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Apr 07 2023

Swimmer Riley Gaines Assaulted by Transsexuals

Not all transsexual violence is taken to the extreme of mass murder. Lesser violence is more likely to be employed in attempts to intimidate resistance:

Swimmer Riley Gaines says she was “ambushed and physically hit” and forced to barricade for three hours from a mob of trans-rights protesters who stormed her speech about protecting women’s sports.

The 12-time All-American champ — a former competitor of controversial trans swimmer Lia Thomas -— shared alarming footage of cops hustling her to safety late Thursday at San Francisco State University.

Despite her overwhelming disadvantage, Gaines has managed to tie Will “Lia” Thomas, a transsexual bully who enjoys taking his clothes off in the women’s locker room and stealing trophies that rightly belong to female competitors. ESPN reveres him.

Gaines’ footage — as well as other clips shared on social media — show security and university staff blocking the angry mob from following the distressed guest speaker as she’s taken to a safe room at 8:30 p.m.

We now live in a country where women who believe that only women should compete in women’s sports have to be taken to safe rooms to protect them from mobs of perverted freaks who know they have liberal establishment behind them.

At 11:21 p.m., officers announced through a bullhorn that the gathering was an unlawful congregation and those refusing to leave would be arrested.

Gaines was finally able to leave at 11:38 p.m. — more than 3 hours after being first led to safety — with a huge police presence to stop her from being followed…

Fumes her husband Louis Barker,

“She was under police protection and was still hit by a man wearing a dress.”

But Gaines came through the experience all the stronger. Good thing Elon Musk took over Twitter, or this would have been censored:

On a tip from Jack D.

Apr 07 2023

Parent Petitions to Ban Bible From School

The main purpose of the LGBT agenda is not to pander obsequiously to a tiny percentage of the population but to destroy Christianity, which serves as a bulwark against tyranny by reminding us that there is a higher authority than the government and the media. Leftists have achieved hegemony, so they may as well drop their progressive approach and cut to the chase. Why not ban the Bible?

From Utah:

On Dec. 11, the [Davis] School District received a petition from a parent to have the Bible removed from schools for being what the parent considered a “sex-ridden” book. …

“Utah Parents United left off one of the most sex-ridden books around: The Bible. You’ll no doubt find that the Bible has ‘no serious values for minors’ because it’s pornographic by our new definition,” the petition read.

The actual point is to complain about limitations on the perverted filth that is rammed down children’s throats in public schools.

This complaint followed the passing of Utah’s “Sensitive Materials in Schools” law enacted in May which “prohibits certain sensitive instructional materials” if they contain “explicit sexual arousal, stimulation, masturbation, intercourse, sodomy or fondling.”

Rather than laughing off this moonbat’s attempt at cuteness,

According to District spokesperson Chris Williams, the challenge was taken up for committee review as any other book despite its religious nature.

Enough tolerant liberals on the committee and the Bible will be banned. As noted earlier,

California came close to banning the Bible in 2018. Assembly Bill 2943 “effectively [would] make it illegal to buy or sell anything that promotes the view that homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice.”

Make sure you have the Bible in hardcopy and a secure place to hide it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 07 2023

More Transsexual Mass Murder Foiled

Mass murder is an increasingly popular subtrend within the trend of transgenderism. As the sympathetic media pointedly refuses to notice, the names keep piling up. Maya McKinney. Snochia Moseley. Anderson Lee Aldrich. Audrey Hale. Add to the list William Whitworth:

Investigators found instructions on how to build homemade bombs and a whiteboard with the floor plan to Timberview Middle School in the bedroom of a former student accused of planning a mass shooting at the Colorado Springs school, according to arrest records obtained by The Gazette.

The Elbert County Sheriff’s Office arrested William Whitworth, 19, on March 31 on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder and other charges after Whitworth admitted to wanting to shoot up a school, the affidavit states.

The motive appears to be the usual with mass murder — i.e., insanity:

Eric Ross, a spokesperson for the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, told The Gazette that Whitworth is in the process of transitioning to female.

Whitworth likes to think of himself as a girl named “Lily.”

