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Aug 25 2023

John Kerry Proclaims Humanity to Be Threat to Humanity

A church is a fitting setting for an unhinged sermon by Climate Czar John Kerry, who preaches the gospel of the global warming hoax:

For well-to-do American white guys like John Kerry, liberalism is externalized hatred of the self. They demonize wealth, call for the displacement of the American population, denounce whites as “racist,” and emasculate men. It should come as no surprise that Kerry is a traitor, because his type reflexively sides against its own kind.

Take this self-hatred to the ultimate extreme and you have hatred of the human race, which Kerry expresses by flying around on a private jet pretending to believe in the “climate crisis.”

“Humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself.” Therefore, our freedom and standard of living must be sacrificed to a pretense of controlling the weather. What a sick, malevolent cult.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 25 2023

CDC Warns Against Kissing Small Turtles

Its response to Covid had some wondering whether the CDC serves any constructive purpose. But if it weren’t for CDC bureauweenies, how would we know not to kiss undersized turtles?

“Turtles with shells less than 4 inches long are a known source of illness,” the CDC’s website warned late last week. …

[T]he CDC warns of a “multistate outbreak” involving 26 individuals who apparently ingested the bacteria after getting too friendly with their turtles. “Don’t kiss or snuggle your turtle, and don’t eat or drink around it,” because infected turtle droppings “can easily spread to their bodies, tank water, and anything in the area where they live and roam.”

Of the 26, nine have been hospitalized and none has died —out of the 1.3 million infections and 26,500 hospitalizations caused by salmonella in the USA each year.

The private market sometimes does foolish things with wealth, but it doesn’t pay people comfortable salaries to tell us not to kiss turtles. That’s why we need Big Government.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 25 2023

From Pure Michigan to Pure Moonbattery

The Democrat Death Spiral that is currently destroying Chicago and New York first came to prominence in Detroit, which was possibly the wealthiest city in the world in the 1950s but within a few decades was reduced to a dysfunctional hellhole by Democrat policy driving out reasonable voters, making political pushback against Democrats increasingly impossible. The resulting black hole will eventually suck down the entire state.

Rather that pump the brakes on the moonbattery that is making people leave, the leftists running Michigan plead with Democrats in other states to come replace the lost population:

The Michigan Economic Development Council (MEDC) targeted ads to six conservative states, touting the progressive stance of Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D). One of the ads entices people to move to Michigan and “enjoy your right to reproductive freedom,” a frequent euphemism for abortion-on-demand. Another shows a lesbian couple as the screen declares, “In Michigan, all are welcome.”

In the phrase “all are welcome,” the word “all” is Liberalese for anyone other than regular Americans.

“Michigan is proud to protect your fundamental human freedoms. We’re a state that’s on the right side of history,” said MEDC in a Facebook post containing one of its pitches.

According to leftist ideology, the permanent collapse of civilization into a hellish cross between Zimbabwe and a San Francisco bathhouse is historically inevitable. They prefer not to understand that history works like a wheel: hard times create hard men, hard men create good times, good times create soft men, soft men create hard times.

“Fundamental human freedoms” do not include free speech, according to Michigan’s moonbat rulers. Already, legislation is pending that could result in 5-year prison terms for saying anything LGBT crybullies choose to find offensive.

Explicitly recruiting left-wing voters from other jurisdictions will accelerate the Democrat Death Spiral, which until now has relied on driving out sensible people and paying welfare dependents to reproduce. It will also accelerate a natural sorting process whereby moonbats and countermoonbats increasingly live in different parts of the country, rendering a second civil war inevitable.

Remember when they tried to attract visitors with the slogan “Pure Michigan?” Those ads have been nixed in favor of showcasing abortion. Purity is not on the agenda — unless you count pure moonbattery.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 25 2023

Open Thread

I'll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years. - Lyndon B. Johnson

On a tip from Anonymous.

Aug 24 2023

New York Wants Us to Pay for Its Illegal Alien Problem

When a jurisdiction controlled by leftist Democrats makes an expensive mess with its moonbattery, who must pay to clean it up? The rest of us.

New York is a case in point. It invited hordes of illegal aliens with pious sanctuary status (both NYC and NY State) and by offering outlandishly generous handouts and accommodations (see here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.). Now that it has predictably become swamped with unlawful moochers from other countries, Governor Kathy Hochul tells us to open our wallets nationwide:

Among her listed demands, we are to pay for New York to provide the illegal aliens it explicitly invited with housing, education, healthcare, and legal services (to protect them from being deported in accordance with our laws).

