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May 18 2023

Moonbatty Adidas Ad Brings Breakfast Back Up

Even as Anheuser-Busch scrambles pathetically to stop the bleeding caused by the boycott it provoked by ramming LGBTism down its customers’ throats, other companies march forward off the woke cliff. Next up is Adidas:

Adidas has sparked calls for a boycott after launching a new range of women’s swimwear using what appears to be a man as the model.

“Appears to be” because according to the media’s ideology, if he says he is transsexual, he is not a man, but a trans woman.

The swimsuit range is part of Adidas’s ‘Pride 2023’ collection, and is for sale on the website in the women’s section.

However, the model showing off the swimwear has a hairy chest and a bulge in the crotch area. …

The swimsuit was created by South African designer Rich Mnisi and released to honour Pride Month.

This nauseating absurdity isn’t even original. Belligerently ultraleft Nike has already used the repulsive Dylan Mulvaney to model women’s clothes. But Adidas does score political correctness points for being exceptionally disgusting:

Markets are opening for those smart enough to serve the growing percentage of the population that has had enough moonbattery rammed down its throat by Adidas, Anheuser-Busch, Nike, and the rest of the liberal corporate establishment.

On tips from Ed McAninch, Eddie_Valiant, and Franco.

May 18 2023

NYC Takes Climate Totalitarianism to Next Level

Unfolding liberal authoritarianism differs from tyrannies of the past in that it is more conspicuously pointless, being based on a comically deranged ideology. Also, it will be more repressive, given the increased ability to monitor and regulate provided by modern technology. The liberal dystopia New York City offers a foretaste of the future:

New York City will begin tracking the carbon footprint of household food consumption and putting caps on how much red meat can be served in public institutions as part of a sweeping initiative to achieve a 33% reduction in carbon emissions from food by 2030.

To believe there is something wrong with the weather requires gullibility. To believe this imaginary problem is caused by the government permitting us to eat a normal human diet requires psychosis. Yet NYC’s vegan mayor should have no problem imposing his flaky ideology, so thoroughly has the traditional American commitment to liberty been beaten out of the defeated remnants of our largest city.

Food isn’t the only fundamental aspect of daily life municipal bureauweenies keep under tight control:

The city already produced emissions data from energy use, transportation and waste as part of the annual inventory. But the addition of household food consumption data is part of a partnership that London and New York launched with American Express, C40 Cities and EcoData lab, Commissioner Rohit Aggarwala from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection announced…

An alliance between Big Business and Big Government to keep the population under the thumb of its rulers used to be known as “fascism.” After pouring the old wine into a new bottle, it is called “liberalism.”

The clothing you wear is also an aspect of everyday life. Therefore:

[Aggarwala] said the inventory also will measure greenhouse gas pollution from the production and consumption of other consumer goods like apparel, whether or not those items are made in New York City.

The global warming hoax is the most thoroughly totalitarian ideology yet devised. Everything causes climate change, according to liberal doctrine. Therefore, everything must be kept under rigid control, so that the weather will stop fluctuating for the first time in the history of the planet.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 18 2023

Imagine the Coverage…

…if the races were reversed:

Reverse the races and there would be nothing else in the news for weeks. Everyone involved would be a household name. Biden would finally have evidence to back his assertion that whites are the top threat to America. The media would gleefully grind it in our faces 24 hours per day.

In contrast, dog bites man stories like this one don’t get much traction. There are too many of them to cover anyway. Thanks to race hate deliberately whipped up by the liberal establishment, there will be ever more.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

May 18 2023

Open Thread

It is doubtful whether the oppressed ever fight for freedom. They fight for pride and power-power to oppress others. - Eric Hoffer

May 17 2023

Transsexualism Imposed at Catholic and Red State Schools

Given that children are not safe from aggressive transsexualism in public schools, it should surprise no one that young adults are prey to it in college — even at schools that are nominally religious or located in relatively uncorrupted parts of the country.

At Catholic University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, girls are not told when they are assigned to room with boys who choose for whatever reasons to identify as girls:

Alpha News reports:

Associate Director of Residence Life Zoe Chang … said the school doesn’t reveal the identities of transgender students to the girls they are rooming with.

University of St. Thomas is the largest private university in Minnesota and one of the largest Catholic colleges in the USA.

