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Jul 20 2023

$800K Jackpot Justice Because McNugget Was Too Hot

If McDonald’s starts serving room temperature McNuggets, here’s why:

A Florida court awarded a mother $800,000 from McDonald’s after her daughter received second-degree burns from a piping hot McNugget that fell on her lap in 2019.

The jury reached the verdict after less than two hours of deliberation Wednesday afternoon.

Philana Holmes’s lawyers had demanded $15 million. Maybe she will receive the remainder when reparations are imposed.

McDonald’s is a favorite target of predatory lawsuits due to its visibility. In 1994, Stella Liebeck earned $millions by spilling McDonald’s coffee on herself in an infamous milestone in jackpot justice. That’s why cups come with a warning label that coffee might be hot. Surprisingly, there is no “This End Up” label on McDonald’s cups, leaving the company vulnerable to future lawsuits.

Like shoplifting, these lawsuits drive up prices for the rest of us.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 20 2023

Woke Activist Allegedly Killed by Illegal Alien Felon Ex

Careful now, starry-eyed liberal idealists. Moonbattery can be hazardous to your health:

Emma Shafer, 24, of Springfield [Illinois], was found dead late Tuesday evening after she was allegedly stabbed in her home in the 1000 block of South Eighth Street.

Her woke credentials were impeccable:

Shafer served as an activist and community organizer for several local organizations, including the Faith Coalition for the Common Good, where she was a community and digital organizer.

The faith entailed involved Unitarianism. Other Illinois community organizers include Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama.

She also worked as a committee clerk for the Illinois House of Representatives, a shelter worker at Contact Ministries, a community development intern with Downtown Springfield Inc. and an intern with U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth’s office.

She also volunteered for the Sierra Club Sangamon Valley Group, where she had recently been appointed a membership chair and the Resistor Sisterhood, where she served on their racial equity task force and Leadership Council.

An arrest warrant has been issued for her former boyfriend Gabriel P. Calixto a.k.a. Gabriel Calixto Pichardo, who was running loose despite having pled guilty to kidnapping in 2018, and despite being an illegal alien — excuse me, I meant to say a “Dreamer,” whose DACA status expired more than 4 years ago.

The senseless death serves as a reminder that woke activists are not immune from the dangers they work to inflict on the rest of us.

On a tip from Woodlandcamo.

Jul 20 2023

Purge Law Inflicts Catch and Release on Illinois

Catch and release has worked so well at the border and in New York City that Democrat-dominated Illinois is adopting the policy:

The Illinois Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a state law passed following the death of George Floyd that was intended to end cash bail for most criminal defendants.

At first it seemed sanity might intervene…

The SAFE-T Act was approved by the state General Assembly in January 2021 but was halted at the eleventh hour after a Kankakee County judge ruled the ending of cash bail to be unconstitutional.

But as usual in Illinois, moonbattery prevailed:

The lower court ruling was sent to the state Supreme Court, which overturned it in a 5-2 decision.

Obese plutocrat Governor J. B. Pritzker approves of the decision. Anarchotyranny means the same tyrant who would not allow more than two people to ride on a boat during Covid hysteria wants actual criminals to run loose wreaking havoc.

The dementedly pro-criminal SAFE-T Act has been called the “Purge Law,” in reference to the movies/TV series about crime being made legal for 12 hours once a year to keep the population down. Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau calls it “the most dangerous law I’ve ever seen.” In addition to establishing a revolving door for dangerous criminals, other aspects include…

…limiting when defendants can be deemed flight risks, allowing defendants under electronic monitoring to leave home for 48 hours before they can be charged with escape, and preventing police from arresting non-violent trespassers…

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul barks that “The SAFE-T Act was intended to address pervasive inequalities in the criminal justice system.”

That’s the purpose the criminal justice system serves, where Democrats have consolidated control: addressing “pervasive inequalities” rather than securing public safety.

After cash bail is ended on September 18, Democrats will boast of having reduced the incarcerated population. This will win votes from their base in places like the South Side of Chicago. The city has succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral, having driven out enough sane people to guarantee ever more radical left-wing rule. The entire state looks ready to follow it down the drain.

