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Jun 04 2023

Open Thread

God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it. - Daniel Webster

Jun 03 2023

Pushback Against Corruption of Children Is Still Possible

A teacher at El Dorado High School in Placentia, California demonstrates what kids are learning in public schools nowadays by promoting the perverted pleasures of gay sex and telling the children where to buy sex toys (at Target, naturally):

I was going to post the YouTube version of this video, but it turns out to be age restricted, appropriately enough.

Note that the kids aren’t snickering or gasping in astonishment like they would have at any point in history up until the past couple of years. They seem bored, as if they have heard it all many times before, probably starting in kindergarten.

However, because this video happened to go viral, this time there was pushback:

A teacher at a California high school was placed on administrative leave following a video surfacing of her instructing students about where to find sex toys.

“The individual involved has been placed on administrative leave pending a thorough investigation,” Alyssa Griffiths, the director of communications for the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District…

She will be back on the job as soon as attention moves on. There are thousands of other teachers giving the same lesson. But at least the educrats who put them up to it still have to pretend to disapprove. Once the pushback stops, the rising tide of depravity and degeneracy will submerse us completely.

On tips from Anonymois and Steve T.

Jun 03 2023

Capitol Police Silence Children Singing National Anthem

If the Bible can be hate speech, then surely children singing the national anthem in the Capitol must be an act of insurrection. Good thing the Capitol Police were there to put a stop to it:

Footage shows a Capitol Police officer directing someone to interrupt a children’s choir singing the national anthem in the U.S. Capitol, yet the police claimed that they did not stop the singing.

What do you expect? This is the same Capitol Police that escorted the harmless Jacob Chansley around the People’s House, then wept on stage about how they were traumatized by January 6 during the Democrat show trials — the same Capitol Police that shot an unarmed woman (no punishment for the self-praising killer) and afterward arrested the victim’s grieving mother. Under Democrat rule, they have become Stormtroopers patrolling the corridors of the Death Star.

David Rasbach, founder and director of the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir, confirms that the Capitol Police are lying again:

He said that he had secured permission from three congressional offices for the choir to sing in the Capitol. He said South Carolina Republican Reps. William Timmons and Joe Wilson had provided documents giving permission, as had the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

McCarthy’s office confirmed that the choir had permission to sing.


Video of the event shows the choir singing “The Star-Spangled Banner,” but it also shows Rasbach, the conductor, cut the singers off before they could finish the fourth verse of the song. Rasbach cut them off because a female Capitol Police officer had directed a congressional staffer to immediately stop the singing, Rasbach told The Daily Signal.

Rasbach said the female police officer insisted that the performance is considered a demonstration, and that demonstrations in the U.S. Capitol are banned. She later said some people were offended, though Rasbach doubted her claim.

Why doubt it? The District of Corruption is choked with leftists who would find the national anthem offensive.

At least the kids weren’t arrested like the 1,000+ mostly political prisoners following the last insurrection at the Capitol.

On tips from Stormfax, Jack Bauer, Wiggins, Lyle, and MrRightWingDave.

Jun 03 2023

Open Thread

The best way to put more money in people's wallets is to leave it there in the first place. - Edwin Feulner

Jun 02 2023

Fox News Spews LGBT Propaganda

Fox News viewers wanted to watch Tucker Carlson. But instead they watch what the liberal establishment wants them to watch, because as has become increasingly obvious, Fox News is part of it. What the liberal establishment wants the audience to watch is LGBTism projectile vomited into their face:

If viewers would tolerate last year’s enthusiastic promotion of the transsexualization of innocent children

…no doubt they will tolerate this year’s Pride Month festivities too.

Or maybe they will finally give Fox News the Bud Light treatment it has been asking for. Then they can go over to Newsmax, which is free on Roku, no extravagantly expensive cable or Disney-owned Hulu required.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 02 2023

Biden Takes Another Emblematic Tumble

The most dangerous place to be is on top when you no longer seem to belong there. Consider the convict regarded as toughest on the cell block. Once his reputation starts to slip, he has a target on his chest. For another example, consider a global hegemon that due to social decay submits to a ruling class that has this guy as its figurehead:

Anybody can trip and fall. But with the conspicuously frail and senile Biden, events like this are seen as symbolic. As Daily Wire notes,

Biden has repeatedly struggled with falling throughout his presidency dating back to March 2021 when he fell several times while trying to walk up the stairs to board Air Force One.

