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May 21 2023

Seattle Circles the Drain

Lest you imagine there is some extreme of sickness and lunacy from which liberals will recoil before pulling the country over a precipice into the Dolorous Abyss, consider Seattle, where a pedophilic sex offender has been nominated to serve on a homelessness board:

Shanee Colston, the co-chair for the King County Regional Homelessness Authority Continuum of Care Advisory Committee, presided over a Zoom call on May 3 where the group voted to approve prospective board members, including 38-year-old Thomas Whitaker-Raven Crowfoot.

Board member, military vet, and sexual assault survivor Kristina Sawyckyj had experience with Whitaker. It didn’t leave her wanting more. She objected to his nomination.

Colston defended Whitaker while condemning Sawyckyj during a tense and firey outburst in front of the group.

Shrieks Colston:

“I’m actually glad that is the case that he’s here because sex offenders are another population that is most vulnerable that don’t have housing.”

As legislators in Connecticut have confirmed, pedophiles are oppressed. That means that while all animals are equal, pedophiles are more equal than you.

Presenting Whitaker’s qualifications for a position on the board:

In 2012, Whitaker was convicted of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes, according to the King’s County Sheriff’s Office.

He was also convicted of harboring a minor, a 13-year-old who he had a sexual relationship with, and was charged with raping a minor in 2010, according to Publicola.

Colston shrieks more:

“This is about equity and everyone, EVERYONE, deserves housing. I don’t care if they’re a sex offender. I don’t care if they’re black. I don’t care if they’re indigenous. I don’t care if they’re a criminal. I don’t care if they’re coming out of jail or prison. Everyone deserves housing.”

Actually, Colson does care. The protected identity groups listed should be first in line for housing and everything else, per liberal ideology.

Shanee Colston appears to be a man:

Calls for Colson to at least have the decency to resign in disgrace have been rejected.

Beyond those listed above, Whitaker does have other qualifications:

Colston announced the nomination, noting Whitaker is a “lived expert,” meaning he was, at one time, homeless. She [?] claimed he also represents the “LGBTQIA2S+” community, which helped earn him the nomination, though did not elaborate.

In other Seattle news,

Out-of-control crime in the Democrat-run city of Seattle forced the United States Postal Service (USPS) to pause deliveries to an entire zip code for a week.

Around 900 residents in the 98118 zip code did not receive their mail as delivery services were halted due to mail theft and ‘equipment security concerns’.

They were told to pick up their mail from the local post office and stood in long queues of up to an hour while delivery services were paused for a week before UPS lifted the ban on Tuesday.

When depraved ideologues who revere lowlife criminals are in charge, crime flourishes. This applies to any jurisdiction controlled by Democrats.

On tips from R F, Ed McAninch, Wiggins, and Steve B.

May 21 2023

Social Service Kiosks for Thieves

How could progressives keep progressing after the ultraleftist Bill de Blasio appeared to take moonbattery to the last possible extreme? By plunging headlong into self-parody, as personified by current New York City Mayor Eric Adams. He has issued new proposals to confront the rampant crime liberal policy has predictably produced:

The Democrat mayor’s plan, laid out in bullet point format during a local Fox 5 broadcast, included providing “De-escalation training for retail employees,” and putting kiosks in stores that connect “would-be thieves” to social service.

The Babylon Bee wishes it had come up with this story.

Any sane people who have not yet evacuated the rotting Big Apple are encouraged to escape before it collapses even further into dysfunctional farce.

Note that Democrats respond to the shoplifting epidemic by reducing punishment. For whatever malevolent reasons, they want more crime.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

May 21 2023

Connecticut May Grant Pedophiles Protected Status

As George Orwell put it, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Most equal of all are those who enjoy the special protection of the Democratic Party. Their position in society relative to the rest of us is comparable to that of Muslims as opposed to dhimmis under Islamic rule. Among those who enjoy this special privilege are blacks, homosexuals, transsexuals, and now pedophiles:

On May 9, the Connecticut House of Representatives passed a bill that would effectively expand the definition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation to include “discrimination” against so-called “minor-attracted persons.”

“Minor-attracted persons” (or MAPs) is the euphemism liberals want us to use to help them normalize sex criminals who prey on children.

H.B. 6638, also known as “An Act Revising the State’s Antidiscrimination Statutes,” passed by a landslide margin of 132-17, with two members absent from the vote.

Even most Republicans voted for this obscene bill, if you can call any politician in Connecticut a Republican.

