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May 09 2023

First Grade Girl Forced to Perform in Porn During Class

It is no longer conscionable to entrust children to union-controlled public schools:

In Plainview ISD (Plainview South Elementary School in in Plainview, Texas), a first grade little girl was sexually assaulted by multiple boys in her classroom, with the teacher in the room. It was filmed on a school iPad. …

The school decided to NOT tell the family of the victim.

If parents are not told that their children are being transsexualized, why would they need to know when they are raped on video during class?

Concerned by changes in the 6-year-old’s behavior, her parents asked the right questions to learn what happened.

After approaching the school, the staff revealed that they knew.

Now that this has gotten out to the public, Joe Biden’s FBI is stepping in. That would be the same leftist apparatus that terrorized parents for speaking out at schoolboard meetings about the depraved sexualization of their children by government schools.

Plainview parents say it isn’t an isolated incident:

According to [a] Plainview South Elementary parent, multiple parents and guardians of students at that campus have made reports regarding their kids being pressured to perform sexual acts. …

“There have been multiple moms coming out about stuff that has been happening all year and nothing is being done about it,” a parent said…

Our society weans kids on ubiquitous hardcore pornography (with the UN’s approval), bombards them with perverted sex ed from kindergarten, then lets them run riot in the classroom. What other outcome were we expecting?

In other education news,

More than 25 school employees were arrested for sexual misconduct with students over the past week alone…

In what has become a surging nationwide epidemic, teachers, counselors, and other staffers — both men and an increasing number of women — are targeting students for sexual gratification.

Schools have been repurposed and now serve largely as a means for recruiting children into LGBTism. This is bound to affect what sort of people go into teaching.

Bad enough we are forced to pay for public schools. Worse still would be subjecting children to them.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Steve T, and Bluto.

May 09 2023

Biden Regime Comes After Dishwashers

If it makes your life better, then liberals will take it away from you for the sake of the climate their power trip. They won’t stop at gas stoves or even cars. Now the Biden Regime is coming after dishwashers with new “efficiency” regulations:

New dishwashers imported into the United States beginning in 2027 would have to consume 27% less power and use 34% less water, while more compact models would need to implement a 22% power reduction and an 11% water use reduction, according to an analysis of the proposal released by Bloomberg Law. Energy Department officials estimate that consumers would have to spend $15 more for a new dishwasher but would witness three times as much in energy savings over the appliance’s lifetime.

Energy savings will be substantially less if dishwashers have to be run multiple times to get the dishes clean, as with the planet-saving toilets that you may have to flush twice because the federal government won’t let them hold enough water.

Reasons to abolish the evil elf Jennifer Granholm’s Department of Energy continue to accrue. It exists primarily to make our appliances more expensive and less effective, to launder our money through corrupt green boondoggles, and to wage war on the energy industry.

The Biden administration, which has established a “whole-of-government effort” to reduce carbon emissions, drafted several similar regulations over the past two years.

This is why we have to stop playing along with the global warming hoax and state plainly that carbon emissions are both inevitable and harmless. Otherwise, Democrats will continue to exploit the hoax as a pretext to micromanage every aspect of our existence.

Guard your air conditioner and your refrigerator with your life. Democrats will come for them soon.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Franco.

May 09 2023

John Kerry Recovers Discarded Medals

Hanoi John Kerry reportedly gamed the system to receive medals during the Vietnam War. He then discarded them to express his contempt for America, which he accused of war crimes. But now the medals have been recovered:

Kerry told WRC-TV on November 6, 1971, that he “gave back” the medals he earned with his service in Vietnam. He, along with other anti-war veterans who discarded their honors, Kerry said at the time, “decided to give them back to their country.”

Hanoi John stated that he gave back all the medals he had received.

Kerry was a leader among anti-war veterans and led them in a protest in Washington, D.C. According to news reports in 1971, “many veterans were seen throwing their medals and ribbons over the fence in front of the U.S. Capitol,” and a handful of outlets “reported that Kerry was among these veterans,” according to ABC News.