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 20 2023

Open Thread

Ideas have far-reaching consequences, and one must be ever so careful about what one allows to lodge in one's brain. - Eric Metaxas

Jul 19 2023

Janet Yellen Chowed Down on Magic Mushrooms

It isn’t easy to make sense of the inflationary economic policy of Yoda’s ex-wife Janet Yellen. This may help:

Magic mushrooms may have been to blame for Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s mortifying bow before a Chinese official last week.

Yellen, 76, gobbled four portions of jian shou qing, a type of wild mushroom, when she dropped in at a casual Beijing restaurant soon after she arrived there on July 6, Chinese state media reported

The mushrooms have unpredictable psychedelic effects.

“You thought you were walking straight but you just fell sideways,” one gourmand told the Xinhua state news agency in a report about the ‘shroom’s potent powers — published only after Yellen departed.

Peter Mortimer of the Kunming Institute of Botany reports a friend hallucinating for 3 days after accidently eating them.

If magic mushrooms turn up in the White House, don’t be too quick to blame Hunter.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 19 2023

Plurality of Millennials Want “Misgendering” to Be Illegal

Tyranny cannot be imposed for long unless the population largely accepts it, so Democrats will be delighted to learn that a plurality of millennials believe it should be against the law for dissidents to uphold biological reality when it conflicts with LGBT ideology:

More millennials think referring to a transgender person by the wrong pronouns should be a criminal offense than think it should be legal, according to new polling conducted exclusively for Newsweek.

By “the wrong pronouns,” Newsbleak means the correct pronouns, i.e., those referring to their actual sex.

This is directly equivalent to sending thought criminals to the Ministry of Love for stating 2 + 2 = 4.

According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense,” versus just 31 percent who disagree. The remainder “neither agree nor disagree” or “don’t know.”

The goal of the media and education establishments is to push the 31% who think people should not be imprisoned for refusing to pretend that men are women down to zero — which is the percentage that would have regarded “misgendering” as criminal only recently.

Such grotesque attitudes have already facilitated corresponding legislation. In the dystopian moonbat hell that Michigan is becoming under Democrat rule, a bill will soon become law that literally makes it a felony to say anything an Alphabet Person takes exception to.

There is still hope. Among Americans as a whole,

just 19 percent want misgendering to be a criminal offense, whilst 65 percent disagree, 12 percent “neither agree nor disagree” and four percent answered “don’t know.”

There may even be hope for the future. Despite relentless indoctrination,

Generation Z Americans aged 18-24, who can vote, are notably less keen on making misgendering a crime than the older millennials. Among this group, 33 percent think calling someone by the wrong pronoun should be a criminal offense, while 48 percent disagree and the remainder answer either “neither” or “don’t know.”

The numbers are still appalling, but at least they are moving in the right direction. The mainstreaming of LGBT depravity, leading to its inevitable imposition through law, is not a done deal. We may even manage to get sexual perversion back in the closet, though it will take determination.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jul 19 2023

Jason Aldean Canceled by CMT

As with NASCAR, CMT is an organization run by moonbats for a fan base of countermoonbats. In April, this resulted in a CMT award show designed to disgust its audience. Now CMT has suppressed a song by Jason Aldean for not complying with liberal establishment ideology:

Aldean defended his new song and video after CMT pulled it from airwaves Tuesday as his new hit, ‘Try That in a Small Town’ caused a frenzy among liberals who described it as ‘pro-lynching.’

Suggesting that decent people would protect their property, their towns, and each other from roving mobs of violent scum is now “pro-lynching.” When the next wave of riots is unleashed on some preposterous pretext (e.g., a career criminal dying of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest), we are expected to sit back and take it.

Both the lyrics and the video, which interlaced clips of BLM protestors vandalizing cities with lines endorsing traditional values and ‘taking care of our own,’ have caused outrage online.

Like all things woke, the weaponized outrage is contrived. As Aldean points out:

“There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it – and there isn’t a single video clip that isn’t real news footage – and while I can try and respect others to have their own interpretation of a song with music – this one goes too far.”

The supposedly controversial lyrics start this way:

Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it’s cool, well, act a fool if ya like
Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you’re tough

The chorus:

Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
‘Round here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

Here is the part that really triggered liberals:

Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they’re gonna round up
Well, that sh** might fly in the city, good luck

There is no reason entertainment has to be corrosive degenerate filth. Americans will like this as much as moonbats hate it:

That’s what the cultural gatekeepers feel we should not be allowed to see. Fortunately, as Sound of Freedom has been demonstrating, the cultural gatekeepers can be sidestepped.