The state’s House Democratic caucus described the bill as seeking to “modernize and improve consistency in” the state’s “discrimination statutes.” The Connecticut American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which supports the bill, used similar language, stating that “it modernizes the existing definition of sexual orientation, moving away from thirty-year-old outdated and offensive terminology.”

We don’t want to use terminology that would offend pedophiles. That could get us canceled.

Family Institute of Connecticut analyzes the bill:

The new definition (as amended) of “sexual orientation” changes in 2 big ways. It becomes untethered from “heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality” and instead ties to “identity”. Second, it now includes identities whose underlying behavior would be a sex crime. …

Even people with sexual attractions like pedophilia and nepiophilia would be protected from discrimination.

The logic applied to make homosexuals a protected group can be applied to any perversion and any crime. The liberal trick is to conflate behavior they like with innate identity, and disapproval of that behavior with “intolerance.” According to woke doctrine, gays are not gay because they have gay sex; they have gay sex because they are gay. They were born that way, and have no influence over their own behavior. Therefore, if you do not approve of gay sex, you hate innocent victims of fate. Those who are victimized by hate must be granted special protection from the government to ensure they are first hired, last fired, immune from criticism, et cetera.

The reasoning is moronic on its face, but liberals used it to first normalize and then exalt homosexuality at a blitzkrieg pace. Next is pedophilia. Who can guess what will be next after that?

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

May 21 2023

Open Thread

We hear a constant clamor for rights, rights, always rights, but so very little about responsibility. And we have forgotten God. The need now is for selflessness, for a spirit of sacrifice, for a willingness to put aside personal gains for the salvation of the whole Western world. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

May 20 2023

Instance of Transsexual Oppression Discovered

Our rulers tell us about the oppression of transsexuals in a never-ending roar. But it isn’t every day that we find an instance of a transsexual actually being oppressed. A guy named Wesley Mumford was shunned on the winner’s podium, having committed no worse crime than ruining a bike race for all the legitimate competitors:

On Sunday, 46-year-old Wesley Mumford, who … now goes by the name Lesley Mumford, trounced the competition in the 40-49 age bracket of the women’s Desert Gravel Co2Ut, a grueling 100-mile gravel race along the desert mountains of Colorado near the Utah border. In fact, based on the final results, it could hardly be considered a competition. The second-place finisher, Lindsey Kriete, crossed the finish line a full 17 minutes after Mumford, and third-place winner, Michelle Van Sickle, lost to Mumford by more than half an hour.

Wesley’s victory might have been even more impressive if he had identified as belonging in the 70–79 age bracket. But that would have been unsportsmanlike — I mean, unsportstranswomanlike.

Even after Mumford humiliated the women both physically and emotionally, he seemed nonplussed that Kriete and Van Sickle declined to join him on the winners’ podium.

Try not to burst into sobs on his behalf.

If women’s sports are to survive moonbattery, it will take more than boycotting farcical victory ceremonies. Women need to show solidarity by refusing to compete against men in events that are explicitly for women.

On tips from Franco, ABC of the ANC, and Mr. Freemarket.

May 20 2023

Democrat State Senator Makes Case for Transsexualism

In case anyone fails to understand why our liberal ruling class obsesses endlessly on ramming transsexuals down our throat rather than addressing the looming menaces addressing the country (the national debt, societal decay, communist China, etc.), Democrat Nebraska State Senator Machaela Cavanaugh explains on behalf of her party:

That is probably the most intelligent argument you will hear from a progressive all year.

The legacy of Trigglypuff lives on.

On tips from Steve and Bluto.

May 20 2023

New York City Reportedly Sinking

This goes beyond emblematic. The symbolism is downright ham-fisted. If we are to believe the Experts, moonbattery-rotted New York City is literally sinking:

Three University of Rhode Island oceanologists and a researcher from the U.S. Geological Survey found that New York City, home to more than 8 million people, is sinking at a rate of 1 to 2 millimeters a year while sea level rises.

At 1–2 mm per year, mitigation measures may be required within a few centuries. Considering the speed at which big government does anything other than confiscate wealth, NYC is in for an overdue bath.

Now for the bad news. The Experts are probably full of it as usual. Boldface added:

“As coastal cities grow globally, the combination of construction densification and sea level rise imply increasing inundation hazard,” a summary of the research said. “The point of the paper is to raise awareness that every additional high-rise building constructed at coastal, river, or lakefront settings could contribute to future flood risk…”

Raising awareness is the point of a lot of bad science, as well as most hate hoaxes.

