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Jul 18 2023

Pro-Pedophilia Noah Berlatsky Attacks Sound of Freedom

The liberal establishment’s hostility to the movie Sound of Freedom has been ferocious. Propagandists have even hauled out what they regard as their biggest gun, absurdly attempting to link it to January 6 by calling it “QAnon adjacent.”

At first this seemed to be a defensive reaction against proof that successful movies can be made outside progressive Hollyweird. However, the subject matter bothers the liberal establishment even more.

Exposing pedophilia and child trafficking is taboo. Why would that be? Noah Berlatsky offers a clue:

Berlatsky’s latest criticism of the drama focusing on the grave yet glossed over issue of child trafficking lambasted the movie with vitriolic scorn for perpetuating dangerous tropes, whilst he himself turned to the truly tired trope of accusing the movie of packaging together various QAnon conspiracy theories and being a movie made for alt-right boomers. There’s just one problem…Berlatsky has a sordid history of advocating for the normalization of pedophilia.

In 2021, Berlatsky was named the communications director at Prostasia, a non-profit organization which has dedicates itself to a self-avowed mission of protecting children from sexual abuse.

Those who have seen what LGBT advocates do to “protect” children they proclaim to be transsexual — up to and including genital mutilation — can guess what “protecting children from sexual abuse” means in this context.

It means raping them.

If there’s any doubt about Prostasia’s pro-pedophilia stance, the organization literally facilitates a safe space for pedophiles, which it has dubbed its MAP Support Club Partnership.

“MAPs” (minor-attracted persons) is what progressives call pedophiles in an attempt to normalize their crimes against children and against decency. Social engineers ostensibly mainstreamed homosexuality and even transsexuality virtually overnight. Pedophilia is next on the agenda.

This isn’t the first time Berlatsky attacked a movie for threatening to expose the child sex industry:

In 2016, he published a piece titled Child Sex Workers’ Biggest Threat: The Police with The New Republic. In the article, Berlatsky takes aim at the 2012 film Eden which is another drama centered around exposing the grim realities of child sex abuse.

Berlatsky took the position that children should be free to work in the sex industry.

On social media, he has made a pageant of his support for the sexual abuse of children:

A noted supporter of “trans-kids”, Berlatsky’s history of perverted tweets also takes aim at the relationship between parents and their children, a cornerstone of the transgender movement which seeks to obscure its brainwashing children into gender dysphoria with a cacophony of language designed by groomers.

Unsurprisingly, his Twitter account is now private. However, ZeroHedge has screenshots of the receipts.

The objective of Prostasia is to establish pedophiles as “marginalized,” like homosexuals and transvestites, with all the privileges and superior legal status that entails. As noted here the last time Berlatsky came to our attention,

If you have anything negative to say about pedophiles, get it off your chest now. In a few years, such talk will be forbidden, on pain of losing your job. We don’t tolerate homophobes; why should we tolerate pedophobes? Remember, all must be revered for who and how they love, so long as they don’t indulge in anything unwoke like heteronormativity.

Berlatsky extols the allegedly positive impact of pornography on children, and denounces parents as “an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.” Like many moonbats, he is a sick freak. He serves well as the personification of our cultural gatekeepers.

Those gatekeepers are failing where Sound of Freedom is concerned:

People understand that if the liberal establishment does not want you to watch something, you need to watch it.

On tips from Bluto and MrRightWingDave.

Jul 18 2023

Becky Pringle, Frightening Leftist Maniac

Unless you want your kids indoctrinated in a poisonous ideology based on sexual psychosis and racial hatred, get them out of public schools immediately. They are run by teachers unions, which are closely allied with the Democratic Party. That is to say, they are run by maniacs like Becky Pringle:

A recently unearthed video shows the head of the largest teachers union wailing on stage during a keynote address, calling students “our babies.”

As Creepy Joe reminds us, your children are their children.

During the National Education Association’s (NEA) July 3 Representative Assembly, Becky Pringle gave a keynote speech addressing more than 6,000 NEA delegates in Orlando, Florida. …

At the NEA’s representative assembly, delegates approved a new measure that calls for the organization and its members to promote sex-change procedures for LGBTQ youth.

