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Aug 22 2023

Antiracist Perspective on Atomic Mass of Boron

Leftists have managed to subvert the education establishment even in fields that have nothing to do with politics because professors have been keeping their heads down in terror of being denounced as racists or homophobes and losing their jobs. But there are a few with the guts to defend their field of study from being reduced to Lysenkoist rubbish:

Six California college professors are suing the state over diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) requirements they say force them to take the government’s view on “politically charged” topics.

Such requirements are so absurdly intrusive these days that applicants must demonstrate their devotion to moonbattery to be considered for a position as a cancer biologist.

“I’m a professor of chemistry. How am I supposed to incorporate DEI into my classroom instruction?” said Reedley College professor Bill Blanken. “What’s the ‘anti-racist’ perspective on the atomic mass of boron?”

Anyone who would have to ask must be a racist and is subject to cancelation — unless enough people push back for sanity to be restored.

The professors are concerned that they will face disciplinary action or termination if they don’t align with California community college DEIA requirements.

The guidelines specifically denounce the concept of “merit” as being an aspect of whiteness, which of course must be abolished in the name of inclusivity.

Under the guidelines, professors must develop “knowledge of the intersectionality of social identities and the multiple axes of oppression that people from different racial, ethnic, and other minoritized groups face.” Professors are also directed to teach using a “collectivism perspective” and “social justice lens,” according to the lawsuit.

Imagine trying to get a teaching job after you have been fired for being racist. The first to show backbone are always the ones with the most of it.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Aug 22 2023

Insane Mental Health Professionals Compound Crisis

Earlier we mentioned some of the causes of the epidemic of severe mental health issues among children:

Destroy pride in our heritage, deny the sense of meaning provided by religion, tell kids they are inherently bad or inherently helpless because of their race, mess up their minds by encouraging them to believe they are members of the opposite sex, shriek that the planet is dying because of humans, cancel their economic future beneath mountains of government debt, submerse them in the nihilistic sewage that passes for popular culture, then lock them in their rooms with social media for a couple of years. When they emerge into the outer world blinking like moles in the sunlight, don’t expect mental health.

Compounding the problem is that when kids seek treatment for mental health issues largely caused or exacerbated by moonbattery, they are often treated by mental health professionals who are themselves moonbats, and who may even be insane:

Diane Ehrensaft, a self-identified “feminist” who supports a “gender revolution,” is the director of mental health and chief psychologist at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital gender development center. She is also a professor at UCSF School of Medicine. The developmental and clinical psychologist specializes in pediatric “gender-affirmative care for transgender and gender-expansive patients.”

UCSF = University of California, San Francisco. Buckle up for a ride on the crazy train.

Ehrensaft focuses her research on how genders before puberty develop as well as the mental health effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which are part of chemical sex changes, on children.

It can be assumed that from her viewpoint, the mental health effects will be beneficial, provided they drive children into psychosis that will put them on track for horrific sex change surgeries.

Ehrensaft made what some may consider fringe claims about gender ideology, including that kids can identify as “gender hybrids” which include a mythology-inspired creature called a “gender Minotaur,” and that kids can change their genders by season and can have different identities depending on their location.

She didn’t get to her position without being at the vanguard of gender ideology.

“I totally agree we are in the midst of a gender revolution and the children are leading it. And it’s a wonderful thing to see. And it’s also humbling to know [children] know more than we do about this topic of being gender expansive,” she said during a 2018 talk at the San Francisco Public Library.

Or rather, children are being led into leading it — by aging hippies:

Ehrensaft believes the transgender revolution is the next phase of the 60s feminist movement, which featured challenging stereotypes about gender.

Ehrensaft is not a mental health professional so much as a leftist social engineer. This is typical of all professions that have been infiltrated, subverted, and repurposed by moonbats.

Instead of displaying mastery of the forty-eleven gender identities, to achieve their credentials mental health professionals should have to pass a review by normal people to determine whether they are sane enough to offer guidance to others.

On a tip from Franco.

Aug 22 2023

Criminalizing Speaking Up at School Board Meetings

In California, it won’t be necessary for Merrick Garland to sic the FBI on concerned parents who speak up at schoolboard meetings about the depraved state of affairs prevailing in public schools. State police we be well positioned to handle the job:

SB 596, introduced by State Sen. Anthony Portantino (D-Glendale), would expand an existing law that punishes those who cause “substantial disorder” in schools to include school board meetings as well.

