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Mar 24 2023

University Pays $26,250 for 2 Hours of Dylan Mulvaney

Dylan Mulvaney’s stomach-twistingly repulsive female impersonation shtick is really working for him. He was invited to the White House. Hollyweirdos literally kneel before him. Best of all, cash is pouring in:

The University of Pittsburgh (UPitt) Student Government Board (SGB) allocated more than $26,000 for a student organization to host transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney during Pride Week…

The Rainbow Alliance requested $26,250 to pay for the event which the SGB unanimously approved in full, according to the Pitt News.

Even the most outrageous demands of transsexual militants are met with alacrity. They have achieved the pinnacle of oppressedness thanks to the aggressive backing of the liberal establishment.

The event was to include a 1-hour program and another hour of Q&A. While others struggle to keep their heads above water in Biden’s economy, Mulvaney gets paid $thousands per hour to be transsexual, thanks to the firehose of money — much of it confiscated from taxpayers — directed at higher, or as the case may be, lower education.

No doubt Mulvaney’s act will be even more lucrative, now that he has pushed tastelessness still further by identifying as a 6-year-old girl named Eloise:

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 24 2023

Why Public Schools Must Be Abolished

Teachers unions are a cancer. In Los Angeles, this cancer has reached stage 4:

Local 99, which represents teacher’s aides, food-service workers, and other non-teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District ecosystem, demanded a 30% across-the-board salary increase plus a $2/hour addition for the lowest-paid worker, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The LAUSD offered a 23% raise, starting with 2% retroactive hike as of the 2020-21 school year and ending with a 5% boost in 2024-25, among other perks. However, Local 99 turned down the offer and determined not to continue negotiations.

Pathological greed inspired the union to go on strike, closing schools throughout the district.

American schools are dismal failures. Accountability is required to make them functional. In addition to raiding the public treasury and driving an ultraleft political agenda, teachers unions prevent accountability.

Like the socialist ideology they espouse, unions work great for the people at the top:

The Daily Mail reported that United Teachers Los Angeles president and BLM member Cecily Myart-Cruz, who represents over 35,000 members in the city, rushed off to attend an NBA game in a box suite after announcing the strike.

Suites run anywhere from $3,765 to over $12,547…

Students were set back when teachers unions, backed by the Biden Regime, exploited Covid as a pretext to avoid work. When asked about the impact keeping schools closed would have on kids,

Myart-Cruz told Los Angeles Magazine in August 2021, “There is no such thing as learning loss.”

True enough — because with moonbats like her in charge, there is no such thing as learning.

Test scores are collapsing. Instead of learning to read and do math, students are indoctrinated with antiwhite race hate and a depraved sexual agenda. The only constructive purpose of public schools at this point is to babysit children so their parents can work. But unions have made teachers too lazy to be relied on for even this minimal service.

Meanwhile, taxpayers are forced to pay over $24,000 per LA Unified School District student.

This isn’t education or even babysitting. It is a looting spree.

Boasts the arrogant union thug Myart-Cruz:

“You can recall the Governor, you can recall the school board. But how are you going to recall me?”

Here’s how. Public schools must be abolished. A voucher system allowing for competition between private schools would guarantee access to education and provide accountability that would radically improve the quality.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 24 2023

EVs Make No Sense for Those Who Buy or Build Them

The electric vehicles that our progressive overlords want us to drive do not make sense for either those who buy them or those who build them.

Regarding those who buy them:

For many electric vehicles, there is no way to repair or assess even slightly damaged battery packs after accidents, forcing insurance companies to write off cars with few miles – leading to higher premiums and undercutting gains from going electric.

What gains? There are generous government subsidies, but the price of costly EVs tends to rise by the same amount as the subsidies, leaving only the opportunity to virtue signal — i.e., to showcase gullibility.

And now those battery packs are piling up in scrapyards in some countries, a previously unreported and expensive gap in what was supposed to be a “circular economy.”

Maybe they can bury the dead batteries in giant landfills next to all the unrecyclable wind turbines.

Insurance premiums are expected to rise due to cars getting scrapped because minor collusions ruin the batteries that are not cost-efficient to replace.

It already costs more to insure most EVs than traditional cars.

According to online brokerage Policygenius, the average U.S. monthly EV insurance payment in 2023 is $206, 27% more than for a combustion-engine model.

As for those who build them:

Ford Motor expects its electric vehicle business unit to lose $3 billion this year …

Ford projects [electric vehicle] cumulative three-year loss from 2021-2023 at $6 billion, including a pro-forma loss last year of $2.1 billion.

Yet they plan to double down on producing still more of them, presumably in response to pressure from Big Government.

Why do Democrats want us to drive them?

We can’t take their greenly righteous rhetoric at face value, because EVs are environmentally harmful.

Maybe the point is to make us more reliant on our communist Chinese adversaries, who have our president on their payroll.

More likely, the objective is to progressively end individual transportation.

On tips from Anonymous, Wiggins, Chuck A, and Bluto.

