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Jul 28 2022

Dems Confirm Inflation Is Intentional

Democrats have created crippling inflation through massive wasteful spending and phony climate change fanaticism. Now they impose a blowout bill to throw both into overdrive. The effect this will have on inflation would be obvious to a child. In the spirit of the Democrat instruction manual 1984, they call the bill the Inflation Reduction Act.

In the same spirit, they named a bill designed to further desecrate marriage the “Respect for Marriage Act.”

The Daily Signal observes the obvious:

With inflation hitting 9.1% in June, this is a stagflationary economy. Inflation-adjusted wages for the average American worker have fallen by nearly $3,400 since President Joe Biden took office. …

The government’s policies over the last two years have been a perfect recipe for the highest inflation in four decades: trillions of dollars in government spending financed by the Federal Reserve’s printing presses coupled with lockdowns, new regulations, a war on energy, and anti-work programs that drove down supply. …

The so-called Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, in reality, only would add to the inflationary pain families are already feeling thanks to hundreds of billions in new government spending and job-destroying tax hikes.

Democrats tell us to look at the bright side: raising our taxes will supposedly counteract the inflationary spending.

Unfortunately, the Inflation Reduction Act doubles down on the same irresponsible fiscal policy that has caused inflation: All of the new government spending is upfront, while the deficit-reducing revenues are backloaded.

The result would be higher short-term deficits and higher inflation.

In the long term, the taxes will prevent economic recovery. The inevitable effect is too obvious not to be intentional. Poor people are easier to rule.

The Inflation Reduction Act would even advance the radical Green New Deal agenda, spending an astonishing $369 billion in the name of “decarbonizing all sectors of the economy.” Biden’s anti-fossil fuel policies have already cost us dearly, driving up prices.

Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of any modern economy. Without them, everything will stop and we will starve. Liberals cannot “decarbonize” the economy without provoking the violent overthrow of the government. However, they can waste enough money to drive inflation into the stratosphere. Debasing American currency makes it easier to make payments on the debt they are running up.

Because American currency was relatively sound before the likes of Joe Biden took control of the federal government, the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Inflation forces people throughout the world to pay for Democrat spending, so long as they hold American currency — which they won’t do for long.

Calling a bill that will obviously push inflation to new heights the “Inflation Reduction Act” goes beyond Orwellian. It is a finger in the eye of regular Americans. They may as well call it the “We Are Destroying Your Lousy Country on Purpose and You Can’t Stop Us Act.”

There is no climate crisis.

On tips from Varla and Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 28 2022

Connecticut Pulls Entire Electric Bus Fleet

There is follow-up on Connecticut’s plans to switch to electric vehicles. As noted earlier, one of their extravagantly expensive, hazardous, environmentally destructive, yet for some reason politically correct electric buses did what EVs tend to do: spontaneously burst into flames. Now we read this:

As a result of the fire, the electric bus fleet was pulled from service as a precaution, [CTtransit spokesperson Josh] Rickman said.

Bleats Rickman,

“We have deployed diesel buses to make sure people get to where they need to be.”

Good thing Joe Biden has not yet finished making good on his promise to abolish fossil fuels.

Biden isn’t the only one who wants to do away with normal vehicles:

The Saturday fire came one day after state officials gathered in New Haven, including Department of Transportation Commissioner Joe Giulietti, Gov. Ned Lamont, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Katie Dykes, to boast the success of the Clean Air Act that would restrict diesel vehicles and increase electric cars in the state.

Giulietti crowed that 800 Department of Transportation buses would be replaced with electric moonbatmobiles.

In addition to the electric state-run buses, public school buses will also shift to electric models, according to the governor’s statement. The Clean Air Act will also prohibit the procurement of diesel-powered buses after 2023, according to the statement.