Good thing John Kerry is a phony and ABC News is an unreliable source of information. Otherwise, he would not have any medals to impress the other liberal elitists at the coronation of his fellow climate warrior King Chuckles.

Let’s hope he traveled to the spectacle on an electric jet powered by Chinese solar panels. It wouldn’t look good for the Climate Czar to continue massively producing frivolous carbon emissions that supposedly make it be too warm outside.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.

May 09 2023

Open Thread

Of all political sacred-cows, education is the most sacred and the most cow-like. - Enoch Powell

May 08 2023

What We Get for $50 Trillion

Let’s pretend for a minute that there is something wrong with the weather. If we let Democrats bankrupt the country by spending $50 trillion on climate worship virtue signaling, how much weather improvement do we get for the money?

Most readers know the short answer: none. Senator John Kennedy pries the long answer out of Biden Regime apparatchik David Turk of the Department of Energy (which should be abolished):

Transcription of Turk’s response:

“Quack quack quack not even 1° quack quack quack absolute total waste of money quack quack quack quack quack.”

Kennedy says he’s “all for carbon neutrality.” Why? Harmless CO2 is an essential plant nutrient and an inevitable byproduct of all human activity. The global warming hoax has done enough damage. Time to stop playing along with it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 08 2023

Sex Change for Kids at Your Expense

Moonbats will deny that toddlers are receiving horrific sex change treatments, and out of the other side of their mouths tell us that it is good that they are. Both are lies. In North Carolina:

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, East Carolina University, and Duke University have all been identified as medical schools that offer transitioning therapies for toddlers, according to an investigation titled “Transgender toddlers treated at Duke, UNC, and ECU” by Education First Alliance.

Infamously liberal Duke “treats” children as young as 2 years old for allegedly having been assigned the wrong body.

Meanwhile, in Maryland:

Gov. Wes Moore (D) has signed a law requiring Medicaid to cover the costs of medically necessary gender-affirming care for low-income transgender residents.

It could never be medically necessary to transmogrify someone into a grotesque facsimile of the opposite sex. Nonetheless:

Among the types of treatments that Medicaid can cover are: hormone therapy; puberty blockers; hair alterations; voice therapy; alterations to various body parts designed to match someone’s exterior with their gender identity; laser treatment for scars from gender-affirming surgery; fertility preservation procedures, such as sperm banking or egg freezing; and other treatments designed to suppress the development of endogenous secondary sex characteristics. …

Under the bill, any gender-affirming treatments that have been prescribed to a transgender patient in accordance with current clinical standards of care and have been deemed medically necessary must be covered by Medicaid.

As the medical profession succumbs to moonbattery, there should be no problem finding doctors who deem it “medically necessary” to surgically altar the body parts of 2-year-olds on behalf of the LGBT agenda. As with abortion, Big Government is forcing decent people to fund evil.

If Doctor Moreau were still around, he would be taxpayer financed, just like Josef Mengele.

The bill … allows Medicaid dollars to be used to cover gender-affirming treatments for Maryland residents under the age of 18…

Public schools handle disorienting children, brainwashing them with gender ideology, and grooming them as transsexuals. After that, the medical profession is required to lock them in physically, lest they grow out of it.

This ideologically driven sickness is destroying children’s bodies, their minds, and their lives. Democrats are forcing the entire population to take part in crimes against humanity.

Thankfully, there is some pushback:

Florida’s legislature passed a bill Thursday which would punish doctors who perform gender transition surgeries and related procedures on minors, Politico reported.

The bill also prevents state tax dollars from funding sex-change procedures. Regrettably, it does not specify public hanging for those who inflict these procedures on children, but it’s a start.

“If you have a minor child, you should not be doing sex-change operations. You should not be doing puberty blockers. That is wrong, and we’re glad that we put a stop to that in the state of Florida,” Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said during a press conference Friday.