On tips from Franco and Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 19 2023

Biden Regime Is Spreading Tuberculosis Throughout USA

Conditions created by Covid hysteria helped Biden’s handlers seize power. So naturally Democrats see potentially lethal disease as a good thing. Happily for them, they are in a position to spread it via illegal alien children:

Nearly 2,500 children with latent [tuberculosis] infections were released into 44 states over the past year, according to a court-ordered report on how the Health and Human Services Department is treating the children. …

HHS releases infected children to sponsors and notifies local health authorities in the hope that they can arrange for treatment before the latent infection becomes active.


Local health officials say the notifications are infrequent and the child has often already arrived when they are told about a case in their jurisdiction.

“We do not know how often the sponsors follow through on treatment,” the Virginia Department of Health told The Washington Times in a statement. “By the time outreach takes place, the child has sometimes moved to another area or state.”

But even if unaccompanied alien children don’t receive treatment for the TB they have been spreading,

UACs do get routine dental care and reproductive care, including pregnancy tests, and are given information about emergency contraceptives. The government will also facilitate abortions, including making “all reasonable efforts to secure a legal abortion” for girls in states where the procedure is restricted.

Governance is all about priorities.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jul 19 2023

Math Succumbs to Moonbattery

With progressives at the helm, even math must be subordinated to moonbattery:

Cambridge Public Schools began phasing out advanced math courses in grades six through eight around 2017, when district officials noticed sharp racial disparities in the program.

Students who were being placed in the advanced math track were overwhelmingly white and Asian, while the lower-level courses were filled primarily with black and Latino students…

Cambridge, home of Harvard and MIT, has been synonymous with academic excellence. But to impose equity is to eradicate excellence.

The policy will have the opposite of the intended effect, as white and Asian parents send their kids to private schools or hire tutors, leaving politically preferred identity groups ever further behind. But the actual consequences of their policies never distract liberals from the sanctimonious virtue signaling that inspires them.

Meanwhile, on the Left Coast,

California will officially adopt a new “equity” and “social justice” based mathematics framework for its K-12 schools after a vote from the State Board of Education [last] Wednesday.

After multiple revisions and years of development, the board unanimously passed the 2023 Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools which seeks to renew the state’s “commitment to ensuring equity and excellence in math learning for all students.”

People who insist on using oxymoronic phrases like “equity and excellence” should avoid math, which requires logical thinking.

“Teaching toward social justice urges educators to empower learners with tools to examine inequities and address important issues in their lives and communities through mathematics,” the document explains.

Can we all at least agree that there is an objective reality over and above liberal talking points, and that math represents that reality? No, we cannot:

An effort to reframe mathematics in California schools was reported by Fox News in April 2021 and included an “Equitable Math” toolkit that sought to dismantle objectivity in the concept.

“The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so,” a document for the “Equitable Math” toolkit read. “Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.”

As we learned when the weaker among us were bullied into calling Bruce Jenner “she,” the leftist objective is to establish that their dogma overrules and makes moot reality itself.

Because numbers add up to whatever a member of a favored identity group says they do, there is no need for math. This is why math education is being replaced with social justice indoctrination.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 19 2023

Open Thread

There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. - Booker T. Washington

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 18 2023

Israeli President Comes to America Only to Find Democrats

Someone call Adult Protective Services and put a stop to this farce:

Hats off to Herzog for keeping a straight face today. Let’s see if he can maintain his composure tomorrow:

Following Herzog’s visit to the White House, he’s set to address a joint session of Congress Wednesday, which some Democrats say they plan to boycott, calling Israel an ‘apartheid state.’ …

At Tuesday’s press briefing, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre wouldn’t explicitly say that those Democrats were being anti-Semitic.

Rep Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) squawks that “Israel is a racist state.” Ilan Omar (D-MN) barks that “no way in hell” will she attend Herzog’s speech and has screeched, “may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Rep Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are also conspicuous in their hatred of Israel, which represents a beleaguered island of civilization that at any time may be engulfed in a sea of savagery.