Mar 24 2023

Open Thread

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. - Wayne LaPierre

Mar 23 2023

Biden Judicial Nominee S. Kato Crews Flunks Law Class 101

Democrats regard merit as racist. They select personnel on the basis of two requirements: (1) left-wing political views and (2) not being a sexually normal white guy. This policy has placed Ketanji Brown Jackson on the Supreme Court and Kamala Harris a heartbeat away from the presidency. It may place Shane Kato Crews on the US District Court for Colorado. But not if Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) can restore some sanity:

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for several judicial nominations, including U.S. Magistrate Judge S. Kato Crews’ nomination to serve as a U.S. district court judge, Kennedy asked Crews an elementary question about evidentiary discovery.

Crews was given the opportunity to prove he made it through the first year of law school by explaining how he would analyze a Brady motion, by which a defendant compels prosecutors to turn over potentially exculpatory evidence. An example would be the video footage proving that political prisoner Jacob Chansley was not rioting much less trying to overthrow the government on January 6, but rather was escorted around the People’s House by friendly Capitol Police.

Crews was unable to answer the [softball] question.

“How I analyze a Brady motion? Senator, in my four and a half years on the bench, I don’t believe I’ve had the occasion to address a Brady motion in my career,” he said.

Kennedy forced Crews to admit that he does not even know what a Brady motion is. The concept does not relate to his historical oppressedness, so it never came up.

Ted Cruz weighs in:

“Wow. This is basic criminal procedure. If a [first-year law student] gave this answer, he or she would flunk criminal law,” Cruz reacted. “But the Biden White House would then try to make you a federal judge …”

The Affirmative Action mentality allows people like Crews to get into law school and even to graduate. Then Democrats grant them power over us, bestowing upon them the authority to dismantle the society our ancestors required many generations to build.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 23 2023

Denver School Brings Back Armed Officers After Shootings

Leftists seize eagerly on school shootings as a pretext to disarm law-abiding citizens. So key is this strategy to advancing their quest for more power that they are willing to facilitate shootings by pretending that the gun is responsible, rather than focusing on solutions that would reduce violence. But Wednesday’s shooting in Denver has jarred local educrats to step back from insanity:

In June 2020, the Denver School Board unanimously voted to cut ties with Denver Police, following the murder of George Floyd.

If anyone murdered George Floyd, it was the dealer who sold him the fentanyl that killed him. However, this did not stop moonbats from kicking out school resource officers to virtue signal their commitment to the Black Lives Matter agenda.

But Denver Superintendent Alex Marrero told the Denver Gazette’s news partners Chalkbeat Colorado Wednesday he will have an armed officer at each of the district’s comprehensive high schools — a step that he acknowledges likely violates school board policy.

In a letter Marrero sent to school board members Wednesday, several hours after a student allegedly shot two deans at the school, he wrote that he is “committing to having an armed officer at each comprehensive high school.”

The Board of Education agreed late Wednesday.

When it isn’t just children who are shot but the educrats themselves, suddenly they are capable of grasping that guns are required to prevent violence.

On a tip from Lyle.

Mar 23 2023

City Bans New Gas Stations to Prevent Climate Fluctuation

Looks like the planet is not doomed after all. The city of Louisville, Colorado is taking measures to prevent the climate from continuing to fluctuate the way it always has:

On Tuesday evening, the City Council of Louisville, about 20 miles northwest of Denver, voted unanimously to pass Ordinance 1851, which would basically cap the number of city gas stations at six.

Councilmember Maxine Most explains the objective:

“We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville.”

No doubt the supposedly rising oceans are of particular concern in Louisville, which is a mere 5,335 feet above sea level.

This repression would prove inconvenient were Louisville to grow. But that is unlikely to happen under moonbat rule. Most is a member of Louisville’s Economic Vitality Committee.

Development will have to take place elsewhere, as Louisville withers and dies on behalf of the climate.

On tips from Franco and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 23 2023

Philadelphia to Pay Women $1,000/Month to Be Pregnant

Taking part in Black Lives Matter riots is not the only way to get free money from the government in Philadelphia. Women also have the option of getting pregnant:

Pregnant women in Philadelphia will be paid $1,000 a month as part of a trial program hoping to lower infant mortality rates in the city.

Starting next year, 250 expectant mothers will receive the no-strings-attached payments from their third month of pregnancy through their baby’s first birthday.

If they want more babies, a more sensible approach would be to stop aborting them. However, the liberals in charge have no problem with abortion.

They complain that Babies of Color are oppressed by premature birth and low birth weight. This is due to lifestyle factors, prominently including a junk food diet.

The solution as always is to throw other people’s money at them. Now they will be able to afford a double order of fries with their junk food.

As usual when it comes to moonbattery, San Franfreakshow got there first:

Meanwhile, the Abundant Birth Project pilot in San Francisco provides $1,000 monthly to mothers-to-be for a year.

If San Francisco’s reparations plans go through, for oppressed black baby mommas this will be on top of their $5 million cash payment for being black, a guaranteed $97,000/year income, and a home for $1.

Democrats can’t pretend they don’t know the demographic consequences of paying women to have babies — not after their War on Poverty turned cities like Filthadelphia into fatherless hellholes.

On tips from Lyle and Wiggins.

