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Apr 10 2023

Open Thread

Talk of imminent threat to our national security through the application of external force is pure nonsense. Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions - those institutions we proudly called the American way of life. - Douglas MacArthur

Apr 09 2023

Joe Biden’s Boss Keeps Him on Short Leash

Whoever is in charge of steering America straight off a cliff, it isn’t Joe Biden. Creepy Joe was infamously incompetent even before he became senile, and at this point probably cannot get his shoes on the correct feet without assistance. He was chosen as a figurehead because his cluelessness and morally vacuity make him easy to manage.

His puppeteers are too conspicuously sinister to face even an electorate debased enough to vote for Barack Obama. Who are they? Frequent visits to the White House by Alexander Soros, son of the 96-year-old George Soros, offer a clue:

Soros — who has worked to carry his father’s torch as he has assisted with fundraising efforts for the Democratic Party — traveled to the White House at least 14 times since October 2021 and had meetings with multiple officials in 2022, according to White House visitor logs

Who knows how often Biden meets with his masters during the excessive percentage of the time he is away from the White House on vacation?

Heritage Foundation Oversight Project director Mike Howell told Fox News Digital that the visits by Alexander Soros to the White House are concerning, as the Soros family “has done incalculable damage to our country.”

Other high profile Democrats Alexander Soros is known to meet with include Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. George Soros is far and away the #1 donor to the Democratic Party.

Soros has made his hostility to the USA clear. He has installed pro-criminal maniacs as district attorneys throughout the country (e.g., George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Jose Garza [Austin]), deliberately creating a tsunami of violent crime intended to destabilize the country. Among them is New York’s Alvin Bragg, who has been taking a wrecking ball to our system of government with a brazenly political criminal prosecution of the leading opposition figure.

George Soros pushed $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which turned around and spent big, backing Bragg’s candidacy.

Soros’ son Jonathan Soros, and Jonathan’s wife, Jennifer Allan Soros, also donated directly to Bragg’s campaign…

The contributions were also uncommon for the pair, as they generally do not get financially involved with district attorney races…

Bragg was placed in his position to perform a specific task: indict Trump on a ludicrous charge so as to ensure that Trump wins the primaries but loses the general election, at significant cost to our national cohesion and the integrity of the American system.

Too bad Bragg isn’t the highest official serving as a Soros cat’s paw. Control by Soros explains why every Biden policy is harmful to the country.

Soros broke the Bank of England and the Bank of Thailand. If his objective now is to break the United States, what better strategy than to put lowlife looters in a position to spend it to death, causing the economy to collapse under the burden of taxation, inflation, and debt?

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 09 2023

Biden Regime to Translate Obscene Dictionary of Depravity

There are many aspects to the leftist campaign to destroy America. The way they will destroy it economically is through grotesquely excessive wasteful spending resulting in a lethal triple whammy of debt, inflation, and suffocating taxation. Biden and his handlers are not so much an administration as a looting spree, comparable to a Black Lives Matter mob pillaging a Target. A grant to translate Homosaurus into Spanish gives an idea of what they have been spending our money on:

Biden’s National Endowment for the Humanities in January announced the $350,000 grant, which will see the University of Washington create a “Spanish-language version of the Homosaurus.” The dictionary, which features a dinosaur standing under a rainbow as its logo, defines hundreds of terms and phrases “relating to bisexuality, trans, gender, and intersex concepts,” according to its website. Examples include “anal fisting,” which the Homosaurus defines as the “sexual practice of inserting a fist into an anus,” [et cetera, ad nauseam].

Like the subject matter, many of the terms are obscene.

[F]eminist scholar Marika Cifor will oversee the Spanish translation, a project she says will take three years.

Why so long? Because, according to Cifor, a direct translation “doesn’t feel adequate and reinforces the centrality of the English language.” Like America, the English language is slated for erasure.

The obscene dictionary will alleviate oppression, or as Cifor puts it, help with the “basic struggles for information accessibility that many marginalized communities still face.”

