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Aug 19 2022

Open Thread

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them. - Charley Reese

Aug 18 2022

The Atlantic Has a Point Regarding the Rosary

We were too quick to laugh at the hysterical and bigoted moonbats at The Atlantic for denouncing the rosary as “an extremist symbol” and “a weapon.” Christopher Bedford makes the case that they have stubbed their toe on the truth:

[I]n a world that calls sex love, puts money over people, vandalizes churches, firebombs pregnancy clinics, aborts children, harasses priests, arrests pastors, fires and demonizes Christians, mocks God, and celebrates public pride in deadly sins, the rosary is indeed extremist — a rejection of a fallen society and the ugliness it wallows in.

The rosary is indeed a weapon, too. Since ancient times, we’ve believed we must “put on the armor of God,” and that, “our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens.”

There is even such a thing as Combat Rosaries:

They’re prayer beads designed by Wisconsin priest Fr. Rick Heilman. In a post on his site, Heilman describes his frustration with the delicate and effeminate nature of most rosaries, and how he designed his Combat Rosaries as an homage to those that France and the United States provided to Catholic soldiers during the First World War. …

[T]he commander of the Vatican Swiss Guard called these rosaries “the most powerful weapon that exists on the market.” Of course, concepts like evil, demons, masculinity, and religion make modern, secular liberals deeply uncomfortable.

That rosary beads have set hair aflame at The Atlantic proves they are weapons in the hands of people degenerate establishmentarians would regard as extremist.

The rosaries today, just as in medieval times, are an explicit rejection of the sins of our culture, the sins that surround us.

When you take an honest stand against a fallen world, don’t be surprised if that world doesn’t embrace you, or even accuses you.

When taking an honest stand, don’t hesitate to employ extremist weapons like the rosary.

A blind squirrel finds a nut.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 18 2022

Planned Parenthood to Spend Big on Midterms

There is great news for pregnant persons of every imaginable gender who want to kill their babies. Like Fakebook, Planned Parenthood will place a thumb on the scale in the upcoming midterms:

Planned Parenthood announced on Wednesday that it will spend $50 million in the midterm elections.

This comes in response to the Supreme Court admitting that there is no constitutional right to commit abortion, leaving the matter for the states to decide.

As many states tighten regulations on abortion, Planned Parenthood executives are seeking to change the outcome of state and federal elections on behalf of “pregnant people” — a term used by activists as a nod to individuals identifying as transgender.

These militant moonbats cannot grasp the basics of morality, but as charter members of the Swamp, they understand politics well:

“This is an election about power and control,” Planned Parenthood Votes Executive Director Jenny Lawson said in a statement.

Another thing they understand is how to run up a body count to make a socialist dictator like Stalin or Hitler proud:

Planned Parenthood conducted 354,871 “abortion procedures” between October 2018 and September 2019, according to the group’s most recent annual report, amounting to 972 abortions per day and 41 abortions per hour across the United States.

If they would do that to guiltless babies, imagine what they would like to do to racists, sexists, transphobes, et alia. But they do not yet have that much power and control.

Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood was joined by NARAL Pro-Choice America and EMILY’s List in announcing a $150 million midterm spending initiative. … [T]he organizations argued that the funds would help African Americans and Hispanics, who are particularly subject to “systemic barriers and abortion restrictions.”

Good thing they are leftists. Otherwise, it would be racist for them to promote the mass killing of black babies.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups are handed $billions in taxpayer money by Democrats. Here, we see how our money is laundered through moonbat ideology and funneled into the campaign coffers of those same Democrats.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Aug 18 2022

Laying the Groundwork to Cancel John Wayne

John Wayne became an icon by emblematizing the rugged individualism that made America great. This is why he must be canceled. However, Wayne remains such a cultural giant that despite their efforts Democrats have not even managed to change the name of John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California. A disgraceful event from Hollywood history may give them the pretext they need.


On March 27, 1973, the actor Marlon Brando declines the Academy Award for Best Actor for his career-reviving performance in The Godfather. The Native American actress Sacheen Littlefeather attended the ceremony in Brando’s place, stating that the actor “very regretfully” could not accept the award, as he was protesting Hollywood’s portrayal of Native Americans in film.

What a posturing, sanctimonious jackass. Note that the award he threw back in Tinseltown’s face was granted to him for playing an Italian mobster. This is closer to a bigoted stereotype than Hollywood’s white-washed depiction of the horrific Stone Age barbarism prevailing in the wild West before it was tamed.

