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Jun 22 2023

Anheuser-Busch Wins Marketing Award

In a society turned upside down and backward, awards are given to those who least deserve them. As far back as 1932, New York Times propagandist Walter Duranty received a Pulitzer Prize for keeping Stalin’s atrocities from the public. In 2009, Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize immediately after taking office; the community organizer predicably went on to sow seeds of racial division that are currently tearing the country apart. In 2023, Anheuser-Busch’s chief marketing officer was awarded the advertising equivalent of an Oscar:

Marcel Marcondes [accepted] an award for ‘Creative Marketer of the Year’ at Cannes Lions – a lavish industry conference in the south of France dubbed the ‘Oscars for the adverting industry.’

It comes months after the company lost $27 billion in value due to a campaign in which it partnered with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

That campaign dethroned Bud Light as the USA’s #1 beer.

Though AB was named the winner of the award before the fiasco erupted, it was not officially awarded until Monday, meaning there was a mighty elephant in the room.

If you receive an award in a world run by moonbats, you are on the wrong track. Too bad Transheuser-Busch didn’t realize this before putting Dylan Mulvaney on beer cans.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 22 2023

Open Thread

The passion for equality is partly a passion for anonymity: to be one thread of the many which make up a tunic; one thread not distinguishable from the others. No one can then point us out, measure us against others and expose our inferiority. - Eric Hoffer

Jun 21 2023

Affirmative Action at the Bottom of the Sea

Major last ditch operations are underway to rescue the tourist sub down by the Titanic:

Three C-17 aircraft from the U.S. Air Force reportedly landed at a cargo terminal in St. John’s, Newfoundland, carrying unmanned vehicles capable of going 19,000 feet underwater as well as two heavy-duty Hyundai winches emblazoned “6000 kg line pull,” a huge roll of cable, and two large machines that said “high voltage” on their sides, The Daily Mail reported. A forklift truck loaded the equipment onto six flatbed trucks.

The equipment was taken to a port where a ship dubbed the Horizon Arctic was scheduled to leave at midnight, although the journey to the area where Titan is submerged would take 15 hours. The Titan may be as deep as 12,000 feet below the surface and weighs 10,432 kg, so both winches would be necessary to pull it out.

Even assuming the sub is intact, less than 24 hours’ worth of oxygen remains. Too bad the people trapped inside can’t breathe moonbattery:

OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush told an interviewer he didn’t want to hire a bunch of “50-year-old white guys” like other submarine companies.

Rush is currently missing along with the other passengers and one pilot aboard his company’s Titan submersible.

Rush, a 61-year-old white guy, said refused to hire such people to his team because he wanted his company to be “inspirational.”

If it happens to be 50-year-old white guys who are most qualified, then qualifications must be discarded. Our government is run on similar principles, as Kamala Harris, Karine Jean-Pierre, and Ketanji Brown Jackson so embarrassingly attest.

As Ayn Rand observed, you can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. A reality currently confronting Stockton Rush is that merit matters, regardless of whether it has been deprecated in favor of political correctness.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Dave F, and Wiggins.

Jun 21 2023

Christian Schools Subverted

The way to set back Christianity is not to board up churches and throw priests into gulags like Joseph Stalin. An insidious approach has proven more effective. You have to infiltrate and subvert, as leftists have done with so many other institutions. This approach destroys Christian morale by convincing them that their churches are not worth attending. As the churches wither and die, they can be exploited to advance an anti-Christian agenda. This strategy applies also to ostensibly Christian universities.

For example:

Texas Christian University offered a “Queer Art of Drag” course for the spring 2023 semester that required students create “drag personas” and give a performance.

The course was offered by the school’s Women and Gender Studies department and was taught by Dr. Nino Testa, also known by his drag persona “Maria Von Clapp.”

“Clapp” may refer to the venereal diseases that spread like wildfire through the homosexual community.

According to the course website:

“Critical drag explores drag performance as an outlet for social critique, pedagogy, and queer world making.”

How do educrats at Christian schools react to those who do not share their commitment to “queer world making”? Promise Keepers found out:

Belmont University, a private Christian college in Nashville, Tennessee, announced last week it had canceled a scheduled event with Promise Keepers citing a conflict of values.

Promise Keepers, a noted Christian men’s ministry, said in a press release the event’s cancellation occurred after the ministry released a statement at the end of last month, reaffirming its support for biblical marriage between one man and one woman and what it perceives to be the dangers of gender ideology.