The bill does not define “substantial,” which can be taken to mean “annoying to our liberal rulers.”

Once it sails through for Gavin Newsom’s signature, this will lighten the load for federal tyrants:

The Biden administration has already come under criticism for colluding with the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to produce a letter urging Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate parents who showed up at school board meetings as if they were domestic terrorists. Garland issued a directive to Department of Justice employees to monitor school board meetings.

Remember Scott Smith, who was manhandled by the police and demonized by the media for objecting to his 14-year-old daughter being sexually assaulted in the girls’ restroom by a boy wearing a skirt? There will be more like him until regular people learn to shut up and love their degenerate moonbat overlords.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 22 2023

Open Thread

It is a perverse faith, in that it reveres the

Aug 21 2023

London Denounces White Families

The eradication of Europe is taking place at blitzkrieg pace. Already the capital of England is no longer a European city. Its Islamic mayor Sadiq Khan has confirmed this by publishing a guide with a picture of a white family and the caption, “Doesn’t represent real Londoners.”

Via Daily Mail:

The Labour London Mayor faced calls to apologise after the extraordinary message appeared in an official guide on how to portray the ‘brand’ of the Mayor and the Greater London Authority.

This was despite the fact that the guide opened with the words: ‘A City For All Londoners’ and a promise to appeal to ‘everyone no matter, their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability or family make up’.

The leftist conception of inclusion does not include regular people.

As Breitbart notes,

It is not the first time that Mr Khan’s government has been criticised for engaging in anti-white racism, with Transport for London (TfL), which Khan serves as the chairman of, advertised a paid position earlier this year for candidates of “non-white heritage”.

Khan and his henchmen are technically correct that a European family no longer represents London. The English are already a minority in their two largest cities, as they soon will be in their country as a whole. Refer to South Africa to see where it goes from there.

On a tip from Brian Brandt.

Aug 21 2023

California Gets a Shot Across the Bow

No sign yet of rivers turning to blood, dust becoming lice, plagues of frogs, flies, and locusts, 3 days of darkness, or the death of first-born children, but judgment may be getting underway in sin-soaked California:

California residents raced a uniquely harrowing set of circumstances on Sunday as an earthquake shook the ground in the Los Angeles County area while Tropical Storm Hilary ravaged roads and caused severe flooding.

The rainbow that has been insolently appropriated and defiled is a symbol of God’s promise not to punish sin by flooding the world. That does not rule out a little high water:

Palm Springs has been submerged in a deluge of floodwater as Tropical Storm Hilary continues to batter California. …

Shocking footage emerged throughout Sunday of cars, trucks and ambulances swallowed by flood waters in Palm Springs.

Palm Springs is regarded as a gay mecca even by California standards.

Speaking of the LGBT community, in June a ceremony honoring the belligerently blasphemous Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was held at Dodger Stadium. Now we read this:

Remarkable aerial footage showed the iconic home of the LA Dodgers – which has stood for more than six decades – engulfed in a sea of water after the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years.

Here’s the view from above:

Hilary is a gender-neutral name, so it fits with California politics. It means “cheerful” or “happy.”

On tips from Steve T, Wiggins, StephaneDumas, Chuck A, and Varla.

Aug 21 2023

Western Support Comes at a Price for Ukraine

Russians aren’t the only foreign force Ukraine needs to fend off. It seems to have adopted a strategy of obtaining massive funding by currying favor with the leftists running Western countries like the USA. So far this has been good for $113 billion from Democrats, and Biden has been croaking for $25+ billion more. But free money from our government comes at a price: your soul.

Ukrainian pandering goes beyond appointing a transgender leftist political operative as a spokeskook. RT is Russian, but it makes a fair point:

Ukraine’s former deputy culture minister has proposed legalizing same-sex civil partnerships, arguing it would both reward the service of LGBTQ soldiers and please Kiev’s foreign backers.

It is doubtful that “LGBTQ soldiers” make a significant contribution to the war effort. But foreign backers (i.e., American taxpayers) sure do.

Same-sex “marriage” is wisely banned by the Ukrainian constitution. Expect this to change if the money flow slows, despite the overwhelmingly negative attitude of Ukrainians toward homosexuality.

