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May 15 2023

Equity Applied to Fines

A truly totalitarian ideology like moonbattery can be applied to everything — even fines for civil infractions:

[New York] City Councilmember Justin Brannan … is proposing the creation of a pilot program to implement a day-fine system for civil offenses.

The concept was tried in Staten Island back in the 1980s.

“First, the court sentences the offender to a certain number of day-fine units (e.g., 15, 60, 120 units) according to the gravity of the offense, but without regard to his or her means,” explained the Vera Institute of Justice’s Judith Greene in a 1990 report assessing the efficacy of Staten Island’s program. “Then the value of each unit is set at a share of the offender’s daily income (hence the name ‘day fine’), and the total fine amount is determined by simple multiplication.”

Why settle for justice when you can have social justice?

Inevitably, reparations ideology will be applied. If blacks deserve to be paid vast fortunes for being black, surely they deserve to pay lower fines.

Next after that, the principle will be applied to prison sentences — if it isn’t already. How else to achieve equity?

From there, our moonbat overlords will apply it to the cost of housing, food, and all other goods and services. If you have less, then you should pay less. It follows that if you have nothing, then everything should be free. An advantage of this approach is that since there would be no point working, we would all have more free time.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 15 2023

Green Energy and Pseudofood Harm Environment

We all know that green energy is devastating to the economy, because it drives up inflation through grotesquely excessive wasteful government spending, as with the insolently Orwellian Inflation “Reduction” Act. It is just as harmful for the environment:

• As the Biden administration pushes for more wind power and solar energy, renewable energy industries will soon generate tons of waste.

• A wind turbine is recyclable, from the steel tower to the composite blades, typically 170 feet long, but most ends up being thrown away, a waste total that will reach a cumulative mass of 2.2 million metric tons by 2050.

• Currently, about 90% of end-of-life or defective solar panels also end up in landfills, largely because it costs far less to dump them than to recycle them.

In the name of the environment, leftists want to restrict not only energy but also food. Here too the demented cures they seek to impose are worse than the supposed disease:

A shocking new study suggests that lab-grown meat (aka animal cell-based meat, or ACBM for short) could actually be far worse for the environment than traditional livestock. By the study’s estimates, if current techniques were scaled up to supply the market, they could produce between four and 25 times more CO2 than rearing and slaughtering animals…

The increased levels of CO2 are associated with the fossil fuels needed during purification processes that supply cultured cells with nutrients. …

Assuming the continued use of highly refined growing media, the researchers estimate that each kilogram of ACBM produces 542 pounds (246 kg) to 3,325 pounds (1,508 kg) of carbon dioxide emissions. Based on these figures, they calculate that the global warming potential of cultured meat is between four and 25 times greater than that of retail beef.

Good thing for pseudofood investors like Bill Gates that none of this is really about CO2, the harmfulness of which is debatable.

On tips from Steve T.

May 15 2023

Special Needs Kid Bullied for Resisting LGBT Indoctrination

It isn’t easy to get your head around the depravity prevailing at government schools. This story might help:

A special needs student at a California high school was allegedly called a “bigot” by her teachers for mistakenly not using preferred pronouns, objecting to participating in a lesson about “scissoring” and refusing to get undressed near male teachers.

Scissoring is a perverted sex act that children are taught about in public schools — whether their parents like it or not:

When Marina Vivar signed her daughter, Thelma Gonzalez, up for a course on health and relationships at Glendale High School, she checked a box excusing her from being taught about “anything LGBTQ+ or about sexual acts which were gay in nature.”

The exemption was ignored. One size fits all where leftists are in control.

When Thelma observed that she should not be in a class teaching lesbian sexual techniques, teachers denounced her not only as a “bigot” but also as “intolerant and homophobic.”

Vivar told the Glendale City Council that this terminology would have been unfamiliar to Thelma, since it isn’t used in their home.

She added her daughter would not have known the words unless she learned them at school and that her disability prevents her from coming across them organically.

No worries; school authorities are on top of it:

Glendale High’s principal Benjamin Wolf conducted an investigation and concluded nothing happened.

With a name like Wolf, he should have been among the men alleged to be in the girl’s locker room when Thelma was expected to take her clothes off.

Another educrat reveals that it is Thelma who did wrong. Snarls Glendale High Communications Director Kristine Nam,

“The lesson Ms. Vivar is referencing was a general lesson from the health textbook about making healthy decisions in your relationships. The teacher did ask Ms. Vivar’s daughter to refrain from making inappropriate remarks in response to a reference to LGBTQ+ relationships.”

You can see why she was denounced as a bigot.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

May 15 2023

Iconic Roosevelt Hotel Used to Facilitate Invasion

Good news for homeless vets. They might not be kicked out to make room for the invaders crossing the undefended border anymore now that our rulers have found better accommodations for them:

The 1,000-room Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown will become the city’s main “asylum seeker arrival center” and shelter for a wave of new migrants, Mayor Eric Adams announced Saturday — confirming a Post report from last week.

The iconic hotel is a located in the heart of America’s largest city, near Grand Central Terminal.