Stand back for a blast of Becky Pringle:

The Hitler salute at 1:03 was highly appropriate. As Pamela Geller notes,

This woman is the leader of the largest teachers union in the United States, whose members have voted to push critical race theory in all 14,000 local school districts.

It’s true. In 2021,

the National Education Association (NEA) held its annual Representative Assembly, with delegates from across the United States voting on priorities and allocating funding for the upcoming school year, with the ideology of critical race theory — a form of race-based Marxism — taking center stage.

The union, which represents 3 million public school employees, approved funding for three separate items related to this issue: “increasing the implementation” of “critical race theory” in K-12 curricula, promoting critical race theory in local school districts, and attacking opponents of critical race theory, including parent organizations and conservative research centers. …

In the resolution, the union agreed to publicly “convey its support” for critical race theory, oppose restrictions in state legislatures, and use schools for political activism. The delegates pledged to “join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project” to hold a “national day of action” on George Floyd’s birthday, recruiting teachers to hold political demonstrations and “teach lessons about structural racism and oppression.”

You wouldn’t entrust your children to Joe Biden. Don’t entrust them to Becky Pringle either.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 18 2023

Open Thread

Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists' - Thomas Sowell

On a tip from StephaneDumas.

Jul 17 2023

Woman May Be Put to Death for Having Anorexia

At least it will be voluntary. Canada isn’t a tyranny or anything. It won’t kill people for having anorexia unless they agree to it:

Lisa Pauli wants to die.

The 47-year-old has wrestled with the eating disorder anorexia for decades…

These days, Pauli says, she weighs 92 pounds and may go days without eating solid food. She says she is too weak to carry groceries home without stopping for breaks.

The government could give her a cheeseburger instead of killing her. But that would not help advance the agenda by granting bureaucrats the power of life and death. Also, cheeseburgers are offensive to the climate.

An expansion of the criteria for medically assisted death that comes into force in March 2024 will allow Canadians like Pauli, whose sole underlying condition is mental illness, to choose medically assisted death.

Canada legalized assisted death in 2016 for people with terminal illness and expanded it in 2021 to people with incurable, but not terminal, conditions.

Before long, Canada will execute people for having dandruff. Only if they agree to it, of course.

They’ll even do it to children:

[Canada’s Justice Minister, David] Lametti said the federal government is considering recommendations from a parliamentary committee to allow … “mature minors” – people under 18 deemed capable of making this decision – to access assisted death.

Canada’s government has offered death as a cure for PTSD, as a solution to poverty, and as an alternative to getting a wheelchair lift. Taxpayers provide a suicide hotline that instead of talking the desperate out of suicide, talks them into it.

Once you reject the value of human life, the slope gets slippery, as a California bill to allow abortion up to 28 days after birth confirms.

As leftism inevitably degrades the Canadian economy, those with chronic conditions will become an unsustainable burden on the socialized healthcare system. Increasing pressure will be applied for the sake of managing costs.

But don’t worry, there will always be a distinction between assisted suicide and execution. Progressives oppose capital punishment, so it was abolished in Canada.

In liberal utopia, Big Government won’t kill anyone who hasn’t been persuaded to ask for it. If they can persuade people to vote for Justin Trudeau, this should be child’s play.

On tips from Wiggins and Chuck A.

Jul 17 2023

Paid $2 million for Flunking Teachers’ Exam

If the Oppressed can earn $11.25 million by repeatedly showing up late for work until they get fired, how much can they rake in by failing a teachers’ exam? Plenty:

Failing the New York State teachers’ exam really paid off — especially for a Queens man who learned this month he’s getting a $2 million windfall over it.

Roughly 5,200 black and Hispanic ex-Big Apple teachers and once-aspiring educators are expected to collect more than $1.8 billion in judgments after the city stopped fighting a nearly three-decade federal discrimination lawsuit that found a certification exam was biased.

“Biased” means the test had disparate impact. That means members of certain groups were less likely to pass it.

This is why we have no standards anymore. Apply standards and you will attract the attention of the racial grievance industry, which will loot you into oblivion.

One reason the jackpot is so extravagant is that taxpayers will be…

…footing the bill for many of the plaintiffs to collect pension checks based on time never worked after they reach retirement age, plus their health insurance.

Adding insult to injury,

The city is also on the hook for the plaintiff’s lawyer’s fees, a sum that totaled more than $43 million last year.

