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Oct 29 2023

Singer Buffy Sainte-Marie Exposed as Racial Imposter

Although the fetishization of non-Caucasians has reached extremes unimaginable only a few years ago, the racial imposter scam has been going on for some time. Folk singer Buffy Sainte-Marie’s career as an Indian began in Greenwich Village back in the early 1960s.

From the early days of her career, Sainte-Marie has claimed to be a Cree woman, born in Canada. She has also allowed herself to be celebrated as an Indigenous icon and success story.

A success story to be sure. The liberal establishment made her a deity.

Her birth certificate indicates she was born not to Cree Indians in Canada but to white parents in Stoneham, Massachusetts — and yet:

Sainte-Marie has been named a companion of the Order of Canada, the country’s highest civilian honour. In addition, her website says she has been awarded honorary doctorates from at least a dozen universities.

Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in Sainte-Marie. In 2021, she appeared on a Canadian stamp.

Last year, she was the subject of a travelling exhibit featured at Ottawa’s National Arts Centre. She was also the focus of a five-part CBC podcast about her life and legacy and a one-hour concert televised on CBC that celebrated her leadership in Indigenous music.

Now the jig is up:

Late last year, CBC received a tip that Sainte-Marie is not of Cree ancestry but, in fact, has European roots. She is the latest high-profile public figure whose ancestry story has been contradicted by genealogical documentation, including her own birth certificate, historical research and personal accounts — the latest chapter in the complex and growing debate around Indigenous identity in Canada.

Since CBC moonbats consider the issue “complex,” let’s boil it down for them. Stone Age savages were replaced by Europeans. The Europeans were so successful that they eventually became soft and spoiled, so that moonbattery set in. Out of self-hatred, they worship descendants of the savages they displaced. This provides opportunities for racial imposters who wish to enjoy the obsequious favoritism afforded to nonwhites — thereby giving the lie to the liberal dogma that whites are privileged and nonwhites are oppressed.

Watch this Fauxcahontas forerunner lie to the kids on Sesame Street about how real she is back in 1975:

Buffy joins a growing list of racial imposters that also includes Andrea Smith, Kay LeClaire, Elizabeth Hoover, Carrie Bourassa, CV Vitolo-Haddad, Gwen Stefani, Heather Rae, Jessica Krug, Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Rick Caruso, Kelly Kean Sharp, Rachel Dolezal, Raquel Evita Saraswati, Sacheen Littlefeather, Satchuel Cole, Shaun King, Ward Churchill, and Elizabeth Warren.

On a tip from Steve T.

Oct 29 2023

Christians Keep Getting Arrested for Praying in Britain

It keeps happening in Britain. Because the country is run by morally depraved moonbats, silently praying for the lives of the innocent is regarded as “antisocial behavior” and punished accordingly:

Needless to say, preaching from the Bible will also get you arrested in the UK. So will questioning the treatment by authorities of street preachers.

No meaningful definition of tyranny would fail to describe liberal rule.

On a tip from Brian Brandt.

Oct 29 2023

Open Thread

The courts are using the First Amendment to attack religion, when they should be using it to protect religion. - Ernest Istook

Oct 28 2023

Pushback Against Withholding Food to Impose LGBTism

Finally, there is some pushback against Biden’s appalling tactic of imposing LGBT ideology on schools by withholding lunch funding from those who resist.

From May 2022:

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month.

As remarked earlier,

You don’t want boys exposing themselves in the girls’ shower room? Then don’t take money from a government run by evil creeps like Joe Biden.

Except it is our money. The reason the federal government doles back some of what it has confiscated through taxation and inflation is to make people dependent.

Biden is hardly the only evil creep in Washington. His party backs him on withholding food as leverage to impose sexual perversion on children:

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) spoke from the Senate floor on Thursday, calling on his colleagues to support his resolution to prevent the Biden administration from withholding school lunch money funding from schools that don’t allow children to use the bathroom of the opposite sex. …

Marshall’s resolution needed a simple majority to pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate but came up short, with only 47 senators voting in the affirmative and 50 senators, all from the Democratic caucus, voting against it. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) broke away from his party to vote with Republicans.

The only Democrat in the Senate who meets the bare minimum standard of human decency knows he won’t be getting elected again in West Virginia as a Democrat, after what his party has done to his energy-producing state in the name of bogus climate ideology. Manchin is openly considering leaving the party.

At least Republicans are gathering the courage to push back against government-mandated LGBT sickness. They are going to have to push hard, because Democrats will oppose them every step of the way.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Oct 28 2023

Anthony Fauci to Receive Ethics Prize!

It’s the weekend; let’s lighten the mood with a hearty laugh:

The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence at Case Western Reserve University will award Dr. Anthony Fauci, a physician, immunologist, and infectious disease expert, with the 2024 Inamori Ethics Prize.

Fauci made a name for himself as not only the most grotesquely overpaid but also one of the most arrogantly dishonest bureaurats ever to infest the DC swamp.

That he is a liar, not even Fauci himself is dishonest enough to dispute. He admitted that he lied to the public about herd immunity, moving the goal posts based on what figures he thought the public would believe.

