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Feb 28 2023

Top Ten Debunked Covid Myths

During Covid hysteria, the Experts told us what we were required to believe. Big Tech suppressed conflicting information. But truth will out. It has already.

You may remember these indisputable Covid facts, handed down from on high by infallible authorities like Anthony Fauci:

1. Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity

2. Masks prevent COVID transmission

3. School closures reduce COVID transmission

4. Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection

5. Young people benefit from a vaccine booster

6. Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates

7. COVID originating from the Wuhan lab is a conspiracy theory

8. It was important to get the second vaccine dose three or four weeks after the first dose

9. Data on the bivalent vaccine is ‘crystal clear’

10. One in five people get long COVID

This misinformation was used to impose Covid tyranny. All of it has been debunked, although many liberals will no doubt go to their graves believing every word of it.

As Mark Dice observes, you can usually tell what is true because that is what Big Media pooh-poohs and Big Tech censors:

On tips from Jack D and KirklesWorth.

Feb 28 2023

Equity Is Bigotry

Because only omnipotent, omnipresent government can impose it, equity is tyranny. Because it holds us down to the lowest common denominator, equity is mediocrity. Because it cuts against human nature and benefits no one but a tiny parasitical ruling class, equity is insanity. Because progressives use it as a euphemism for systemic discrimination against whites, men, and the sexually healthy, equity is bigotry:

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 28 2023

Syracuse University Presents Woke Future of Healthcare

Academia has led the way in destroying Western medicine in the name of wokeism. Naturally, it leads the way in providing the replacement:

Diane Schenandoah does not have any formal medical training to assist students, instead she has multiple art degrees, including one in three-dimensional art from Syracuse University. She currently is hosting a series of “meditation” sessions along with her monthly “moon sessions,” according to the university.

Ms. Schenandoah is an expert in smudging.

“Smudging” involves burning sage to get rid of “negative energy.”

She is also adept with tuning forks, which provide an accessible alternative to elaborate technology like MRI machines.

Tuning forks can be used “in conjunction with acupressure points to work directly with sound on the body, to balance and regulate your spiritual and emotional energy channels,” according to a musical instrument and healing website.

Although Syracuse University has her on the payroll, exactly why they pay her is not clear:

“There was really no definitive direction in the job description other than helping students. I talk with students about finding their center and their balance” the healer stated in a campus news release.

This is done in part through dream interpretation and ceremonies that honor Grandmother Moon.

Happily, we will be able to afford indigenous healers even after Democrats have finished incrementally nationalizing the healthcare industry.

On a tip from Steve T.

Feb 28 2023

Apple Slows Down iPhone Charging Because Moonbattery

Had enough yet of left-wing corporations posturing at your expense and sanctimoniously ramming moonbattery down your throat? If not, try this: Apple is deliberately slowing down phone charging times to reduce harmless carbon emissions.

Users spoke out about the iPhone’s Clean Energy Charging feature, which Apple introduced in the iOS 16.1 update in October 2022. The feature reviews reports of carbon emissions from local power plants and uses that information to determine if and when the phone recharges.

The “feature” can be shut off, but is activated by default.

On tips from Bluto and Anonymous.

Feb 28 2023

Here Come the Green Blackouts

PJM Interconnection is one of the largest operators of the US electric grid. It released a report recently explaining why Democrat energy policy makes large-scale blackouts inevitable:

Its top-line conclusion: Fossil-fuel power plants are retiring much faster than renewable sources are getting developed, which could lead to energy “imbalances.” That’s a delicate way of saying that you can expect shortages and blackouts.

Neighboring grids rely on PJM to provide backup power generated by fossil fuels when the wind doesn’t keep turbines turning.

That’s why it’s especially worrisome that PJM is predicting a large decline in its power reserves as coal and natural-gas plants retire. The report forecasts that 40,000 megawatts (MW) of power generation—enough to light up 30 million households—are at risk of retiring by 2030, representing about 21% of PJM’s current generation capacity.

Why would they retire fossil fuel plants that are required to keep the lights on? Moonbattery is why.

For example, the steep costs of complying with Environmental Protection Agency regulations, including a proposed “good neighbor rule” that is expected to be finalized next month, will force about 10,500 MW of fossil-fuel generation to shut down.