Rising sea levels are a feature of the global warming hoax. The extent to which sea levels may really be rising is unknowable, because any data pertaining to the global warming hoax is too politicized to be reliable.

Development (i.e., capitalism) bad, global warming scary. Designing models to reach such conclusions is a sure means of securing government grant money.

Something else to panic about.

On tips from Wiggins and Lyle.

May 20 2023

Open Thread

Freedom is not empowerment. Empowerment is what the Serbs have in Bosnia. Anybody can grab a gun and be empowered. It's not entitlement. An entitlement is what people on welfare get, and how free are they? It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights - the

On a tip from Anonymous.

May 19 2023

Oppressed Person Demands $3 Million Apiece Reparations

If only we could lock in the $1.2 million per black person that California is proposing. The cost of “reparations” is rising faster than Biden’s inflation. A local resident addressing the Tampa City Council demands $3 million apiece:

“All this nonsense, homelessness and all this other garbage you all talk about. Police violence and all this stuff — don’t nobody care about that,” the man said.

The Democratic Party — which relies heavily on the support it receives from the overwhelming majority of blacks — may as well stop posturing on unimportant issues. Here’s what they do care about:

“We care about our reparations. And we have to put White people on notice that we want our reparations.”

What does it matter if their pathological greed collapses the entire economy? America is racist anyway; it deserves to perish.

“We want our reparations. $3 million per person. $3 million per person right here in this city. That’s the only [thing] Black people have to care about. All this other little nonsense… we do not care about.”

No need to prop up Biden’s corpse in 2024. Democrats can run this personification of their base:

Federal lawmakers are at work to meet these demands. Rep Cori Bush (D-MO) held a press conference Wednesday to announce her Reparations Now resolution. She says minimum payout should be $14 trillion.

If we debase the currency to the point of creating Zimbabwe-level inflation so as to turn every black in the country into Thurston Howell III, would they at least stop the disgraceful whining about how put upon we are supposed to pretend they are? No, they would not. As noted previously,

Blacks are so oppressed that a pejorative for them cannot be spoken even as a direct quotation because it is regarded as blasphemy. They are first hired and last fired, their race counting as primary qualification for any position, including pilots and the highest levels of government. Even mildly criticizing blacks as a group is likely to end your career. Many trillions of expropriated dollars have been funneled into welfare programs that disproportionately benefit blacks. So aggressively do the media and advertising establishments promote blacks that according to YouGov polling, people believe blacks constitute 41% of the population rather than the actual 12%. Police are less likely to use lethal force against black than white criminals, for reasons made obvious by the immolation of Derek Chauvin.

If that counts as “oppression,” a few $million apiece in free money will count as still more oppression. Being oppressed is how they get their way. Rewarding them for it will not make them stop.

Oppression is a process by which people sacrifice any conceivable claim to self-respect but in return are granted power by the Democratic Party, which is doing to the USA exactly what Black Lives Matter mobs did to the stores they looted and destroyed.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

May 19 2023

State Department Pronoun Problems

It is not entirely accurate to refer to Critical Race Theory as our official state religion under Democrat rule. The official religion is moonbattery, a towering edifice of corrosive insanity that stands on three pillars: CRT, the global warming hoax, and LGBTism. That kneeling in the church of the latter is mandatory in the federal government has been confirmed by the State Department:

At the conclusion of [State Department deputy spokesmoonbat Vedant] Patel’s Thursday briefing, Associated Press reporter Matt Lee, who covers the State Department, asked Patel to address the new internal pronoun policy which reportedly mandates all employees to include their pronouns in the ‘from’ field on all agency emails. …

“This is not something that anybody has a choice about,” he continued, “and so I’m wondering why and who made this decision.”

No relevant information could be pried from Patel.

Pronoun policy has been implemented incompetently, as with everything else Democrats inflict:

“I’d like to know why this would not be an optional thing… the problem is that a lot of them, or at least some of them so far, as I’ve been able to tell, are wrong. They’re giving the wrong pronouns. So men are being identified as women and women as men… and this has nothing to do with whatever transgender or anything like that… but it’s ridiculous,” Lee said.

Patel confirmed that the circus act comprising the federal government is ridiculous by preaching about the right to dictate that other people refer to you with alternative pronouns.

Later, another Foggy Bottom spokesweenie blamed the farce on Microsoft, “claiming that the department’s Outlook server involuntarily added gender pronouns to employee emails.”

Pronouns are very important to our State Department:

This is how Antony Blinken and his minions occupy their time as the global situation spirals out of control and communist China replaces the USA as world hegemon.