The Roosevelt has been the backdrop for a string of Hollywood films — including “Maid in Manhattan,” “Malcolm X,” “Wall Street,” “The French Connection,” “The Irishman” and “Man on a Ledge.”

It was also the setting for Guy Lombardo’s New Year’s Eve ballroom performances for three decades until 1959.

Now the hotel — which was shut down during Covid hysteria and is owned by Pakistan International Airlines — features in America’s self-imposed demise:

Migrants at the center will have access to legal, medical and reconnection services, and can also be placed in a shelter or humanitarian relief center if needed.

Use of the hotel to facilitate the invasion will cost a reported $225 million over 3 years. Good thing American taxpayers still have plenty of money — for the time being.

Beginning later this week, the Roosevelt Hotel will open up 175 rooms for children and families, until it is scaled to approximately 850 rooms, the release said.

An additional 100 to 150 rooms will be reserved for migrants before transitioning to other locations.

Never in history has an invasion force received such red carpet treatment from a conquered country. Maybe they will appreciate our servility and treat the vanquished population mercifully. Then again, maybe they will have the sense to despise us for it.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 15 2023

Open Thread

A people armed and free, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition and is a bulwark for the nation against foreign invasion and domestic oppression. - James Madison

May 14 2023

Biden Denounces Whites at Black College

Ever digging for new depths, Joe Biden denounced his fellow Caucasians as the greatest threat to America while pandering to the blacks who put him in power at Howard University:

“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy,” Biden said during the address.

The racially correct audience applauded.

“I’m not saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU, I say it wherever I go,” Biden added.

HBCU = historically black college/university.

After demonizing whites and pitting nonwhites against them, Biden demonstrated the astonishing capacity for hypocrisy and obliviousness to irony that characterize liberals by denouncing “those who demonize and pit people against one another.” If he were sentient in any meaningful sense, you would have to admire his ability to read this off his teleprompter with a straight face.

Racist hostility to America’s core population explains Biden’s treasonous invitation of foreign invasion. Here he explains how to inflict genocide without the messy extermination camps:

It’s as if Hitler were a Jew, and then used control of the media to convince other Jews to vote for him.

On tips from Varla, Occam’s Stubble, Bluto, and Franco.

May 14 2023

RFK Jr Wants to Ban Fertilizer

It is not as if the Democratic Party offers no alternative to the corrupt and senile Joe Biden, who is so beholden to radical leftists that he is trying to price electricity beyond the reach of normal Americans. Their next most popular 2024 candidate, Robert Kennedy, is polling at 19% among Democrat primary voters. RFK Jr thinks big too; he wants to ban fertilizer:

Biden and RFK Jr agree that food is bad, and the federal government should prevent us from producing it, because environmental radicalism.

Too bad RFK Jr can’t take credit for originality. Banning fertilizer in the name of envirofascism was already tried by Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who attempted to inflict all-organic farming. Fortunately, Rajapaksa was forcibly removed from power before mass starvation set in.

On a tip from R F.

May 14 2023

Baizuo Seeks Advice on How to Grovel

No shame is more pathetic to behold than the theatrical self-loathing of white guys who have internalized liberal ideology. One baizuo with more self-abasement than he knows how to express wrote in to a Female Moonbat of Color advice column at the leftist Guardian:

I’m a 60-year-old white American male and have done some work and had training around acknowledging my racist background and lingering internalised superiority. In multicultural environments, is there a way to indicate my allyship with other people, letting them know I’m safe, or at least not hostile, without coming across as trying too hard? My approach has been “act naturally” but I kind of want to let people around me know they can relax a little. Perhaps it’s just a moment of eye contact and a head nod. And maybe this question reveals I’m not even ready to be that person. I’m wrestling …

Wrestling? More like floundering. It isn’t easy to be a woke white guy dealing with the need to grovel before every nonwhite he encounters without getting set upon by the men in white coats with their butterfly nets.

In response, he got a nice pat on the head for his servile intentions and surprisingly enough, some good advice:

I would strongly advise against making eye contact or nodding your head at random strangers who happen to be a people of colour. If you do they will probably conclude that you are racialising them and feel patronised and insulted.

If only Dan Cathy had written in to Ms Understanding (a.k.a. Sisonke Msimang) before cleaning the sneakers of a smirking rap performer in a public display of racial obeisance, Chick-fil-A sandwiches would taste a lot better.

On a tip from Steve T.

May 14 2023

Judge Strikes Down Age-Based Attack on 2nd Amendment

The liberal agenda can never come to fruition so long as we are able to defend ourselves. That’s why Democrats never cease whittling away at the Second Amendment from every conceivable angle. Fortunately, we still have judges who respect the Constitution:

A federal judge in Virginia has ruled that a law banning licensed federal firearms dealers from selling handguns to young adults under 21 violates the Second Amendment and is unconstitutional.

The ruling Wednesday by U.S. District Court Judge Robert Payne in Richmond, if not overturned, would allow dealers to sell handguns to 18- to 20-year-olds.

In his 71-page ruling, Payne wrote that many of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship are granted at the age of 18, including the right to vote, enlist in the military without parental permission and serve on a federal jury.