It may not be too late for DeSantis to pull America back from the edge of the abyss. No one else is in a position to do it.

On tips from MrRightWingDave, Barry A, and Mr. Freemarket.

May 08 2023

Liberal Media Grasps Horror of Abortion

The lefties at Vox have had a sudden epiphany and now understand the horror of inflicting painful death on unwanted babies — baby chickens, that is:

While the female chicks go on to lay the more than 1.2 trillion eggs humans consume annually, 6.5 billion male chicks each year are hatched, only to be quickly snuffed out. That’s because they don’t lay eggs, so they’re of no use to the egg industry, and because they don’t grow as big and fast as other chicken breeds, they’re of no use to the chicken meat industry.

How heartless of the poultry industry to kill baby chickens merely because they are inconvenient. Only 742,000 male chicks are born per hour. Couldn’t they be housed in zoos?

The insufficiently woke USA “is lagging years behind Europe” when it comes to addressing the moral dilemma of culling chicks.

[A] number of European countries, including Germany and France, have gone so far as to ban the practice, giving hatcheries and egg producers a few options: raise male chicks for meat (albeit inefficiently), raise “dual-purpose” breeds (ones that lay a relatively moderate number of eggs and grow to a moderate size), import hens from neighboring countries, or shut down operations.

Putting domestic producers out of work while importing the product from other countries should do the job; that’s how the Biden Regime prevents oil from causing global warming. Shutting down poultry operations altogether would be better still, because eating food rather than insects also causes global warming.

But there’s another option: They can use emerging technology to identify the sex of the chick while still in the egg so they can destroy it before it hatches, before the chick can feel pain.

For chicken abortion to be humane, “healthcare” providers have to act fast:

Scientists believe that chick embryos could potentially feel pain as early as day seven of their 21-day incubation period.

Meanwhile, bills to protect human babies old enough to feel pain from being ripped to pieces in the womb evoke shrieks of hebephrenic rage from liberals, who comprise Vox’s readership.

Good thing for moonbats that moral depravity provides immunity against irony.

On a tip from Bluto.

May 08 2023

Reparations Push Approaches Maximum Insanity

Blacks are so oppressed that a pejorative for them cannot be spoken even as a direct quotation because it is regarded as blasphemy. They are first hired and last fired, their race counting as primary qualification for any position, including pilots and the highest levels of government. Even mildly criticizing blacks as a group is likely to end your career. Many trillions of expropriated dollars have been funneled into welfare programs that disproportionately benefit blacks. So aggressively do the media and advertising establishments promote blacks that according to YouGov polling, people believe blacks constitute 41% of the population rather than the actual 12%. Police are less likely to use lethal force against black than white criminals, for reasons made obvious by the immolation of Derek Chauvin.

The only way to make amends for all this oppression is with direct cash payments — i.e., “reparations”:

California’s reparations task force has approved recommendations which could give black residents $1.2million each as compensation for slavery and discrimination.

Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865, generations before anyone living today was born. It was never legal in California.

Regarding discrimination, it works heavily in favor of blacks, not against them. When they aren’t pretending to be Indians, racial imposters pretend to be black, so they can benefit from this discrimination. Not even the palest octoroon pretends not to be black.

Surely even the most shameless race grifters will be satisfied with this demented looting spree, right? Wrong:

[R]esidents who attended the official meeting in Oakland hit out at the estimated costs of reparations, which some believe it is ‘nowhere near enough,’ demanding $200million direct cash payments to individuals instead.

As for where the money would come from, white people have plenty of money. They have been rendered defenseless by liberalism, so now is the time to take it.

Kamilah Moore, a reparatory justice scholar and an attorney, chaired the task force and previously stated she plans to be as ‘radical as possible’ when it comes to deciding who will receive reparations and how much.

Nearly 2 million Californians lay claim to black privilege. Expect that number to rise sharply.