Having portrayed the sort of guy who tamed it has John Wayne in the crosshairs of the thought police:

While some cheered Littlefeather on, many others voiced their disagreement with what she was saying. Amongst them was Wayne, who regularly starred as a cowboy who was often at odds with Indigenous characters.

“During my presentation, he was coming towards me to forcibly take me off the stage, and he had to be restrained by six security men to prevent him from doing so,” Littlefeather told The Guardian in a 2021 interview that has resurfaced.

Whether this is an accurate depiction of the event is irrelevant. Who is going to call Sacheen Littlefeather a liar? That could get you canceled — which is the fate they have in mind for John Wayne.

Get classics like The Searchers on DVD while you still can.

Vintage gag-inducing political correctness.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 18 2022

Open Thread

I'm an immigrant to the U.S., and I've constantly been thinking about America both from the inside and from the outside. And I've come to believe that we're living at a critical time when the American Dream is in jeopardy and this American Era which began after World War II might be winding down. - Dinesh D'Souza

Aug 17 2022

UK’s Red Carpet for “Refugee” Crybullies

It isn’t only New York City that treats foreign colonists (or as moonbats call them, “refugees”) like guests of honor while citizens make do with less. Check out the red carpet rolled out for those who help to Islamize Britain:

No amount of obsequiousness and misguided generosity will put an end to the greedy crybullying. On the contrary, the pampering will result in still shriller bellyaching. What you reward, you get more of.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 17 2022

Mask Theater at Signing of Inflationary Blowout Bill

Joe Biden just signed away another big piece of America’s future in the form of the $750 billion tax-and-spend blowout known as the Inflation Stimulation Act. The event was classic Democrat mask theater:

If Joe Manchin is as smart as he is phony and treacherous, he will sterilize the pen he received for selling out his state and his country by voting for the bill. Biden has been diagnosed with Covid multiple times recently, and now his closest handler “Dr” Jill has it.

But I’m forgetting; the on-again off-again mask prop prevents him from spreading germs.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 17 2022

RAF Hold on White Male Recruits

The Royal Air Force earned the world’s admiration by holding off overwhelming Nazi airpower to win the Battle of Britain. Don’t expect similar accomplishments in the foreseeable future. Defending the British nation is no longer the priority — quite the reverse. Consequently,

The head of RAF recruitment has resigned in protest at an “effective pause” on offering jobs to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities, defence sources have claimed.

This unnamed officer is a woman herself. Like any patriot, she prefers combat readiness to Cultural Marxism.

The senior female officer apparently handed in her notice in recent days amid concerns that any such restrictions on hiring … could undermine the fighting strength of the Royal Air Force (RAF), the sources said. …

The defence sources accused Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, the head of the RAF, of appearing willing to compromise UK security at a time of growing threats from Russia and China in pursuit of albeit important goals such as improving diversity and inclusion.

Why diversity and inclusion should be regarded as “important goals” for the military rather than a security threat given massive Islamic immigration to Britain is not explained.

Successive governments have been challenging all three armed services – the RAF, the army and the Royal Navy – for years to improve their diversity statistics in what has traditionally been a predominantly white, male profession.

Until such a time as robots do the fighting, an effective military will always consist mainly of men. As for the charge that the RAF allows in too many white people, it apparently needs to be noted that Britain is located in Europe.

Senior leaders appear to be prioritising diversity over operational needs, according to defence sources.

Looks like the USA is not the only country whose military recruitment has been crippled from within by Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin types and their moonbattery.

As British top brass focuses on wokeness…

…the military’s flying training system – a fundamental part of a functioning air force – is in crisis, as revealed by Sky News earlier this month.

The Chinese and Russians watch and plan accordingly. Joel Abbott is correct that with the current lot in charge of the RAF, Britain would have lost to the Nazis.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 17 2022

Another Foretaste of Biden’s Supersized IRS

Among the many ways the Inflation Acceleration Act will drive up inflation is the hiring of a staggering 87,000 IRS employees. Recruiting so many people for such a despicable job (which creates no wealth) will help drive up wage inflation.

IRS recruiting efforts afford us another look into a future where tax collectors are a major part of life:

In lieu of 30 pieces of silver, recruits can look forward to an eventual $175,000 per year plus lavish benefits and retirement, not to mention plenty of days off like Juneteenth and probably soon Harriet Tubman Day. Too bad the taxpayers they are paid to persecute don’t have it half that nice.

