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Aug 31 2023

Antiwhite Racism From NASCAR

If ever a brand could be more at war with its own customer base than Bud Light, it would be NASCAR. The latest gob of spit in fans’ faces:

The race car giant’s “diversity internship program” states that there are racial requirements that applicants must meet in order to be accepted.

The first bullet point listed under the heading “Program Requirements” reads “Be a member of one or more of the following races/ethnic minority classifications: Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Latino or Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.”

NASCAR appeals to members of America’s core population. But the appeal doesn’t go vice versa.

NASCAR’s diversity internship program appears to be part of a broader company campaign called “Drive for Diversity,” which also includes race-based mentorship programs.

Blatant racism of this type violates Title VII of the 1866 Civil Rights Act. But according to liberal doctrine, racism against whites doesn’t count as racism, because whites deserve to be discriminated against for being racists.

Bud Light came crashing down because there are alternatives. NASCAR doesn’t have such direct competition. But then, there are ways to spend your free time other than watching cars drive around in circles.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 31 2023

Open Thread

One of the most insidious and nefarious properties of scientific models is their tendency to take over, and sometimes supplant, reality. - Erwin Chargaff

Aug 30 2023

Symbols of American Liberty Under Attack by Schools

Liberty is an obscenity to the leftists who run our schools. Consequently, the Vanguard School in Colorado Springs would not let a 12-year-old named Jaiden into class with a Gadsden flag patch on his backpack. Here’s Jaiden with the director of the school:

The Gadsden flag is a symbol passed down to us from the American Revolution. There was slavery in America in the 18th century, as there had been throughout the world since the beginning of recorded history. Banking on public ignorance, leftists use this to attack the USA’s founding. It is preposterous to pretend the Gadsden flag represents slavery. It clearly represents resistance to tyranny. That’s why progressives don’t like it.

Good things happen when patriots stand by their principles. Jaiden and his supporters got the liberal establishment to back down:

In a very surprising turn of events, the members of the school board called an emergency meeting and affirmed their respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In doing so, they also decided that the Gadsden patch is a valuable part of American history and that Jaiden may keep it on his backpack if he so chooses.

Pushback works. Now let’s see what can be done about the Minuteman statue in Concord, California:

There is a town about 30 miles away from San Francisco named in honor of Concord, Massachusetts, where the original “shot heard round the world” was fired. Their school has the classic image of a Minuteman, holding his rifle, as their logo. But now the school board there has voted 4 to 1 to replace that image with a bear (costing the taxpayers $200,000).

Liberals denounce the Minuteman statue for “showcasing a firearm” and for not being “gender inclusive.”

Adam Clark, superintendent of the district, squeaks that a “male minutemen soldier holding a rifle was not a symbol many of our students and staff felt created a welcoming environment.”

Both the Gadsden flag and the Minuteman are symbols that must be defended from leftists at all costs. Erasing the symbols of liberty is a key aspect of erasing liberty itself.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Bluto, seaoh, KirklesWorth, and CDaJFunk.

Aug 30 2023

Birth Control Vending Machine at Lesbian Bar

No one will need to worry about getting burdened with a baby at a Chicago bar called Dorothy. First, it is a lesbian bar. Second, it will have a special free vending machine:

The vending machine at Dorothy, 2500 W. Chicago Ave., will be funded and stocked by organizers from Midwest Access Coalition, a non-profit that provides support for people seeking abortions, said the organization’s community and events manager Walker Fitz.

Dorothy co-owner Whitney LaMora and Fitz are still working out the details, but they plan to provide emergency contraceptives, condoms, pregnancy tests and other harm reduction resources free of charge through the machine.

“Harm” refers to bringing life into the world.

Lesbians don’t normally need to worry about pregnancy. But these days, some lesbians are actually men. Besides, it’s the thought that counts. Among liberals, making a show of wanting to prevent human life is way to virtue signal.

“We just deeply believe in their goal to assist people who need an abortion in the Midwest,” LaMora said. “We’re a lesbian bar, but we support people who identify in any way, and we believe everyone should have the right and access to safe abortions.”

To be a moonbat is to be able to say “safe abortions” with a straight face.

On a tip from Mike B.

Aug 30 2023

Could Global Warming Turn Earth Into Venus?

The reason leftists of the climate cult like models so much is that they strike the naïve as scientific, yet can be used to prove anything imaginable. The wannabe globalist tyrants of the World Economic Forum have even used them to prove that Venus — with its sulfuric acid cloud cover and mean surface temperature of 867°F — was just like Earth before climate change came:

According to recent climate modelling, for much of its history Venus had surface temperatures similar to present day Earth. It likely also had oceans, rain, perhaps snow, maybe continents and plate tectonics, and even more speculatively, perhaps even surface life.

Despite Venus being 40 million kilometers closer to the sun, it can’t be ruled out that it even had Starbucks. Then came global warming.

Less than one billion years ago, the climate dramatically changed due to a runaway greenhouse effect. It can be speculated that an intensive period of volcanism pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to cause this great climate change event that evaporated the oceans and caused the end of the water cycle.