Even left-leaning Pope Francis has called transgenderism “one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations.” But educrats answer to only one religion: moonbattery. At University of St. Thomas, they shove it down students’ throats with a Queer Straight Alliance, a Lavender Graduation Celebration, and faculty indoctrination intended to impose “a more LGBTQ+-inclusive community.”

Chang also confirmed that transgender students can qualify for lower room rates, since the school would “consider this an accommodation,” and be prioritized for in-demand rooms.

“Oh so you charge less, because she’s transgender?” the undercover journalist asked. Chang nodded in agreement.

You can see why so many unscrupulous people sign up for transsexual “oppression.” Some of the benefits inspired one randy young man to bully his way into a sorority:

A group of sorority sisters who are suing the University of Wyoming for accepting a transgender woman into their group have broken cover to describe how they “live in constant fear in our home” — after the hulking student has become physically aroused around them.

The seven women from the Kappa Kappa Gamma house have filed a lawsuit against the university and Artemis Langford, 21, a 6-foot-2, 260-pound trans student who joined their chapter in September 2022.

Shudders one of the sorority sisters,

“It’s a weird feeling just to know that I could run into him anytime … (he has) full access to the house. But this just goes to show like we need women’s spaces for that reason.” …

Another student said the situation is particularly distressing because some of her sisters have been “sexually assaulted or sexually harassed” and want to feel safe inside the home.

They must not have gotten the message that women have been canceled in favor of more highly valued transsexuals.

The lawsuit alleges that Langford stared at the women without talking for hours. …

“[Langford] has, while watching members enter the sorority house, had an erection visible through his leggings,” the suit says.

The self-indulgent sexual gratification of creepy freakazoids is the top priority in our society. Normal people must adapt to it — or overthrow the degenerate ruling class.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Varla.

May 17 2023

Battle Over LGBT Grooming in Classroom Continues

Liberals don’t like it when we call them groomers for using their control of schools to recruit children into the LGBT cult. They like it even less when parents push back in the time-honored fashion by calling the police on weirdos who attempt to corrupt children. Weep their enablers at NBC News:

Sarah Bonner has been an Illinois middle school teacher for 20 years, and she has always tried to offer her students a diverse collection of books. …

One of those books was Juno Dawson’s “This Book is Gay.” It’s a bestselling nonfiction book that’s billed by its publisher as an entertaining and informative “instruction manual” for anyone coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans.

“By Wednesday, I received notice that parents had gotten a hold of pictures from that book that their child had taken in class,” Bonner says. “By Friday, I was told that parents had filed a police report against me for child endangerment.”

Stand by for more of the bizarre inversion that characterizes LGBT propaganda:

“The notion that I was putting children in danger because of books — I didn’t feel safe,” Bonner says.

She “didn’t feel safe” because not everyone approves of their children being brainwashed into embracing sexual perversion and the life-destroying transsexual fad. Bonner was the only safe person in her classroom.

Pushback still works. Blessedly, Bonner was placed on administrative leave. She responded by resigning in a huff.

Sneers NBC News,

Those in favor of banning books in school often argue they’re protecting children from inappropriate content and advocating for parental rights in school.

Left-wing journalists are not the only ones to hold the concept of parental rights in contempt:

Until such a time as we can stop being looted to finance the cancer that is public education, we should at least stop subjecting our children to it. It is equivalent to turning kids over to the moonbats running the media for indoctrination.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Mr. Freemarket.

May 17 2023

DHS Spins Pro-LGBT Violence as Anti-LGBT Violence

After 9/11, some raised the alarm about powers the federal government helped itself to in the name of fighting the Islamic terrorist threat. They were prescient. Now that Democrats are in charge, “terrorists” have been redefined as any Americans leftists want to crush. Joe Biden recently earned applause at a black college by croaking that white people are the #1 terror threat. Instead of attempting to secure the overrun border, the Department of Homeland Security excretes propaganda justifying a crackdown on opponents of the LGBT agenda.

The Democrat narrative requires DHS to pretend the ongoing epidemic of transsexual violence is being committed not by transsexuals (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale) but against them. This entails a 180° inversion of reality. Disney’s ABC News is happy to lend an assist:

Threats of violence against the LGBTQIA+ community are on the rise and intensifying, according to a new briefing by the Department of Homeland Security. …

DHS analysts … cite social media chatter celebrating the recent mass shooting at a Nashville church school.