The Clean Air Act will be promptly repealed, now that pulling the bus fleet makes it obviously unworkable. Just kidding. The entire liberal agenda is unworkable, yet Democrats will continue to double down on their malevolent lunacy until they are removed from power.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 28 2022

NYC Demands Monkeypox Name Change

The murder hornet is not the only bug in need of a politically correct name change. The latest disease to be spread through the establishment-endorsed LGBT lifestyle continues to be known by the politically incorrect term “monkeypox.” The leftists in charge of our largest city slither to the rescue:

New York City asked the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday to rename the monkeypox virus to avoid stigmatizing patients…

Due to its characteristic degeneracy, NYC has seen more monkeypox cases than any other American city.

[NYC Department of Health Commissioner Ashwin] Vasan referenced the “painful and racist history within which terminology like (monkeypox) is rooted for communities of color.”

Actually, monkeypox is rooted in the community of gayness, not color. Its connection to the sacred (to progressives) practice of homosexuality inspired the World Health Organization to declare it a global health emergency, despite only five deaths worldwide. Practically the only way nonhomosexuals contract it is by being little kids left in the custody of the affected community.

Nonetheless, for moonbats everything is always about race. The WHO announced last month that it would change the name “monkeypox” for being racist, but hasn’t gotten around to it.

Why exactly is “monkeypox” racist? Like many exotic diseases (e.g., AIDS), it is an export from Africa. Blacks also come from Africa. The liberals who decide what we can and cannot say appear to equate blacks with monkeys.

Calling monkeypox “monkeypox” will be an official thought crime as soon as the authorities tell us what we are supposed to call it instead. In the meantime, don’t you dare draw attention to the way it is spread, or a Fox Business panel might denounce you as a bigot:

On tips from Bluto and Wiggins.

Jul 28 2022

Murder Hornets Get Name Change

As progress progresses, the Ministry of Truth works feverishly to keep the Newspeak Dictionary up to date. Murder hornets have a new name because racism:

The Entomological Society of America and the Entomological Society of Canada have adopted a new name for the murder hornet, also known as the Asian giant hornet, saying “the usage of ‘Asian’ in the name of a pest insect can unintentionally bolster anti-Asian sentiment” especially “amid a rise in hate crimes and discrimination against people of Asian descent.”

There is no significant discrimination against people of Asian descent in America. There are hate crimes, but they are not committed by people who have any idea that murder hornets are also called “Asian giant hornets.” They are committed by resentful urban blacks taking advantage of the collapse of law & order under liberal rule (see here, here, and here).

However, the point of Newspeak Dictionary updates is not to address reality, but to obfuscate it — often with virtue signaling intended to prop up the bogus liberal narrative.

Chris Looney, entomologist at the Washington State Department of Agriculture, authored the name change proposal, saying that the previous common name of the species, scientifically called Vespa mandarinia, “is at best a neutral and uninformative adjective, potentially a distraction from more salient characters of the organism, and at worst a racist trope.”

Seriously, the moonbat’s name really is Looney. We are living in an over-the-top comedy devoted to ridiculing liberals. If you don’t believe it, find any clip of Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris speaking publicly. The satire isn’t subtle.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 28 2022

Good Economic News From Biden Administration

It’s official. Despite the opportunity to return to the booming economy we had before the Covid overreaction, and despite clownish attempts to redefine the word out of existence, the US economy is now in recession:

Cheer up; the regime that caused this with its war on energy and massive wasteful spending that set off inflation has good news: even after a year and a half of Joe Biden, America still isn’t as bad off as some countries.

White House economic adviser Brian Deese said Tuesday that while U.S. inflation is hurting Americans in their wallets, at least they’re not facing famine like some other countries.

Deese is the apparatchik who says we need to pay exorbitant prices for gasoline on behalf of the “Liberal World Order.”

Honks Deese:

“[W]ith respect to food, we’re a net exporter of agricultural commodities. And obviously, the high prices are hitting Americans very hard, but in a way that is different from some places that are facing famine, for example.”

Now for the bad news: the Biden Regime has turned the hyperregulatory attention that crippled the energy industry against agriculture, as have other Democrats. No aspect of the American economy is so strong that liberals cannot destroy it with their trademark blend of kookiness, incompetence, authoritarianism, and sheer malice.

A year from now, Deese will crow that even if our money is worthless and there is no food, at least we still have Our Democracy.

