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Aug 29 2022

Open Thread

The media is the Democrat Party. - Rush Limbaugh

Aug 28 2022

And the Winner of the Redacted Affidavit Meme Contest Is…

By now we are past expecting transparency from our hostile and insolent moonbat rulers. Even so, the redactions to the Mar-a-Lago affidavit have raised not only eyebrows but guffaws:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) released a heavily-redacted copy of its affidavit used to justify an FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s residence on Friday, eliciting mockery online for its lack of information.

Very little new information can be gleaned from the affidavit because of the extent of the blacked-out portions. In the 32-page affidavit, 11 pages are essentially completely redacted. Heavy and partial redactions cover more pages. …

In addition to the affidavit, the court also unsealed a government memo explaining its reasons for the affidavit’s redactions. That memo also drew mockery for its heavy redactions.

This has unleashed a deluge of memes. Not the Bee has collected some good ones, including:

Honorable mention:

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 28 2022

A Parasitological Evaluation of Edible Insects

Moonbat social engineers have made it clear that in utopia, we will wash down crickets and larvae with cockroach milk and we will be happy. As with imposing Covid tyranny, this may entail enlisting Big Tech to suppress some science. From an article entitled, “A Parasitological Evaluation of Edible Insects and Their Role in the Transmission of Parasitic Diseases to Humans and Animals”:

The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the developmental forms of parasites colonizing edible insects in household farms and pet stores in Central Europe and to determine the potential risk of parasitic infections for humans and animals. … Parasites were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. […I]n 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans. Edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites.

For the Davos set, this is not a bug (so to speak) but a feature. The more of us perish of parasites from eating insects, the lower our carbon emissions. It’s not like Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates plans on eating bugs.

On tips from UltraMaga in Libtard Austin and DCGere.

Aug 28 2022

Mere Presence of Ben Shapiro Makes Libs Go Ballistic

A frightened animal is a frightening animal. You never know what it might do. That’s why it is a bad idea to corner one. By the same token, moonbats are never scarier than when they are afraid. Nothing terrifies them like an intelligent, articulate countermoonbat. That’s why Ben Shapiro’s brief presence at a booth his Daily Wire paid for at a Dallas podcasting conference sent them into a gibbering panic:

Podcast Movement, a major annual conference for the podcast industry, issued a profuse apology on Thursday after attendees complained that Shapiro was spotted at the event near the Daily Wire booth.

The #1 most successful political podcaster in the world shook a few hands and graciously posed for some photos. Moonbats went nuts.

“As a trans person, as a queer person, as someone with a uterus, this does not make me feel welcome. This does not make me feel safe,” one of the conference attendees posted on Twitter after sharing a picture of Shapiro standing by the Daily Wire booth.

When a trans weirdo shrieks “Jump!” all the liberal establishment wants to know is “How high?” Even so, the response was a new low:

This from the people who bark endlessly about tolerance and diversity.

Note that we are talking not about a controversial or belligerent character but Ben Shapiro, who is characterized by mainstream conservative views and an unthreatening demeanor. Note also that it is not anything Shapiro said or did that caused the hysteria, but the mere fact of his physical presence.

It is a short step from here to gulags and gas chambers.

On tips from Varla and Bluto.

Aug 28 2022

Experts Discover Making Walls Out of Dirt

With ecomoonbattery, all that’s old is new again. Advanced, efficient technologies like internal combustion engines and nuclear reactors are rejected in favor of medieval technologies like windmills. As with our prehistoric forefathers, homes may be made not out of modern construction materials, but dirt:

Through a new approach to 3D printing, soil implanted with seeds can now be used as a concrete-like building material. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Virginia, this building technique could open up doors to a completely new kind of building, with finely tuned ecosystems of plants and bacteria forming the insulation, the structure, even the exteriors of homes. …

The team focused on small dome-shaped structures made of soil implanted with seeds. Balancing the quantity of soil, water, and seeds, and accounting for the compaction of pumping them all through the nozzle of a 3D printer, the team managed to create a small dome that was soon blossoming.

Sounds like a crude yurt that Fred Flintstone might live it, except with weeds growing out of the walls.

[Team leader Ji] Ma concedes that building with soil isn’t entirely new. “One of the oldest construction materials is soil,” he says, pointing to adobe buildings in the American Southwest and mud huts in Africa, for example. “People were building structures from soil long before they were building with concrete.”

The difference is, when savages built mud huts in centuries past, they didn’t draw generous pay as an assistant professor of materials science and engineering. Also, they weren’t saving the planet, because until recently carbon dioxide was good; the higher the levels, the more food, since it makes plants grow. Nowadays, CO2 is bad, because it makes the weather too warm according to leftist ideology.

Building with soil could also be a way to cut down the massive carbon footprint of buildings, particularly those made with carbon-intensive materials like concrete and steel. Embedding 3D-printed soil with plants could turn them into carbon sinks that absorb more CO2 than they produce.