“High-profile attacks against schools and faith-based institutions like the recent shooting in Nashville have historically served as inspiration for individuals to conduct copycat attacks,” DHS said.

The reference is to a suicide terror attack on a Christian school by a transsexual. Six were murdered, including three 9-year-olds. Christianity is hated by LGBT militants and their morally depraved allies.

After presenting pro-transsexual violence as anti-transsexual violence, ABC News cites state legislation protecting children from horrific sex change procedures and LGBT grooming, as if this also constitutes terrorist violence.

Like the federal government, the liberal media does not even pretend to be reasonable at this point. It shouts deranged talking points that only idiots could take seriously and expects us to nod along out of fear.

On a tip from Lyle.

May 17 2023

French Senator Fined for Objecting to France’s Murder

As race-based fines are imposed, they can be applied to those who object to the soft genocide of unlawfully displacing the American population with millions of grasping invaders from the Third World. Democrats can learn from the dying country France:

A French senator was ordered to pay a fine of €1,000 on Friday after a Marseille court ruled that his tweet from July 2021 claiming that “immigration is killing the youth of France” was akin to racial defamation.

Stéphane Ravier, who was a National Rally senator at the time of the tweet before joining Éric Zemmour’s Reconquête in 2022, had posted a photo of a young salesman at a phone store killed with a knife the day before in Seine-et-Marne, accompanying it with the following message: “Theo, 18, murdered yesterday by a Senegalese in #ClayeSouilly. Immigration is killing the youth of France.”

Ravier was found guilty of “racial defamation.” Good thing for him they don’t still use guillotines over there.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 17 2023

Open Thread

We should be in the business of protecting cherished institutions and our cultural heritage, otherwise what, I ask, is a Conservative party for? Indeed we are alienating people who have voted for us for all their lives, leaving them with no one to vote for. - Edward Leigh

May 16 2023

Biden Regime May Ban Chocolate Milk in Schools

They are taking away our cars, our gas stoves, our AC, our refrigerators, our dishwashers — but children have been left out. So now the totalitarian nanny state moonbats comprising the Democrat Party are coming after chocolate milk:

Concerned about the amount of added sugars children are consuming, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is considering a ban on flavored milk— including chocolate, strawberry and other varieties—in elementary and middle schools when it adopts new standards for school meals.

This has the added advantage that it will cause children to drink less milk. Milk is important for their physical development, but according to liberal doctrine, dairy products make it be too hot outside.

If kids are smart, they will defend their chocolate milk by reminding authorities that white milk is racist.

On a tip from Franco.

May 16 2023

Miller Lite Follows Bud Light Off Woke Cliff

Sales of Bud Light have collapsed following the boycott resulting from Anheuser-Busch pushing leftism in open contempt for the people who drink their beer. Too clever to step on the same rake, competitor Miller Lite haughtily rams feminism down customers’ throats instead LGBTism.

Remember the Gillette ad that sold shaving products by shrieking that men are pigs? Miller Lite tries to top it with this unappealing wokescold:

If you liked Anheuser-Busch’s Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid, you will love Miller’s Elizabeth Hitch:

Miller Lite has teamed up with ‘Broad City’ star, Ilana Glazer to start a new campaign to benefit women in the brewing industry for Women’s History Month. The beer brand is pledging to turn past sexist beer advertisements into fertilizer for donation to women hops farmers.

“This Women’s History Month, Miller Lite wanted to recognize that without women, there would be no beer,” said Elizabeth Hitch, senior director of marketing for Miller Lite. “To honor this we wanted to acknowledge the missteps in representation of women in beer advertising by cleaning up not just our $#!T, but the whole industry’s $#!T while benefiting the future of women and beer.”

Don’t kid yourself that Coors is less moonbatty. Miller beer is made by Molson Coors.

The Molson Coors brand has been collecting their (and all of the beer industry’s) outdated, age-old, no-thank-you sexist ads, displays and posters for months. This includes scrubbing old marketing materials off the internet. The goal of collecting these ads is for them to be turned into compost that can be used to make fertilizer. This fertilizer will be donated to women hop farmers, so the hops grown from the advertisement mistakes of the past will be sent to women brewers to make beer from.

With anything run by liberals, it’s all identity politics all the time. If customers don’t like it, they will look for different customers. Those who have been absorbed into the cult of moonbattery don’t care about anything other than rubbing people’s faces in wokeness.