People who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex are psychotic by definition. It should surprise no one that many of them are violent.

As with Audrey Hale, there is a manifesto:

Deputies found a “manifesto” with the names of mass shooters, political commentators and more while searching Whitworth’s home, according to the affidavit.

Also as with Audrey Hale, this manifesto is unlikely to be released to the public, lest it reflect poorly on the ideology of our liberal rulers.

In addition to Timberview Middle School,

The affidavit states that Prairie Hills Elementary and Pine Creek High School, both in Colorado Springs, were also listed as “targets” in one of Whitworth’s notebooks, which contained a “detailed” list of people “to be killed.”

KRDO reports that “other targets were churches.”

Whitworth’s manifesto was not the only one recovered by police:

Evidence collected inside the house included the suspect’s manifesto, the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels, and a notebook with suicidal ideations.

Communism is the end goal of leftism, or as it is euphemistically called nowadays, “liberalism.”

Suicide ideation is one of the most conspicuous features of transgenderism:

Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.

The liberal establishment aggressively promotes this ideology to children in order to destabilize their young minds.

Whitworth was arrested just 4 days after a transgender terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville killed six, including three 9-year-olds. Why did this just break into the news yesterday, 6 days after Whitworth’s arrest? Because as J.D. Rucker puts it,

Narrative control is far more important to the powers-that-be than the safety of any child who … has not been brainwashed into the cult.

When forced to acknowledge transgender violence, liberals ignore the cause and shoehorn the bloodshed into their antigun narrative, as though we would be safer if only lawbreakers had firearms. Whitworth had plans to make his own guns via 3D printing.

On tips from Jester and Chris Neilson.

Apr 07 2023

Canada May Criminalize Criticism of Drag Queen Story Hours

You can have the fundamental human right of free speech, or you can have what liberals call “LGBT rights.” Canada may opt for the latter:

Canadian politician and Member of Parliament Kristyn Wong-Tam recently introduced legislation that would criminalize making “offensive remarks” within 100 meters of Drag Queen Story Hours in the Ontario province of Canada.

Wong-Tam’s bill seeks to establish “2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones” around locations holding Drag Queen Story Hours, where it would be considered a criminal offense to make statements against the events. The safety zone would last for the duration of each event, and anything deemed as “anti-2SLGBTQI+ harassment, intimidation, and hate speech” could incur a penalty of up to $25,000 if prosecuted.

That is to say, it will be illegal to say anything militant perverts regard as resistance to their grooming of children.

As with all things progressive, the zone will expand in terms of time and space, as will the punishment. Soon comes serious jail time for saying anything anywhere in Canada at any time that LGBT activists and child-grooming drag queens don’t like.

Regarding the alphabet soup Canadians are to be force-fed:

According to the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, “2SLGBTQI” stands for “two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and intersex.” The “+” symbol refers to “other people who identify as a sexual or gender minority.”

At the current rate of decay, people who are not sexually deranged degenerates will soon qualify as “+”.

Like the carbon offsets that call to mind paid indulgences, this is a throwback to Medieval times, but centered on a very different religion. As Chris Gast of Right to Life of Michigan observes,

“It’s the same thing as abortion facility buffer zones. It’s the return of blasphemy laws, centered around their sacraments and where they are practiced.”

Everything profane is sacred to leftists. By the same token, everything sacred is profane. That which they cannot infiltrate, corrupt, and subvert, they will directly abolish.

Wong-Tam has also introduced other pro-transgender legislation, including a 2022 bill to create a provincial “gender-affirming healthcare” advisory committee.

Objecting to being forced to finance grotesque sex-change operations that will inevitably be inflicted on children is an example of hate speech.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 07 2023

Open Thread

That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. - George Orwell

Apr 06 2023

Insurrection at Tennessee State Capitol

Civilization is under direct attack in Nashville, where leftists are following up on last week’s transsexual terror attack that killed six at a Christian school by demanding potential victims be disarmed. A leftist mob has laid siege to the state capitol — on behalf of Democrat legislators.

