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Category: Biden

May 01 2022

The Lighter Side of Economic Ruin

We were promised an economic boom once Covid hysteria receded. The Trump economy was expected to return in full flower. But then leftists installed the senile corruptocrat Joe Biden in power as a figurehead. Everything went quickly to hell. Inflation is out of control; recession looms.

That’s okay. Our rulers can still laugh light-heartedly at their black-tie events:

It has been a tough year for Biden, whose party imposed this through its massive wasteful spending and war on energy production. The heart bleeds.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 29 2022

Musical Martinets

We would give Nina Jankowicz credit for originality for setting leftist tyranny to music. However, it has been done before. Presenting her possible inspiration:

Hugo Chavez took the wealthiest country in all of Latin America, crushed its freedom, and reduced it to an economic basket case characterized by hyperinflation and vast unexploited oil reserves, just as Joe Biden has been doing to the USA. But at least his singing wasn’t as cringe-inducing as Nina Jankowicz’s.

On a tip from Lyle.

Apr 28 2022

Biden Struggles to Say “Kleptocracy”

You would think that the outrageously corrupt figurehead of a tax and spend regime could pronounce the word “kleptocracy.” Not Joe Biden though:

Let’s hope he can at least pronounce the word that describes his administration even more accurately: kakistocracy.

On tips from Wiggins and Jester.

Apr 21 2022

Biden Cannot Distinguish Between Title 42 and Mask Mandate

Will the Regime officially declare war on the United States by terminating Title 42, thereby opening the floodgates the rest of the way, so that the already unprecedented level of illegal immigration will be multiplied severalfold, resulting in an invasion of Third Worlders in search of freebies so massive as to produce societal collapse? Don’t ask Joe Biden; he doesn’t even understand the question:

At the conclusion of Biden’s remarks Thursday on additional aid to Ukraine, a reporter asked the president, “Are you considering delaying Title 42?”

Biden responded, “No, what I’m considering is continuing to hear from my, my — first of all, there’s going to be an appeal by the Justice Department because as a matter of principle, we want to be able to be in a position where if in fact it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need Title 42, that we be able to do that. But there has been no decision on extending Title 42.”

The reason that makes no sense is that he was referring to a separate issue, the pointless and tyrannical mask mandate on airline flights.

Biden’s bosses made him release a clarification:

“I want to clarify that, in comments at the conclusion of my remarks this morning, I was referring to the CDC’s mask mandate and there is no Department of Justice action on Title 42,” said a clarifying statement from President Biden to Fox News.

Whoever is steering this ship straight toward Niagara Falls, at least it isn’t the loathsome kakistocrat Joe Biden.

Still no answer on Title 42. The powers behind the empty throne are still fighting it out. Do they go for America’s jugular and take the hit in the November elections, or do they pretend to be well meaning in hopes some voters forgive their egregious misrule? It’s a struggle between the far left and the ultraleft — the only contingents represented by our government.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 20 2022

Biden Regime Doubles Down on Transsexualizing Children

The radicals running our country are not merely wrong; they are malevolent. Nothing makes this more obvious than the Biden Regime’s support for defiling the innocence of children, deforming their bodies, and ruining their lives by applying transsexual ideology to them, first brainwashing helpless kids in school, then permanently deforming their bodies so they are denied the opportunity to live normal lives. Aberrant psychology cannot explain this; it is the institutional application of metaphysical evil.

Even as pushback gathers steam behind the leadership of Ron DeSantis, Democrats double down:

The Biden administration is openly promoting “gender-affirming” health care, particularly for young people, deeming hormone therapy for teens, as well as gender affirming surgeries on adolescents on a “case-by-case” basis, to be a standard.

As per Orwell, “gender-affirming” translates to “gender-denying.” People who mean well do not call what they are doing the opposite of what it is.

Hormone treatments are sadistic enough. In addition to infertility, they can result in men who will have to go through life with a micropenis.

The surgeries would make Josef Mengele cringe in horror. Girls have their breasts sliced off. Boys’ organs are slit open and fashioned into nightmarish parodies of female genitalia. These are crimes against humanity for which an appropriate punishment would be difficult to imagine.

Almost all kids who go through a phase of gender dysphoria will come out the other side and be normal — if allowed to. Democrats do not intend to allow them to.

The Biden administration’s Office of Population Affairs, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has guidance posted focusing specifically on “Gender-Affirming Care and Young People.”

This guidance calls for using the resources of the federal government to implement the LGBT agenda.

Biden lends what passes for his personal prestige to the initiative:

In a March 31 video message, the president offered advice to parents, urging them to affirm their child’s identity, deeming it “one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.”

To “affirm” a child’s identity in this context means to attempt to transform the kid into a member of the opposite sex. To get an idea of what he means by “healthy,” consider that these people regard abortion as healthcare.

It turns out even demons cry. The idea of children being rescued from public school groomers who brainwash them into falling prey to transsexualization reduced Jen Psaki to tears:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki broke down in tears over anti-grooming laws in an interview with podcaster Jessica Yellin on Tuesday.

“I’m going to get emotional about this issue because it’s horrible … This is an issue that makes me completely crazy,” Psaki said when she was asked about laws passing in Republican states restricting schools on transgender issues and sexual identity and giving parents more control of their child’s education.

