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Category: Biden

Jul 21 2023

Creepy Joe Wants to Sniff You

The Fourth of July is over, so stores are filling with Halloween displays. It will be hard to top this one:

The real thing is scarier still.

Almost as scary is a trip to the grocery store in Biden’s America, as social norms, law & order, and mental health collapse in unison. Warning: DO NOT CLICK HERE.

On tips from Wiggins.

Jul 18 2023

Israeli President Comes to America Only to Find Democrats

Someone call Adult Protective Services and put a stop to this farce:

Hats off to Herzog for keeping a straight face today. Let’s see if he can maintain his composure tomorrow:

Following Herzog’s visit to the White House, he’s set to address a joint session of Congress Wednesday, which some Democrats say they plan to boycott, calling Israel an ‘apartheid state.’ …

At Tuesday’s press briefing, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre wouldn’t explicitly say that those Democrats were being anti-Semitic.

Rep Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) squawks that “Israel is a racist state.” Ilan Omar (D-MN) barks that “no way in hell” will she attend Herzog’s speech and has screeched, “may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Rep Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are also conspicuous in their hatred of Israel, which represents a beleaguered island of civilization that at any time may be engulfed in a sea of savagery.

Not only Squad kooks but Democrats in general instinctively side with the enemy:

Gallup found that Democrats’ sympathy for Israel declined every year from 2016 onward. They now support the Palestinians over the Israelis by an 11-point margin. Even more striking is that liberal democrats sympathize with the Palestinians more than with the Israelis by a 24-point margin.

Herzog is a Labor Party lefty, but that isn’t enough. Maybe if he converts to Islam and nukes his own country, Democrats will cut him a break.

On tips from Blackjack and Varla.

Jul 14 2023

Biden Defies Supreme Court, Steals $39 Billion

Never mind that the Supreme Court just ruled it unconstitutional. Creepy Joe is forcing everyone else to pay for other people’s student loans anyway. Since laws can be struck down, he is imposing the decree through the bureaucracy:

Biden will forgive $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 Americans – two weeks after the Supreme Court struck down his $430 billion relief plan because it was unconstitutional.

Meanwhile, Democrats accuse their opponents of being threats to the American system of government.

In a move called a ‘slap in the face’ to taxpayers, borrowers who have been making payments for between 20 and 25 years will have their debts wiped due to ‘fixes’ in the system that calculates repayment plans.

Basically, Biden just presented a middle finger to the Supreme Court and then stole $billions from working people to purchase the votes of soft pink moonbats who went into debt to stave off adulthood by buying absurdly overpriced degrees in largely unconstructive subjects.

On tips from Blackjack, ABC of the ANC, KirklesWorth, and Wiggins.

Jul 14 2023

Creepy Weirdo Molests Little Girl

The girl is obviously frightened and repulsed. Yet it looks like both her parents are right there, and neither makes any visible attempt to defend her. Maybe that’s because the creep nibbling and snuffling her is rumored to be the most powerful man in the world:

By now his handlers must have told him many times that his repeated public molestation of children does not play well with the public, even in this day and age. He is either too senile to understand or too arrogant to care.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 12 2023

The View Moonbats “Turned On” by Biden’s Unhinged Rage

As has been pointed out earlier, Biden’s senility often takes the form of uncontrollable outbursts of rage:

Biden terrifies White House aides with his “quick-trigger temper” and expletive-filled rants, Axios reported on Monday.

• Examples of the president’s foul-mouthed eruptions include: “God dammit, how the f—k don’t you know this?!” “Don’t f—king bulls—t me!” and “Get the f—k out of here!”

• Biden’s temper tantrums are so bad some staff members “try to avoid meeting alone with him.”

What it means: Increased anger and agitation are common symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, according to the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

As with even the most alarming of Biden’s many flaws, this is spun by the establishment media as a good thing:

To grasp how pointless it is to try to intellectually engage most Democrat voters, consider that many of them have the slogans that serve them as thoughts installed by these same shrieking harpies.

In fairness, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are not the only pundits who find Biden’s senile meltdowns curiously arousing. Lisa Kennedy of Fox News does too.

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 12 2023

MSNBC Blames Biden’s Staff for His Dementia

Biden is still sharp enough to run a command-and-control economy from the White House. It’s just finding his way around stages without falling down that requires more cognitive reserve than he managed to store up before his brain began to decay. His fawning enablers at MSNBC blame his staff:

Eighty is older for some people than for others. Mika is right. From now on, Creepy Joe should never appear in public without the Easter Bunny to guide him:

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 05 2023

Biden Wanders Lost on Stage Again

How much longer can they continue with this farce before someone calls Adult Protective Services?