“We will not stand on the sidelines and remain quiet. As fathers, husbands, grandfathers, and young men—we see the dangers of gender ideology and the harm it causes,” the organization’s statement said. “At Promise Keepers, we believe it is more important than ever to stand up boldly for what we believe as Christians. God’s Word is very clear on this topic—and we also see the way gender ideology has damaged lives, mutilated bodies, and torn apart families in our own communities.”

Liberals can’t argue with that and still pretend to be Christian. So they deplatform.

Free speech fares about as well as Christianity on college campuses.

Promise Keepers CEO Ken Harrison was specifically told that the muzzling was in response to “the statement we put out a week before Pride week.”

Wonders Harrison,

“The state of Christian colleges today is really concerning and people need to know this, that Belmont is by no way unique in this way. If you go on their homepage it is all Christian this and Christian that and training people for Christ. What does that mean when you deny the basic tenets of scripture?”

It means these schools have been commandeered and are now the opposite of Christian.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 21 2023

Solving the Climate Crisis With Low Standards of Hygiene

Real moonbats don’t just shout bumper sticker slogans. They take personal action that is as likely to perfect the weather as anything proposed by Big Government. The social engineers at the Guardian suggest not washing your clothes:

Do you need to wash your T-shirts after every wear? Probably not. What about your knickers [i.e., underpants]? That depends. But more and more people are eschewing detergent to save time, money and the environment

A role model is presented:

Tim, a software engineer, does a wash every six months or so. …

Tim cut down on socks by wearing sandals, including for much of the winter. “I never have to wash socks any more, which was always the biggest problem.” Did he at least wear clean underpants every day? “You can get pants to last a week,” he says. How, I ask nervously, do you get a week’s worth of wear out of pants? “You just have very low standards.”

Very low standards are a moonbat specialty.

His wife occasionally says he smells, “but she generally doesn’t mind too much”.

We are expected to approve and emulate.

The climate crisis may finally have persuaded us to consider the environmental impact of hot washes, water usage and carbon-intensive detergents, while recent increases in energy prices have focused the mind on how much each load is costing us.

These increases in energy prices have been imposed by leftists in the name of the nonexistent climate crisis.

Under liberalism, everything gets worse. Life even smells worse.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jun 21 2023

Open Thread

We have to convince people that the handouts - just taking a few little handouts, where you have a subsistent living, where you never grow, just get a little check and a few food stamps, it will keep you on the plantation for the rest of your life, that's not a life. That's not living. It is not good enough. It is not acceptable. We have to educate our people that that is no longer good. You have to get off the plantation, off the government plantation. - Elbert Guillory

Jun 20 2023

AMA Denounces BMI, Affirms Sex Change Surgery

As the Long March Through the Institutions consolidates control over the medical industry, moonbattery is replacing health as the primary objective. The woke AMA now denounces BMI as racist:

Body mass index (BMI), devised by a white man considering white bodies, is measured by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms or pounds by the square of height in meters or feet, and it has been deeply ingrained in the medical system as a way to measure population health more broadly.

Anything pertaining to white men is bad, per the prevailing ideology — even a tool that promotes health by helping people maintain a healthy weight, although obesity is a contributing factor to a long list of diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, gallbladder diseases, kidney disease, pregnancy complications, and cancer.

The AMA Council on Science and Public Health said: ‘Our AMA recognizes: the issues with using body mass index (BMI) as a measurement because: (a) of the eugenics behind the history of BMI, (b) of the use of BMI for racist exclusion, and (c) BMI cutoffs are based on the imagined ideal Caucasian and does not consider a person’s gender or ethnicity.’

When a healthcare professional starts barking about “racist exclusion,” find the door and get out of there.

Rejecting BMI on largely ideological grounds is not the AMA’s worst crime against public health. It supports the horrific practice of sex change surgery:

On June 12, the American Medical Association House of Delegates passed the Endocrine Society’s resolution to “protect access to evidence-based gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse individuals.”

So much for “First, do no harm.” Cutting off lunatics’ genitals because they imagine themselves to be members of the opposite sex is comparable to cutting off their feet to make them shorter if they think they are Napoleon.

