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Jul 10 2022

Derek Chauvin Whacked With Double Jeopardy

A basic tenet of law in civilized countries is “double jeopardy,” whereby you cannot be tried multiple times for the same crime. This goes all the way back to the ancient Roman principle of “non bis in idem.” However, as civilization recedes in the face of moonbattery, so does justice. Double jeopardy protection no longer applies in crimes of political incorrectness. Derek Chauvin is a case in point:

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was sentenced in a federal court Thursday to 21 years in prison for violating George Floyd’s civil rights.

Chauvin had already been sentenced to 22½ years for restraining liberal demigod George Floyd as he died of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest. But that was by the state. Now the federal government gets a whack at the piñata.

The sentences will run concurrently.

If his crime were killing the career criminal Floyd, Chauvin might enjoy double jeopardy protection. But his actual crime is that he personifies white police officers in the hive mind of the mob. He has a part to play in the theatrical production entitled The Martyrdom of Saint George of Fentanyl. To suggest that Chauvin deserves justice like any other citizen of a civilized country would be racist.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 10 2022

Open Thread

I accept people for who they are and love them. That doesn't mean I have to agree or that I have to turn my back on the tenets of my faith and reject the tenets of my faith when it comes to homosexuality. - Ed Gillespie

Jul 09 2022

Regime Approves Continued Intimidation of Brett Kavanaugh

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh can tell you all about what kind of people we are up against.

When he was nominated to the Supreme Court, Democrats outrageously lied that he is a serial rapist, producing witnesses that no adult would regard as credible. When it was leaked that he might help restore the integrity of the judicial system by overruling Roe v. Wade, mobs of thugs assailed his home; the White House pointedly refused to condemn this.

In the midst of the siege, an armed moonbat showed up at his house with the admitted intent to kill Kavanaugh. The Democrat-controlled media barely mentioned this. Rather than tone down his rhetoric in the aftermath, Joe Biden egged on the liberal mob to be “viscerally angry.”

Leftist thugs reacted to Roe’s repeal by following orders from prominent Democrat Maxine Waters to harass their opponents in public. Kavanaugh was driven out of a DC restaurant, being forced to escape through a back door rather than eat in peace like a citizen of a civilized country.

The response from an increasingly arrogant White House: “This is what democracy is.”

Seeing is believing:

Now we know what they mean when they repeatedly bark the phrase “our democracy.” They are referring to a system under which anyone who puts up resistance is relentlessly intimidated by goons.

The Biden Regime is encouraging people to violate federal law. But if laws could be used against powerful Democrats, Biden would be in Leavenworth facing a firing squad for treason.

Morton’s Steakhouse now faces the wrath of the mob for daring to serve food to someone leftists don’t like. Moonbats are bombarding it with bad reviews to wreck its reputation.

Other members of the tolerant Democrat base are offering bounties for information on opportunities for the mob to set upon Supreme Court justices who do not vote as they are told:

A liberal protest group is offering cash to anyone who sees the conservative justices of the Supreme Court and provides their location.

The justices targeted by the group ShutDownDC are John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. The group tweeted that it is willing to give “$50 to anyone who gives a confirmed sighting and $200 if the Justice or Justices are in the same area 30 minutes after their location is given.”

Twitter apparently has no problem with this. It clearly violates the guidelines…

Twitter, the platform on which ShutDownDC announced its “bounty,” does not allow users to “engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so.”

…but with leftists, all ethics are situational. Jordan Peterson has been banned from Twitter for refusing to pretend that Ellen Page is a man. Meanwhile, this is still up on Twitter, despite the attention it has drawn:

Hold on, it gets even more disgusting. Chasten Buttigieg, the homosexual paramour of our supposed Secretary of Transportation, with whom Pete Buttigieg canoodled for months on end instead of showing up for work at the height of the supply chain crisis, approves of the mob’s behavior — and taunts Kavanaugh:

“Sounds like he just wanted some privacy to make his own dining decisions,” [Chasten] Buttigieg tweeted.