It makes sense for the federal government pick up the tab. There isn’t enough money left to finance liberal insanity through taxation. Money must be created from thin air by inflating the currency, which only the federal government can do.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 24 2023

Hospital System DEI Head Holds Antiwhite Prayer Service

The healthcare industry held out for a while against the Long March Through the Institutions. When it fell, it fell hard, as a woman calling herself Ryan Polly confirms:

Ryan Polly is a vice president of DEI at MaineHealth, a hospital system of over 20,000 employees.

Polly says she is a man. Fox News makes a mockery of its own credibility by catering to her pose. Correct pronouns have been inserted in the interest of clarity.

Polly refers to [herself] as a “minister” of a group called One Spirit. According to a video reviewed by Fox News Digital, which has since been scrubbed, Polly is shown teaching attendees how to be practitioners of antiracism through a prayer that [she] dedicated to “loving spirits who are known by many names.”

“Antiracism” is Liberalese for antiwhite racism.

As this story attests, moonbattery is a religion. Its adherents don’t call it one because then the First Amendment would limit their efforts to impose it through the federal government.

The DEI leader’s ideology is steeped in critical race theory. [She] said during the prayer services that [she herself] maintains “racist narratives and biases,” and attributed those to [her] skin color.

MaineHealth predictably issued a statement defending Polly’s bigotry. The liberal establishment looks after its own.

Polly said that White people acquire “ignorance,” “biases” and “racist thoughts” on the basis of their belonging to a “life of Whiteness.”

Malevolent lunatics like this are now in charge of staffing hospitals, where life and death decisions are made.

We can’t watch Polly’s antiwhite prayer service, because it was made private after Fox News queried MaineHealth.

No doubt there will be another service soon. Turn off the light and it won’t be long before the cockroaches reemerge from under the stove — until such a time as they have uncontested control of the kitchen.

On a tip from Franco.

Aug 24 2023

Transparency Redefined

Like all things leftist, the eradication of our language is implemented progressively. Banning all words and demanding that we communicate by grunting like animals would dramatically reduce thoughtcrime, but could spark resistance if imposed all at once.

Even some harmful words have been spared for now. Instead of deleting them from the Newspeak Dictionary, our rulers repurpose them by changing their meaning to the diametric opposite of what it used to be. “Liberal” is one example. Another is “transparency.”

Matt Taibbi is turning out to be a liberal more in the old sense than the new. He sounds the alarm on the redefinition of “transparency”:

Transparency for decades was understood to mean a pro-democratic concept giving ordinary citizens the power to see how their government operates, how taxes are spent, and whether or not public officials are complying with laws.

In contrast,

When elite politicians and media figures speak of “transparency” now, they mean giving government power to obtain “transparency” into the activities of private citizens.

The personification of ultimate government power is globalist Klaus Schwab.

Transparency in Schwab’s conception has been turned on its head, to mean an unavoidable system of total non-privacy the world must learn to accept.

Growls Schwab:

“Everything is transparent, whether we like it or not. This is unstoppable. If we behave acceptably, and have nothing to hide, it won’t be a problem.”

Transparency now means we can keep no secrets from the government. It was supposed to work the other way around. But now it doesn’t:

The chief way you know the new version of transparency is a fraud is that it’s limited to “qualified” researchers.

That is, researchers working on behalf of the liberal establishment — or you might say, on behalf of Klaus Schwab.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 24 2023

High School Student’s Flags Forbidden

American public schools often prominently feature the flag representing politicized sexual depravity. Old Glory is less welcome:

A teen in Virginia has chosen to become homeschooled after high school officials demanded he remove two large American flags from his truck.

Christopher Hartless believes he is exercising his First Amendment right by flying the flags on his property, and has no intention of taking them down.

‘My family fought for America, and I feel like I should be able to represent the flags that they fought for,’ he said in an interview with Fox 19 in Virginia.

Educrats at Staunton River High School in Moneta have proclaimed his flags to be a “distraction” that could “obstruct the view of student drivers as they are navigating the school parking lot.” Try that justification with our rulers’ Pride Progress flag and see if it flies.

Bedford County, where Staunton River High School is located, is also home to the National D-Day Memorial.

The town of Bedford lost 19 men that day, “possibly the largest per capita loss of any town in America” according to the monument’s website. Memory fades, more quickly for some than for others.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Aug 24 2023

American Council on Education vs. Older White Men

As you can tell by how vehemently they denounce their opponents as “racists,” our liberal overlords are themselves racists. They couldn’t be more ham-fisted about it than the American Council on Education was at a summit this month:

The council, which openly supports several progressive causes on its website, such as college loan debt cancellation and gay marriage, represents more than 1,700 member organizations, including hundreds of accredited universities, and advocates for public policy.