Fending off aggression from the East could mean succumbing to cultural imperialists from the West:

Taiwanese-American influencer Fan-Pei Koung traveled from her native Houston to the front lines of the Ukraine conflict to offer her services as an “emotional support stripper,” she told the Daily Beast…

The beauty pageant contestant turned self-described “globe-trotting girlfriend” offers racy photos of herself in skimpy variations of military gear posing with armaments on the erotic pay-per-view platform OnlyFans, though she says the content is free to Ukrainians, soldiers, and volunteers.

That’s not the only thing that’s free, according to her profile on the DIY porn site, which lists “free emotional breastfeeding to soldiers and volunteers” as one of her specialties.

Miss Koung will be happy to hear about this development:

Lawmakers in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine announced on Friday that they have collected enough signatures for a bill that would decriminalize the production of pornography. Lead sponsor of the proposal, Yaroslav Zheleznyak, has argued that the current laws encourage corruption and that legalizing porn could help raise funds for the military.

Finally a solution to the corruption that characterizes Ukraine: legalizing the production of pornography.

On tips from Barry A.

Aug 21 2023

More Malfeasance From the Rainbow Utopia

The reason the lights will soon go out in South Africa is that state-owned Eskom is run by the same people who run the government. These people even run the churches:

The Sunday Times reports that Eskom board chair Mpho Makwana’s church, the International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC), owes Eskom over R2 million in unpaid electricity bills that were due on Thursday, 17 August 2023.

Payment of this bill might help South Africa’s primary provider of electricity stave off financial collapse a little longer. But other uses have been found for the money:

According to church insiders, the IPHC continues to spend millions on luxury cars for its leader, comforter Leonard Modise.

These cars include a Mercedes-Benz Maybach GLS worth more than R5 million, and Modise was also seen arriving at a church event in a R7 million Bently Mulsanne in April.

Makwana declined to respond to the Sunday Times’ questioning and deferred all questions to the IPHC spokesperson, Albie Wessie.

Wessie stressed that Makwana “is not involved with Eskom customer account matters” — although insiders dispute this by saying that Makwana sits on the church’s finance team.

At least there is no corruption at Eskom:

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 21 2023

Woke Job Requirements to Be Cancer Biologist

Good thing Joe Biden cured cancer. The medical establishment wouldn’t be likely to do it, now that it has been repurposed to focus on moonbattery rather than medicine:

San Diego State University (SDSU) is subjecting applicants for a professor of cancer biology job to several diversity requirements.

According to the job listing, applicants are required to “satisfy two or more of the eight Building on Inclusive Excellence (BIE) criteria.

One of the criteria is having “research interests that contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education.”

We get to help finance the woke political hogwash that has been displacing serious research:

This is one of 11 positions being offered by a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded diversity program at the school.

To hell with curing cancer. Our rulers would rather cure whiteness.

The good news is that you no longer have to master all that hard science stuff to work in this high-paying field. Just focus noisily on leftism and you might get a job even if you are white. Then you can advance your career by publishing science-free articles on health disparities. This makes it easier for universities to achieve DEI quotas.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 21 2023

Open Thread

We have enjoyed so much freedom for so long that we are perhaps in danger of forgetting how much blood it cost to establish the Bill of Rights. - Felix Frankfurter

Aug 20 2023

Lights Will Soon Go Out in South Africa

Eventually progressivism progresses to the point where the lights go out. Consider the Rainbow Utopia:

Renowned economist Dawie Roodt said Eskom’s generation and distribution divisions are slowly dying, similar to South African Airways (SAA) and the South African Post Office (SAPO).

State-owned Eskom is the largest producer of electricity in Africa. It is going bankrupt.

The government is furiously shoveling other people’s money at Eskom. This won’t work.

Roodt said the government is trying to run things they cannot run, which causes them to collapse.

He previously explained that SAA had ten turnaround plans, and they all failed. “The company was ultimately run into the ground financially and operationally.”

“The same is currently happening to the South African Post Office. It is simply coming to an end. It is under provisional liquidation, and it is also just dying.”

