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Jun 19 2023

Open Thread

Washington, DC is 12 square miles bordered by reality. - Andrew Johnson

On a tip from CovfefeMe.

Jun 18 2023

Nonapology From Nonwoman Rose Montoya

As you might have suspected, the freak who defiled the White House by jiggling his artificially created breasts at an LGBT worship service is a put-upon victim.

Transgender activist Rose Montoya apologized [sic] in a video posted to Twitter on Friday for filming [himself] topless at a White House event last weekend celebrating Pride month.

Montoya’s behavior was consistent with an event explicitly devoted to glorifying sexually perverted exhibitionism. But it did not go over well with the public, so the same White House that invited him threw him under the bus, pretending to disapprove of his unsurprising behavior.

The Alphabet Mafia is more adept at crybullying than apologizing:

Montoya made clear [he] and [his] family and friends have experienced immense harassment since the issue surfaced. [He] lamented the rise in [imaginary] violence against the queer community and the prevalence of state laws that have limited access to resources for trans people.

“Limiting access to resources” is liberalese for “tapping the brakes on sex change procedures for children.”

Montoya’s “apology” consisted of crapping in his hand and flinging it at the decent people disgusted by his antics:

“It was also never my intention to create a situation that would lead to harassment and harm of myself and others, nor for … my little moment of trans joy to be weaponized by vile people of the opposition.”

He says he plans to promote equity and inclusion and to “educate” the unenlightened regarding “the importance and power of trans joy.” Stand by for more jiggling of artificial breasts, accompanied by stridently shrieked moonbattery.

We’ll see whether the nation he and Biden spat on together accepts this less than contrite apology.

In case you were lucky enough to miss it earlier:

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 18 2023

Global Warming Accused of German Desertification

Not all ecofascist moonbattery can be ascribed to psychosis and hatred of humanity. A lot of it results from extreme cluelessness. Green Party Vice President of the Bundestag Katrin Göring-Eckardt demonstrates in Germany:


Desertification and drought are not phenomena of distant places. It’s happening right here on our doorstep. Instead of lush meadows, barren wasteland. Instead of living forests, dried-up trees. Instead of rich harvests, empty fields. We can still take countermeasures! #WorldDroughtDay

Whether civilization can survive the countermeasures is another question.

Background on the Lieberos Desert, via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

Anyone familiar with the history of this sandy area, 95 kilometers from Berlin, will have immediately recognized the Green politician’s gaffe – because it has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. Created by a large forest fire in 1942, the area was used for many years as a Soviet military training area. Because heavy tanks constantly rolled through the area, the “tank desert” remained just that: a desert. Environmentalists are even fighting to preserve this area.

If Democrats start shrieking about climate change turning Germany into a desert, you will know what it’s about.

Jun 18 2023

Literal Idiocracy

Only in a literal ideocracy could we find ourselves ruled by the conspicuously cognitively subnormal. Watch as Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) explains why American infrastructure has been collapsing:

Dressed inappropriately in a hoodie and gym shorts, Fetterman took the podium beside the Big Guy to tell us more about failing bridges:

At the beginning of roughly 85-second speech, he noted he had stood beside President Biden “a little over a year ago” when a different structure, Fern Hollow Bridge, collapsed in the western portion of the Keystone State in January 2022.

“That bridge was built in less than a year, well well in front of time.”

We should praise Democrats for getting the defective bridge built so fast.

“The infration [sic] infruc [sic] yeah infration [sic] bill that is gonna make sure that there’s gonna be bridges all across like this all across America getting rebuilt,” he said, possibly referring to the infrastructure bill signed in 2021 or the Inflation Reduction Act signed in December 2022.

If any of the $trillions Democrats have been stealing from us actually does result in new bridges, they surely will resemble those that have fallen down.

He ended the very short address by introducing “my friend Congressman Boya Bile [sic],” at which point Rep. Brendan Boyle took the podium.

Seriously, that’s what he called Boyle:

Then the Dems unsurprisingly announced that they are going to spend more of our money.

Biden wasn’t much sharper:

If the likes of Biden and Fetterman actually made decisions, the whole country would collapse faster than a Pennsylvania bridge. They must have been selected as figureheads because our actual rulers can manipulate them effortlessly. Why else would the ostensibly most powerful positions be held by people with such severely limited cognitive capacity?

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, Chuck A, and Jester.

Jun 18 2023

Birth Rates Reflect Malignancy of Liberalism

The ultimate test of any ideology is whether it is conducive to human life. So let’s compare the states with the highest and lowest birthrates. This shows births per 1,000 people per the CDC:

Top 10 States With Highest Birth Rate
South Dakota – (68.60)
North Dakota – (66.70)
Alaska – (64.90)
Nebraska – (64.40)
Utah – (63.60)
Louisiana – (62.70)
Arkansas – (61.70)
Oklahoma – (61.50)
Kansas – (61)
Iowa – (60.80)

The 10 States With Lowest Birth Rate
Vermont – (44.90)
Rhode Island – (48.30)
Oregon – (48.90)
Massachusetts – (49)
New Hampshire – (49.90)
Maine – (49.90)
Connecticut – (52.10)
Colorado – (52.50)
California – (52.80)
New Mexico – (52.90)

Notice anything about the red/blue color scheme?

