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Category: Biden

Oct 04 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 02 2022

Open Thread

On tips from seaoh and Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 28 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 24 2022

Joe Biden Displays His Power at Expense of Elton John

This joke would immediately extinguish the career of any non-Democrat:

Maybe these aren’t senile blunders but deliberate displays of authority. Biden makes a joke about his well-documented molestation of school-age girls and the audience of teachers obsequiously laughs. He can even poke fun at a prominent representative of LGBT, the identity group atop the cultural Marxist totem pole of weaponized victimhood. That’s power.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 23 2022

Why They Call Him Creepy Joe

Joe Biden’s sexual aggressiveness toward little girls has been well documented. The guy allegedly showered with his daughter. But Biden is a powerful Democrat, and therefore beyond not only the law but moral judgment, so being known as a pedophile is a joke to him. His supporters laugh right along:

Note that this is from a speech to the National Education Association. His cheering audience was the nation’s largest teachers’ union.

I would not want to be a little kid growing up in what this country is turning into under Democrat domination.

On tips from Wiggins, Anonymous, and Varla.

Sep 22 2022

Watch Him

Biden’s recent 60 Minutes interview featured gently lobbed softballs. Biden swung at them, missed, and hit himself in the face with the bat. Even liberal establishment lackey Scott Pelley had to ask the obvious question — namely, whether Creepy Joe is mentally fit for the job.

“Watch me,” Biden responded.

We’re watching. The rest of the world is watching too. Here’s how he looks from the UK:

Having Biden for a president is like presenting yourself to the public with your fly unzipped, your shoes on the wrong feet, and egg oozing down your face.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Sep 20 2022

Biden on His Mental Focus

For the sake of form, even a soft-balling Democrat lackey like Scott Pelley had to ask the conspicuously demented Biden about his mental focus. The answer was not reassuring:

“The proof is in the pudding,” croaks Biden. Inflation is through the roof, $trillions have been flagrantly wasted, the economy is lurching deeper into recession, crime is out of control, 2 million illegal aliens have invaded in the past year, our enemies are on the march, and we are at each other’s throats as never before. Biden makes Carter look like Reagan. The proof is in the pudding, all right.

Unfortunately, the problem goes deeper than the liberal establishment having installed an incompetent and senile figurehead. If Biden had his wits about him, he would be inflicting still worse damage. All the havoc he has wreaked is consistent with the Democrat agenda.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 14 2022

Biden’s 720 Years in the Senate

The key to success is to stick to it. Take Joe Biden. You might think that a guy who was conspicuously slow-witted even before he succumbed to dementia would never make it to the top without belonging to an oppressed identity group. Yet he did, through sheer perseverance. No one can say he didn’t pay his dues. He put in 720 years in the Senate:

Either this guy is in charge, or people who are so awful that they chose Biden as their public face are in charge. Any questions as to why the country is in a nosedive?

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 13 2022

Biden Celebrates Economic Tailspin

If you let people pee on your leg and tell you it’s raining, before long their abuse will reach this level:

Thousands of Biden supporters are expected to join the president at the White House Tuesday to celebrate the passage of the “Inflation Reduction Act,” the same day the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report showing inflation had continued to rise in August.

The report showed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key measure of inflation, increased by 8.3 percent in August when compared to the same month last year and increased 0.1 percent from July. …

Markets nosedived on the news, with the Dow falling 900 points.

This is not despite the Inflation “Reduction” Act, but in part because people can see its effects coming. It is obvious that hundreds of $billions wasted on corrupt green energy boondoggles will drive inflation still higher.

The food index had the largest 12-month increase since May of 1979, rising 11.4 percent over the last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report.

Yet the regime that is doing this to us celebrates:

Biden announced that he will be making a speech Tuesday afternoon to mark four weeks since the “Inflation Reduction Act” was signed into law.

Pretending that there is anything to celebrate goes beyond gaslighting. It is a middle finger in the face of the country that our degenerate liberal ruling class is systematically looting out of existence.

As with Border Czarina Kamala Harris proclaiming that the wide open border is secure even as 2 million illegal aliens successfully invade in a single year, the message is clear. Our rulers will press forward with their catastrophic policies. If we try to stop them, they have F-15s to kill us with.

The objective is to recreate the Great Depression. That was a golden age for liberal Democrats, who prolonged the crisis for years as they exploited it to expand the size and scope of government.