“In the resolution, the AMA committed to opposing any criminal and legal penalties against patients seeking gender-affirming care, family members or guardians who support them in seeking medical care, and health care facilities and clinicians who provide gender-affirming care,” the AMA proclaimed. “The AMA will work at the federal and state level with legislators and regulators to oppose such policies and collaborate with other organizations to educate the Federation of State Medical Boards about the importance of gender-affirming care.”

The AMA has a high BMI to throw around:

The New Yorker noted in 2022, “Since 1998, the A.M.A. has spent $462 million on lobbying, an amount exceeded only by the expenditures of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Realtors, and the American Hospital Association.”

At least it is willing to pump the brakes on sex change surgery for children:

The AMA claimed that “medical intervention is reserved for older adolescents and adults.” The American Medical Association noted, “Major medical organizations also agree on waiting until an individual has turned 18 or reached the age of majority in their country to undergo gender-affirming genital surgery.”

Chris Christie won’t be pleased, although he may be happy about nixing BMI.

On tips from Bluto and TrojanMan.

Jun 20 2023

Crippling Healthcare Cost of Illegal Immigration

Count bankrupt hospitals among the likely ripple effects of our treasonous government inviting the entire Third World to pour over the border. For now, taxpayers are absorbing most of the damage:

Illegal aliens released into the United States interior are costing American taxpayers, and the public hospitals they help fund, billions in unpaid medical bills every year, a report from Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee details.

Texas has been required to shell out up to $90 million per year to provide medical care to illegal aliens under its Emergency Medicaid program. Elsewhere,

In Florida, for Fiscal Year 2021, illegal aliens cost state hospitals about $312 million. Meanwhile, in Illinois, a statewide healthcare benefits program for illegal aliens has ballooned from a projected $2 to $4 million cost to what has now become a $1.1 billion program for taxpayers.

Locally, in Yuma, Arizona, executives with the Yuma Regional Medical Center said that in just one year, taxpayers were left with $26 million in unpaid medical bills from illegal aliens who showed up to the hospital requesting free care. …

[T]he Federation for American Immigration Reform reported that illegal immigration costs the nation’s hospital systems at least $23 billion annually — $8.2 billion of which is uncompensated medical care for illegal aliens.

If something cannot go on forever, it will stop. Under Democrat rule, this won’t stop until hospitals start going under, having been forced to absorb some of the massive cost.

Privately, Democrats will regard bankrupt hospitals as not a bug but a feature. They will help in the next incremental push toward direct federal control over who gets medical treatment. You probably do not belong to a group that will be prioritized.

In the meantime, “free” taxpayer-financed healthcare for undocumented Democrats via the emergency room provides de facto socialized medicine.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 20 2023

Chris Christie Endorses Sex Change Surgery for Children

All you need to know about Democrats is that they are willing to subject children to horrific surgical procedures, mutilating their bodies and deranging their minds so as to permanently recruit them into the depraved LGBT community. If sanity prevails, one day there will be Nuremberg style trials to punish this crime against humanity. All you need to know about Chris Christie is that he sides with Democrats:

The Republican presidential candidate told CNN’s Jake Tapper during his Sunday appearance on “State of the Nation” that he doesn’t think “the government should ever be stepping into the place of the parents in helping to move their children through a process where those children are confused or concerned about their gender.”

That translates to a green light for unprincipled medical professionals who are making a fortune off a sick fad by inflicting sex change surgery on children.

Christie holds that the horrors leftist parents may be persuaded to inflict on their kids in the name of transgenderism should not be “excluded by the government in any way.”

However, he signed legislation to ban counseling that would allow parents to help their kids overcome perverse sexual urges. Parental rights only work one way with libs like Christie.

Given liberalism’s trajectory toward the blackest depths of malevolent insanity, woke parents may soon virtue signal by serving up their children for dinner so that the rug rats will stop producing carbon emissions. No doubt Christie will respond with thumbs up.

Christie has pandered to the LBGT militants before:

Rebuffing the warnings of groups like the NJ Family Policy Council, Christie ratified Democrat legislation (S-3067/A-465) in 2017, barring public school districts from requiring transvestic students to use bathrooms or locker rooms corresponding with their biological sex.

As the result of this law, schools in the state are required to allow students to dress in accordance with their “gender identity,” keep parents in the dark about a student’s “transgender or transition status,” and allow students to participate in gym sports with members of the opposite sex.

Gender ideology is destroying young lives. But Christie thinks it may help him politically.