Fortunately, we have taken steps to prevent that from happening here. The Biden Regime has declared war on light bulbs and ceiling fans.

In case that does not suffice, we must succumb to hysteria, forsake our freedom and standard of living, and place our fate in the hands of globalist Experts, whose models will tell them exactly what must be done to us.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 30 2023

Open Thread

Whenever possible, the left and the Democrats have de-stigmatized irresponsible behavior. - Dennis Prager

Aug 29 2023

Climate Crisis Is Dead; Long Live the Time Crisis

There is bad news and good for Democrats. First the bad — the climate crisis is kaput:

A coalition of more than 1,600 scientists released a declaration this week entitled “There is No Climate Emergency,” denouncing politically-driven narratives about “imminent” climate crises.

The World Climate Declaration (WCD)—now known as CLINTEL, is a global climate intelligence group dedicated to fostering an approach to climate change grounded in science. For the statement, CLINTEL brought together a diverse group of scientists from all over the world to combat erroneous popular opinions.

Leftists like Joe Biden have fostered and exploited these erroneous opinions to justify repressive regulations and $trillions in wasteful spending. CLINTEL calls for countering this misinformation with climate research that gives “significantly more emphasis to empirical science.”

The signers note that as even young children used to be aware, the climate has always fluctuated. Lately, the “world has warmed significantly less” than claimed by the United Nations and climate cultists like Greta Thunberg.

Contesting the notion that CO2, which is “essential to all life on Earth”, is a negative effect of climate change, the statement added: “More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.”

Furthermore, scientists who collaborated on the CLINTEL project said “there is no statistical evidence” to prove “global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent.”

No wonder jet set Climate Czar John Kerry is so desperate to stop countermoonbats from laughing at his cult that he accuses them of being the cult. Serious people are done taking Al Gore’s self-serving “crisis” seriously.

Now for the good news for moonbats; there is a crisis far more serious than the climate continuing to fluctuate the way it always has: time depletion.

Time is a nonrenewable resource, and the most precious one we have. It is running out.

Do you think you can hide your head in the sand and deny this crisis? Wrong. Time depletion makes you older with every passing day. Eventually, it will kill you. After that, it will kill the entire human race along with all other life on earth, because even the life-giving Sun is running out of time.

Only all-powerful government can address a crisis on this scale. Not even Democrat bureaucrats can stop the passage of time. But they can slow it.

Everyone knows that time flies when you’re having fun. The first task of our rulers must be to slow time by abolishing enjoyment. Steps have already been taken in this direction through the leftist takeover of the entertainment industry, for example by reducing Hollywood output to tedious rubbish, but time continues to pass too quickly. Coercive government intervention is required on a totalitarian basis.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and seaoh.

Aug 29 2023

Conservative Councilor Arrested for Thoughtcrime

The Democrat tactic of arresting political opponents is catching on. In Britain, Conservative councilor Anthony Stevens was arrested after retweeting a video that criticized police treatment of a Christian street preacher.

Via Blazing Cat Fur:

Stevens, 50, from Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, told The Telegraph he was arrested at his home this month and escorted to a police station for questioning about tweets from his personal account, which has 76 followers.

One tweet involved a video showing how police had treated the arrest of Christian preacher Oluwole Ilisanmi in Southgate, London, in 2019.

The police took Ilisanmi’s Bible after he was accused of being Islamophobic. Later Ilisanmi was awarded £2,500 for wrongful arrest. He should have changed gender and got himself arrested for actual crimes in New York; the payoff would have been much larger.

In the USA, we have separate tiers of justice for Republicans and Democrats. In Britain, the separate tiers are for Christians and Islamic colonists:

Police also questioned Stevens about a tweet supporting the free speech rights of fellow Northamptonshire councilor King Lawal, who had been canceled for expressing Christian beliefs relating to LGBTism.

Lawal is the only black councilor in the county, but he was suspended by his local Conservative group after saying this in the context of “pride” parades:

“When did pride become a thing to celebrate. Because of pride, Satan fell as an archangel. Pride is not a virtue but a sin. Those who have pride should repent of their sins and return to Jesus Christ. He can save you.”

Police demanded that Stevens explain himself after defending Lawal’s right to say this.

Stevens says he was reported to the police by a local member of the Labour Party. Looks like Conservative councilors also get a separate tier of justice in the moonbattery-ravaged remnants of Britain.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 29 2023

Francis Attacks US Catholics for Defending Tradition

Pope Francis has clarified the issue of whether he serves the Church or leftism by denouncing American Catholics for defending traditions that are under attack:

Francis said there is a “very strong, organized, reactionary attitude” in the U.S. Catholic church, that is “backwards” and has led the church to replace faith with “ideology,” according to a new transcript of the comments released Monday.

The cliché holds true once again. Leftists invariably accuse their opponents of their own scandalous misdeeds.

Those who reveal themselves to be “ideological” by clinging to tradition rather than discarding it in favor of political correctness “go backward,” according to Francis.

“I want to remind these people that backwardness is useless, and they must understand that there’s a correct evolution in the understanding of questions of faith and morals,” he said.