Mar 23 2023

Massachusetts Bill Establishes Islam as Favored Religion

Liberals are vociferously insistent that government must never support religion. Unless the religion in question is climate change. Or Islam:

Focus On Western Islamism (FWI) reported [last] Wednesday that “the Massachusetts state legislature is considering a bill that would promote and privilege the participation of Muslims in state politics.” … The bill, which is entitled “An Act promoting the civil rights and inclusion of American Muslims in the commonwealth,” would “establish a commission charged with promoting the participation of Muslims in the governance of the state.” …

This commission would “identify and recommend qualified American Muslims for appointive positions at all levels of government, including boards and commissions, as the commission considers necessary and appropriate.” No such commissions exist for Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, or anyone else.

That’s because Jews, Christians, and the rest are not associated with flying passenger planes full of innocent people into office towers full of more innocent people as a part of a war of eradication against Western Civilization that has been going on for many centuries.

September 11 so won over liberals that favoritism continues to rain down upon Muslims more than 2 decades later. Imagine the privileges Islamists will enjoy if a terror group exploits Biden’s open border to bring in a dirty bomb that kills thousands.

On a tip from seaoh.

Mar 23 2023

Open Thread

Reason as an organ for perceiving the true nature of reality and determining the guiding principles of our lives has come to be regarded as obsolete. - Max Horkheimer

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Mar 22 2023

New York Offers Free College for Illegal Aliens

The favoritism offered to illegal aliens invited by Democrats to displace us is so over the top, it must be intended as a deliberate stick in the eye of the dying American people. New York Mayor Eric Adams gives the stick a twist:

Adams released a blueprint for dealing with a surge of illegal immigrants arriving in the Big Apple. The plan includes a pilot program, overseen by the newly created Office of Asylum Seeker Operations, that would allow undocumented migrants to attend community college gratis in the state while their asylum claims are being adjudicated.

It will take many years to adjudicate the massive backlog of phony asylum claims. By then, Democrats will declare amnesty. “Asylum seeker” is nothing more than a euphemism for “illegal alien” — a term that it is illegal to use in New York, where they are provided with free healthcare and phones.

Not enraged yet? Adams twists the stick some more:

Shelter, meals and other services for these new arrivals cost the city some $4.6 million every day, which works out to $1.7 billion a year, according to data provided by City Hall.

This will exacerbate the costly homeless crisis:

According to Bloomberg News, the city’s Department of Homeless Services spent more than $3 billion in 2021, which was three times what it had spent a year earlier.

What happens when the leftist kooks running NYC run out of money? The same thing that happens when banks run by leftist kooks run out of money. The leftist kooks running the federal government hand out ours.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 22 2023

Greta Thunberg Awarded Doctorate in Theology

Don’t take my word for it that global warming has advanced from a political ideology to a religion. The University of Helsinki has confirmed it by conferring an honorary degree on the perpetual child prophet of climate chaos Greta Thunberg — not in meteorology, about which she seems to know nothing, or even in political science, but in theology:

Liberals used to screech about the sacred separation of church and state, but not so much now that the Biden Regime is bankrupting the country by looting it on behalf of Greta’s religion.

Because it is a religion, the global warming hoax is based on faith rather than reason. This is why factual information of the sort Tony Heller provides bounces uselessly off moonbats:

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Occam’s Stubble.

Mar 22 2023

Jazz Jennings in Existential Agony

Jazz Jennings is the poster child for the transsexualization of children. Schools even use a book glorifying what his mother did to him to promote the cult of transgenderism to first graders. The adulation of liberals has not been enough to compensate Jazz for being denied the chance to be a normal boy.

Megan Fox provides background:

He was transitioned by his mother at the tender age of five. By the age of eleven, Jazz was on puberty blockers. At 17, even though a minor, Jazz underwent multiple genital surgeries to remove his penis and have it inverted. This process was botched and several attempts were made to remedy it, but the reduced size of Jazz’s penis due to years on puberty blockers made an already brutal surgery even worse.

Jazz has since suffered from mental illness, rapid weight gain, pain, constant reflux, a lack of sex drive, an inability to orgasm, and anxiety.

In a state of existential agony that we are lucky not to be able to imagine, he laments that he just wants to feel like himself, which he never does, because that was not allowed to him.

The spectacle liberal social engineers have made of his life is playing out the way any sane person would expect:

His mother tells him he is his own worst enemy. In reality, she is his worst enemy — she and the liberal establishment that helped her do this to her son, disfiguring his body and then displaying him to the public like a circus freak.

He’s a show pony, a cause, a public experiment done for the entertainment of some and the political goals of others.

The poster child for transgenderism has become the personification of why this evil must be stopped.

On tips from Steve T and Jester.

Mar 22 2023

What “Authentic” Means in Liberalese

Translating Liberalese into English is easy. Everything means its diametric opposite. For example, “authentic” in Liberalese means “fake” in English. Kamala Harris demonstrates how to use “authentically” in a sentence in this Liberalese letter to Dylan Mulvaney, who has been embraced by the White House for his gut-churningly repulsive female impersonation shtick:

Now we know what our Affirmative Action VP does with her time other than secure the border.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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