

Aug 04 2023

Germans Rebel Against Refugee Colony

Swedes are not alone. Germans are pushing back too:

A village in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia has revolted and successfully pushed back plans by local authorities to house 450 asylum seekers in a former monastery building. According to the publication Junge Freiheit, there were scenes of jubilation at a town hall meeting on Monday, July 31st, in Oeventrop, when the owner of the building, Christoph Kraas, announced that, without the support of the community, he would not lease the monastery to the local government for accommodating the migrants.

Hats off to Herr Kraas. He passed up a fortune in taxpayer money that the government would have paid in rent for the colony.

Local government representatives tried to persuade the locals of the necessity of establishing a refugee centre, but got booed by the angry crowd. The villagers then voiced their fears that crimes, such as sexual assaults, would be committed by the migrants, pointing out that neighbouring towns had suffered similar fates.

Leftism has induced a downward spiral. It’s nice to see Europeans with something to celebrate. Check out the villagers’ happy reaction, via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

Unfortunately, the floodgates remain open:

The number of asylum seekers has once again surged in Europe, with Germany granting by far the largest number of asylum seekers protection status in 2022, issuing almost 160,000 positive decisions.

Leftist immigration policy has created a situation that may take generations to fix (assuming Europe survives). The sooner the task is undertaken, the less painful it will be.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 04 2023

Open Thread

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society. - Antonio Gramsci

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 03 2023

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Liberal Establishment Voice of Science

The appalling thing about Neil deGrasse Tyson is that he will say anything — no matter how moronic, bizarre, disgusting, and untrue — in order to lick the hand of his moonbat masters:

Apparently, the XX/XY chromosomes are insufficient because when we wake up in the morning, we exaggerate whatever feature we want to portray the gender of our choice. Either the one you’re assigned, the one you choose to be — whatever it is!

Now, just to tie a bow on this, I say to you, somewhere I read — somewhere, I think I read — that the United States was a land where we have the pursuit of happiness. Suppose no matter my chromosomes today, “I feel 80% female, 20% male. I’m gonna put on makeup.” Tomorrow, I might feel 80% male. I’ll remove the makeup and I’ll wear a muscle shirt. Why do you care?! What businesses is it of yours to require that I fulfill your inability to think of gender on a spectrum?

For having so little respect for objective reality and for himself that he will recite crap like this in public, and of course for having the preferred skin color, his masters pat him on the head and let him play Voice of Science.

Aug 03 2023

George Soros Is Trying to Buy Texas for Democrats

Leaving the border open to displace the population has not yet turned Texas blue. Money may be required — big money. Fortunately for Democrats, they are the party of big money:

George Soros is almost single-handedly bankrolling a mysterious Texas entity working to build up progressive infrastructure across the Lone Star State in attempts to elect more Democrats…

According to Federal Election Commission filings released Monday, George Soros’s Democracy PAC II has provided $750,000 to the Texas Majority PAC during the year’s first half. Meanwhile, the Texas Majority PAC’s state filings show that the group raised $752,040 during that time…

In other words, Texas Majority PAC is George Soros.

Unsurprisingly, the malefactor who caused the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and who broke the Bank of England does not want us to know what he is up to.

Texas Majority PAC has maneuvered in the shadows, and virtually no information about the group is available online.

Soros keeps his activities hidden because they are malevolent. He openly hates the USA, which he denounces as “the main obstacle to a stable and just world order.” To advance his goal of destroying it, he has been destabilizing society by installing pro-criminal DAs throughout the country, including Alvin Bragg (New York) George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Kim Ogg (Houston), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), Kim Gardner (St Louis), Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore), and Monique Worrell (central Florida).

George Soros is the #1 donor to the Democratic Party. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 03 2023

Jeanne Marrazzo May Out-Fauci Fauci

You thought no one could be worse that the smug, grotesquely overpaid bureauweenie Anthony Fauci, the face of Covid tyranny, who lied in Senate testimony, who tried to hide the origins of Covid, and who was evidently involved in funding its development — a moonbat so insufferable that liberals literally burn votive candles featuring his likeness? Meet his replacement, Jeanne Marrazzo:

Daily Mail reports:

Marrazzo, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, will start her role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in the fall.

Regarding her qualifications, in addition to not being a man, her priorities are impeccably correct:

Her previous work has focused on contraceptives, women’s health, HIV and STDs, sexual health, and health issues facing the LGBTQ+ community, both nationally and internationally, as well as health disparities and equity and interdisciplinary collaborative research.

Naturally, she is publicly homosexual. Not being a Woman of Color makes that a requirement.

Marrazzo pushed for mask-wearing in schools during the pandemic despite warnings that face coverings would hamper their education.

The masks also hampered their health, as has been known for some time. Like many suffocating Covid measures, masks on children served no constructive purpose.