On tips from Bluto and MrRightWingDave.

Jun 20 2023

Open Thread

The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once. - Alex Kozinski

On a tip from Jester.

Jun 19 2023

Dem Delegate Stacey Plaskett Wants Trump Shot

If this kind of Freudian slip comes out on television, imagine what Democrats hiss to each other behind the scenes:

Congressional Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-USVI) had to correct herself on Sunday after she said during a live television interview that former President Donald Trump should be “shot.”

Plaskett made the comment during an appearance on MSNBC, during which she discussed the federal charges against Trump relating to his alleged mishandling of classified documents following his departure from the White House in January of 2021.

People like this have power:

Hillary Clinton illegally kept classified documents on a private server that was accessible to the whole world over the Internet. If Trump deserves to be shot for having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, Shrillary must warrant impalement on a stake. Then there are the classified documents Biden himself has left strewn all over the place.

But I’m forgetting — complaining about the far more serious transgressions committed by Democrats is disinformation:

Try to get your head around the hypocrisy:

“And that’s the thing that I am concerned about with many of my colleagues in the GOP,” she said. “That they believe that there is a two-tiered system, but the two-tiered system is not to punish them more, it’s to – they want it to allow them to get away with more than everyday Americans.”

If anything good has come of the Biden Regime, it is that the Injustice Department has been so ham-fisted about using the FBI as a political weapon that maybe Americans will demand it be abolished before it can finish degenerating into the KGB.

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, seaoh, and KirklesWorth.

Jun 19 2023

Juneteenth Mayhem Already Underway

Juneteenth was made a federal holiday so that moonbats like Dick Durbin and RINOs like John Cornyn could reward those who participated in Black Lives Matter riots. From the start, fitting traditions took root. The mayhem continues, with celebrations already underway in the Chicago suburb Willowbrook:

At least 23 people were shot, one fatally, early Sunday during a gathering in a suburban Chicago parking lot that drew hundreds of people to celebrate Juneteenth, authorities said.

TV news video showed the strip mall lot in Willowbrook filled with debris and police tape, about 20 miles (32.1 kilometers) southwest of Chicago. The DuPage County Sheriff’s Office described it as a “peaceful gathering” to celebrate Juneteenth that suddenly turned violent as a number of people fired multiple shots into the crowd.

As usual,

A motive for the attack wasn’t immediately known, and no one was arrested by early afternoon.

Since when is a motive required? Festive celebrations of urban culture are their own reward.

Celebrate Juneteenth by keeping your head down, avoiding diverse hellholes like Chicago and its environs, and waiting for black thugs who have been deliberately encouraged to run amok to push the body count high enough that Democrats think confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens will float.

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 19 2023

Drag Queen Bible Story Hour

What Joe Biden has been doing to the USA by enabling obscene displays on the White House lawn, other moonbats inflict on Christianity by infiltrating and subverting churches. The sacrilege is so over the top that yesterday in San Francisco, Calvary Presbyterian hosted what it openly billed as Drag Queen Bible Story Hour:

Join drag artists singer-songwriter Flamy Grant (aka, Matthew Blake-Lovegood) and storyteller Joann Fabrixxx (aka, The Rev. Sam Lundquist, PCUSA), as we drag into Pride Week with Christian contemporary music and Bible stories. Flamy is fresh from her one-woman show in San Jose, and Joann will have just preached a sermon at St. John’s Presbyterian Church. Stories will include What is God Like?, excerpts from the Growing in God’s Love Story Bible, and I Want to Be a Vase. This is a worship service for all ages—from womb to tomb!

Note that they explicitly target children. The appropriateness can be judged by the XXX in Joann Fabrixxx. As you might imagine, he is a truly creepy guy.

Disappointingly, the blasphemous church was not hit by lightning like the subverted First Congregational United Church in Massachusetts. The sin in San Francisco has built up enough by now to justify a major earthquake if not a large meteor.

On a tip from Roger in California.

Jun 19 2023

Joe Biden’s Firearms Expertise

Now a word from the wannabe dictator who evidently intends to confiscate your firearms in violation of the US Constitution. At least he’s an expert on the subject:

His pointy-headed enablers in the media ought to step forward to explain to us simpletons how putting a pistol on a brace turns it into a gun, and a higher caliber gun at that.

On tips from Chris Neilson and seaoh.


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