“Dr” Jill ought to invest some of our money in a leash.

Already it is beyond obvious that Creepy Joe is past being presentable to the public. Imagine what he would be like by the end of his second term — not that he is likely to live that long.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 05 2023

Hunter in the White House

Merriam-Webster defines kakistocracy as “government by the worst people.” Confirming that we live under one, it has come to light that the skeeviest scumbag imaginable is apparently living in the White House.

Even the regime stenographers at Newsweek admit it:

Biden’s son Hunter was spotted climbing into the presidential SUV on Friday to join his family at Camp David over the July 4 weekend, adding fire to the speculation on why he has so often been seen at the White House. …

His regular appearances with the president before and after the agreement [that allowed him to escape punishment for tax and gun crimes that would put you or me behind bars for many years] was made public have led some to believe he lives at the White House.

This has come up before:

In an op-ed for The New York Post in April, journalist Miranda Devine claimed that Hunter Biden was rumored to be living at the White House with his wife and their 3-year-old son to avoid being served with legal papers from an Arkansas mother of a child he fathered in 2018.

The presence of Creepy Joe’s bagman Hunter might explain the cocaine found in the White House.

When you see topless transsexuals jiggling freakishly out on the lawn

…you can only imagine what is going on inside.

If Democrats are ever scraped out of it, the White House will need to be fumigated before it is fit for habitation by regular Americans.

On tips from Varla, Bluto, DCGere, Blackjack, Steve T, ABC of the ANC, and KirklesWorth.

Jun 30 2023

Open Thread

It is the rule of law alone which hinders the rulers from turning themselves into the worst gangsters. - Ludwig von Mises

Jun 29 2023

Biden: Putin Is Losing the War in Iraq

Now a word from our Commander in Chief:

No wonder they often have him wearing those cheesy sunglasses. Biden has no eyes; just slits exposing inner blackness.

This incompetent senile criminal really is the official Commander in Chief of the world’s most powerful (for the moment) military. No wonder the ChiComs are on the march, positioning themselves to fill the opening vacuum.

No worries; Biden’s praetorian media edited this to cover for him.

As is often the case, Biden’s gaffe offers insight into the mentality of the Regime. Putin in Ukraine = the USA in Iraq from the Democrat viewpoint, so it is easy for someone in a state of advanced mental decline to mix them up. Don’t be surprised if he confuses Zelensky with Iraqi insurgency leader Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed — assuming Biden was ever in the room while grownups talked about al-Ahmed.

On tips from Wiggins and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 27 2023

Joe Biden: I Sold a Lot of State Secrets

Apparently this is our Commander in Chief’s idea of a joke. Given that the guy has been on the payroll of our most threatening adversary, communist China, it is more arrogant than funny:

On tips from Marty, Blackjack, and Jack Bauer.

Jun 24 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Jun 23 2023

Biden National Anthem Bungle

Another day, another embarrassment due to Joe Biden’s humiliating presence in the White House:

Thursday’s Biden blunder — on the South Lawn of the White House, in front of a visiting head of state, the international news media and United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps — might be tough to top anytime soon.

While hosting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Biden mistook the opening strains of the Indian national anthem for “The Star-Spangled Banner,” placing his right hand over his heart with a practiced confidence, before a crestfallen [look] came over his face as the music continued.

Eventually, Biden realized that the band wasn’t playing his own country’s anthem at all, and the hand trailed back to his side.

Watch and wince:

Took him a while to realize that isn’t our anthem, despite it being standard protocol to play the visiting country’s anthem first. But hey, Biden has only been ensconced in the federal government since 1973 — half a century.

At least he didn’t croak, “God save the Queen, man” afterward.

Good thing he had the official state media to cover for him:

CBS cut away from Biden at the crucially embarrassing moment when it was clear it wasn’t “The Star-Spangled Banner” the band was playing — at first showing Biden and Modi from behind, then going to a long distance shot where Biden’s hand can be seen moving back to his side. Once Biden’s hand was safely away from the saluting position, CBS returned to its original angle like nothing ever happened.

The Easter Bunny should be there to give Creepy Joe a poke when the American anthem is played. But then, Biden is a Democrat; his allegiance is to any country but ours.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Wiggins, and Blackjack.

Jun 19 2023

Joe Biden’s Firearms Expertise

Now a word from the wannabe dictator who evidently intends to confiscate your firearms in violation of the US Constitution. At least he’s an expert on the subject:

His pointy-headed enablers in the media ought to step forward to explain to us simpletons how putting a pistol on a brace turns it into a gun, and a higher caliber gun at that.

On tips from Chris Neilson and seaoh.


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