Not only Squad kooks but Democrats in general instinctively side with the enemy:

Gallup found that Democrats’ sympathy for Israel declined every year from 2016 onward. They now support the Palestinians over the Israelis by an 11-point margin. Even more striking is that liberal democrats sympathize with the Palestinians more than with the Israelis by a 24-point margin.

Herzog is a Labor Party lefty, but that isn’t enough. Maybe if he converts to Islam and nukes his own country, Democrats will cut him a break.

On tips from Blackjack and Varla.

Jul 18 2023

Now Frozen Pizza Has to Be Locked Up

We have reached the point in the moonbattery-induced collapse of civilization where frozen pizza has to be kept locked up so that it isn’t shoplifted:

Shoplifters targeted the ice cream and pizza section of a Walgreens in San Francisco, which led to the chaining up of the freezer section to prevent theft, according to a tweet from reporter Betty Yu. San Francisco businesses are fleeing amid a surge of organized theft in the city.

Democrats effectively legalized shoplifting in single-party California. The inevitable consequences were easy to foresee.

Due to the dense concentration of moonbats, San Fransicko in particular has collapsed into anarchotyranny and is no longer inhabitable. While senior citizens are forbidden from parking on their own driveways, roving savages are free to rob stroller-pushing moms at will.

At least this will have the added bonus of preventing vermin from licking the ice cream so they can post video of it to social media:

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 18 2023

NYC Restaurants to Be Fined for Providing Forks

In case you were running short of reasons to avoid New York City under moonbat rule, here’s another:

In an effort to reduce plastic use, New York will start fining restaurants and third-party delivery services that provide disposable utensils, soy sauce packets, and similar items without the customer requesting them.

Plastic is so useful that the Democrat religion regards it as unholy.

Of course the media is on board:

With the popularity of takeout and delivery steadily rising, this new rule is arriving at an opportune time. It will encourage businesses and consumers to be more conscious about plastic use habits and hopefully curtail the impact of single-use plastic on the environment.

Next Democrats will require forks to be made out of wood:

In fact, creating one ton of plastic cutlery results in roughly 1,350 to 3,800 more pounds of [supposedly] harmful carbon pollution than disposable wooden cutlery.

Petty tyrants have constructed a petty tyranny, in which no detail of our personal lives is too trivial for woke bullies to intrude upon.

On the positive side, maybe the climate gods will be pleased at our obeisance when they see New Yorkers eating Chinese takeout with their fingers and send pleasant weather.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 18 2023

Lia Thomas: Trantifa Embodied

The purpose of Antifa is to utilize violence to impose Democrat ideology, with a special emphasis on transsexualism. As noted earlier,

Transsexuals are mentally ill by definition and characterized by a propensity for violence (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William Teasley). Violence is the whole point of Antifa. Both are products of moonbattery. Put them together and you get Trantifa.

Cross-dressing sports cheat Will “Lia” Thomas could be Trantifa embodied:

Via Breitbart:

Controversial NCAA swimming champion Lia Thomas is stirring the pot once again, this time by posting images to social media showing him modeling a militaristic t-shirt in support of the domestic terror group Antifa.

Thomas is seen in the photo wearing dark sunglasses and the Antifa shirt, reading “Antifa Super Solder,” along with a bondage-style, military-esque leather gear.

Thomas, who has not even had himself castrated, was named NCAA “Woman of the Year” for making a mockery of women’s sports by competing as female.

Maybe Thomas is ready for violence because pushback against transsexual athletes has finally begun. Some transvestites are even required to compete on teams that match their actual sex:

Veronica Ivy, a Canadian cyclist who became the first transgender woman to win a world track cycling championship, took issue with the sport’s governing body’s updated policy on transgender athletes’ participation in women’s events.

Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) released its new policy on Friday, prohibiting any trans cyclist from competing in women’s events if they “transitioned after (male) puberty.”

Let’s hope policies like this do not encourage liberal parents to subject their children to sex change operations. But at least someone is trying to preserve women’s sports.

Hell hath no fury like a transsexual who for once doesn’t get his way:

“Veronica” shrieks that he “will not be deterred by this hateful targeted transphobic policy.” Uh oh, Trantifa may have another recruit.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.


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