Fortunately, it is easy to find locally brewed beer that it is vastly superior to mass market slop and that does not entail paying for obnoxious advertising. For those in Arizona, let me recommend Copper State IPA by Huss.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Chris Neilson, Anonymous, KirklesWorth, and ABC of the ANC.

May 16 2023

Black Cleopatra Is Total Fail

Netflix tried to change history by making Cleopatra black. Instead, it made history with the biggest TV fail yet:

Forbes magazine reports the controversial production has not just garnered the lowest audience score in Netflix history on debut, it has essentially the lowest audience score possible on Rotten Tomatoes at one percent.

Liberal viewers have rallied to pull it up to 2%.

Cleopatra was an Egyptian of Macedonian descent. But the “docudrama” Queen Cleopatra sacrifices reality to moonbattery by pretending otherwise.

Director Tina Gharavi may be a clueless fool, but hats off to her for drawing attention to the alarming fact that much of what we think we know about history comes from entertainment. In the past, it would be altered for dramatic purposes. Now it is distorted so as to advance leftist ideology. As George Orwell predicted,

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.”

It’s nice to know that when Tinseltown gets sufficiently ham-fisted by trying to pass it off as nonfiction, there can be pushback.

Then again, maybe the show is just that awful, irrespective of the black Cleopatra nonsense:

Egypt is not amused:

An Egyptian lawyer has filed a lawsuit against streaming giant Netflix for depicting Pharoh Cleopatra as a Black woman in a new documentary.

Lawyer Mahmoud al-Semary filed the lawsuit with a public prosecutor with the intention of having Netflix banned in Egypt…

Al-Semary claimed that the Netflix documentary distorts Egypt’s history in favor of promoting Afrocentrism.

It would take a CNN level of dishonesty to dispute him.

As frequently happens, the debacle was caused by giving in to woke bullies:

The role of Cleopatra was originally meant to be played by Israeli actress Gal Gadot. However, there was a significant public backlash surrounding the choice, and Netflix was accused of white-washing the historical figure.

“White-washing” is what liberals call it when a Caucasian historical figure is played by someone with pale skin. While the Biden Regime erases us from the future, others erase us from the past.

On tips from Varla, seaoh, and justlittlolme.

May 16 2023

Driven Out of Teaching for Not Transsexualizing a Child

Imagine a society so depraved that teachers are driven out of the profession for not complying with indisputably unreal delusions implanted into 8-year-olds. The UK is already there:

A primary school teacher has claimed that she was sacked after refusing to use an eight-year-old’s preferred pronouns.

Her school, run by Nottinghamshire County Council, had decided to transition the girl into a pseudoboy.

The school instructed all staff to always refer to the girl with male pronouns and a male name, and said that she should use the boys’ toilets and dressing rooms.

The teacher said that she repeatedly raised concerns about the pupil’s welfare and followed the school’s whistleblowing procedure to raise safeguarding concerns about the girl’s social transition.

The school responded by writing to the teacher to inform her that the child would be moved to a different class “to safeguard him [sic] from any potential harm”, according to the teacher’s employment tribunal claim.

Motivated by concern for the girl as well her own Christian beliefs, the teacher continued to defend objective reality from transsexual psychosis.

She then raised safeguarding concerns with the school’s governors and the local authority, citing scientific evidence that encouraging young children to socially transition carries significant risks for their health and welfare.

Dangers include irrevocable psychological as well as physical damage.

The teacher, who is now working in a sandwich shop, claims that she was sacked for gross misconduct after she shared information about the child with her lawyers in preparation for a judicial review claim against the school and the council. She said that the school has reported her to the Teacher Regulation Agency for an alleged confidentiality breach, which means she could face a lifelong ban from the profession.

Let that be a lesson to any teacher who deviates from the LGBT agenda.

Forced compliance with this agenda is changing the nature of educators, as those who don’t belong in a profession that exists largely to recruit children on behalf of LGBTism are driven out.

On a tip from Franco.

May 16 2023

Open Thread

Leftists are activists. This is a strategy. Liberalism, communism, socialism, you don't need to go too deep - a peripheral study of Marxism. And you'll learn that Marxism, leftism, liberalism, they have long-term strategies for taking over and controlling whole populations. It is their objective. - Rush Limbaugh


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