Fauci misused his power to impose the “natural occurrence” Covid narrative long after we knew it was a joke. He did this to hide his own culpability for Covid’s existence. It appears highly likely that it was engineered in a probable bioweapons lab with funding he helped provide and that he knew this from the beginning.

Fauci is a felon for lying to Congress. Demands from prominent senators that he be criminally prosecuted are ignored because Fauci benefits from our two-tiered justice system, under which no one so beloved by leftists that they burn votive candles to him will ever face justice.

Instead, the establishment gives him an ethics prize. Maybe our moonbat overlords have a sense of humor after all.

The announcement itself is jarringly dishonest. Fauci is praised for helping to “combat rampant and dangerous misinformation.” In reality, he aggressively suppressed dissent to protect himself and his ChiCom compadres and to facilitate Covid tyranny.

The unrepentant Fauci’s only regret after the pointless misery, repression, and economic devastation that he helped inflict is that the Big Government he personifies was not repressive enough:

“If I knew in 2020 what I know now, we would do a lot differently,” said Fauci in an interview [last year]. “The insidious nature of spread in the community would have been much more of an alarm, and there would have been much, much more stringent restrictions in the sense of very, very heavy encouragement of people to wear masks, physical distancing, what have you.”

The previous Inamori Ethics Prize winner was from Ukraine, arguably the most corrupt nation on the planet. Follow the trajectory and you have to ask, can an ethics prize for Joe Biden be far away?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Oct 28 2023

Pallywood Profile: Saleh Aljafarawi

No need to worry about Hollywood deteriorating to the point that the woke crap it excretes is no longer watchable. Pallywood provides an alternative. The career of Saleh Aljafarawi is flourishing:

If you have been on social media platforms like Twitter or TikTok over the past three weeks, chances are pretty good that you’ve seen him.

The anguished. The angry. The triumphant raising of the AK-47. Give the man an Oscar! …

Since hostilities began he now has a whopping 1.5 million followers on Instagram and more than 9,000 subscribers on YouTube.

A sample of Aljafarawi’s oeuvre:

With the liberal media anxious to lap up whatever lies Hamas barfs up in front of them, it’s no surprise Aljafarawi is all smiles:

The rockets they get from Iran with financial assistance from the Biden Administration are useful for indiscriminately showering down upon civilians, but the primary weapon of Palestinian terrorists is propaganda. It is effective only because our ruling class is eager to believe and even propagate it.

If we were all as willfully gullible and morally unmoored as liberal journalists, Democrat pols, and some college students, by now our government would be directly rewarding terrorist atrocities with $100 million bonuses. Oh wait…

On a tip from R F.

Oct 28 2023

Open Thread

No matter how one approaches the figures, one is forced to the rather startling conclusion that the use of firearms in crime was very much less when there were no controls of any sort and when anyone, convicted criminal or lunatic, could buy any type of firearm without restriction. Half a century of strict controls on pistols has ended, perversely, with a far greater use of this weapon in crime than ever before. - Colin Greenwood

Oct 27 2023

Leftists Ceremonially Desecrate Robert E. Lee Statue

It doesn’t suffice for the giants of American history to be erased. First, their memory needs to be desecrated:

The statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that once stood in Charlottesville, Virginia, was secretly melted down at a ceremonial event.

Everyone knew that taking down statues of this great man would not be enough, because so long as progressives encounter minimal resistance, nothing is ever enough — not even this:

The Washington Post reported that “Swords Into Plowshares,” a project led by University of Virginia religious studies professor Jalane Schmidt and Charlottesville’s Black history museum executive director Andrea Douglas, “will turn bronze ingots made from molten Lee into a new piece of public artwork to be displayed in Charlottesville. They made arrangements for Lee to be melted down while they started collecting ideas from city residents for that new sculpture.”

The great man who fought honorably for his homeland Virginia was denounced as “White supremacist toxic waste.”

Coercively funded government media tells us to approve of our history being defiled and flushed away:

NPR also covered the event and credited Swords Into Plowshares for its efforts to “create a more inclusive public art installation.”

That which you don’t defend will be taken from you. Americans have failed to defend their heritage.

Other great Virginians (e.g., George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Mason) will meet the same fate and for the same reason. This process is already underway.

No great American will be spared, not even Lee’s adversary Abraham Lincoln.

In compensation, future generations will be offered George Floyd to venerate and emulate.

On a tip from Varla.

Oct 27 2023

UK University Teaches Witchcraft

Centuries ago, universities led society out of the darkness of superstition and into the light of rationality. Now they want to take us back the other way:

A university in the United Kingdom will be offering the country’s first ever postgraduate degree in magic and occult science, according to a report.

The University of Exeter will be offering the Master’s degree beginning in September 2024 amid a recent surge of interest in the history of witchcraft and magic, Emily Selove, an associate professor in medieval Arabic literature who is heading the program, told the New York Times.

No need to complain. Emulating the curriculum at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is only a little worse waste of time than studying medieval Arabic literature, and less pernicious than identity group victimology studies. Oh wait:

[T]he program offers unique courses such as a study of dragons in Western culture, literature and art and the depiction of women and witches in the Middle Ages.