At the same time, utility-company ESG (environmental, social and governance) commitments are driving coal plants to close, the report notes. Illinois and New Jersey climate policies could reduce generation by 8,900 MW.

Despite the $billions that Democrats drove up inflation by shoveling at green energy boondoggles in the Orwellian Inflation Reduction Act,

the report says the “historical rate of completion for renewable projects has been approximately 5%,” in part because of permitting challenges. In an optimistic case, the report estimates 21,000 MW of wind, solar and battery storage capacity will be added to the grid by 2030—about half as much as the expected fossil-fuel retirements.

Meanwhile, Big Government has been exerting ever more pressure to force us into electric cars and even to use electric stoves, driving up demand for electricity, which cannot be provided on an affordable or reliable basis by wind or solar silliness.

Biden explicitly promised to abolish the fossil fuels that keep us alive. Fools voted for him anyway. Consequently, the cost of electricity will “necessarily skyrocket,” as possible de facto president Barack Obama put it — when electricity is available at all.

The blackouts have already begun in California, where Democrats have established single-party rule.

Energy shortages are not a bug but a feature of Democrat policy. As Covid reminded our statist ruling class, nothing serves state power like a crisis. Green energy is good for something other than laundering taxpayer money to pay off campaign donors. It can be used to engineer a pretext for a power grab that will make Covid lockdowns look reasonable by comparison.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 28 2023

Open Thread

Broadmindedness, when it means indifference to right and wrong, eventually ends in a hatred of what is right. - Fulton J. Sheen

Feb 27 2023

Thought Police Retroactively Censor Ian Fleming

It isn’t enough to make new James Bond movies moonbatty and lame, complete with a cultural Marxism-compliant Woman of Color 007. Everything that came before this generation of intolerant leftists must be erased and replaced — or at the very least edited. That’s why the original Ian Fleming novels are getting run through the Ministry of Truth so as to comply with woke ideology:

Later this April, fresh installments of the Bond book series will be reissued to commemorate its 70th anniversary.

But this reissue has a difference. …

Ian Fleming Publications Ltd, which owns the literary rights to the novels, commissioned a “sensitivity” review of the Bond novels to find out if any of its contents failed to meet the contemporary standards of political correctness.

Following these reviews, changes have been made to the novels.

Click through to read some of the alterations, which pertain to erasing anything that could be construed as reflecting negatively on blacks. Other thought crimes survive for now to be erased in future editions.

You didn’t think they would stop with Roald Dahl, did you?

If you have any Shakespeare in print, hide it securely so that it might survive for future generations.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 27 2023

On Watchlist for Opposing Porn in School

If you oppose the liberal agenda, you are an enemy of the Democratic Party, which is the party of government. That makes you an enemy of the state. You will be treated accordingly:

Terry Newsome, a Chicago father, was placed on a flight watchlist by President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice after he expressed opposition to pornographic and sexually explicit books in his children’s school library. …

In the summer of 2021, Newsome, along with several other parents in Chicago’s Downers Grove district, merely exercised their First Amendment rights by protesting specific books in children’s libraries.

Progressives have exploited their control of schools to stock the libraries with depraved pornography to advance their social engineering objectives. Attorney General Merrick Garland has sicced the FBI on parents who speak up at school board meetings.

Last December, Newsome found he had been placed on a government watchlist.

Newsome, his family, and a few friends were on their way to Turning Point USA’s Amerifest conference in Arizona when they encountered a problem printing their boarding passes.

He had been designated “quad-S,” which meant he got the extensive screening appropriate for suspected terrorists.

When Newsome finally made it to his gate, he and his family had missed their flight due to all of the extra screenings. Before he could board a new flight, the airline had to get FBI approval for him to fly.

They put him through the wringer again when it was time to come home.

Newsome sent a Freedom of Information request to the FBI asking for more details regarding his experience but they rejected his request, saying the federal government can “neither confirm nor deny whether a particular person is on any terrorist watch list” out of “confidentiality of government.”