That incident has summed up his presidency:

The Air Force Academy stumble wasn’t even the most embarrassing moment of the event:

Biden was a pathological liar even before his mind started to slip. By now, his phony boasts would make Jon Lovitz blush.

America’s adversaries are appraising Biden’s leadership, just as they are appraising his administration’s emphasis on homosexualizing the US military.

Unless we can pry Democrats out of power and restore our country’s reputation, Americans will soon experience a harder fall than Biden as we are brought down from the top.

On tips from Chris Neilson, MrRightWingDave, Mr. Freemarket, and KirklesWorth.

Jun 02 2023

US Embassy Flies Gay Flag at Vatican

It’s a twofer for the leftists running the federal government; they hawk up a loogie and spit it in the face of both regular Americans and Christians worldwide with a single belligerent, juvenile, disgusting, anti-American, blasphemous, and — to put it mildly — divisive gesture. Under Democrat rule, Old Glory no longer represents the USA. A flag symbolizing homosexual degeneracy, transsexual psychosis, and antiwhite racism does:

Compounding the insult is the lie that militant perverts — who call the shots in our country or this flag would not be flying — are somehow oppressed. Either our liberal rulers think we are so dumb we would believe this, or they despise us enough to tell obvious lies to our faces. Also implied is an accusation that the Catholic Church persecutes degenerates by not embracing the LGBT lifestyle with sufficient zeal.

A few relevant facts for context:

• They call it the “Pride” flag. Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Christian religion. Depraved lust, which the flag actually represents, is another of the sins.

• The flag is based on the rainbow in an arrogantly blasphemous appropriation from Christianity. The rainbow represents God’s covenant with mankind that He will never again punish us for our sins by flooding the world.

• Next Tuesday is D-Day. American heroes died on that day so that flags could fly that represent freedom, not a warped ideology centered on debauchery.

Daily Caller adds more context:

The Biden administration began a “worldwide effort” in 2021 to fly Pride flags at embassies around the world. Then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in 2021 the president has used “the power of the bully pulpit in his presidency to convey that transgender rights are human rights.”

Democrats certainly know how to put the bully into bully pulpit.

Note that the concept of human rights has been distorted out of recognition, the better to erode it.

Living under the rule of these creeps is not tolerable. They are desecrating our country.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and Franco.

Jun 02 2023

Open Thread

Liberty (individual freedom) is the prize, responsibility the price. - Dick Randolph

Jun 01 2023

Corporate LGBTists Come After Pets

“We’re coming for your children,” the militant gays taunted. With the assistance of their corporate sponsors, they made good on the threat. Now they are coming for our pets:

Some social media users recently aimed their ire at PetSmart for boasting about its all-new “You Are Loved” collection of 2023 Pride-themed clothing, toys and other items for pet owners’ four-legged friends.

As with Anheuser-Busch and Target, tasteless LGBTism is not new for PetSmart. However, it is getting renewed attention now that consumers realize they can push back against the belligerent degenerates who rule over us:

While PetSmart has celebrated Pride since 2019, according to a company news release on May 2, some online critics bashed the company this month and called for a boycott similar to what other brands like Bud Light and Target are facing.

Animals sometimes engage in aberrant and unhealthy behavior, but only people can deliberately embrace sin out of moral depravity, so LGBTism has nothing to do with pets, right?

Wrong. Being not just a lifestyle but a totalitarian ideology, it has to do with everyone and everything:

Monkeypox is spread almost exclusively through homosexual activity. But as with AIDS, non-gays are put at risk. Children in gay custody, for example. Dogs for another.

Liberal utopia has not been achieved until everything imaginable has been sexualized, perverted, and rendered unclean.

Abominations even without the LGBTism.

On a tip from Franco.

Jun 01 2023

Sufficient Pushback to Corporate LGBTism Not Yet Achieved

Moonbats are like drug fiends who discover each day that yesterday’s dose no longer suffices. Transsexualizing grade school children doesn’t provide them with a satisfactory thrill of transgression anymore. So they have moved on to toddlers:

“Love” in the context of LGBT propaganda refers to sexual activity. “If it feels good, do it” and “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” have been merged and streamlined into “Love is love” — as preached by Kohl’s:

No matter how far they push the envelope, progressives will not stop progressing until they encounter sufficient pushback. Recently, grinding LGBTism in customers’ faces has cost Anheuser-Busch around $15.7 billion and Target $12.4 billion. Evidently that is not sufficient pushback, or other companies would stop following their lead.