Liberal ideology is explicitly hostile to humanity, which progressives regard as a form of planetary cancer. Literally everything that human beings do is offensive to the sacred climate.

As Catholic Vote notes,

The prospect of overpopulation is commonly used to justify not having children, but America’s birth rate has actually been below the replacement rate since 1971.

Yet liberals actually argue that homosexuality is good because it leads to less human reproduction.

Uncoincidentally, states that gave Biden the largest share of the vote have the lowest birth rates. This is a stronger prediction of birth rate even than cost of living and church attendance.

If we succumb to leftism, the human race will die out, possibly out of sheer self-disgust.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jun 18 2023

Open Thread

This foundational principle - that human beings derive their rights from God, rather than from the State, or any other source - is what made America different. - Ernie Fletcher

Jun 17 2023

Los Angeles Times Spins Dodgers Blasphemy

As forewarned, the Los Angeles Dodgers spat in the face of their fans on behalf of LGBTism with a ceremony yesterday honoring the extravagantly blasphemous anti-Catholic hate group the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. A massive crowd showed up to protest:

Meanwhile, inside the stadium,

There are more of us than there are of them. They manage to create the illusion that their sick ideology is normal and that those opposed to it are outliers because they control the media. The Los Angeles Times put the spin into overdrive to salvage this public relations disaster, excreting one of the most nauseating specimens of liberal propaganda I have ever endured:

You could have heard a pin drop. You could have seen hearts soar.

The Dodgers and the perverts dressed as gaudy nuns are predictably depicted as potential victims of violence at the hands of the peaceful Christians praying outside. A Sister of Perpetual Indulgence is reverently quoted:

“Whatever happens to me, I have to be there for them. This moment was given to us, it was a moral imperative for me to rise to that occasion on behalf of the people who believe in us.”

Count the LA Times among those who believe in the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence the way those who protested believe in real nuns. Readers are told that the LGBT militants’ message consists not of the ostentatious blasphemy that made them infamous but of “inclusion, hope, and love.”

For leverage, La Times brings in a moonbat who has infiltrated the Catholic Church and is helping to subvert it, Fr. Chris Ponnet, described as “spiritual director for the Los Angeles archdiocese’s Catholic Ministry With Lesbian and Gay Persons.” He opposes opposition to anti-Catholic bigotry:

Ponnet said that if strident Catholics aren’t careful, the alleged hate they are protesting can actually be coming from them.

“Part of our church position is not to bully, not to demonize, not to hate … and they’ve demonized and bullied,” he said.

Homosexuality is condemned in the most adamant terms throughout the Bible (as is pride). That there is a Catholic Ministry With Lesbian and Gay Persons is itself blasphemous. From there, we are at least half way to homosexuals dressed as nuns defecating on altars while the vermin comprising the media cheer and liberal priests scold us for not liking it.

On tips from Varla, Ed McAninch, KirklesWorth, Jester, and Lyle.

Jun 17 2023

Federal Stormtroopers Descend on Montana Gun Shop

Meanwhile, as the wannabe dictator croaks “God save the Queen” while demagoguing against our right to bear arms, this is what the weaponized federal bureaucracy is up to in the Heartland:

[Tom] Van Hoose says for two years his Highwood Creek Outfitters gun shop [in Great Falls, Montana] has been the subject of surveillance by state and federal agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the State of Montana and now the Internal Revenue Service.

Then on Wednesday,

“At 7:30, I came in and they pulled in behind me with 20 heavily armed agents.”

If they had dragged him off in handcuffs, it would have been the full Mark Houck treatment.

The ostensible purpose was to search for financial documents.

An IRS spokesperson confirmed to MTN News that the agency was at Highwood Creek Outfitters on official business, but declined to provide any details.

Van Hoose was told that his store had been reported.

He doesn’t know by whom, or the reason. He thinks it’s part of a nationwide pattern and feels it’s political.

That’s how things work in the sort of country Democrats are turning this into.

Van Hoose says his shop has a good relationship with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which was also present. He says because his shop carries “fun guns” like AR-15’s and AK-47s their level of licensing draws more scrutiny.

“We have a reputation of dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s because there’s so much legal fun to be had,” said Van Hoose. “It’s just not worth doing things that are going to get you in trouble.”

Unless you are Hunter Biden and don’t need to worry about legal consequences.

Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter says there is no law stating that the sheriff must be notified prior to any such investigation by federal agents.