Via Fox News:

A loud group of demonstrators stormed the Tennessee State Capitol on Thursday to protest a vote in the state House to remove three lawmakers for disrupting the state House floor in Nashville last week during protests for stricter gun control measures. …

The protest comes after Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton, a Republican, said Wednesday that Democratic state Reps. Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson would have their chance for due process when they face expulsion from an overwhelmingly Republican majority for disrupting House floor proceedings to lead protesters in the overhead balcony last Thursday.

If January 6 was an insurrection, as the liberal media has been shrieking for the past 2 years, what do you call this?

Sexton explains why the three insurrectionists need to be expelled:

“These three individuals stormed up to the well where you speak from without being recognized, did not display decorum, they disrupted the proceedings where we had to shut down, pulled out a megaphone and started to lead the balcony in protest for the next 30 to 45 minutes.”

“Their actions on the House floor rise to the level of expulsion. We cannot allow these types of things to take place in the people’s House,” he added.

Mob rule intimidation tactics suggest that leftists would use violence to deny us our right of self-defense. Imagine how violent they will become after we are disarmed. Tens of millions were killed when similar people espousing the same ideology took over Russia and China in the 20th century.

Note the communist salute:

The establishment media will side with the leftist mob. Its agenda cannot be inflicted on a population able to defend itself.

Ernest Hemingway said he went bankrupt “gradually, then suddenly.” That is how America is losing its liberty and succumbing to the misery of authoritarianism. We are entering the suddenly stage.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 06 2023

Not a Nation of Dylan Mulvaneys

The corporate campaign to reduce America to a nation of Dylan Mulvaneys continues.

Anheuser-Busch making the jarringly repulsive female impersonator the face of Bud Light was not well received:

However, the point of advertising is not to sell products. It is to impose social engineering. Otherwise, corporations would not go out of their way to insult, disgust, and alienate their customers on behalf of ruling class ideology.

Leave it to hyperwoke Nike to push the moonbattery to a new level of absurdity:

Mulvaney unveiled [his] paid partnership with Nike on Wednesday in several posts to Instagram, where [he] wore some of the company’s activewear, including pants and a sports bra.

So eager are the libs running Nike to pander to transsexualism that they literally have a man modeling a brassiere.

Bud Light and Nike are not alone:

Mulvaney … has been especially criticized for his marketing deals with companies such as makeup brand Ulta Beauty and fashion house Kate Spade, both of which prompted accusations that he was insulting women and provoked ire among the companies’ consumer bases. …

His TikTok account has also shown him ordering a pizza from grocery delivery service Instacart to celebrate a “sleepover” and live the “moments of girlhood” he missed, using Crest toothpaste and discussing his expected dating life, and applying products from skin care brand CeraVe.

At least the revolting Dylan Mulvaney phenomenon has led to a little good news. Despite making conspicuous inroads, liberals have not yet succeeded in subverting country music to their cause:

Country music legend Travis Tritt announced Wednesday that he is dropping all Anheuser-Busch products from his tour.

Tritt says other country artists are doing the same, but won’t announce it publicly because they fear cancelation.

It only took one countermoonbat with guts — namely Ivan Provorov — to start the tide turning against the absorption of professional hockey into the LGBT activist community.

Maybe having Dylan Mulvaney rammed down our throats was the final straw. Maybe pushback is finally getting underway. It all depends on whether others have what it takes to follow the lead of Ivan Provorov and Travis Tritt.

After American culture has been restored, and we can turn on our TVs without feeling nauseated and ashamed, we must never let liberals live LGBTism down, lest they try to inflict something similar in the future.

On tips from Franco, JackisBack, StephaneDumas, and ABC of the ANC. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Apr 06 2023

How Biden Gets From Point A to Point B

Another reminder of what we look like to the rest of the world with Joe Biden in the White House:

At first it seemed that George Soros et al. chose Joe Biden as their figurehead because he is too oblivious and morally vacuous not to be a compliant tool. But maybe they did it because his face on America’s destruction is the ultimate insult to the country they hate.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 06 2023

CBS News Crewmember Assaults Independent Journalist

Antifa and the establishment media serve the same purpose: to secure the power of the leftist ruling class. Sometimes they are hard to tell apart. When a thug dressed all in black assaults and threatens to kill an independent journalist in the middle of a crowd, you might blame Antifa. But no, it was CBS News:

Via Post Millennial:

Independent journalist Oren Levy was attacked by a sound man for CBS News outside Donald Trump’s arraignment in New York City Tuesday.