As with most things LGBT, there is an emphasis on defiling children:

Homosaurus also includes terms that define minors under the age of 18, such as “bisexual boys,” “gay boys,” and “transgender children.” The dictionary, which sells children’s apparel bearing its logo, also defines “pederasts” as “adult men who have sexual and mentor/protégé relationships with adolescent boys” but says the term should only be used “in historical contexts.”

For current contexts, the politically correct destigmatized term is MAPs (minor-attracted persons).

It isn’t enough to spend us to death. Democrats have to do it by the most degrading, disgusting, and morally repugnant means possible.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Apr 09 2023

Open Thread

Good Friday and Easter free us to think about other things far beyond our own personal fate, about the ultimate meaning of all life, suffering, and events; and we lay hold of a great hope. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Apr 08 2023

Bud Light Blood in the Water

“Go woke, go broke” sounds good, but it isn’t working that way, because virtually all corporations are aggressively left-wing now and countermoonbats can’t boycott all of them. Radical leftists have made it clear than every enterprise is either with them or against them; companies have less to fear by being with them due to the relentless vindictiveness that characterizes progressives.

Matt Walsh offers a solution:

Who’s up first? Bud Light grinding the transsexual agenda in the face of customers who are overwhelming unlikely to like it makes Anheuser-Busch an obvious candidate.

Celebrities Kid Rock, Travis Tritt, and John Rich have already stood up to the woke lynch mob by expressing their disgust at Anheuser-Busch plastering female impersonator Dylan Mulvaney’s creepy face across beer cans to advance the LGBT agenda. A boycott is picking up steam:

Already the corporate clowns at Anheuser-Busch and Belgian parent company AB InBev have noticed the pushback:

Public outrage continues to grow over Bud Light’s partnership with a controversial transgender activist, and now, representatives from Budweiser have canceled an event featuring Budweiser’s iconic Clydesdale horses.

The Clydesdales were scheduled to appear at several events in Springfield, Missouri, sometime this week to help promote the Budweiser brand. …

According to a statement from Anheuser-Busch, Wil Fischer Companies, a Budweiser distributor in Missouri, elected to cancel the Springfield events “due to safety concerns for their employees.” The company did not elaborate on why Wil Fischer employees might be imperiled or whether the events would be rescheduled at a later date.

When they feel threatened, liberals reflexively pretend to be physically endangered so they can pose as victims. Recall that the White House reacted to a transgender terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville by lying that there is an “epidemic of violence against trans people.”

No one is calling for violence against Anheuser-Busch employees. The call is to drink any other brand of beer.

Already they are running scared. If you boycott one product in your life, make it Bud Light, Budweiser, and associated brands — and keep it up.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.

Apr 08 2023

Sergeant Convicted of Murder for Shooting Armed Moonbat

Kyle Rittenhouse being permitted to defend his own life from leftist Brownshirts is something our liberal rulers are not about to let happen again:

A U.S. Army sergeant was convicted of murder for fatally shooting an armed protester in 2020 during nationwide protests against police violence and racial injustice, a Texas jury ruled Friday.

Sgt. Daniel Perry was working for a ride-sharing company in July 2020 when he turned onto a street and into a large crowd of demonstrators in downtown Austin.

Something similar happened to James Fields in Charlottesville, Virginia, ending his life as a free man.

Perry, who faces life in prison, now awaits sentencing.

Perry’s attorneys said he had no choice but to shoot Foster as he approached Perry’s car with an AK-47 rifle, the Austin American-Statesman reported. Prosecutors said Perry could have driven away before firing his revolver.

What actually happened will never be known, assuming the immediate witnesses were all Black Lives Matter/Antifa type lowlifes. Police heard two separate volleys of gunfire.