The Great Falls Police Department was notified of the investigation and provided security.

In the future, local law enforcement will be pushed out of the picture altogether. Undermining it was one of the main objectives of the establishment-endorsed Black Lives Matter rioting. Locals cannot be counted on to side with federal bureaucrats against the American population.

Rep Matt Rosendale (R-MT) sent a letter to ATF Director Steven Dettelbach and IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, putting it on the record that the incident was “outrageous”:

“Under Director Dettelbach’s leadership of the ATF, a pattern of intimidation and harassment against hardworking Americans has emerged – Montanans will not tolerate these political witch hunts. I remind both Director Dettelbach and Commissioner Werfel that Congress has the power of the purse, and I will ensure that funding for these agencies is not weaponized against the American people,” Rosendale said in his letter.

That is only conceivable so long as Democrats do not control Congress.

This incident suggests preparations for a roundup of firearms, which will require federal bureaucrats to know who legally owns them. Via Gateway Pundit, here’s Rep Rosendale on Newsmax:

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jun 17 2023

Confirmed: Joe Biden Is Wannabe Dictator

When longtime Fox News producer Alexander McCaskill was held responsible for a chyron referring to Joe Biden as a “wannabe dictator,” the leftists who run FNC reacted as you would expect:

‘Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested,’ the chyron read.

It was quickly taken down and Fox issued a statement to say: ‘The chyron was taken down immediately and was addressed.’

Addressed with extreme prejudice. After over a decade of good work, McCaskill was asked to clear out his desk immediately.

Someone else whose thought crimes have been “addressed” by Fox News is Tucker Carlson, who is now free to discuss Biden’s dictatorial aspirations openly:

If Biden were not a wannabe dictator, you would not get canceled for calling him one. More specifically, he is a cheesy senile corrupt wannabe dictator who makes decent people’s skin crawl. The liberal establishment has selected a fitting avatar.

On a tip from Eddie_Valiant.

Jun 17 2023

Some Perverts Dog It, Others Branch Out

The liberal establishment has gone out of its way to underscore its reverence for sexual depravity. The emphasis on corrupting children makes clear that pedophilia is up next after homosexuality for normalization and then sanctification. What’s next after that?

Given that the disease presented to us as our culture is engineered and incubated in academia, maybe next up will be sex with dogs:

[Penn State University Professor Themis] Matsoukas was seen engaged in sexual acts with a dog near the restrooms at Rothrock Sate Forest on at least one occasion.

Park rangers reportedly identified the professor on the basis of his North Face backpack, present in the video where Matsoukas was allegedly otherwise naked but for his socks and shoes.

North Face. Perfect.

The trail camera, set up to monitor people stealing bags of hand sanitizer from the state park restrooms in the Alan Seeger Parking Area, reportedly filmed a man in a state of undress masturbating, molesting a collie, and performing other lewd acts while trying to record the degenerate performance on an electronic device, reported WPMT.

The [Department of Conservation and Natural Resources] indicated the area where the alleged acts took place was within viewing distance of Stone Creek Road, frequently transited by visitors on their way to the nearby picnic area, campgrounds, and Penn Roosevelt State Park.

Incidentally, “dogging” is a British euphemism for engaging in sexual acts in public.

Professor Matsoukas explains why he records himself raping his dog:

“I do it to blow off steam.”

Unfortunately for Matsoukas, he is slightly ahead of his time. He has been relieved of his duties and faces various criminal charges. On the bright side, when mainstream culture catches up with him, he will be remembered as a martyr. The Navy might name a ship after him.

Then again, given their anachronistic worship of primitive nature gods like the Climate, liberals might take up the cause of having sex with plants:

A naked man was arrested after apparently having sex with a tree. Police were called to a park in Salisbury in Wiltshire [England] after reports from members of the public.

Video shows the man kissing and rubbing against the stump on Tuesday. Onlookers say 25 people were in the area at the time enjoying the heatwave.

He too is ahead of his time. The sexual pioneer has been arrested for “suspicion of indecent exposure” according to Wiltshire Police


You were warned not to watch.

Be sure not to express disapproval of these activities on social media, lest you later find yourself canceled for being a pedophobe, cynophobe, or botanophobe.

On tips from Varla, Ed McAninch, John Doe 123, Jack D, MrRightWingDave, Heckrules, and Wiggins.

Jun 17 2023

Open Thread

On tips from Varla, Chronos Z. Wonderpig, and seaoh.

Jun 16 2023

Another University-Sponsored LGBT Camp for Children

Universities want to start their indoctrination before kids become adults and start to figure things out for themselves. That’s why they sponsor LGBT indoctrination camps for children. University of Evansville Pride Camp is one example. University of Wisconsin–Green Bay offers another:

Build community with other LGBTQ+ and allies your age.