The looting will continue until either we overthrow moonbat rule or the whole country goes bankrupt.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 17 2023

37% of US Attack Subs Out of Commission

Here’s some encouraging news — if you are Xi Jinping:

On June 16, 2023, a date which will live in infamy, the Pearl Harbor base featured the story of Lt. Nick Grant, an “out gay cisgender man” who was a co-chair of the Naval Medical Force Pacific Transgender Care Team (NMFP TGCT).

The title of the Pride Month feature was “serving with pride”.

The purpose of a US Navy transgender care team is to help sailors transition to make-believe members of the opposite sex.


In 2017, 28% of submarines were out of commission. By 2022, it was 33%, and now it’s 37%. At the rate that the woke Naval brass are going, most subs will soon be out of order. …

If only the Navy could repair subs as quickly as its transgender care teams castrate sailors.

It is America in general that liberals have been castrating.

The Navy doesn’t focus all of its attention on promoting perversion and sexual psychosis. The other major priorities are racial favoritism and the global warming hoax:

The Navy’s 2023 budget wastes $718 million on fighting global warming.

There is no evidence that any amount of our money wasted by the Navy will have a measurable impact on the climate — but plenty of evidence that the ChiComs will begin filling the power vacuum by annexing Taiwan.

They won’t stop there.

On the bright side, when Chinese conquerors come to our shores, they will make Pride Month stop.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 17 2023

Transgenderism Summed Up in a Song

Good thing for them Biden will be defying the Supreme Court to force us to pay their bills, because moonbats have gone into six-figure debt acquiring advanced degrees in transgenderism. It would have saved us all some money if they had watched this video from the Babylon Bee instead. It sums up this central pillar of liberal ruling class ideology in under 4 minutes:

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 17 2023

Maybelline Goes Out of Its Way to Disgust Customers

Formerly, advertisers attempted to appeal to customers. But like so many institutions, advertising was infiltrated and subverted by moonbats, and now serves the opposite purpose. Advertisements now deliberately disgust customers and bully them with obnoxious woke ideology. Soon to be extinct Bud Light is an obvious example. Maybelline is another:

Maybelline shared a video from TikTok content creator Ryan Vita applying the company’s new range of lipsticks on sale for Amazon Prime Day. These were on the company’s Instagram and TikTok accounts. Vita, who uses “she/he/they” pronouns and has over one million followers on TikTok, is described as a paid “Maybelline Partner” in the post.

As with Anheuser-Busch, intrusive LGBTism from L’Oreal’s Maybelline is not new.

In April, Maybelline experienced a wave of backlash after the company partnered with Dylan Mulvaney to sell its products in social media ads.

Not even a liberal could expect women to want to look like this:

Either the posturing wokesters running the corporate world are so hermetically sealed in their detached ruling class bubble that they are not aware of Bud Light’s impending demise, or they don’t care whether we buy their products or not, so long as they can smear moonbattery in our faces. This is already the case with Hollywood.

On tips from Steve and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 17 2023

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Sends Enemies List to Police

Michelle Wu is the historic First Woman and First Nonwhite to be elected Mayor of Boston. She is also a nasty piece of work:

Wu is drawing comparisons to disgraced former President Richard Nixon for compiling a list of her most vocal critics and sending it to the police. …

Notable names on the list of 15 people include several local restauranteurs who have sued Wu’s administration alleging that she’s biased against Italians and white people.

Bias against white people is the main point of Wu’s ballyhooed historicness. If liberals were not hostile toward Caucasians, no one would prioritize finding a mayor for majority white Boston who isn’t white.

The lawsuit goes on to mention Mayor Wu’s jokes at the annual St. Patrick’s Day breakfast in South Boston in 2022 in which she said: ‘I’m getting used to dealing with problems that are expensive, disruptive and WHITE.’

Even Bostonians lucky enough not to be white are warned not to complain about Wu “investing” (i.e., wasting) $350,000 apiece on combustible climate-compliant buses. They might end up on the list.