Some call this evolution “progressivism.” Other names for it include “degeneracy” and “moonbattery.”

Francis has drawn criticism for his stance on a number of issues, including his calls for gun control and his opposition to the death penalty. He’s come under fire for his emphasis on social justice issues and for his support for the creation of civil union laws for same-sex couples.

His embrace of homosexuality is in direct opposition to the Bible.

Francis has responded to previous criticism by saying it is an “honor” to be attacked by Americans.

The feeling is mutual.

This is not the first time the sometimes foul-mouthed Bergoglio has denounced those who defend tradition. Without tradition, churches become unmoored; they are then easily subverted and repurposed by leftists.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 29 2023

Open Thread

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. - Frank Zappa

On a tip from StephaneDumas.

Aug 28 2023

British Quango Recommends No Heat in Evening

We will have to bundle up if moonbats prevail. The Climate Change Committee, a British quango, proclaims that Britons should heat up their homes in the afternoon, then shut the heat off in the evening.

Too hot in the afternoon, too cold in the evening. If we aren’t suffering pointlessly, we have no claim to climate righteousness.

As with Biden’s crackdown on ceiling fans, this will supposedly save people money.

Some critics, however, have argued the real reason is because renewable energy forms would not be able to cope with demand at peak times.

No serious person thinks a modern society can get by on green energy. But our rulers’ ideology dictates that they force us to try.

On tips from Wiggins and Chuck A.

Aug 28 2023

Trudeau Regime Terrified of Trump

The reason Democrats dropped the incremental approach and tipped their hands as authoritarians by arresting the leading opposition candidate is that the resistance Trump has come to personify threatens to snatch away absolute power just as they are on the verge of achieving it. This scares leftists all the way up in Canada:

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly reportedly stated in an interview that Canada has been working on a “game plan” for the outcome of America’s upcoming presidential election.

Joly speaks not only for Canada; the sinister globalists of the World Economic Forum named her a “young global leader.” She is considered a Justin Trudeau protégé who might succeed him.

“Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly says Canada has been considering a ‘game plan’ for how it would respond if the United States takes a far-right, authoritarian shift after next year’s presidential elections,” Dylan Robertson wrote in a piece shared by National Post.

“Far-right, authoritarian” refers to resistance to the leftist authoritarianism that prevails in Canada and characterizes the Biden Regime.

During the same interview, she declared that “the other aspect of the question is more about knowing how we as a democracy are able to thwart the growth of the far right in our country, because it’s happening in the United States, it’s happening in Europe.”

Let’s hope so.

Anything so menacing as the “far right” naturally calls for stringent measures to repress. Pushback against Democrat overreach in the USA will be exploited as a pretext for crackdowns north of the border.

Joly has condemned political opposition at home and abroad before, such as when she appeared to blame American conservatives for interfering in Canadian politics by supporting truckers in the Freedom Convoy as they protested against vaccine mandates.

Wouldn’t it be a shame if the congealing totalitarian regime in Canada had to deal with a resurgence of liberty right across its border?

On a tip from Barry A.

Aug 28 2023

“Misgendered” Convict Collects $160K Jackpot

Being a Woman of Color pays generous benefits in the People’s Republic of New York. Getting fired for showing up late for work 47 times has resulted in an $11.25 million jackpot. Even Women of Color who are not actually women get a seat on the gravy train. If they are criminals, they can climb aboard from behind bars:

Makyyla Holland, a 25-year-old black transgender woman, accused correctional officers at the Broome County Jail of abuse and discrimination after being arrested on criminal contempt and assault charges.

Good thing for Mr. Holland there is no law against impersonating a woman, or he would be serving time for it on an aggravated basis.

Obsequious false pronouns as in original:

[S]he says she was stripped searched by male officers, made to peel off her acrylic nails without the proper tools and ordered to remove her wig, which was glued to her head.

Despite disclosing her transgender status multiple times, she says she was placed within men’s housing units and misgendered – referred to as a man.

She alleged she was denied hormone replacement therapy medications for four weeks and wasn’t given her prescribed testosterone blockers or antidepressants.

Normally oppression this egregious would warrant a larger jackpot, but New York has already given all its money to illegal aliens. So Mr. Holland only collects a $160,000 settlement, despite claims to have been roughed up.

It isn’t only about the money:

Transgender people in Broome County Jail will now be able to receive transgender health care, be housed consistent with their gender identity and be free from harassment and discrimination. Clothing and toiletry items will be consistent with a person’s gender identity and access will be granted to gender-affirming items such as wigs.

Regarding the supposed right of the sexual deranged to “be housed consistent with their gender identity”:

A little more than half of the men housed in Wisconsin Department of Corrections facilities who identify as transgender women have been convicted of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse.

Bestowing privilege upon criminals who choose to embrace transgenderism will continue to result in rape and sometimes impregnation behind bars. No matter; women rank below the Alphabet People on the totem pole of oppression.

On tips from American Mandela and MrRightWingDave.

Aug 28 2023

Open Thread

It's easier to resist at the beginning than at the end. - Leonardo da Vinci


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