As the economy collapses.

On a tip from Varla.

Sep 09 2022

Monkeypox Deputy Coordinator Demetre Daskalakis

Biden’s handlers have appointed a Deputy Coordinator to help oversee the official response to monkeypox, an STD spread almost exclusively by homosexuals. Demetre Daskalakis is what you might expect:

Suspicions inspired by the Dark Brandon speech that there is something satanic about the current regime are confirmed:

Daskalakis will bring to monkeypox the clear-eyed, coherent response Tony Fauci has applied to Covid. From Daily Wire:

“[S]ignaling to people who are in the gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men communities, and also transgender people who have sex with men, that it’s really important to have awareness, that it’s circulating in the community is really a critical part of the messaging while not generating inordinate concern and really focusing on the infection as linked to an identity,” [Daskalakis] said. “So it’s just an infection that’s not linked to an identity. It just happens to be in the social network.”

So much for limiting the spread of the disease by addressing its cause.

His résumé is impressive by Biden Administration standards. Via Daily Caller:

Daskalakis operated an HIV and hepatitis screening clinic out of a small office inside a Manhattan S&M club called Paddles, where men could pay $40 to party without their coats or clothes, according to the Atlantic. He also dressed in drag to administer meningitis vaccines at sex clubs and bath houses during an outbreak in New York City, NBC News reported. In an interview with The Atlantic, he claims to have learned his bedside manner from “East Village drag queens.”

The most crucial qualification is to be on the correct page politically:

“To end the epidemic, we must have a clear focus on the STI and hepatitis [epidemics] and we must address the systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia that hamper our progress,” Daskalakis once said to Advocate, referring to HIV.

No doubt racism, sexism, yadda yadda yadda are also the root cause of monkeypox.

Daskalakis has emphasized his desire to “dismantle stigma” against depraved, degenerate behavior that spreads diseases like HIV and monkeypox. That is, he will encourage spreading the disease.

As least he will fit in smoothly with his coworkers. The Biden Administration also features the creepy cross-dressers Richard I mean Rachel Levine (who defends sex change surgery for children) and Sam Brinton (who defends underage gay prostitution), as well as the intersectionally privileged lesbian immigrant of color Karine Jean-Pierre.

More of the Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator:

The sun will explode in a supernova before America has time to live down letting Biden and his handlers run the country.

On tips from seaoh, Wiggins, Occam’s Stubble, and Jester.

Sep 05 2022

Babylon Bee Fails to Keep Ahead of Biden

The Babylon Bee has displayed a remarkable knack for keeping a step ahead of Democrats as they plunge deeper into self-parody, but Biden’s menacing speech Thursday denouncing his opposition as a threat to democracy was too much even for the Bee to satirize:

Having politically weaponized federal law enforcement for his own political gain, President Biden has now taken to the airwaves to warn that democracy is in real danger.

The most obvious recent example of Biden’s corruption of federal law enforcement is the FBI’s KGB-style raid on Mar-a-Lago, apparently intended to focus political discourse on Trump rather than his own disastrous presidency.

“Folks, I’m using the feds as best I can to destroy my political opponents, but let me be clear: I’m going to have to break more laws and seize even more power if I’m going to stop fascism,” yelled President Biden, lighted in blood-red and surrounded by soldiers. “I don’t care if that means a federal takeover of elections, an overthrow of the judiciary – heck I don’t care if I have to use F-15s to carpet bomb every single Republican neighborhood in the country. We will forcibly commandeer every lever of power and communication our nation has – to, you know, defeat fascism.”

That isn’t satire; it is an accurate paraphrase of what Biden actually said and the context he said it in, only slightly less subtle than what Creepy Joe read off his teleprompter — even if his repeated threats to use F-15s against American citizens were not part of the speech.

Meanwhile, CNN distorted the Leni Riefenstahl set piece during the live broadcast. The Babylon Bee is now closer to straight journalism than the liberal establishment media.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 03 2022

Who the Fascists Are

The Biden Administration has employed hyperdivisive rhetoric and Leni Riefenstahl theatrics to drive home the absurd lie that the 62% of Americans who buck the liberal establishment by not approving of what Biden has been doing to the country are fascists who reject the American system of government in favor of authoritarianism. Biden croaks that patriotic Americans are “semifascist.” Ron DeSantis data analyst Kyle Lamb has posted a Twitter thread that documents who the fascists are. Highlights:

The Biden admin empowered OSHA to issue a rule through executive fiat forcing all employees of businesses >100 people to consent to forced testing and vaccinations. SCOTUS ruled they had no such authority.