On tips from DCGere and Franco.

Jun 01 2023

LGBTification of MLB Reveals Cowards and Heroes

Aging glam rocker Paul Stanley can take heart. He no longer stands out as the most contemptible figure in public life. Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass has matched him by presenting the same disgraceful spectacle of a guy sane enough to acknowledge that LGBTism is wicked but too weak not to cave obsequiously to the Gaystapo:

When cowards submitting to leftists promise to educate themselves, they renounce any claim to respect.

Bass was begging forgiveness for sharing this video:

“The ballpark is for everybody,” Bass whimpers obediently. Everybody except Christians, that is.

The context is not merely Bud Light making its customers want to puke by shoving Dylan Mulvaney in their faces. The center of attention has shifted to the highly effective boycott of Target, explicitly for targeting children for transsexualization — a path that will destroy their minds, bodies, and souls.

What Paul Stanley and Anthony Bass crawl in submission before is not merely nauseating; it is satanic. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence — publicly fêted by MLB teams — make this explicit.

Although there are nowhere near enough of them to redeem the sport, a tiny minority of professional baseball players have character — including the great Clayton Kershaw, who has been promoting Christian Faith Day in response to the Dodgers hosting explicitly blasphemous LGBT activists:

“For us, we felt like the best thing to do in response was, instead of maybe making a statement condemning or anything like that, would be just to instead try to show what we do support, as opposed to maybe what we don’t,” Kershaw said. “And that was Jesus. So to make Christian Faith Day our response is what we felt like was the best decision.”

Another hero is fellow Dodger Blake Treinen:

“I am disappointed to see the Sister’s of Perpetual Indulgence being honored as heroes at Dodger Stadium,” Treinen said in a statement posted to Twitter via his friend Sean Feucht. “Many of their performances are blasphemous, and their work only displays hate and mockery of Catholics and the Christian faith.”

That’s the point of it. You might say it is the point of the entire LGBT blitzkrieg being waged against society.

As reported, the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” are made up of adult men who dress as perverted nuns. They also openly sexualize Jesus Christ, degrade Mary Mother of God, and disparage other key components of the Roman Catholic faith to encourage “sexual liberation.” Per CatholicVote’s Brian Burch, “In one infamous stunt, they tricked an archbishop into giving them the Eucharist — the most important sacrament of the Catholic faith — so they could defile it.”

That’s what the liberal establishment demands we revere.

Anyone who stands up to the liberal establishment deserves kudos. Anyone who submits to it lives in a state of disgrace — particularly cowards like Anthony Bass who can’t claim not to know it is evil.

On tips from Jester and Wiggins.

Jun 01 2023

Parody Account Gets AOC’s Goat

Now that leftists are the establishment, the tactics they used to achieve power can be employed by the normal people who have been marginalized into insurgents. Saul Alinsky was as creepy as other moonbats, but he was a gifted strategist. He understood that an entrenched ruling class is vulnerable to ridicule. This weapon is all the more effective nowadays, because our rulers are so conspicuously absurd.

Take for example the shrieking leftist simpleton Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, extolled by the media and the Chairman of the DNC as the Future of the Democratic Party. That future is now the present; AOC has become the establishment. Here’s how to take that establishment down:

The only downside to this strategy is that if it doesn’t work and Democrats continue to consolidate power, whoever is running @AOCpress will end up getting their fingernails pulled out in an FBI basement.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 01 2023

Open Thread

The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that. - Rush Limbaugh

May 31 2023

Wokefied Disney’s Conception of a Fairy Godmother

At the risk of belaboring the obvious, Disney is now run by some truly sick creeps:

A TikTok clip of a man in a dress welcoming small children into a Disneyland boutique full of princess costumes has gone viral on social media.

The original video, which has racked up more than 7.1 million views as of Tuesday, was posted by self-described dental hygienist and mom of three Kourtni Faber’s account over the weekend. In it, a man with a mustache wearing a gown waves enthusiastically to a child and introduces himself as Nick as the customer enters the store.

Old Nick is a nickname for Satan. Meet the comparably wholesome New Nick:

As Ryan Kinel observes, Disney is no longer family friendly.

On tips from Chris Neilson, KirklesWorth, and Anonymous.


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