Perry prevailed in the firefight, despite being outgunned. But no regular American is likely to prevail against a jury in Austin.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 08 2023

Amazon Prime Abandons Audience in Favor of Moonbattery

America was about opportunity. People had the chance to rise or fall by their own merits. In contrast, effort makes less sense in the USSA under moonbat rule, because outcomes are predetermined by social engineers. Metrics of aptitude or achievement that do not reflect the desired results are abolished. That’s why colleges have been dropping the ACT, SAT, and LSAT. The reason most people have to go to college to find suitable employment is that a degree serves as a substitute for an IQ test, which employers have been forbidden from using for hiring purposes — for the same reason. The policy of abolishing metrics that do not produce the desired results applies also to programming on Amazon Prime.

Amazon is trying to produce a big series hit. It has the money, but woke ideology may get in the way. Via The Hollywood Reporter:

[A] complaint is that [Amazon head of television Vernon] Sanders relies heavily on feedback from focus groups, which tend to favor broad and less inclusive programming. Several Amazon insiders say the reliance on testing and data led to a clash late last summer, when an Amazon executive said in a marketing meeting for the series A League of Their Own that data showed audiences found queer stories off-putting and suggested downplaying those themes in materials promoting the show. Series co-creator Will Graham became greatly concerned about bias built into Amazon’s system for evaluating shows, which multiple sources say often ranked broad series featuring straight, white male leads above all others. One executive calls A League of Their Own “a proxy for how diverse and inclusive shows are treated.”

Graham launched into an interrogation of the system, questioning multiple executives about it. Amazon took the issue seriously and dropped the system of ranking shows based on audience scores.

Now programming can be based purely on what audiences are supposed to like in accordance with leftist ideology, as opposed to what they do like. Anheuser-Busch applies the same approach to marketing beer.

As Not the Bee observes, there is a massive market out there for entertainment that does not ram nauseating perversion and woke ideology down the audience’s throat:

The first company to successfully tap it will control the stories and culture of the generations to come.

Fox News exploited the gaping hole where non-left-wing news coverage needed to be and has overwhelmingly dominated cable news ever since. An alternative Hollywood could make a killing by steering clear of moonbattery.

On tips from Franco and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 08 2023

Open Thread

When all government little as in great things... shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power; it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated. - Thomas Jefferson

On a tip from justlittlolme.

Apr 07 2023

Swimmer Riley Gaines Assaulted by Transsexuals

Not all transsexual violence is taken to the extreme of mass murder. Lesser violence is more likely to be employed in attempts to intimidate resistance:

Swimmer Riley Gaines says she was “ambushed and physically hit” and forced to barricade for three hours from a mob of trans-rights protesters who stormed her speech about protecting women’s sports.

The 12-time All-American champ — a former competitor of controversial trans swimmer Lia Thomas -— shared alarming footage of cops hustling her to safety late Thursday at San Francisco State University.

Despite her overwhelming disadvantage, Gaines has managed to tie Will “Lia” Thomas, a transsexual bully who enjoys taking his clothes off in the women’s locker room and stealing trophies that rightly belong to female competitors. ESPN reveres him.

Gaines’ footage — as well as other clips shared on social media — show security and university staff blocking the angry mob from following the distressed guest speaker as she’s taken to a safe room at 8:30 p.m.

We now live in a country where women who believe that only women should compete in women’s sports have to be taken to safe rooms to protect them from mobs of perverted freaks who know they have liberal establishment behind them.

At 11:21 p.m., officers announced through a bullhorn that the gathering was an unlawful congregation and those refusing to leave would be arrested.

Gaines was finally able to leave at 11:38 p.m. — more than 3 hours after being first led to safety — with a huge police presence to stop her from being followed…

Fumes her husband Louis Barker,

“She was under police protection and was still hit by a man wearing a dress.”

But Gaines came through the experience all the stronger. Good thing Elon Musk took over Twitter, or this would have been censored:

On a tip from Jack D.