It is doubtful that students will learn any spells useful enough to compensate for not being prepared for gainful employment. But at least they will know all about how witches were oppressed.

On a tip from Lyle.

Oct 27 2023

Never Again Becomes Maybe Soon

After the horrors of the Holocaust were revealed, everyone agreed that we would never let it happen again — for few decades.

Now, in the heart of heavily Jewish New York City, Jews are laid siege to in broad daylight by hostile mobs:

Cooper Union sophomore Taylor Roslyn Lent is reassessing reality Thursday, a day after she and other Jewish students were locked inside the East Village university library as pro-Palestinian protesters pounded on doors and windows. Lent, 20, said she and roughly 50 other students were barricaded inside the library after a staffer at the private college locked a door as protesters stormed past security. …

Police said on Thursday that around 20 of the 70 pro-Palestine protestors, “all students,” bypassed the point where entrants are supposed to scan their IDs. …

A senior at Cooper Union who asked not to be identified accused demonstrators of yelling “antisemitic rhetoric” as they pounded on a large library window.

The siege reportedly lasted for 40 minutes despite repeated 911 calls. As Riley Gaines could tell you, the experience surely wasn’t pleasant.

In light of the leftist practice of projecting their own crimes on their victims, accusations of “genocide” are increasingly alarming.

What kind of country will we live in when these students are in charge? California already gives a good idea:

[A] resolution passed by the Richmond City Council around 1 a.m. Wednesday states, in part, that Palestinians in Gaza “are currently facing a campaign of ethnic cleansing and collective punishment by the state of Israel.”

That “is considered a war crime under international law,” the resolution states.

Richmond is in the ultraliberal San Francisco Bay Area.

Accusing the victims of war crimes is a revealing way to respond to a Hamas terror atrocity that killed 1,400, including the torture, mutilation, and beheading of toddlers.

The moonbattery that has been festering in American universities is not merely foolish but evil. As it continues to metastasize, we will find out how evil. Jews aren’t the only ones in danger.

On tips from Jester, Jack D, and Wiggins.

Oct 27 2023

Nikes-Wearing Moonbat Calls for Boycott of Nike

Moonbattery makes for strange bedfellows — and awkward enemies. From the viewpoint of American leftists, Black Lives Matter and Hamas are effectively the same cause. Of all the corporations that prostrated themselves before BLM as it looted and destroyed, none was more obsequious than Nike, which was using washed-up football player turned professional black supremacist Colin Kaepernick as its public face even before the riots, and which pledged $40 million in support. Yet despite its anti-American politics, Nike is an American corporation. Under Democrat rule, America lavishly funds Hamas, but it also funds Israel. So Nike is the enemy. At least that seems to be the reasoning of this pro-Hamas protester who calls for a boycott of Nike — while wearing Nikes:

Most if not all of the companies the shrill fool lists are aggressively left-wing in their corporate posture.

Don’t be too hard on campus moonbats. It isn’t easy to be consistent while burning a civilization out from under yourself.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and R F.

Oct 27 2023

50-Year-Old Man Swims Against 13-Year-Old Girls

What a great time to be a middle-aged lecher attracted to pubescent girls. Just declare that you identify as one of them and you can join them in swimming competitions:

A man named Nicholas J. Cepeda, who goes by “Melody Wiseheart,” competed against young girls ages 13-17 at the Richmond Hill Aquatic Centre’s Fall Classic hosted at the Markham Pan Am Centre, near Toronto, Canada.

Cepeda competed against nine other female swimmers, all of whom were 13 or 14 years old. Cepeda made a mockery of the “Girls 13 & over” age requirement for the 200-meter competition, as he was both the only male competitor and the only swimmer in the entire event over 17 years old.

Creepeda is 50 years old.

Cepeda is also reportedly a professor at York University in the psychology department, under the moniker “Dr. Melody Wiseheart.”

Psychos like this define psychological health for the rest of society. His research areas unsurprisingly include “Children” and “Youth.”

No official word on whether Creepeda joined the girls in the showers, but Rebel News is betting he did. That is usually how it works. Just ask the girls forced to compete against NCAA “Woman” of the Year nominee Will “Lia” Thomas.

On tips from Tlabia Majora and R F.

Oct 27 2023

Open Thread

Disarm the people- that is the best and most effective way to enslave them. - James Madison

Oct 26 2023

Next After Voluntary Mastectomies

Considering that the sexually insane have their own genitalia cut off, it should come as no surprise that they do the same to their fingers.

Natasha Baggett, a 31-year-old mother of five from South Seattle, lost two fingers in a woodworking accident. This attracted unwanted attention:

”I thought not having my fingers would be the hardest part, but it’s actually dealing with these crazy people online.

”I was sickened to find out they also get a sexual kick from it. The images on their profiles are extremely disturbing once you realise that they have chopped off their own fingers.”

We see women proudly brandishing scars from voluntary mastectomies on the White House lawn. Chopping off your own fingers is no worse.

”They are not ashamed at all, they even post publicly about it and ask each other for advice on how to handle the pain after severing their own fingers.”

Why should they be ashamed? Shame has been abolished in favor of depravity.

On a tip from Mike B.


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