Hollie Chessman, director of practice at the council, said a new study from her organization shows a “slow progression towards parity and equity by gender and race and ethnicity,” as more colleges hire presidents from [preferred] demographics.

However, Chessman said the American College President Study also found leaders still are predominantly “older, White and male.”

Not only racist, but sexist and ageist too.

If you think universities are indoctrination camps and largely a waste of public funds now, wait a few years:

The study also found more than half of college presidents plan to retire within the next five years.

That presents an “extraordinary opportunity” for those roles to be filled with women and people of color, Andy Brantley, president of the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, said in response to the study.

The positions will largely be filled with inexperienced black women — with the correct politics, of course.

Imagine a university run by Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Speaking of the Supremes,

The summit was held just weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court decided that college admissions cannot be based on a student’s race.

This is why Democrats will pack the Supreme Court into irrelevance the moment they have the political leverage. In the meantime, they simply ignore its rulings, as Biden has been doing with student loans.

On a tip from Franco.

Aug 24 2023

Open Thread

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - George Orwell

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 23 2023

Today’s Deletion From the Newspeak Dictionary

Enthuses government apparatchik Syme in George Orwell’s 1984:

“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. … Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed, will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. … The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.”

Perfecting the language will require eradicating most words. That’s why deletions from the Newspeak Dictionary have been coming at us in a blizzard.

Today’s deletion is the word “tribal”:

The world’s most popular card game is having a bit of a language problem.

“Magic: The Gathering” recently announced it was retiring the word “tribal” from the game’s vocabulary over concerns that the term was racist. All cards printed in the future will have the word removed, and old cards will receive errata to guarantee no one’s feelings are hurt. …

Criticisms of the term “tribal” have cropped up in recent months, as activists claim the word exclusively belongs to Native Americans, and that anyone else using it is engaged in oppression.

Here I was thinking that “tribal” was an English word. But then, I used to think the same about “chief.”

Due to potentially offensive references to tribes throughout, an erratum will also need to be issued for the Bible.

No matter how foolish the justification for deletions, it is very important to stay abreast of them, because accidentally committing thoughtcrime by using a deleted word is a cancelable offense.

Eventually, the entire permissible vocabulary will consist of a handful of slogans: “Black lives matter!” “Love is love!” “Trans rights are human rights!” et cetera.

At that point, language will have ceased to convey any meaning, so in the interest of brevity, the slogans will be replaced with inarticulate grunting.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 23 2023

Another Purse Snatch and Drag

Sadistic fiends who enjoyed watching an oppressed person achieve social justice by bouncing an old lady’s head off the pavement while stealing her purse in Hacienda Heights might like this story from up the Left Coast in Oakland:

Shocking video has emerged of a woman being pistol-whipped and dragged across gravel by two thugs in Democrat-led Oakland as the city grapples with a surging crime wave.

The attack happened last week Wednesdayat 6.15 pm on International Boulevard, and left the unidentified woman with severe injuries, police investigating in the East Bay city said.

Footage shows the woman being confronted by two men who try to grab several items from her, including her purse, before she’s violently struck with the weapon.

She is then seen falling to the ground before being pulled across the floor by her purse as both men rifle through her pockets. The attackers are both on the run and the woman’s condition as of Tuesday is unknown.

This latest incident is an example of violent crime running rampant across the Dem-led city with business owners now comparing the area to a ‘battleground’ akin to wartime Vietnam. It’s become so severe that the city’s police force is also warning residents to secure their homes while they’re inside.

Here’s a better idea: why don’t we secure the whole country by voting Democrats out of office before it degenerates into California?

Under liberal rule, this behavior is encouraged by the media and effectively permitted by authorities.

On tips from 100Bravo and Ed McAninch.

Aug 23 2023

Bicycles Revealed as Racist

Examined through the proper lens, everything imaginable is proof of black oppression — even bicycles.

Pay people enough, give them enough time with nothing productive to do, and they can provide statistics to prove whatever you like:

According to a Harvard and Boston University study assessing racial disparities and traffic fatalities, for every mile walked, Black people are twice as likely to be killed by cars compared to white pedestrians.

Capitalization as in original.

According to Smart Growth America, black bicycle riders are even more oppressed:

For every mile ridden, Black cyclists are 4.5 times more likely to be killed than white cyclists.

Here’s how the racism is implemented:

Higher death rates among Black and Hispanic cyclists and pedestrians in low-income communities can be partially attributed to historical neighborhood designs.

Consequently, all neighborhoods must be redesigned so as to achieve equity. Pete Buttigieg will get on it next time he shows up for work.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 23 2023

Open Thread

Communism is the opiate of the intellectuals. - Clare Boothe Luce

On a tip from Jester.


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