On tips from jas_1985 and Anonymous.

Jul 28 2022

Fauci’s Regret

By this point in 15 Days to Slow the Spread, most of us have figured out that Big Government can crush small businesses and impose degrading mandates, but it cannot contain a virus. Despite all the liberty sacrificed, the very personification of Covid tyranny, quadruple-vaxxed Tony Fauci himself, has come down with the ChiCom virus twice.

His hysterical overreaction to Covid — which caused more damage than the virus itself — has made Fauci a demigod among left-wing authoritarians. Maybe that’s why, after 2+ years of ruining little people’s lives with his ham-fisted tragicomic ineptitude, Fauci’s main regret is that there was not enough senseless tyranny:

“If I knew in 2020 what I know now, we would do a lot differently,” said Fauci in an interview on Monday. “The insidious nature of spread in the community would have been much more of an alarm, and there would have been much, much more stringent restrictions in the sense of very, very heavy encouragement of people to wear masks, physical distancing, what have you.”

What he knows now that he did not know before is how much people will put up with before coming with torches and pitchforks.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jul 28 2022

Open Thread

The term science means something quite different for our generation than it did not so many generations ago. - Fulton J. Sheen

Jul 27 2022

Biden Stops Blinking

Maybe we don’t have to worry about President Harris after all. Maybe the decrepit Joe Biden is already dead, and his handlers have found some way to reanimate his corpse and make it bark inanely about a mythical “insurrection.” The thing we are supposed to regard as POTUS looks sort of lifelike — except they forgot that living people blink.

From an official Big Government blue check account:

Creepy Joe just keeps getting creepier.

I wonder how they cover the smell of decomposition.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Jul 27 2022

Dems Further Desecrate Marriage

Down the slippery slope we slide, as Democrats move to render the concept of marriage more meaningless:

House Democrats, with the assistance of 47 Republicans, last week passed legislation under which the federal government would recognize any marriage if it is legally performed in any of the 50 states.

At the surface level, this is theater to dramatize liberals’ phony fear that the overturn of Roe v. Wade will lead to restrictions on homosexual and interracial marriages. But the Contempt for Marriage Act — I mean the “Respect for Marriage Act” — potentially goes farther. According to Jared Eckert of the Heritage Foundation,

“If one state—just one state—recognizes polygamy as a legitimate marriage or legal marriage, then basically, the federal government has to do that.”

If RINOs help the bill through the Senate for Biden’s eager signature, states that send people like Elizabeth Warren and Mazie Hirono to the senate will dictate to the sane states what they must regard as a marriage.

National recognition of “marriages” between middle-aged men and Cub Scouts is coming soon.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Blackjack.

Jul 27 2022

Ride Into Our Moonbat Future Aboard NYC Subway

Travel to the tomorrow social engineers are constructing for us by riding the New York City subway system. It might be a challenge getting past the entrance…

The New York Post reports on the scene above:

A 16-year-old boy with a gun bust under his belt was caught on video violently attacking a Manhattan cop after allegedly jumping a turnstile — and then freed the next day, police sources said Monday.

His previous arrests for carrying a loaded gun and for robbery also resulted in release.

Police union leader Patrick Lynch explains that this is “why the chaos in the transit system is not improving more quickly” and laments that “we are feeling abandoned by a justice system that won’t back us up.”

The teen, whom cops did not publicly identify because of his age, had jumped the turnstile at the 125th Street-Lexington Avenue station in East Harlem just before 6 p.m. Saturday, cops said.

Liberals have a solution: pressure cops to just let lowlifes jump the turnstiles. After all, enforcing the law against turnstile jumping is racist, because it disparately impacts minorities.

Once past the turnstiles, prurient riders are in for a treat:

Straphangers struggled to hold onto their morals as a collection of voluptuous vixens dressed in skimpy black bikinis jumped, gyrated and jiggled during a makeshift pool party hosted inside an L train car. …

[T]he party animals took turns hurling their bodies across a Slip ‘N Slide that was stationed on the train’s floor and lubricated with bottled water.