In return for the money it confiscates, the federal government does essentially nothing for the average middle class American. The feds will not so much as defend our country from foreign invasion. That’s why there is no federal taxation. There is only federal theft.

The latest Democrat tax-and-spend bonanza takes an intolerable situation and makes it worse.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

Aug 17 2022

Burning Churches Then and Now

Once we had a Catholic Democrat president who opposed terrorists setting fire to churches. But Democrats are a different breed now, and the word “Catholic” has no meaning among them. The contrast between JFK and Biden is stark:

These days, it would be unreasonable to expect a “Catholic” Democrat to object to burning down churches to promote abortion. If Satan were to create a political party…

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Aug 17 2022

A Foretaste of Biden’s Supersized IRS

To understand what it means that as part of the Inflation Exacerbation Act our Democrat rulers will print and spend vast fortunes to supersize the IRS, adding 87,000 employees, look to the sort of people liberal elitists most hate:

Texas cattle ranchers David and Deborah Hajda issued a dire warning to America’s middle class after Democrats’ spending bill passed both houses of Congress allowing provisions for approximately $80 billion in IRS funding, a majority of which is dedicated to enforcement.

The owners of Raising Five Cattle Company are still smarting from a grueling audit inflicted on them 13 years ago.

“We got audited over basically a $7,800 engine rebuild on a very old tractor,” Deborah said.

The repair cost constituted a red flag for the parasitical bureaucrats in charge of confiscating the wealth we create.

The Hajdas offered to fax in the pertinent records, but agents insisted on the bang-on-your-door, shock-and-awe Mar-a-Lago approach we have come to associate with Democrats. After invading their home, they kept looking until they found a violation:

“He wasn’t satisfied. He kept digging, and he ended up nailing us. Our tax person was giving us 80% on our work vehicles, and he said you can only do 50%,” David said.

Deborah warns that other many other members of the middle class will now be put through this wringer:

“They want to get you. If they’re coming after you for an audit, they don’t want to see your receipt… they want to nitpick your life apart, and that’s not what the American dream is for self-employment, small business…”

Rule by today’s neo-Marxist Democrats is the opposite of the American dream. It is any true American’s worst nightmare.

If you are on the record as opposing leftism, bend over and spread. The auditors will be coming for you soon.

The IRS is not needed to collect revenue. Neither are taxes. The federal leviathan doesn’t steal nearly as much as it wastes. It just prints what it wants, which is why inflation is out of control. The purpose of the IRS is to intimidate and to punish.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Aug 17 2022

Luxury Hotel to House Illegal Aliens in NYC

No wonder Eric Adams put up such a fuss about Texas putting a small percentage of the illegal immigrants pouring in due to liberal policy on a bus to his sanctuary city. Look how much these undocumented Democrats are costing New York:

Adams plans to convert the Row NYC — formerly known as the Milford Plaza and located in pricey tourist-packed Times Square — into an intake center and shelter for as many as 600 migrant families amid the city’s spiraling homelessness crisis, three sources familiar with the matter said.

The place isn’t cheap:

The daily weekday rate for a standard room with one full or queen bed in mid-September — around when the hotel could begin housing migrants – – ranges from $414.42 to $435.07 per night, including taxes and “facilities fees” and depending on the view.

But it would probably be racist, nativist, xenophobic, et cetera to make illegal aliens stay in a standard room.

“Superior” rooms with two double or queen beds for families, and featuring decorations “inspired by the NYC subway system,” range in price from $445.40 to $547.41, including taxes and fees.

If you want a luxury vacation in New York City but can’t afford it, just travel to Mexico, walk back across the border, and tell the nearest Border Patrol official that you have no ID and are in the country illegally. Taxpayers will take care of the rest.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 17 2022

Open Thread

When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. - Edith Hamilton

Aug 16 2022

Liberal Agenda Applied Through Modern Art

To understand what leftism does to every institution it infiltrates, look to modern art, which succumbed to moonbattery long ago:

The escalation from passing trash off as art to using trash to deface real art exemplifies the malicious mentality of postmodernism. Critical Theory — prominently including our state religion under Democrat rule, Critical Race Theory — is an outgrowth of postmodernism (see the recommended book Cynical Theories for details).

Postmodernists seek to “deconstruct” — that is, to disfigure, desecrate, and destroy. Note that they do the same thing to children’s bodies by deconstructing gender.

The Culture War is total war. The losing side will be eradicated. If we lose, Thomas Picton will never have existed — and neither will any art worth looking at.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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