The pronoun nonsense serves a single purpose: to signal obeisance to the cult of LGBTism. If we were ruled by Muslims instead of degenerates, the phrase “Allahu Akbar” would be mandated on emails rather than pronouns.

On a tip from Franco.

May 19 2023

Muslim Colonists in Belgium Reject LGBTism

Cracks are forming in the cultural Marxist coalition. LGBTists and Muslims can agree that Western Civilization needs to be torn down. But that does not reconcile Islam with the gay agenda:

On [May 11], the “LGBTQIA+” community in Belgium suffered a violent attack by teenage Muslim students from The Atlas College in Genk. The Islamic attack occurred at an International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) event held at the school.

City employees and volunteers from the LGBTQIA+ organization OGWA (Genks Wel Anders) were present when over 100 young Muslim students swarmed the table, hurling bottles and spitting on the rainbow hearts on display. They jeered and chanted the Islamic battle cry ‘Allahu Akbar,’ drowning out the pleas of the city employees and volunteers.”

One day it will get through to liberals that Muslims are exactly what they accuse Christians of being: violently intolerant of the sexual degeneracy liberals revere.

Progressivism will be killed off by a poison progressives imported:

This is not an isolated incident in Belgium, a country that has changed dramatically over the past decade. Without any public debate, it has become a massive Muslim migration state due to the left-wing government’s open borders migration policies and the European Union’s policies in Brussels, Belgium’s capital. …

One-third of Belgium’s population is of foreign origin, with the largest number of those being of Moroccan descent.

A similar story is playing out in the Muslim colony of southeastern Michigan.

Muslims engaging in hijrah (conquest by immigration) love open borders policy. The rest of liberalism they will eradicate the moment they have the leverage.

On a tip from Steve T.

May 19 2023

Ford Pulls a Bud Light

If any product could be crazier even than beer to market by associating it with transsexualism, it would be trucks. So Ford rams this down our throats:

They would have shown Sam Brinton stepping out of the rainbow truck in the latest dress he stole, but he was otherwise engaged.

The liberal elite types comprising the advertising industry probably live inside a bubble of unmitigated moonbattery in which they never encounter a regular American. Even so, they can’t be this clueless — not after what has been happening to sales of Bud Light. They aren’t trying to sell trucks; they are sending a message:

We don’t like you smelly working people who buy trucks. We would rather sell pickups to Dylan Mulvaney instead. If transsexuals don’t buy trucks, fine; we won’t sell them. Our business model doesn’t require us to. We make moronic electric vehicles that no one wants to please the kooks running the federal government. In return, bureaucrats give us your money whether you drive our trucks or not.

On tips from DCGere and Ed McAninch.

May 19 2023

Open Thread

Anyone who's ever filed a tax return or visited the Department of Motor Vehicles understands that government does two things well: spend our money and waste our time. - Edwin Feulner

May 18 2023

Lauren Heike as Another Victim of Transsexual Violence

Looks like the heartbreaking murder of Lauren Heike, who was stabbed at least 15 times on an Arizona hiking trail, can be added to the growing list of recent transsexual violence.

Police have compelling video and DNA evidence against Zion William Teasley.

When shown a picture of Heike, Teasley recognized her and admitted that he “wanted to look like her.”

Teasley told cops that he has struggled with his sexuality.

In addition, a scan through LinkedIn profiles suggested that Teasley may not necessarily identify as male and that he does believe in preferred pronouns. A profile reportedly created by Teasley lists “they/them” pronouns next to his name, and the background photo encourages those who visit his page to “amplify black voices.”

The establishment-endorsed combination of LGBTism and Afrocentrism calls to mind cat-torturing gay BLM activist Rashad Gober. Lots of moonbattery has been poured into Teasley’s head, fermented with mental illness, and allowed to express itself as you might expect.

Maya McKinney. Snochia Moseley. Anderson Lee Aldrich. Audrey Hale. Moses Lopez. William Whitworth. Shanu Varma. “Lara.” Think of how long the list of apparent transsexual violence that has been threatened or actually inflicted would be if the media were not so committed to pretending it does not exist that it joins the federal government in framing terrorism committed by transsexuals as if it were committed against them.

It’s almost as if there were some link between senseless violence and crazy people being egged on in their delusions and allowed to run amok (Teasley was loose after accepting a plea deal for armed robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, and kidnapping in 2020). But no, the liberal establishment informs us the rising tide of mayhem is caused by our fundamental right of self-defense.

On a tip from Bluto.


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