Greenwashing the project by claiming it lowers harmless CO2 levels is sure to secure lavish government grants.

Related research involves making walls out of fungus. In Israel, they are working on dirt walls embedded with radish plants. Whatever it takes to combat carbon emissions.

On a tip from Steve T.

Aug 28 2022

Killer Ad on Biden’s Bailout for Rich Kids

Biden’s unlawful bailout of the student loan racket is not only economically insane but morally obscene. Most anyone with even a rudimentary sense of fairness will recognize that it is wrong. If Republicans are going to put themselves in a position to stop the insanity, they need to leave the 2020 election in the past and run ads like this:

Future ads might note that it isn’t only federal taxpayers who have been forced to finance extravagantly expensive and often worthless college degrees. By driving inflation even higher, Biden is looting everyone on earth who holds US currency on behalf of his leftist Big Education bankrollers. Retired people who rely on the savings they spent their lives working to acquire will be hit especially hard.

The situation is already intolerable; if Democrats remain in power, it will get even worse.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Aug 28 2022

Illegal to Sell Whipped Cream to 20-Year-Olds in New York

When moonbats achieve dominance, the mode of government they impose is anarchotyranny. For example, in New York, violent crime is virtually legal. So is shoplifting. Shooting a police officer can go unprosecuted. Foreigners who are in the country illegally are welcomed with open arms as if there were no laws; authorities even hand them cash gifts, house them for free in luxury hotels, and want them to vote. However, you can get in big trouble for calling the illegal aliens “illegal aliens.” You can also get in trouble for selling whipped cream:

It’s now illegal to sell the sweet treat to anyone under the age of 21 due to a law targeting nitrous oxide abuse.

Nitrous oxide is used as a propellant in whipped cream canisters.

“This new law is an important step in combating a significant problem for many neighborhoods throughout my district,” said New York State Sen. Joseph Addabbo, a sponsor of the bill. “Used whippits piling up in our communities are not only an eye sore, but also indicative of a significant nitrous oxide abuse problem. This law will help to protect our youth from the dangers of this lethal chemical, while helping to clean up our neighborhoods.”

Addabbo is of course a Democrat.

Next, they may target dentists’ offices. The police have to do something with their time, now that Black Lives Matter has declared it racist to keep the streets safe.

On tips from Wiggins, Bluto, and Anonymous.

Aug 28 2022

Open Thread

Too many people get credit for being good, when they are only being passive. - Fulton J. Sheen

Aug 27 2022

Cui Bono? Not You

Who benefits from letting America be systematically destroyed by a senile left-wing corruptocrat? Some people, but not you. Biden’s own inner circle admits it:

Fox News’ Peter Doocy spoke with Education Secretary Miguel A. Cardona following President Joe Biden’s announcement of a $300 billion student loan debt “forgiveness.”

During the interview, Cardona — after being asked repeatedly by Doocy — finally revealed what many Americans already knew: The student loan handout offers absolutely no benefit to the vast majority of tax-paying Americans who either already paid off their student loans or never borrowed any to begin with.

Doocy: “The people that already paid their student loans … don’t get anything out of this deal.”

Cardona: “That’s right.”

For some to get a free ride, others have to pay for a ride they never took. Democrats refer to this as “fairness.”

College kids who prefer to stick other people with their bills are not the only beneficiaries of Democrat rule. The megarich who use the party to raise welfare recipients for votes the way farmers raise chickens for eggs make out better still. Some even benefit from the economically devastating Inflation “Reduction” Act. Bill Gates, for example:

“Everybody wants to be part of this,” Carmichael Roberts, the head of Bill Gates’s green energy investment fund, gushed. “The calls that I’m getting now — tremendous, already.”

Gates was described as having personally lobbied Senator Manchin and Schumer in “anticipation of a rare moment in which significant federal dollars might be secured for the clean-energy transition.” Billions of those dollars, ripped out of the hands of truck drivers, veterans and small businessmen, will have been “secured” for Gates and his ventures.

Helping the rich get richer and poor stay poor while squeezing the middle class out of existence is the Democrat mission.

As a Bloomberg article described, “This is no hypothetical for Gates. His investments through Breakthrough Energy, the Gates organization that does climate work, has sunk at least tens of millions into green cement startups such as Ecocem, Chement and Brimstone. None have yet reached commercial scale. He saw the bankruptcy filing of a battery startup he backed, Aquion, that might have had a fighting chance if energy-storage tax credits were available.”

As George Carlin would say, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”:

The board members and investors of Breakthrough Energy Ventures include Bill Gates, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Virgin’s Richard Branson, Facebook billionaire Dustin Moskowitz, Walmart heir Ben Walton, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, along with Chinese Communist tycoon Jack Ma of Alibaba and Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

Green energy boondoggles are certain to have no perceptible effect on the supposedly problematic weather. But they do have their advantages:

Where else can you invest a few hundred thousand in lobbying cash and come away with a few hundred billion in subsidies while the middle class pays for it?