Democrats know that the concept of reparations stokes racial animosity on both sides and creates it where there was none, and that implementation would lead to economic ruin. Yet they press onward — and not only in California:

A Denver councilwoman caused a stir when she declared that white-owned businesses should pay reparations.

Candi CdeBaca, a 37-year-old Democratic Socialist who is facing a run-off election in June, told a business forum Thursday that white-owned businesses should pay an additional race-based tax, which would be given in turn as reparations to minority-owned businesses.

As with most leftist lunacy, New York is not far behind on reparations. Neither is the once great city at the bottom of the Democrat Death Spiral, Detroit:

Last year, 80% of Detroit voters in a 78% black city cast their ballots in support of a reparations commission.

Slavery was banned in Michigan in 1787. Not that it matters.

Chairwoman Lauren Hood of the Detroit City Planning Commission said that she didn’t know who the 20% were, but assumed it was maybe newcomers to the city or non-black residents.

“Detroit is the blackest big city in the nation. Eight out of every 10 people here are due some sort of reparation,” Chairwoman Hood argued.

Unless blacks are to pay themselves to be oppressed, this will come at a hefty price to the few remaining Caucasians who have not escaped Detroit.

When California and other liberal jurisdictions go bankrupt paying people outlandish fortunes for being black, the rest of the country will be forced to bail them out — unless Democrats take the looting spree national. Then it could be financed the way Biden pays for his version of the Green New Deal — through inflation. Refer to Zimbabwe and the Weimar Republic to see how that works.

As the reparations issue demonstrates, moonbats are unreasonable and irresponsible. The USA will collapse into a failed state if they are not pried loose from power.

On tips from R F, Chuck A, Franco, Bluto, Jack D, Varla, and ABC of the ANC.

May 08 2023

Open Thread

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. - John F. Kennedy

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 07 2023

Applied Critical Race Theory: Killing People for Being White

Spend whole generations telling one group that all their problems are the fault of another group, which supposedly oppresses them, and you would be a fool not to expect results like these from Tulsa:

[On April 18, Carlton] Gifford went inside the Rudisill Library around 9:40 a.m., walked up behind Lundin Hathcock, 35, and sadistically shot him in the back of the head…

Later that day, Gifford went to a nearby QuikTrip convenience store and allegedly shot James McDaniel in the back of the head.

Both men died, never having seen it coming.

Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler reveals the apparent motive:

“The information suggests that race played a role in it.”

That is, they were executed for being white.

This makes perfect sense in light of the ideology that is the official creed of the federal government, and that has been relentlessly pushed for decades by the malevolent liberal establishment through the media and schools.

This ideology will inevitably continue to filter down from its Ivy League incubation chambers to those dumb enough to think it has validity and savage enough to act on it.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for MSM attention.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 07 2023

EU Parliament Features Blasphemous Pervert Jesus

The leftists who dominate Europe are not indifferent to decency, virtue, and morality, but rather openly hostile. This has been made explicit at an art exhibit in the European Union Parliament building in Brussels:

The artwork, a series of photographs by lesbian Swedish photographer Elisabeth Ohlson, includes one of a man who is meant to represent Christ wearing a white robe and a halo made out of stars above his head. The man is surrounded by seven men who are wearing leather-based fetish clothing associated with BDSM fetishism.

Ohlson said the photographs are meant to depict Christ supporting homosexual rights.

Homosexuals/transsexuals are the most privileged group in modern society. No one needs to support homosexual rights. That would be like supporting gravity. When libs say “homosexual rights,” what they mean is “homosexual activity.”

Even most moonbats know that Christ came to redeem us from sin, not to encourage us to wallow in it. That’s why they get a thrill of transgression from excretions like Ohlson’s.

The exhibit … kicked off with a reception hosted by Malin Björk, a member of the European Parliament for the Swedish Left Party.

Glorification of sexual depravity and blasphemous desecration of Christianity are two sides of the same coin. It is the coin of the realm among leftists.

