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Jul 15 2022

Open Thread

It is easier to drive a stake through the heart of a blood-sucking vampire than to kill off a money-sucking and useless government program. - Cal Thomas

Jul 14 2022

Dead Arctic Parrot

According to global warming prophecy, the arctic should have been ice-free years ago as a result of our insufficient eagerness to accept tyranny and a hand-to-mouth existence in obeisance to the Cult of Climate Change. Yet as Tony Heller documents below, arctic ice is doing fine.

That doesn’t matter though, because liberals control the media. They will stick with their story that the arctic is melting as doggedly as the pet shop owner insists that the dead parrot is still alive in the famous Monty Python skit:

As Biden’s War on Energy drives up the price of the parrot, ever fewer people will be willing to believe that the bird is still living — despite the media’s determination to gaslight us.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jul 14 2022

California Cities Banning New Gas Stations

Democrats can never make the situation so awful that they will not deliberately make it worse. Their control of the federal government means skyrocketing gas prices because of the Biden Regime’s War on Oil. Their tighter control of California means that, pricey as gas is in the country as a whole (currently $4.61), it is pricier still in the Land of Fruits and Nuts (currently $5.99). The price will climb even higher after Democrats make the product scarcer by forbidding the construction of new gas stations:

Last year, Petaluma Councilwoman D’Lynda Fischer led the way to prohibiting new gas stations in her city of 60,000 people, the Los Angeles Times reported. …

This has since kicked off a movement among Californians to bring about more green energy policies by banning the building of future gas stations.

According to liberal ideology, forcing people to drive around all day looking for a gas station will improve the weather.

Since Petaluma’s decision, four other cities in the Bay Area have followed its example.

Now, even Los Angeles is considering a new proposal that is aimed at banning future construction of new gas stations, in attempt to reduce the use of gasoline overall, CBS News reported.

Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Koretz said that this proposal is just a “small step” towards helping the planet and won’t affect people that much.

On the contrary, it won’t affect the planet at all, but will make driving in Los Angeles even more nightmarish than it is already.

As Islamic armies poured out of Arabia to conquer the mainly Christian Middle East, subjugated populations were not allowed to build new churches — or even to repair existing ones. Libs appear to have learned from the totalitarian Muslims of the Dark Ages, with whom they have so much in common:

In his proposal, current gas stations would also be limited — no new pumps or repairs would be permitted. Only electric vehicle charging stations would be allowed.

In addition to being inefficient, extravagantly expensive, unreliable, and prone to bursting into flames, electric vehicles are worse for the environment than proper cars — confirming that envirotyranny is about tyranny, not the environment.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 14 2022

Elizabeth Warren: Shut Down Pregnancy Crisis Centers

If one job in modern America is a pathway to sainthood, it is working at a pregnancy crisis center, helping women in trouble while saving the lives of their babies. That would be where to look for the next Mother Theresa. On the opposite extreme of the good–evil spectrum, prominent Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren wants Big Government to shut these centers down:

No one tops Fauxcahontas when it comes to feigning moral outrage while advocating sheer evil.

Heidi Matzke of the Alternatives Pregnancy Center describes what Warren is knowingly egging on by noting that “Pregnancy care centers from coast to coast are being targeted for violent assaults of vandalism.”

“We have been forced to hire 24-hour on site security. We have had to reinforce doors and bullet-proof our walls,” Matzke continued. “We’ve had to paint our building with anti-graffiti coating. We’ve added cameras, armed our staff with pepper spray and stopped running our mobile clinic because of threats of violence.”

Socialists say you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs. Likewise, you can’t kill enough babies to suit Democrats without terrorizing pro-life pregnancy crisis centers and trying to shut them down.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 14 2022

NBC News Calls for More Pro-LGBT Censorship

The difference between an activist and a journalist is that activists shout their opinions at you, whereas journalists adopt a pose of objectivity while cherry-picking Experts to shout their opinions at you. An example is a recent NBC piece calling for even more draconian censorship on social media so as to silence resistance to the LGBT agenda:

For the second year in a row, the five largest social media platforms received failing grades on LGBTQ safety, according to a report from GLAAD, an LGBTQ media advocacy group.