As usual with the opaque Deep State, we are left to speculate. It appears Newsome is getting harassed for his political views. As a local spokesman for concerned parents, he had earned the enmity of Rep Sean Casten (D-IL) as well as Antifa, which has replaced the KKK as the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party. Also, he attended the rally on January 6, 2021 that preceded the Democrat answer to the Reichstag fire.

While we can’t confirm that Newsome’s SSSS status is a result of his conservative political views, we know the FBI created a “threat tag” for certain parents voicing their concerns at school board meetings…

How far from here to patriots getting their fingernails pulled out in FBI basements? When conservatives start disappearing during the night, we can assume the worse.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Feb 27 2023

University of Kent Deprecates Singular Pronouns

The University of Kent has issued a major update to the Newspeak Dictionary. Out of deference to the sexually deranged, singular pronouns are no longer to be used by default:

A university has sparked a language row for advising students and staff to call everyone ‘they’ until their preferred pronouns are confirmed.

The University of Kent offers the guidance on pronouns to its students and staff, saying it will help them create an ‘authentic culture of inclusion’ at the institution.…

The university suggests staff and students state their pronouns when they introduce themselves to others for the first time in meetings.

Because all human interactions should center on pandering to the psychotic transsexual agenda.

They started by declaring anodyne terms like “Negro” and “squaw” to be racial slurs and banning them. Already they have progressed to banning pronouns. Even the word “the” is subject to restriction. If we don’t start pushing back, moonbats will soon reduce us to communicating exclusively through their favored vocabulary, four-letter words.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 27 2023

Gas Stove Ban Back On and Here’s Why

When Biden’s hordes of deep state bureauweenies moved to ban gas stoves in the erstwhile Land of the Free, pushback was so adamant that the regime seemed to back off — but only until we stopped paying attention. A ban is back on:

Half of gas stove models sold in the United States today won’t comply with a first-ever efficiency regulation on cooking appliances, according to a new analysis from the Department of Energy. …

That means roughly half the gas stove models purchased across the U.S. today will no longer be eligible for purchase in stores.

They will come for the other half of gas stoves soon afterward.

As Competitive Enterprise Institute efficiency expert Ben Lieberman observes,

“This is a big part of the climate agenda … this effort to stop the use of natural gas.”

Natural gas burns cleanly. It is plentiful, cheap, reliable, and domestically produced. Democrats have openly stated their intention to abolish it along with the rest of the fossil fuels that comprise the lifeblood of any modern economy.

Not everything Democrats do can be attributed to their trademark insanity and malice. They have another distinguishing characteristic — namely, corruption:

The founders of Rewiring America, an environmental advocacy dark money group behind the push to regulate and ban natural gas-powered stoves, have a significant financial stake in the green energy push.

Alex Laskey, Saul Griffith and Ari Matusiak – who together founded Rewiring America in 2020 – have all pursued various wind, solar, electrification and energy efficiency ventures, some of which have netted them millions of dollars in buyouts or received significant federal funding. The three co-founders have simultaneously advocated for policies benefiting those ventures through the nonprofit.

Barack Obama pioneered the use of green energy moonbattery to launder $billions in taxpayer funds to pay off campaign donors. As with his political weaponization of the federal bureaucracy, the practice continues under his idiot understudy Joe Biden.

“It’s a shocking amount of money that they’re hauling in with this scheme of theirs,” Tom Pyle, the president of the Institute for Energy Research, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “I call it Big Green Inc. It is literally a business for these guys and they cloak themselves in the mantra of trying to save the planet. But, really, this is just very sophisticated self-dealing.”

Not even Democrats are delusional enough to think the planet will know the difference if they ban our stoves.

Although Rewiring America has an increasingly more prominent role guiding policies at the state and federal level – it notably had a presence at a Dec. 14 electrification summit and at an event celebrating the Inflation Reduction Act, both at the White House – the group’s donors are shielded from public view. The group doesn’t file federal tax forms since it is sponsored by the Windward Fund, a nonprofit that is part of the billion-dollar dark money network managed by the Washington, D.C.-based Arabella Advisors.

When we allowed the federal government to become so bloated and intrusive that it presumes to tell us what kind of stoves we can use, we made it inevitable that tyranny would be leveraged for corrupt selfish interests.