Ohlson demonstrates how to get mediocre artwork promoted by the liberal establishment:

The artist has a history of making blasphemous artwork that goes back decades. Starting in 1998, she toured Sweden with an exhibition called Ecce Homo, which contained several blasphemous depictions of Christ that promoted homosexuality, transgenderism, and BDSM fetishism. The exhibit was displayed in numerous churches that are in communion with the Lutheran Church of Sweden.

Beware fallen churches. The Church of Sweden is no longer Christian.

Thanks to moonbattery, this is what Europe has to offer now, in place of Leonardo da Vinci:

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

May 07 2023

Open Thread

The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses. To advertise on a scale which will reach fifty million persons is expensive. To reach and persuade the group leaders who dictate the public's thoughts and actions is likewise expensive. - Edward Bernays

May 06 2023

Maxine LaQueene, Transsexual Face of Smirnoff Vodka

If you find that lousy beer goes down better when associated with a female impersonator, you might also like to try lousy vodka:

Several recent Instagram posts from drag queen and trans woman “Maxine LaQueene” featured the official “Paid Partnership with Smirnoff” tags, denoting that the major liquor retailer has hired the biological male for promotional material.

Vodka isn’t all that Mr LaQueene promotes. There is also the Agenda:

In addition to being a promoter of drag and transgenderism, LaQueene is an outspoken LGBTQ activist who had recently been removed from the Texas state capitol building by police for disrupting a legislature vote on a trans bill.

The bill he was objecting to (Senate Bill 14) was drafted to “ban gender surgeries or other sex reassignment procedures being performed on children.” No one less evil than Josef Mengele would oppose the bill.

Having watched the carnage at Anheuser-Busch, Smirnoff is now keeping Mr LaQueene at arm’s length:

Smirnoff has denied having any current working relationship with LaQueene. In an email to Fox News Digital, a representative said LaQueene “is not currently a Smirnoff partner, and does not currently have any contract with Smirnoff.” LaQueen, the representative said, was one of the participants in a promotional campaign in the fall of 2022 but not now in 2023.

That they do not belligerently endorse him while denouncing their customers as bigots, transphobes, et cetera for not liking it is evidence that the Bud Light boycott is working and must be continued, lest they think the consumer rebellion against LGBTism is a temporary squall that can be ignored because it will blow over.

Unless this guy makes you thirsty, drink some other brand of vodka. There are plenty to chose from.

On a tip from Steve T.

May 06 2023

Ladies Poker Champion Is Bearded Man

After William “Lia” Thomas became the face of women’s collegiate swimming, he was called the “Jackie Robinson of trans sports,” having paved the road for others to follow. Anything a man can do, he can pretend to be a woman while doing, potentially stealing prizes from real women. This applies to all sports — even to poker:

A man won a women’s poker tournament at a Florida casino [last] weekend…

David Hughes, of Deltona, Florida, finished first in the $250 buy-in Ladies No-limit Hold’em (Re-Entry) event Saturday during the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.

Presenting the ladies champion:

Looks like Hughes might have been inspired less by Lia Thomas than by Avi Silverberg, who highlighted the lunacy of transsexualism by identifying as a woman just long enough to win a weight-lifting competition.

According to anti-discrimination laws, Florida casinos are not permitted to ban men from entering a women’s event.

At this point it is hard to believe that antidiscrimination laws were every anything but tyrannical and absurd.

Florida isn’t alone. Even in the gambling capitol,

Nevada also prohibits poker tournaments from barring men from entering women’s tournaments.

Then there is Atlantic City:

In 2009, Abraham Korotki, a former WSOP Circuit event champion, won the $300 buy-in Ladies No-limit Hold’em event at the Borgata Poker Open in Atlantic City.

According to liberal ideology, women do not exist in any meaningful sense. This is why the question “What is a woman?cannot be answered by a liberal. Since women have been canceled, why should they be allowed to have their own competitions?

On tips from Lyle and Bluto.


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