The temptresses enjoyed the rest of their joyride by bouncing their bottoms on the crotches of male bystanders and twerking on each other in an inflatable pool.

The live show featured simulated sex acts with a dog and a dwarf:

Progressives have been systematically eradicating American culture, which they denounce as white supremacist, Christofascist, et cetera. Here we see what they are replacing it with.

Until the fundamental transformation into utopia is complete, maybe Gotham could keep itself afloat financially by charging admission like the zoo.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Wiggins.

Jul 27 2022

Our Next President Introduces Herself

Please tell me that this is all just a tasteless joke at the expense of moonbats:

An event with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday featured her and guests at the table introducing themselves with their names, pronouns, and descriptions of their clothing…

“Good afternoon. I want to welcome these leaders for coming in to have this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time. I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her. I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit,” a masked Harris said while introducing herself.

Still wearing the pointless mask, in Year 3 of 15 days to slow the spread. Announcing her gender and her pronouns in obeisance to LGBT militants. Describing her clothes in case someone watching her on television is blind. To top it off, she was there to speak about how limitations on abortion oppress disabled people.

It could not be clearer where Kamala Harris places her emphasis: on jejune politically correct posturing.

Visibly crumbling Joe Biden has one foot in the grave. This is what the liberal establishment saw fit to put next in line:

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 27 2022

Big Government as Single Source of Information

The Liberal World Order is totalitarian. Consider this actual quote from one of its figureheads, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, best known for pushing Covid tyranny to lunatic extremes:

When governmedia spokesmoonbats bark about misinformation/disinformation and the need to suppress it, they mean any speech that deviates from the pure truth as bestowed upon us by Big Government.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 27 2022

Open Thread

There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not. - Rush Limbaugh

Jul 26 2022

Deputy National Cyber Director Is Racist Kook

The greatest threat to American security is that its defense is in the hands of people like Camille Stewart, who appears far less interested in security than in the cultural Marxist ideology that likely put her in her position through Affirmative Action.

From the Washington Free Beacon:

Stewart, a former Google strategist whom Biden reportedly tapped for White House deputy national cyber director, has argued that “our #NatSec apparatus must be a part of dismantling systemic racism,” and “pursuing anti-racist and anti-hate policy outcomes” should be a chief national security focus for the administration.

Given that the official religion of the Biden Regime is critical race theory, by “anti-racist” she means “racist,” and by “anti-hate” she means “anti-white.”

Like most Democrat apparatchiks — especially those who took part in the Obama Administration — Stewart detests America:

Stewart, who served as policy adviser for the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security, has criticized the United States as an intrinsically racist society in her writing and on social media.

She barks that imaginary racism against obsequiously favored blacks like herself is part of “every institution not just the criminal justice system.”

By now, the message is familiar. Black lives matter, so let’s empty the prisons onto the streets and drive the homicide rate in black neighborhoods into the stratosphere. But what about cybersecurity?

“[Solutions] to cybersecurity challenges will never reach their full potential until systemic racism is addressed and diverse voices are reflected among our ranks at all levels,” Stewart wrote in a 2020 column for the Council on Foreign Relations titled “Systemic Racism Is a National Security Threat.”


Since at least 2017, federal officials have investigated Chinese land purchases near critical infrastructure, shut down a high-profile regional consulate believed by the US government to be a hotbed of Chinese spies and stonewalled what they saw as clear efforts to plant listening devices near sensitive military and government facilities.

Among the most alarming things the FBI uncovered pertains to Chinese-made Huawei equipment atop cell towers near US military bases in the rural Midwest.

According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the FBI determined the equipment was capable of capturing and disrupting highly restricted Defence Department communications, including those used by US Strategic Command, which oversees the country’s nuclear weapons.

That way, when they nuke us, we can’t nuke them back.

Odds that Stewart knows about this are slim. It isn’t relative to her area of expertise, critical race theory.

Half the population deserves the hard fall that Democrats are making inevitable. The rest of us don’t.

The ChiComs must love her.

On a tip from Steve T.


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