Not to mention, 3-year-olds are regarded as competent to decide they are actually members of the opposite sex, according to liberal establishmentarians.

“If the Court were to exclude 18-to-20-year-olds from the Second Amendment’s protection, it would impose limitations on the Second Amendment that do not exist with other constitutional guarantees,” Payne wrote.

Hats off to Judge Payne. Due to the subversion of law schools by leftists, we cannot take it for granted that there are more like him coming down the pipe.

“Because the statutes and regulations in question are not consistent with our Nation’s history and tradition, they, therefore, cannot stand,” he wrote.

From the progressive viewpoint, it is that history and tradition that cannot stand. Democrats are at war with both, and are increasingly aggressive toward those who defend them.

On a tip from Lyle.

May 14 2023

Open Thread

So confident am I that the number of deaths from violent storms will continue to decline that I challenge Mr. McKibben - or Al Gore, Paul Krugman, or any other climate-change doomsayer - to put his wealth where his words are. I'll bet $10,000 that the average annual number of Americans killed by tornadoes, floods and hurricanes will fall over the next 20 years. Specifically, I'll bet that the average annual number of Americans killed by these violent weather events from 2011 through 2030 will be lower than it was from 1991 through 2010. - Donald J. Boudreaux

May 13 2023

Los Angeles Dodgers Honor Blasphemy

Professional sports used to be a form of entertainment. Then leftists took control. Now it is primarily a weapon to be used in the Culture War.

I watched baseball for the last time when I saw the players kneel in obeisance to Black Lives Matter terrorists who were tearing down statutes of the Founding Fathers. That spared me from having to endure more insults — like the Los Angeles Dodgers bestowing reverence upon the explicitly blasphemous LGBT militants calling themselves the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

On Friday, June 16, the Dodgers will partner with LA Pride to host a 10th annual LGBTQ night at Dodgers Stadium before a matchup with the San Francisco Giants.

Looks like the Biden Regime and the KGB FBI aren’t the only moonbats who have it in for Catholics:

At the pre-game event, a “Community Hero Award” will be presented to the LA Chapter of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The men dress in grotesque costumes styled after the garb of Catholic nuns and mock the faith with the motto “Go forth and sin some more!”

Now there’s a motto the liberal establishment can endorse without hypocrisy.

A “charity” raffle will be held to support the LA LGBT Center, which receives most of its funding from the government. The center calls itself an “unstoppable force.”

We’ll see whether this force is unstoppable.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

May 13 2023

Homeless Vets Booted to Make Room for Illegal Aliens

Who should get first dibs on a place to sleep? Homeless veterans who served our country? Or unlawful invaders from every corner of the Third World who attack our country in its moment of weakness by exploiting the undefended border? For reflexively treasonous Democrats, the choice is easy:

Nearly two dozen struggling homeless veterans have been booted from upstate [New York] hotels to make room for migrants, says a nonprofit group that works with the vets.

“Migrants” in this context means “conquerors.” They are invading the USA in contravention of the law. Military uniforms are not necessary. This is foreign conquest.

“Our veterans have been placed in another hotel due to what’s going on with the immigrants,’’ said Sharon Toney-Finch, the CEO of the Yerik Israel Toney Foundation.

Toney-Finch, a disabled military veteran, created YIT to raise awareness of premature births, as well as helping the homeless and low-income military service veterans in need of living assistance. …

Toney-Finch said 15 of the veterans got the heave-ho from the Crossroads Hotel in Newburgh about 60 miles north of New York City in Orange County — a new epicenter of Big Apple’s migrant crisis since Mayor Eric Adams began bussing Gotham’s overflow there against local officials’ wishes.

So much for New York being a sanctuary city.

The vets were dumped for the time being at another hotel. Their needs have been deprioritized in favor of the population Democrats have imported to displace us.

On a tip from Veritas100.

May 13 2023

Democrats Come After Food

Maybe we could survive without electricity. So Democrats are also coming after food:

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry … lamented that agriculture production alone creates 33% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that reducing those emissions must be “front and center” in the quest to defeat global warming, during remarks Wednesday morning at the Department of Agriculture’s AIM for Climate Summit.

Barks Kerry:

“With a growing population on the planet …emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century.”

Imagine for a moment that agriculture really will make the weather a half degree nicer over the next 50 years. As a problem, this hardly compares to Democrats taking control of farming with the explicit intention of restricting it. They know from Stalin how well starvation works as an instrument of control.

Kerry barks more:

“I refuse to call it climate change anymore. It’s not change. It’s a crisis.”

Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you have to invent it out of whole cloth.

So long as we continue to pretend that inevitable climate fluctuation is somehow a problem and that the essential plant nutrient carbon dioxide constitutes pollution, leftists like Kerry will have a stranglehold. Because literally all human activity produces harmless CO2, the global warming hoax justifies repression of everything.

On a tip from Varla.

May 13 2023

Nicholas De Santo Presents the Lighter Side of Abortion

Hopefully Nicholas De Santo doesn’t do standup on American college campuses. Imagine how much security he would need:

On a tip from Lyle.


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