Pride camps are designed for students to socialize and learn with friends, gaining a deeper understanding of queer history, health topics and wellness. Students will also enjoy traditional camp activities, including arts and crafts, and playing games.

The games are presumably designed to foster the sexual orientations desired by liberal parents. Maybe Spin the Bottle using a sexual prosthesis.

Note that University of Wisconsin is a state school, supported by taxpayers.

In Canada, LGBT indoctrination camps sponsored by taxpayers include Junior Drag Camp and Teen Drag Camp.

North Korean reeducation camps are less comfortable, but the violation doesn’t go as deep.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 16 2023

Trans Terrorism Again Presented as Its Opposite

The media, like the government, spins continuing transsexual terrorism as terrorism against rather than in support of LGBT domination. Where a sculptor would chip away unwanted stone to create a statue, propagandists bury unwanted facts to create the desired illusion:

According to the Washington Post, Target stores in at least five states — Louisiana, New Hampshire, New York, Oklahoma, and Vermont — were evacuated over the weekend after receiving bomb threats. The Post’s headline — “Target stores see more bomb threats over Pride merchandise” — suggests the perpetrator was angry about Target selling LGBTQ merchandise. After all, Target faced backlash last month over LGBTQ merchandise.

Readers are left with the impression that the culprits are right-wing homophobes. Deeper in the story, we learn otherwise:

“You have betrayed the LGBTQ+ community. You are pathetic cowards who bowed to the wishes of far right extremists who want to exterminate us,” read one of the threat emails sent to KFLY-TV, a Louisiana news station.

The point of the terrorism is to prevent Target from yielding to public pressure to stop pushing sexual perversion on children.

“We will not tolerate intolerance nor indifference. If you are not with us then you are against us. That is why we placed a bomb in each of your locations, evacuate now as this is only to cause economic damage,” the email continued.

News stations in New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont also received email messages that “accused Target of betraying the LGBTQ+ community,” according to the Post.

Like so much leftists present us with, it turned out to be a hoax, and not very original.

This is actually the second time someone has hoaxed Target with fake bomb threats. Last month, someone threatened stores in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah. The person behind those threats blasted Target as being “full of cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to the homophobic right wing redneck bigots.” No bombs were ever found.

The propaganda tactic used here by WaPo (and also by The Hill) is known as “burying the lede.” In a country where few read past the headline, much less beyond the first couple of paragraphs, it works marvelously to keep people believing the opposite of the truth.

On tips from Blackjack and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 16 2023

Leftist Corporate Culture at Fox News

Fox News is the pillar of the liberal establishment that determines the limits of permissible dissent. Those who step beyond those limits get the Tucker Carlson treatment. As the progressive garrote tightens and less dissent is permitted, the content moves leftward; a year ago, FNC was already promoting the transsexualization of children. Just how left-wing is Fox News behind the scenes? Recent revelations offer an idea:

Matt Walsh obtained internal documents from Fox News employees showing that Fox Corp. encourages employees to support radical LGBTQ organizations and has deployed “woke AI” that tracks people’s commitment to DEI principles.

A screenshot of a Fox employee portal shared by Walsh showed that the company encourages employees to donate to the Trevor Project, the Ali Forney Center, and the L.A. LGBT Center. Fox also encourages employees to read explicit LGBTQ books like one that gives a sexually explicit description of a “glory hole” and another that describes pornographic scenes between two gay characters.

Walsh notes that the Trevor Project “hosts a sexually explicit chat room that connects children as young as 13 years old with ‘LGBT’ adults.” Welcome to the culture of our degenerate ruling class.

FNC employees who are not moonbats get nudged into line:

Fox executives told employees to sign up for Eskalera, an AI program that helps people “engage in activities that will deepen” their “understanding of identity” and “explore more nuanced D&I concepts.”

“Eskalera says it pulls in data from various sources, including the email and payroll systems. It generates a ‘peer comfort index’ and a ‘diversity index,’ based in part on how often employees ‘practice micro-affirmations,’” Walsh said.

Like the Biden Regime, Fox News execs might have been inspired by the social credit system imposed by the communist Chinese. Want to climb the career ladder at Fox? Extol sexual perversion and denounce Caucasians at every opportunity.

Fox News and the leftist Big Tech thought police supposedly occupy opposite ends of the spectrum. In reality, they support the same ideology because they are controlled by the same people.

“Like YouTube, some of Fox’s largest shareholders are enormous institutional investors, [BlackRock] and [Vanguard],” Walsh said. “These massive funds consolidate the wealth of millions of Americans, and then use their combined voting power to pursue a radical agenda most of those Americans oppose. They are Fox’s real customers.”

When Democrats shriek about “Our Democracy,” what they mean is “Our Oligarchy.” As with subverted churches, the controlled opposition plays an important role in it by helping to shape the narrative and curb our thoughts.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.


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