Responds Jon Gabriel of Ricochet:

“What happens if MAGA types start showing up where ever you and Pete go? This continued escalation is a dangerous game, especially since Kavanaugh just had an assassination attempt on him. You don’t want the world you’re advocating for.”

Oh yes he does want it, if he is anything like his “husband” Pete and the rest of today’s Democrats. As for what would happen if MAGA types were to stoop to similar thuggery, the ongoing January 6 inquisitions make that clear.

On tips from Wiggins, TCS III, Bluto, Blackjack, KirklesWorth, MrRightWingDave, and Varla.

Jul 09 2022

White House Gaslights to Cover Biden’s Senility

Joe Biden is so senile that when he reads off a teleprompter, he reads out loud instructions like “repeat the line.”

Daily Caller quotes the treasonous halfwit corruptocrat the liberal establishment chose as its figurehead:

“One of the most important extraordinary parts of the decision [overturning Roe v. Wade], in my view, is the majority writes, and I quote — I’m going to quote now from the majority — ‘Women are not without electoral or political power, it is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so,’ end of quote, repeat the line.”

But wait — according to White House Assistant Press Secretary Emelie Simons, he was not reading the instructions aloud; Biden actually said, “Let me repeat the line.”

Unfortunately for the arrogant gaslighting liars who rule over us, we have it on video:

Who are you going to believe, Emelie Simons or your lying ears?

If you opt for believing your ears, you can rule out believing anything else these people tell you.

The White House transcript has been falsified to reflect what they want us to think he said, rather than what he said:

“White House transcript of Biden remarks is now incorrectly aligned with what this WH assistant press secretary falsely claimed on Twitter, despite the video showing Biden clearly stating ‘End of quote. Repeat the line.’ & *not* ‘Let me repeat the line,'” tweeted the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy.

We are living in 1984. Biden said “Let me repeat the line” in the same sense that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

On tips from Blackjack and Varla.

Jul 09 2022

Liberal World Order Attacks Food Supply in Holland

Our rulers tell us that we must accept a lower standard of living for the sake of what Biden advisor Brian Deese calls the “Liberal World Order.” Some are putting up resistance, especially in the Netherlands, where the environmentalist war on nitrogen is being used as a pretext to shut down a large percentage of farms.

Pushback to the pushback has already escalated to police firing on farmers as they drive past in their tractors:

Only the most cynical and paranoid will be able to guess what the authorities plan to do with some of the land after they have shut down farms during a worsening food shortage. Who else would imagine that they will use it to settle colonists imported from the Third World to displace the native population?

Flevo member of parliament Niek Beenen (JA21) has shared a document on Twitter from the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands about the purchase of “nitrogen space” in the Noordoostpolder.

The government plans to use the “nitrogen space” — i.e., farmland on which farmers will no longer be allowed to produce food — to set up a registration center for asylum seekers.

“In this country, farming families who produce food are being exchanged for asylum seekers,” tweeted Beenen.

Fumes Geert Wilders:

“Here’s the proof. It just says it all. The farmer has to go because they want to build a registration centre for asylum seekers on his land. They are completely destroying the Netherlands. Our farmers out, the fortune seekers in. No wonder people are furious.”

Repercussions will be worldwide. Holland is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world after the USA, which is also controlled by radicals willing to subject people to misery in the name of the green agenda.

More from Paul Joseph Watson:

If you find it hard to put food on the table within the coming months, it will not be by accident. Strategic starvation allowed Stalin to consolidate power. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Mark Rutte, Biden, and the rest of the leftist globalist ruling class think it will work for them too.

On tips from Blackjack, KirklesWorth, and R F.