Calling Jen Psaki “completely crazy” would be the kindest possible interpretation of her mentality.

Anyone who can make fiends weep deserves your vote. DeSantis 2024!

On a tip from Bluto.

Apr 20 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 18 2022

Easter Bunny Chaperones Joe Biden

Whoever has been running the country, it isn’t Joe Biden, a dim-witted empty suit of a corruptocrat who had no cognitive reserve to begin with and who has publicly succumbed to late stage dementia. Pretty much anyone can order him around. Watch as the Easter Bunny is dispatched to prevent him from sharing his foreign policy views with the public:

Another angle:

The bunny told Biden he can’t have any ice cream if he doesn’t shut up about Afghanistan.

On tips from Varla and Wiggins.

Apr 14 2022

Watch Biden Shake Hands With People Who Aren’t There

Joe Biden is so loathsome that even other Democrats refuse to acknowledge his presence. No worries; he has invisible friends still willing to shake his hand:

“Dr” Jill should be close by whenever he speaks, to help him find his way back from the podium without embarrassment.

Please tell me this bewildered husk of a corruptocrat is not really making decisions that will determine the future of the country.

In Biden’s defense, he isn’t much less lucid than prominent Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who sometimes doesn’t even recognize colleagues she has been working with for years, but who has filed paperwork to seek reelection in 2024.

In Feinstein’s defense, Nancy Pelosi, next in line to the president after the conspicuously incompetent Kamala Harris, screeches that questioning Feinstein’s mental fitness is “unconscionable” and “beneath the dignity in which she has led and the esteem in which she is held.” Pelosi herself is 82 years old and has senior moments when she loses it completely.

In Pelosi’s defense… Sorry, there can be no defense of Nancy Pelosi.

America is being led into the grave by demented moonbats who already have one foot in it. The country needs young blood.

On tips from Varla, Wiggins, Jester, and Dragon’s Lair.

Apr 14 2022

Let the Bird Squirt Memes Commence

That noble bird let loose more than a squirt of goo on Biden’s lapel. The memes have only just begun:

Many books will be written on what Biden and his handlers are doing to this country. But none will sum up the Biden presidency better than that bird.

On a tip from Jester.

Apr 13 2022

Bird Weighs In on Biden’s Inflation Speech

It’s bad enough to watch the savings we spent our lives working to amass piddled away through inflation by the looters who control the federal government. To top it off, Joe Biden — who became the face of inflation through his war on energy and gargantuan wasteful spending — tries to tell us it’s raining after peeing on our backs. Rather than show some indication that he will stop making the situation worse with his leftist agenda, he blames the ongoing mess on Putin, Covid, and private industry.

The very birds in the sky have had enough crap from Joe Biden. One issued a rebuttal with some crap of its own. What better response to duckspeak than a gooey squirt?

Not even the birds approved of President Biden in Iowa on Tuesday — as a winged spectator defecated on the beleaguered commander-in-chief as he gave a speech inside a barn.

Biden’s blue suit took a direct hit as he began a 25-minute address in which he blamed the US’ 8.5% annual inflation rate on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine rather than his own actions.

The rest of the world shares the bird’s opinion.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Apr 12 2022

How We Look to Saudis

Thanks to the incompetent clowns the liberal establishment installed atop the US government, America has been reduced to an international laughing stock:

Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden was a maniac and a fiend, but he had this much right:

“When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.”

They will curl their lip in contempt at the weak horse.

The business in Ukraine is only the beginning. The USA degenerating into a country that would allow Joe Biden to be president means Pax Americana is over. The rest of the world will now jockey for position until it is determined who replaces us as the dominant force in world affairs.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 12 2022

Thank You Joe

You’ve heard of the Maduro diet, which helped the population of Venezuela lose weight (except for the social rulers, of course). America has something better. All we have to do is vote blue no matter who and excess pounds are no longer a problem. Nor will we stress out over too many options at the grocery store. As an added bonus, walking when we used to be able to drive will keep us in shape:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 11 2022

Arrested for Placing Biden “I Did That” Stickers

Attempting to blame gas prices on Putin didn’t pan out. Turns out people are not stupid enough to believe that prices retroactively began shooting toward the stratosphere long before the Ukraine business but coincidentally right after Biden took power, having pledged to abolish fossil fuels. As a result, “I Did That” stickers on gas pumps have appeared throughout the country:

Be careful if you are tempted to place these stickers; you might be arrested. From Pennsylvania:

Criminal charges have been filed against the man accused of putting stickers protesting Joe Biden and the price of gas on fuel pumps at a Turkey Hill last week. Video of the commotion and arrest were shared on social media.

Thomas Richard Glazewski, 54, of Manor Township, was charged Monday with resisting arrest — a misdemeanor — along with disorderly conduct, harassment and criminal mischief — all summary offenses.

Off to the gulag with Glazewski!

His fellow counterrevolutionaries can get a pack of 100 stickers of Biden touting his gas prices accomplishment on Amazon for $8.95. It is not recommended to spray anything over them to make them difficult to remove, as Glazewski is accused of doing.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 09 2022

Biden Defines America in a Single Word

The President of the United States defines America in a single word. Here goes:

Good luck to anyone who tries to transcribe that.

I’ll define America in three words: “In deep sh**.”

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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