Apr 07 2023

Parent Petitions to Ban Bible From School

The main purpose of the LGBT agenda is not to pander obsequiously to a tiny percentage of the population but to destroy Christianity, which serves as a bulwark against tyranny by reminding us that there is a higher authority than the government and the media. Leftists have achieved hegemony, so they may as well drop their progressive approach and cut to the chase. Why not ban the Bible?

From Utah:

On Dec. 11, the [Davis] School District received a petition from a parent to have the Bible removed from schools for being what the parent considered a “sex-ridden” book. …

“Utah Parents United left off one of the most sex-ridden books around: The Bible. You’ll no doubt find that the Bible has ‘no serious values for minors’ because it’s pornographic by our new definition,” the petition read.

The actual point is to complain about limitations on the perverted filth that is rammed down children’s throats in public schools.

This complaint followed the passing of Utah’s “Sensitive Materials in Schools” law enacted in May which “prohibits certain sensitive instructional materials” if they contain “explicit sexual arousal, stimulation, masturbation, intercourse, sodomy or fondling.”

Rather than laughing off this moonbat’s attempt at cuteness,

According to District spokesperson Chris Williams, the challenge was taken up for committee review as any other book despite its religious nature.

Enough tolerant liberals on the committee and the Bible will be banned. As noted earlier,

California came close to banning the Bible in 2018. Assembly Bill 2943 “effectively [would] make it illegal to buy or sell anything that promotes the view that homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice.”

Make sure you have the Bible in hardcopy and a secure place to hide it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 07 2023

More Transsexual Mass Murder Foiled

Mass murder is an increasingly popular subtrend within the trend of transgenderism. As the sympathetic media pointedly refuses to notice, the names keep piling up. Maya McKinney. Snochia Moseley. Anderson Lee Aldrich. Audrey Hale. Add to the list William Whitworth:

Investigators found instructions on how to build homemade bombs and a whiteboard with the floor plan to Timberview Middle School in the bedroom of a former student accused of planning a mass shooting at the Colorado Springs school, according to arrest records obtained by The Gazette.

The Elbert County Sheriff’s Office arrested William Whitworth, 19, on March 31 on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder and other charges after Whitworth admitted to wanting to shoot up a school, the affidavit states.

The motive appears to be the usual with mass murder — i.e., insanity:

Eric Ross, a spokesperson for the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, told The Gazette that Whitworth is in the process of transitioning to female.

Whitworth likes to think of himself as a girl named “Lily.”

People who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex are psychotic by definition. It should surprise no one that many of them are violent.

As with Audrey Hale, there is a manifesto:

Deputies found a “manifesto” with the names of mass shooters, political commentators and more while searching Whitworth’s home, according to the affidavit.

Also as with Audrey Hale, this manifesto is unlikely to be released to the public, lest it reflect poorly on the ideology of our liberal rulers.

In addition to Timberview Middle School,

The affidavit states that Prairie Hills Elementary and Pine Creek High School, both in Colorado Springs, were also listed as “targets” in one of Whitworth’s notebooks, which contained a “detailed” list of people “to be killed.”

KRDO reports that “other targets were churches.”

Whitworth’s manifesto was not the only one recovered by police:

Evidence collected inside the house included the suspect’s manifesto, the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels, and a notebook with suicidal ideations.

Communism is the end goal of leftism, or as it is euphemistically called nowadays, “liberalism.”

Suicide ideation is one of the most conspicuous features of transgenderism:

Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.

The liberal establishment aggressively promotes this ideology to children in order to destabilize their young minds.

Whitworth was arrested just 4 days after a transgender terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville killed six, including three 9-year-olds. Why did this just break into the news yesterday, 6 days after Whitworth’s arrest? Because as J.D. Rucker puts it,

Narrative control is far more important to the powers-that-be than the safety of any child who … has not been brainwashed into the cult.

When forced to acknowledge transgender violence, liberals ignore the cause and shoehorn the bloodshed into their antigun narrative, as though we would be safer if only lawbreakers had firearms. Whitworth had plans to make his own guns via 3D printing.