The Biden admin used junk science by the CDC to claim they had the authority to suspend all evictions in the United States. Joe Biden even admitted Constitutional scholars doubted their authority. They did it anyhow. SCOTUS ruled, that indeed, they had no such authority.

Public records requests have confirmed that several agencies of the United States government have collaborated with and applied pressure to social media platforms to censor U.S. citizens. This is a violation of free speech and is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

More on the fascistic collusion between the Biden Regime and Big Tech to impose political censorship here.

Biden’s latest debt forgiveness plan is by executive fiat through authority he doesn’t have. Their own legal team is citing an irrelevant 2003 statute that applies to former military members. Even Slate acknowledges this will be shot down by courts.

White House staff and the U.S. Department of Education were found to be complicit in an NSBA letter that referred to concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.” DOJ then mobilized and weaponized the FBI to target these parents…

More on the DoJ/FBI campaign to terrorize parents who don’t want their kids transsexualized, indoctrinated in race hate, or forced to suffocate behind pointless Covid muzzles can be found here and here.

Biden’s USDA threatened to withhold funding from the school lunch program to schools who didn’t enforce such policies as boys competing in girls sports and boys using girls’ bathrooms.

More on Biden using food as a weapon to impose sexual depravity on children here.

This past week, the President of the United States threatened the use of F-15s against American citizens in a theoretical conflict.

More here.

Biden and the Democrats have weaponized the IRS with 87,000 new agents to target American middle and lower income citizens. These people are already 5x more likely to be audited than wealthy Americans.

After the White House initially criticized Florida for its use of monoclonal antibodies as a treatment against COVID-19, once everyone realized they were effective, they then cut FL’s supply putting more people at immediate risk so they could ration them for later.

Florida is regarded as a rebel province by the regime because it did not impose Covid tyranny with sufficient fanaticism, thereby proving that draconian measures were unnecessary.

The Department of Education rewarded rogue school boards that flaunted state law by reimbursing their districts who had funding withheld for their non-compliance. The Feds encouraged districts to violate state law.

There’s more, backed up with links, graphics, and videos. Click through for a display of fascism like nothing we have seen since before Mussolini got his head kicked.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Sep 02 2022

Big Tech Colludes With Biden Regime on Censorship

Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini said that fascism should be called corporatism, “as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” For example, we have recently learned that the Biden Regime has arranged regular meetings with Big Tech giants to discuss what to censor:

The new discoveries are the result of a “landmark lawsuit” filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry in May against top-ranking Biden administration officials for allegedly colluding with Big Tech companies to censor free speech on a number of critical topics, all under the pretense of stopping the spread of “misinformation.”

They wouldn’t want any Hunter Biden laptop bombshells to sneak through the Democrat Party’s Silicon Valley defenses.

We’ll know more if the Justice Department stops stalling and obeys a court’s orders to turn over communications between high-level federal apparatchiks and their Big Tech collaborators.

On Thursday, the two attorneys general filed a joint petition demanding that the DOJ produce those documents.

Maybe the DoJ should sic the FBI on itself. It might raid Merrick Garland’s lair I mean home like it did Mar-a-Lago.

Yet again we see that the reason the Biden people accuse their opposition of fascism if that they themselves are fascists.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Sep 02 2022

Highlights From Biden’s Fascistic Speech

In case you missed Biden’s jarringly fascistic speech last night, during which he made explicit that “MAGA Republicans” are the new Jews, Not the Bee collected highlights:

The sinister and militaristic backdrop is so cartoonishly malevolent that Biden’s handlers must believe America has degenerated into a country they can rule by fear. Let’s prove they are wrong.

At least one person other than George Soros liked the speech. Ironically, Jonah Goldberg literally wrote the book on liberal fascism. Sniffs Goldberg, “I agree with most of what Biden has said. Nearly all of it.” However, Goldberg appears to regret that Biden’s handlers made a strategic mistake by exposing themselves.

Goldberg used to be regarded as a conservative. Maybe he is angling to be made a kapo in the concentration camps that will be coming soon in the absence of a serious course correction.

On tips from Varla and the War Planner.


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