Levy is a photojournalist who often tweets viral clips under the handle @ViralNewsNYC.

In the footage, a large black man can be seen grabbing and shoving Levy while repeatedly yelling “Don’t f*ck with me.”

Then he yelled, “I will kill you,” followed by more obscenity.

The goon was working on Roxana Saberi’s crew. His attitude likely typifies the establishment media’s view of independent journalism, and by extension, the liberal elite’s view of normal Americans.

The local media establishment covered for him with a predicable but preposterous claim:

Jay Dow, a correspondent for New York outlet WPIX-TV, claimed in a Twitter post that the incident was spawned by Levy calling the man the N-word.

All those journalists, all those phones and microphones, but no one seems to have recorded Levy committing the ultimate blasphemy in the middle of the media crowd.

They are no more worried about their credibility than they are about exposing their bias. At this point, either you want the leftist propaganda on offer from the establishment media or you don’t. There is no point trying to dress it up as straight news, because few are dumb enough to take it at face value.

On tips from Wiggins and Jester.

Apr 06 2023

Election Interference From ABC News

The news media ostensibly exists to inform the public. Its actual purpose is to stampede the gullible in whatever direction serves our leftist ruling class. The bias was strong back when Walter Cronkite won the Vietnam War for the communists. Nowadays, it is over the top:

During former President Trump’s speech at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday following his arraignment in a Manhattan courthouse, ABC News blurred out the message written on his podium.

“TEXT TRUMP to 88022” was displayed as a way to fundraise for his presidential campaign, but the news organization did not want their viewers to see this…

Needless to say, they don’t do the same to their guy, Creepy Joe:

The point is to demonize Trump while strategically making sure he wins the Republican nomination, not to help him raise funds that could be used against Democrats by leaving a text number where the public might see it.

The thumb on the scale could not be more obvious.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Apr 06 2023

Open Thread

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money. - Margaret Thatcher

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Apr 05 2023

Bill Gates Blows $4.8 Million on Masks for Cows

Like they say about a fool and his money:

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation this month awarded a $4.8 million grant to a company that sells “smart” face masks for cows.

A $4,762,834 grant, to be exact.

ZELP, which stands for Zero Emissions Livestock Project, claims its artificial intelligence (AI) mask technology for livestock will reduce methane emissions — considered to be a main greenhouse gas — and curb climate change.

If you think masks look stupid on moonbats wallowing in Covid hysteria, imagine seeing them on cows.

As for the AI component, the masks have sensors that collect data.

“Our AI is trained to detect heat, flag welfare conditions, and identify the most efficient animals with a high-level of accuracy,” ZELP said.

There isn’t much that moonbats don’t want to monitor.

Here’s how ZELP makes money by suffocating cows:

ZELP — which collaborates with the agricultural giant Cargill — makes its money by leasing the smart masks out to farmers and by selling carbon offset credits

Carbon offsets are a swindle that will increasingly be imposed on a coercive basis by greedy Big Government. Only fools pay for climate cult posturing on a voluntary basis.

On a tip from R F.

Apr 05 2023

Chicago Crosses the Rubicon

There appears to be no escape from the Democrat Death Spiral. This vicious cycle occurs when high taxes and social decay inevitably resulting from Democrat rule drive sane people out of a jurisdiction, resulting in ever greater margins of victory for Democrats, resulting in ever more destructive radicalism, driving out still more sane people. The Democrat Death Spiral reduced Detroit (formerly the wealthiest city in America) to the rotting pustule of poverty and dysfunction we know today. There was a moment of hope when radical leftist Lori Lightfoot — a catastrophic failure whose only qualifications were being an ultraleft Lesbian of Color — was voted out of the mayor’s office in Chicago. But no; the cycle spins ever deeper down the maelstrom of moonbattery. Voters chose someone even worse than Lightfoot:

Brandon Johnson, the far-left, self-professed “progressive” candidate who ran on a plan to defund the Chicago Police and raise the city’s taxes, has won his runoff campaign for mayor of Chicago.