As your standard of living deteriorates and your future grows dim, take solace that for the international ultrarich, Democrat rule is working out fine.

On tips from Blackjack.

Aug 27 2022

Canadian Vet With PTSD Offered Assisted Suicide

One nice thing about Canada is that having succumbed to moonbattery more quickly than the USA, it provides a window into our future under liberal rule. This story indicates where healthcare and the treatment of veterans are headed:

A Canadian Forces veteran seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury was shocked when he was unexpectedly and casually offered medical assistance in dying by a Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) employee…

The unnamed vet has been recovering from injuries and trauma received in the line of duty. Being told that he might want to just die was not helpful.

The department also did not answer Global News’ questions about how many times assisted dying has been offered to veterans through this particular VAC employee or others at Veterans Affairs, or what guidance employees have been given about providing such advice.

Assisted suicide is the closest thing to medical innovation you can expect under socialism. Its purpose is to make free healthcare affordable.

On a tip from Troy H. Hat tip: Task & Purpose.

Aug 27 2022

Governor Hochul to Republican New Yorkers: Move to Florida

Kathy “Crazy Eyes” Hochul continues to double down on the worst aspects of the catastrophically awful Andrew Cuomo. The former moonbat heartthrob earned the admiration of famously tolerant liberals when he snarled,

“Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

Under Hochul, it isn’t only “extreme conservatives” failing to toe the liberal line on abortion, gun rights, and the LGBT agenda who are unwelcome in New York. Those who aren’t on the same page as Democrats regarding feminism, “environmental justice,” and union thuggery are also told to leave:

“We’re here to say the era of Trump and [Lee] Zeldin and [Marc] Molinaro — just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?” Hochul said, according to a transcript of the rally. “Get out of town.” Hochul said the Republican candidates do not “represent our values.”

“You are not New Yorkers,” she said. “We come from a long line of people who fought for women’s rights that happened here first. We fought for environmental justice that happened here first. We fought for labor rights that happened here first. We fought for LGBTQ rights that happened here first.”

If Hochul wants all 5.4 million Republicans to leave the Empire State, she appears to be getting her way:

The Empire State has already lost 1.5 million residents in the past decade, and there’s no sign of that trend letting up. … New Yorkers are leaving, and they’re taking their tax dollars with them.

That could be a problem, considering New York’s $220 billion budget. Unlike Biden, Crazy Eyes can’t just print the money.

New York City residents pay the highest combined state and local personal income tax rate in the nation. Those high taxes and other factors have led to a mass exodus of jobs and job creators.

Those other factors are also consequences of Democrat hegemony: out-of-control Covid tyranny, the collapse of law & order, excessive regulation, et cetera.

It isn’t only Republicans who are giving up on the failing state:

Polling has shown high taxes are the primary reason New Yorkers are considering or making plans to bolt the state — and that’s the case across key subgroups: Democrats, Republicans, liberals, moderates, conservatives, all income groups, all age cohorts beyond age 24 and almost all education levels.

Liberal rule has induced the Democrat Death Spiral: Democrats get elected, they jack up taxes to pay for handouts, productive citizens leave to avoid being looted, those remaining elect still more radical Democrats to get bigger handouts.

This cycle destroyed Detroit, which was once America’s wealthiest city. It is currently destroying the entire state of New York.

If the refugees bring their New York politics with them after they escape, the liberal cancer will continue to metastasize.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 27 2022

Open Thread

Socialists do not merely want a welfare state, they absolutely must have one. They must have a grovelling dependent class from which to obtain their daily opiate: an hallucinogenic euphoria which comes from the delusion of being superior to and more altruistic than all others. They must have 'the poor, huddled masses' in much the same manner as vampires must have the blood of their victims. - Edward Britton

Aug 26 2022

Hiding the Heat of the Past

It is disputed whether carbon dioxide emissions have a major effect on the climate. Even if they do, few reasonable people believe that government can limit CO2 emissions enough to stop warming without collapsing the world economy. Literally no reasonable person thinks the global climate can be brought to heel by printing and wasting hundreds of $billions on electric car subsidies and corrupt green energy boondoggles. But at least we can all agree that the constantly fluctuating climate has been trending in an alarmingly warmer direction, right?


As Benjamin Disraeli observed, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Hats off to Tony Heller for debunking carefully selected statistics that have been twisted into lies by moonbats with wicked intentions. As he demonstrates once again, the climate crisis that authoritarians exploit to attack our freedom and standard of living is not real.

On a tip from Lyle.

Aug 26 2022

Biden Promises No More Stolen Elections

A gaffe has been defined as a politician accidentally telling the truth. Joe Biden commits more of them than other swamp creatures, due to a low IQ exacerbated by senile dementia. In the video below, he admits that someone has been stealing elections:

If Democrats are able to ram through their election reforms, they will never need to steal another election, since the winners will be preordained.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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