Jul 09 2022

Open Thread

Passing a law like the assault weapons ban is a symbolic - purely symbolic - move in that direction. Its only real justification is not to reduce crime but to desensitize the public to the regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation. - Charles Krauthammer

Jul 08 2022

National Education Association Abolishes Motherhood

The largest labor union in the USA is the National Education Association. Its 3 million members include both public school teachers and college faculty. This gives it great power, which it is now exploiting to abolish the concept of motherhood:

The National Education Association proposed a resolution that would change the word “mother” in contracts to “birthing parent” for the purpose of being inclusive to the LGBTQIA+ community.

Update your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

Elana Fishbein of No Left Turn in Education accurately observes that the broader objective is not merely to pander to LGBT bullies, but to destroy the family:

“They are arrogant. They are dismissive of the family, the parents. It’s beyond Orwellian. Even in science fiction, I don’t know if you can have such a script of complete destruction of human society,” she said.

You wouldn’t want someone on the Supreme Court who doesn’t know what a woman is. Would you want your kids taught by someone who doesn’t know — or rather, doesn’t want children to know — what motherhood is?

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 08 2022

Biden’s Response to Abe Is New Milestone in Stupidity

Joe Biden’s response to the assassination of Shinzo Abe is “perhaps the stupidest thing he has ever said,” according to Ben Shapiro. Given that Biden has spent half a century publicly coughing up the most moronic moonbattery imaginable, that is a remarkable claim. Yet Shapiro is on the mark.

Abe was killed with a homemade gun in a country with gun laws comparable to North Korea’s, proving that firearms cannot be uninvented, and that gun laws do not stop criminals. Yet Biden’s Pavlovian response was the same as to every act of violence involving a gun — to shamelessly exploit the incident as an opportunity to attack our right of self-defense.

At first there was no response from the White House, either due to incompetence or because Abe was disliked by Democrats for being patriotic; their media denounced him today as a “polarizing right-wing nationalist.” After the rest of the world had responded to Abe’s death, including Donald Trump and Mike Pence, the Biden Regime issued a short official statement, which includes this:

While there are many details that we do not yet know, we know that violent attacks are never acceptable and that gun violence always leaves a deep scar on the communities that are affected by it.

Biden doesn’t know what happened, but he does know that it’s the fault of people having guns.

Although Biden is responsible for the statement, he obviously did not write it himself, because the phrase “Not a joke” does not appear in it. This confirms that his handlers are monomaniacal fools who cannot stop obsessing on their opposition to the US Constitution long enough to show a little decorum.

On tips from Varla, Mr Freemarket, Blackjack, and Angel.

Jul 08 2022

NYU Gets Federal Grant to Combat Whiteness and Maleness

As inflation spirals out of control, crippling our standard of living, our Democrat rulers continue to print and spend. They are devaluating the value of American currency so that they can waste the wealth we create on crap like this:

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has given New York University over $40,000 to conduct a study on why children ‘favor Whiteness and maleness over other identities.’

The study, which began in February and concludes in January 2025, aims to understand the processes that leaves children believing that ‘White males represent the default person.’

A summary of the grant explains that this is ‘a pattern rooted in the ideologies of androcentrism (centering the experiences of men) and ethnocentrism (centering the experiences of White people) prevalent in the United States.’

Abolishing androcentrism and ethnocentrism are matters of great urgency to our rulers. Confronting inflation will have to wait, while academics and bureaucrats masturbate over how much they hate white men.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jul 08 2022

How Brain Scans Can Identify Democrats

The science has spoken. If disgusting things do not disgust you, then you are probably a Democrat:

The ultimate argument against moonbattery is the visceral horror and disgust its manifestations evoke in a healthy person.

On tips from KirklesWorth and MrRightWingDave.