On tips from Ed McAninch and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 17 2023

Open Thread

Liberalism Has Nearly Destroyed Black America, And Now It’s Time For Black America To Return The Favor. - Elbert Guillory

Jul 16 2023

Tucker Exposes Three Also-Rans

Trump was wise not to take part in Tucker Carlson’s Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines. It was a killing field. Watch Tucker expose Asa Hutchinson’s willingness to sacrifice children to LGBTism, reduce Tim Scott to blathering duckspeak, and evoke from Mike Pence a gaffe on the scale of Kamala Harris promising to reduce the population:

Looks like there might be bipartisan harmony on topics like transsexualizing children and placing Ukraine’s interests above those of American taxpayers — unless Republicans choose their candidate wisely.

On tips from Jester.

Jul 16 2023

Transgender Empire

Transgenderism is worse than distasteful. It is a truly monstrous ideology, spawned in the intellectual equivalent of the innermost circle of hell (academia) and superimposed on mainstream culture by the degenerate ruling class and its party.

On the macro scale, it is corroding society. On the micro scale, it is destroying lives. Christopher Rufo, possibly the best journalist of our age, does what the mainstream media would never do; he helps us understand it:

On a tip from Woodlandcamo.

Jul 16 2023

Antony Blinken Equates Liberty With Tyranny

Not only is Antony Blinken a gelatinous moonbat, he is either ignorant of the grade school basics of Western history or flat out evil. He proves it by equating the American Revolution — the apogee of civilization — with its polar opposite, the nightmarish French Revolution. The latter has served as the template for the seizure of power by malevolent lunatics in the name of “The People” ever since.

The Reign of Terror set the stage for the horrific large-scale atrocities that occurred when similar maniacs took control in places like Russia and China, leading to the death of millions of people and the collapse of whole societies into totalitarian repression.

The Secretary of State equating these two events is like a physicist announcing that heat is the same thing as cold.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 16 2023

Forbidden Diagnosis: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

The sudden explosion in children who proclaim themselves to be members of the opposite sex is the result of LGBT grooming and social contagion. There is a scientific term for it: rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD). Career- and grant-minded researchers are advised not study the subject. Those who undermine the transitioning of children into grotesque facsimiles of the opposite sex are canceled. Just ask Northwestern University psychology professor Michael Bailey, whose article on the topic was retracted to placate LGBT activists.

Professor Bailey provides the background:

ROGD was first described in the literature in 2018 by the physician and researcher Lisa Littman. It is an explanation of the new phenomenon of adolescents, largely girls, with no history of gender dysphoria, suddenly declaring they want to transition to the opposite sex.

Littman has since been canceled by Brown University for publishing findings that impede the LGBT agenda.

The theory behind ROGD is that through social contagion from friends, social media, and even school, vulnerable girls are exposed to the idea that their normal adolescent angst is the result of an underlying transgender identity. These girls then suddenly declare that they are transgender. That is the rapid onset. After the declaration, the girls may desire—and receive—drastic medical interventions including mastectomies and testosterone injections.

That is clearly a bad idea, because the gender dysphoria is likely to be transient, whereas the consequences of “treating” it with drugs and surgery are permanent. From the point of view of the progressives pushing the LGBT agenda, this bad idea is the whole idea.

There has been a 10-fold increase in referrals of adolescent girls for gender dysphoria in the UK in the past decade. Hardly any real research has been published on the topic. So Bailey and coauthor Suzanna Diaz waded in:

Our article was based on parent reports of 1,655 adolescent and young adult children. Three-fourths of them were female. Emotional problems were common among this group, especially anxiety and depression, which many parents said preceded gender issues by years. Most of these young people had taken steps to socially transition, including changing their pronouns, dress, and identity to the other sex (or in some cases, to neither sex). Parents observed that after their children socially transitioned, their mental health deteriorated.

Surprise, surprise.

Some of the kids had already been subjected to medical transition treatment when the study was conducted.

Disturbingly, those young people with more emotional problems were especially likely to have socially and medically transitioned.

Also highly unsurprising. This is not about God assigning the wrong gender at birth. It is about mental illness. Drugs and surgery are employed to lock kids into it for life.

Previously, mental health professionals took a “first, do no harm approach.” They wanted…

…to help youth avoid the psychosocial upheaval associated with gender transition and a lifetime of potentially unnecessary medical treatment.

This position — which was almost universal until recently — is now forbidden. Transmogrifying children into parodies of the opposite sex must be regarded as first-line treatment.

That’s how powerful “marginalized” LGBT militants are. That’s how willing the liberal establishment is to sacrifice children to them.

On a tip from Angel.


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