This being single-party Chicago, his opponent was another Democrat. But Paul Vallas did not run on a platform of wanting to burn down the city on behalf of Black Lives Matter.

Vallas ran as a business-friendly, law-and-order candidate while Johnson, who is black, ran a brutal campaign calling Vallas a racist who is “really a Republican.”

True enough, at this point anyone to the right of all the way left is really a Republican — or soon will be.

ZeroHedge is appalled:

To reduce Chicago’s nation-high homicide rate, Chicago needed a new mayor willing to take on Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s unwillingness to prosecute dangerous criminals. A mayor willing to challenge Judge Tim Evans’ decarcerationist agenda. A mayor willing to jam shut the system’s revolving door for criminals.

That won’t be Johnson, who dwells as deep in the leftist fever swamp as Soros stooge Kim Foxx.

To improve Chicago’s dismal educational outcomes – only 1 in 20 black students at CPS can do math at grade level – the city needed a new mayor to champion math and reading proficiency as well as educational excellence, merit and achievement.

That won’t be Johnson either:

Johnson has already said that as a teacher he pushed to eliminate standards, stopped giving homework, and reduced test prep as a way of “rebelling against the structure.” For him, the concept of “equity,” not excellence, will dominate, and kids will lose.

Even the godawful Lori Lightfoot showed some willingness (although not enough) to stand up to the teachers union that has destroyed Chicago schools. Johnson is on the union team, with zero regard for the future.

And as for the city’s economic climate and business friendliness, Chicago needed a new mayor who would make the city affordable again by growing the tax base, not the tax rate.

In contrast, Johnson…

promised to target businesses and the wealthy to pay for his social programming.

If you live in Chicago, get out now. The city has been lost to liberalism, and will soon be as uninhabitable as Detroit. America’s erstwhile Second City will exist only as a black hole sucking in taxpayer money and a powerbase for the cancerous Democratic Party.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Gringoman, Dr. Kufi Tutite, and Varla.

Apr 05 2023

Chas Moore: The Next Alvin Bragg?

You thought the judicial system could not possibly get any worse than it already has under irresponsible leftist kooks like Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg? Progressives never stop making everything progressively worse. How about punishing burglars by having them clean people’s homes?

The cancer has metastasized to Texas:

Woke Austin, Texas granted a key to the city to a radical defund the police protestor who doesn’t think anyone should be placed in jail — even murderers.

Despite the city setting a record for homicides in 2021 after dramatically cutting its police budget and 911 response times climbing to hours even for serious crimes, Chas Moore, head of the Austin Justice Coalition, believes police and prisons should be abolished.

“I believe that we can get to a world where we don’t have police and where we don’t have prisons,” said the activitist — whose grip on Austin officials is so strong, they declared Oct. 22 “Chas Moore Day” last year.

Better not close down all the prisons. Where will you put Republican presidential candidates? Ask the likeminded Alvin Bragg for details.

What happens if police risk provoking a racial incident by arresting a burglar? Moore has a suggestion:

“I would actually say instead of sending her to jail, let’s say she pays me back by cleaning my house for the next six weeks.”

He assumes that the burglar will be female because that is more politically correct, since hardly any burglars are female.

Moore has gone largely unchecked in the liberal Texas capital, according to moderate Democratic activist Cleo Petricek, who was once part of Moore’s group until she realized they were trying to defund police — not just hold bad cops accountable. …

“This felon [i.e., Moore] has so much weight in the city,” she said. “I think [elected officials] are just afraid of backlash. If they disrespect him, they’re going to have protests. They’re going to be treated like they’re racists.”

Moore has been convicted of robbery and DWI. But those crimes pale in comparison to trying to inflict the Black Lives Matter agenda on law-abiding citizens.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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