At least we learned from the miserable experience of Covid. We now know better than to take government scientists seriously. Unfortunately, our rulers learned something too: that there is virtually no limit to what we will put up with.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 03 2023

First Amendment Threatened Over Ashley Biden’s Diary

Like Hunter Biden’s laptop, Ashley Biden’s diary has been confirmed to be genuine. It reveals that Creepy Joe took showers with his own daughter. The Regime has trampled on the First Amendment to keep us from knowing this:

Included in the diary:

“Was I molested,” the author writes. “I think so — I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age . . . I remember being somewhat sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).”

Pleads Hot Air:

Can we please call a moving van and a fumigator to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and – when the poison clears – can we have the house cleaned by a religious team? Rabbi, priest, imam – whoever and whatever it takes to get a ritual cleansing for the ages done of the White House, and remove the scum that has to be clinging to the walls with every breath Joe Biden takes in that hallowed place.

Sounds great, but first we have to cure the culture that made it conceivable that someone like Joe Biden could even come close to being elected.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 03 2023

Swedes Forced to Clean Their Own Streets

California 7-Eleven staff are not the only ones who have had enough of the moonbattery and are starting to push back. Some Europeans are in the same mood. In Husby, a Stockholm suburb pocked with no-go areas, groups of young men have been rousting lowlifes:

In recent months, residents of the area have complained of growing insecurity, telling local police about months of problems with homeless drug addicts who often camp out in storage rooms and basements of people’s homes, the newspaper Aftonbladet reports.

According to one local police officer, the addicts have been in the area since around April and many are illegal immigrants.

That’s the problem with tolerating a government that tolerates illegal immigration. What the rest of the world sends will not be the cream of the crop.

“These people are very vulnerable. They are undocumented and they will be sent out of the country while having nowhere to go. They are desperate and then they have tried to get hold of money by robbing people and burglarizing,” the official said.

Before you burst out sobbing for the invaders, consider how vulnerable the law-abiding citizens of Sweden have been rendered.

Locals have stated that areas of Husby have become littered with syringes. Robberies have surged, with even the local mosque being subjected to thefts. Several women have also been robbed in the area as they went to a local shop or to do their laundry.

We have reached the point where living under liberalism is no longer feasible — as the younger generation is figuring out. One 18-year-old reports that the police were not taking their complaints seriously, so they have confronted the lowlifes themselves:

“We’ve tried to talk to them to get them to stop robbing and stealing, but these people are on different substances and drugs and they haven’t been receptive to dialogue. Many of them have also been armed and once one of them attacked us. Then we fought back.”

Swedes fighting back is a welcome change. Too bad this can’t be accomplished through their government, whose primary job it is.

Videos have since been posted on social media showing the vigilantes chasing addicts, while some addicts were found in parts of Husby badly beaten.

By the end of July, however, many of the addicts appear to have left the area and reports of thefts and assaults have subsided for several weeks.

Time-honored solutions tend to work.

It would be far better if police dealt with this, and better still if Europe defended its borders. If neither is feasible due to the deranged ideology of the ruling class, vigilantism becomes inevitable.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 03 2023

Lizzo Sued for Being Too Lizzo

Melissa Jefferson — a.k.a. Lizzo — personifies the abomination that is presented to us as our culture almost as perfectly as Joe Biden represents the corrupt gerontocracy. Three backup dancers are suing her for personifying it too well:

While on a concert trip with the Grammy Award-winning artist to Amsterdam in February 2023, the plaintiffs claim Lizzo invited them for a night out on the town — which ended in the city’s red light district.

At this point we cross into X-rated terrain:

The lawsuit states, “… things quickly got out of hand. Lizzo began inviting cast members to take turns touching the nude performers, catching dildos launched from the performers’ vaginas, and eating bananas protruding from the performers’ vaginas.”

The dancers were allegedly pressured to comply.

More surprisingly, Lizzo is accused of fat-shaming her dancers, despite having made a career out of grotesquely displaying her own morbid obesity.

It gets more surprising still. The dance team captain, Shirlene Quigley, is also named in the suit:

Quigley is accused of allegedly pushing her Christian beliefs onto dancers and “oversharing her masturbatory habits and sex life with her husband” with the team…

No word on what church Quigley attends. I’m guessing Presbyterian.

On tips from Steven S, KirklesWorth, and Steve T.

Aug 03 2023

Open Thread

A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the paredón [execution wall]. - Che Guevara

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 02 2023

Social Justice Interrupted

Failure to assimilate can be a good thing, if these are immigrants who have failed to adjust to the way things work under liberal rule:

These guys defended not just their store but civilization. They deserve the key to the city. Instead, they will probably be thrown in jail.

The scumbag’s reference to insurance is typical. The idea that you shouldn’t mind being robbed if you have insurance is a common theme with Black Lives Matter types. You don’t pay; everyone who buys insurance pays. If the theft if widely distributed, we are expected not to object. The entire welfare state is constructed on this premise.

On tips from Tlabia Majora, Wiggins, and Dr. Kufi Tutite.


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