The same could be said of the country as a whole. But all the racism there is against whites these days, so liberals count it as a win.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 20 2023

Greens Find Global Warming in Vienna

The convenient thing about global warming is that true believers can always find it if they look hard enough. In Vienna, the hottest month is July, with an average high of 80°F. Yet Viennese Greens have managed to find evidence of the climate crisis even there. They raised the alarm with a video:

The Greens recorded the video at the Naschmarkt in Vienna: Ilham (35), an employee of a kebab grill, says in the clip that it “feels like 100 degrees” right next to the open fire of her grill. It was “the weather” that was to blame, says the young woman, who works at the Naschmarkt stall in a headscarf, long dress and gloves. …

The Greens, however, might not have been quite so concentrated on the video dealing with fear – so this sentence of the kebab seller can also be heard on the clip: “It’s hot here in winter too.” …

[Green Party pols] Judith Pühringer and Peter Kraus then state in the video, with well-staged emotionality, that there are “more and more tropical nights” and that the “climate war” has now been declared.

They say the first casualty of war is truth. In this case it is sanity.

Aug 20 2023

Youth Mental Health Crisis Floods Emergency Rooms

Children bear the brunt of moonbattery. Destroy pride in our heritage, deny the sense of meaning provided by religion, tell kids they are inherently bad or inherently helpless because of their race, mess up their minds by encouraging them to believe they are members of the opposite sex, shriek that the planet is dying because of humans, cancel their economic future beneath mountains of government debt, submerse them in the nihilistic sewage that passes for popular culture, then lock them in their rooms with social media for a couple of years. When they emerge into the outer world blinking like moles in the sunlight, don’t expect mental health:

A surge of mental health emergencies among children has overwhelmed emergency rooms, according to a joint paper released Wednesday by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and Emergency Nurses Association (ENA).

The children showing up in crisis are often suffering from emergencies related to anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts or attempts, the groups said.

Pediatric mental health stays are more than three times longer than the average emergency room visit. As usual with problems created by moonbattery, the ripple effects spread outward to make life worse for everyone:

The pediatric mental emergency visits also drain “resources that would have been needed to run the normal medical operations of the ER, so that increases of length of stay for the other patients as well,” [lead author Mohsen] Saidinejad said.

Liberals love to yap about the “root causes” of crime, mass illegal immigration, et cetera. But there is no chance they will address the root cause of the youth mental health crisis, as it is a symptom of their ideology.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Aug 20 2023

Fourteen US Cities Commit to Poverty and Tyranny

Abject poverty is bad enough when it is imposed by circumstance. Worse still is when it is inflicted by our liberal ruling class out of sheer moonbattery:

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

Uncoincidentally, Bloomberg has spent many $millions attacking the Second Amendment, the main purpose of which is to defend us from tyranny.

Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

Local leaders have begun imposing restrictions in pursuit of these malevolent objectives. For example, in NYC,

Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, such as schools and prisons.

Kooks like Adams need to pick up the pace in the race to impose poverty and tyranny in the name of the weather. Europe is pulling ahead of them:

The U.K. has banned the sale of new gas-powered vehicles after 2030, and France has banned short-haul flights “to cut carbon emissions.”

The goal is to reduce us to a Third World standard of living, while restricting fundamental liberties like freedom of movement and property rights. Though the implementation may be local, the design is globalist:

In 2020, the World Economic Forum (which promotes C40 Cities on its website) introduced “The Great Reset,” which seeks to use the Covid-19 pandemic as a point from which to launch a global reset of society to supposedly combat climate change. This reset, however, has far more to do with social control than it does with the climate. If globalist leaders truly cared about the environment, they wouldn’t be chartering private jets or owning massive, energy-consuming mansions on the coast in California, which, by climate fanatics’ own calculation, will soon be underwater.

Few could be dumb enough to take the supposed “climate crisis” at face value. Yet in the absence of resistance, the agenda continues to move forward.

To get an idea of how cartoonishly malevolent these maniacs are, consider WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew Liao:

Liao has proposed the idea of scientists genetically modify humans to be allergic to meat. Liao has also discussed shrinking the physical size of humans via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources.

When they have us helpless enough, they can experiment at will.

If demanding we surrender our freedom and standard of living in the name of the weather stops getting traction, social engineers can always fall back on Covid-19. You thought that was over? Why would they let it be over?

On tips from R F and Jester.


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