On tips from Jester and Chris Neilson.

Apr 07 2023

Canada May Criminalize Criticism of Drag Queen Story Hours

You can have the fundamental human right of free speech, or you can have what liberals call “LGBT rights.” Canada may opt for the latter:

Canadian politician and Member of Parliament Kristyn Wong-Tam recently introduced legislation that would criminalize making “offensive remarks” within 100 meters of Drag Queen Story Hours in the Ontario province of Canada.

Wong-Tam’s bill seeks to establish “2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones” around locations holding Drag Queen Story Hours, where it would be considered a criminal offense to make statements against the events. The safety zone would last for the duration of each event, and anything deemed as “anti-2SLGBTQI+ harassment, intimidation, and hate speech” could incur a penalty of up to $25,000 if prosecuted.

That is to say, it will be illegal to say anything militant perverts regard as resistance to their grooming of children.

As with all things progressive, the zone will expand in terms of time and space, as will the punishment. Soon comes serious jail time for saying anything anywhere in Canada at any time that LGBT activists and child-grooming drag queens don’t like.

Regarding the alphabet soup Canadians are to be force-fed:

According to the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, “2SLGBTQI” stands for “two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and intersex.” The “+” symbol refers to “other people who identify as a sexual or gender minority.”

At the current rate of decay, people who are not sexually deranged degenerates will soon qualify as “+”.

Like the carbon offsets that call to mind paid indulgences, this is a throwback to Medieval times, but centered on a very different religion. As Chris Gast of Right to Life of Michigan observes,

“It’s the same thing as abortion facility buffer zones. It’s the return of blasphemy laws, centered around their sacraments and where they are practiced.”

Everything profane is sacred to leftists. By the same token, everything sacred is profane. That which they cannot infiltrate, corrupt, and subvert, they will directly abolish.

Wong-Tam has also introduced other pro-transgender legislation, including a 2022 bill to create a provincial “gender-affirming healthcare” advisory committee.

Objecting to being forced to finance grotesque sex-change operations that will inevitably be inflicted on children is an example of hate speech.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 07 2023

Open Thread

That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. - George Orwell

Apr 06 2023

Insurrection at Tennessee State Capitol

Civilization is under direct attack in Nashville, where leftists are following up on last week’s transsexual terror attack that killed six at a Christian school by demanding potential victims be disarmed. A leftist mob has laid siege to the state capitol — on behalf of Democrat legislators.

Via Fox News:

A loud group of demonstrators stormed the Tennessee State Capitol on Thursday to protest a vote in the state House to remove three lawmakers for disrupting the state House floor in Nashville last week during protests for stricter gun control measures. …

The protest comes after Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton, a Republican, said Wednesday that Democratic state Reps. Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson would have their chance for due process when they face expulsion from an overwhelmingly Republican majority for disrupting House floor proceedings to lead protesters in the overhead balcony last Thursday.

If January 6 was an insurrection, as the liberal media has been shrieking for the past 2 years, what do you call this?

Sexton explains why the three insurrectionists need to be expelled:

“These three individuals stormed up to the well where you speak from without being recognized, did not display decorum, they disrupted the proceedings where we had to shut down, pulled out a megaphone and started to lead the balcony in protest for the next 30 to 45 minutes.”

“Their actions on the House floor rise to the level of expulsion. We cannot allow these types of things to take place in the people’s House,” he added.

Mob rule intimidation tactics suggest that leftists would use violence to deny us our right of self-defense. Imagine how violent they will become after we are disarmed. Tens of millions were killed when similar people espousing the same ideology took over Russia and China in the 20th century.

Note the communist salute:

The establishment media will side with the leftist mob. Its agenda cannot be inflicted on a population able to defend itself.

Ernest Hemingway said he went bankrupt “gradually, then suddenly.” That is how America is losing its liberty and succumbing to the misery of authoritarianism. We are entering the suddenly stage.

On a tip from Varla.


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