On tips from Chuck A and Anonymous.

Feb 27 2023

Open Thread

There is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. - Booker T. Washington

On a tip from Jester.

Feb 26 2023

Woke Disney Bomb “Asked Too Much of the Audience”

Disney’s attempts to promote homosexuality to children (Lightyear, Strange World) have been bombing at the box office. Pixar’s chief creative officer Peter Docter explains why:

“I think probably what we’ve ended on in terms of what went wrong is that we asked too much of the audience.”

If the audience were more worthy, it would not object to a lesbian kiss or the axing of rare conservative actor Tim Allen.


…almost certainly lost money when marketing costs are factored in. …

By comparison, Toy Story 4, which featured Allen, generated over $1 billion at the box office against the same budget.

Despite its disdain for its audience, Disney isn’t incapable of learning lessons from the real world outside its corporate climate of pure moonbattery. It is bringing back Allen for the next Toy Story movie. We’ll see if it has learned to leave out the pushy LGBT activism.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Feb 26 2023

Charter Schools Provide Better Education for Less Money

When Democrats pander to the pernicious unions that bankroll them by attacking school choice, it is at the expense of both children and taxpayers. Consider New York City:

The charters’ mostly minority student population bested its public school counterpart by up to 8% on both state math and reading tests in the 2021-21 school year, show statistics compiled by New York City Charter Center.

And the impressive results come courtesy of a relative shoestring budget, with city charters spending just $17,626 per student compared to the $35,941 spent on each public student, according to the center and Citizens Budget Commission.

The blacks Democrats exploit while pretending to champion benefit the most from charter schools:

Black charter-school students bested their public-school counterparts in [English Language Arts] by proficiency rates of 55% to 36% and in math by 46% to 21%.

Charter schools provide better education for less money. But rather than save taxpayers a buck and give kids a chance to succeed, most Democrats prefer to impose the mess they have made in Chicago:

In 30 Chicago public schools, not a single student can read at grade level. In total, just 20 percent of 3rd through 8th graders in the Windy City are proficient in reading and only 15 percent are proficient in math.

It isn’t because the Democrats who control everything there aren’t spending enough:

When all local, state and federal dollars are added up, Chicago’s per student outlay is now $29,207.

Nor is it because Chicago does not shovel enough taxpayer money at teachers:

[A] starting teacher makes $64,000 a year and can earn up to $122,000 per annum—not including pension and healthcare perks.

Teachers unions have so much sway in the Biden Regime, they dictate Covid policy to the CDC. But this isn’t only about unions. The more uninformed you have to be to vote Democrat, the more interest Democrats have in keeping the population clueless. That makes them want to prop up both the liberal media establishment and failed public schools.

On tips from Jack D.

Feb 26 2023

Pentagon Panel Recommends Denying Troops Guns

Under Democrat rule, the military is undergoing the fundamental transformation that reduces every institution corrupted by moonbattery to a pathetic joke. A Pentagon panel has recommended troops under age 25 be restricted from buying guns lest they shoot themselves:

The Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee (SPRIRC) was formed by the Department of Defense in March 2020 to help combat the rising rate of suicides among servicemembers.

In the committee’s report, released Friday, the independent body recommends, “On DoD property, raise the minimum age for purchasing firearms and ammunition to 25 years.”

They really mean it:

The committee designated the suggested ban on gun purchases for soldiers under 25 as “high priority” and a factor that “must change.”

When it comes to suicide, where there is a will, there is away. Nanny state authoritarians ignore this as they bark that if you are killed by a gun, it will probably be your own. Having taken control, these people are now implementing policies based on their talking points.

It would be difficult for soldiers to defend a country that will not entrust them with firearms. But that is not an issue, as the ongoing invasion across the southern border attests. Liberals see the military as a social engineering laboratory, not a fighting force. Guns are superfluous. The important thing is to instill CRT and LGBT indoctrination in captive young minds.

Rather than employ constructive solutions like deploying the military, Democrats have addressed the border crisis by blathering about root causes. But they will not apply this approach to suicide in the military, because the root cause is cratering morale resulting from liberal subversion. Denying troops guns lest they hurt themselves will not improve the esprit de corps.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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