Jul 08 2022

Selling Our Strategic Oil Reserves to ChiComs Is Treason

Nothing provokes like weakness. While our military “leaders” focus on promoting the LGBT agenda, communist China has exploited our self-inflicted frailty. A move on Taiwan could be imminent, possibly triggering a war between the USA and China. At a time like this, depleting our emergency petroleum reserves while aggressively repressing new oil production is borderline treasonous. Letting China have the oil clearly crosses that border:

Biden’s Energy Department in April announced the sale of 950,000 Strategic Petroleum Reserve barrels to Unipec, the trading arm of the China Petrochemical Corporation. That company, which is commonly known as Sinopec, is wholly owned by the Chinese government.

Unipec has also been buying up Russian oil. If war breaks out soon, the ChiComs won’t be caught short on energy.

No worries; American troops will be equipped with electric vehicles, which should prove highly effective in combat as soon as the moonbats in charge come up with long enough extension cords.

Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is tied to Sinopec. In 2015, a private equity firm he cofounded bought a $1.7 billion stake in Sinopec Marketing.

Corruption, arrogance, and stupidity. Take all three to the last extreme and you have Joe “Not a Joke” Biden, the guy the liberal establishment saw fit to put in charge.

Biden campaigned heavily against the oil and gas industry in 2020, promising to “end fossil fuel.” He went on to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and implement a moratorium on new gas leases on federal land during his first month in office.

He continues to wage relentless war on the American energy sector, driving gas prices and consequently inflation in general into the stratosphere.

Now we find out he is selling our strategic reserves to our worst enemy.

Biden is a catastrophic failure as president, but at least the Big Guy is giving his ChiCom paymasters their money’s worth.

His impeachment must be followed immediately by trial for treason, followed in turn by the suitable punishment.

On tips from Chuck A, Wiggins, Anonymous, and Bluto.

Jul 08 2022

Open Thread

We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans. - William J. Clinton

Jul 07 2022

Sexualization of Children

Moonbats continue to exploit their control of government education to sexualize small children and indoctrinate them in sick LGBT ideology at the expense of teaching them to read and do math. These maniacs are at war with decency, sanity, and the innocence of children. As Karol Markowicz of the New York Post makes clear, if you are a parent, they are at war with you:

There are times when mobs with pitchforks and torches would have the right idea.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 07 2022

Moonbat Café Destroyed by Moonbats

One problem with businesses alienating normal customers by playing the woke game is that no matter how woke you are, you could never be woke enough to placate your fellow wokesters. In the end, politically correct businesses end up alienating everyone, sane people and moonbats alike. This applies not only to virtue-signaling megacorporations but to small businesses like Mina’s World:

Mina’s World, a cafe in Philadelphia that prided itself in being “Queer-owned,” has officially closed its doors after a woke employee revolt. The cafe was owned by Kate Egghart and Sonam Parikh, two queer activists who started Mina’s in an effort to create an inclusive coffee shop. However, their employees have claimed Egghart and Parikh are anti-black and “gentrifiers.”

To “gentrify” is to do something that improves a slum. An example would be opening a business that provides employment.

Mina’s World was located just around the corner from Malcolm X Park in Philadelphia and employed mostly minority workers.

Parikh had barked that “white ownership neglected to protect their Black and trans employees. I knew there needed to be a space where you could have an amazingly made cup of coffee that’s not whitewashed.”

Take heart, “Kate” and Sonam. Even if your business failed and you made fools of yourselves, at least you boldly stood up to whiteness.

Their own workers denounced them for “anti-blackness” and demanded that the business be redistributed to them, out-commying their commie employers, who responded to the bullying as we have come to expect — with a pointless groveling apology that sealed their doom:

Libs of TikTok puts it well:

Egghart and Parikh’s surrender to the outrage shows a point proven again and again— no matter how many times you bend the knee to the mob, you will never be able to adhere to their insatiable standards for progressive enlightenment. No matter how much of an “ally” you are, you will never be safe from becoming just another trophy head on the wall of wokeism.

This is among the reasons that giving in to moonbats is not an option. They leave you no choice but to fight them tooth and nail.

On tips from Eddie_Valiant and Franco.


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