“Safety” in this context means “compliance.”

GLAAD’s second annual Social Media Safety Index graded Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube on LGBTQ safety, privacy and expression using 12 LGBTQ-specific standards. GLAAD found that all five of the platforms scored below 50%.

To score 100% would require every public communication to be devoted to obsequiously praising sexual perversion and the corruption of children.

“LGBTQ people are under attack right now,” Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, said in the report.

LGBT militants are at the top of the cultural Marxist hierarchy. They represent a tiny minority of the population, yet dictate terms of existence to the rest of society as they defile cherished institutions that have endured for millennia. Yet we are told they are put upon, on the grounds that “far-right pundits and even some Republican officials” refer to the LGBT groomers who have become so prevalent in our society as “groomers.”

NBC News describes attempts to protect children from groomers who sexualize, homosexualize, and transsexualize underage victims as “targeting transgender youth” — as if the children were depraved before the groomers got to them. As usual, decent, sane people who try to do good are cast as the villains.

To promote the corruption of children in particular and LGBT domination of American culture in general, social media platforms need to crack down harder on dissident thought — i.e., all criticism of the LGBT agenda. GLAAD provides NBC with shovelfuls of meaningless data on how oppressed crybullying LGBTers feel themselves to be as a result of reading things online that they don’t agree with.

Social media platforms will be happy to respond to this pressure with still more censorship. But Democrats will no doubt pass legislation making it mandatory anyway.

The piece adds balance at the end by quoting someone who believes in free speech and moral decency. Just kidding; that would get an activist I mean journalist fired at NBC News.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 14 2022

Joe Biden on the “Honor of the Holocaust”

At least he caught himself on this one. But it is still a monster gaffe even by Biden standards, considering that he was in Israel at the time. Watch the figurehead of the liberal establishment drone about “the truth and honor of the Holocaust”:

A minimal level of public speaking competence is required for someone representing a nation. Despite quacking into microphones for half a century, Joe Biden falls short.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Wiggins.

Jul 14 2022

Open Thread

Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. - Abraham Lincoln

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 13 2022

Establishment Lickspittles Rage Against the Machine

The rebellious posturing of obsequious establishment rock bands has never been more preposterous than Rage Against the Machine’s dutiful denunciation of Roe v. Wade’s repeal. It conspicuously featured their fear of using the word “women” lest they offend LGBT cultural overlords, who demand that we believe there is no such thing. Simpering lickspittles like Rage Against the Machine say “birth-givers” instead:

If you are unclear what the establishment wants you to think, just ask Rage Against the Machine. They will scream the talking points even louder than the mainstream media, and provide the added benefit of letting you feel edgy while you submissively obey.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 13 2022

Elizabeth Warren’s Youth Voting Rights Act

We are all born Democrats: whiny, dependent, and entitled. As Ronald Reagan put it, we have “a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.” Unfortunately for the Democratic Party, most of us grow out of this. That’s why Elizabeth Warren has proposed the “Youth Voting Rights Act,” so called so that opponents can be characterized as opposing youth and voting rights.

The legislation would require states to establish pre-registration voting processes for 16 and 17 year olds, and let states expand their pre-registration processes to youth younger than 16.

The next step will be progressively lowering the voting age, which could never be low enough to suit Democrats — unless you count unborn babies, which they never do.

Like most election legislation proposed by Democrats, a major purpose is to facilitate fraud:

The bill would also mandate that colleges and universities have on-campus polling places and order that states accept student IDs to meet voter-identification requirements in federal elections.

The looser the ID requirements, the more fraud. That’s why the Biden Regime bitterly opposes an Arizona requirement for voters to prove they are citizens.

Also in the bill, in addition to the usual wasteful spending on foolish make-work programs, is a provision to extend “the Voting Rights Act’s protections against durational residency requirements and absentee voting limitations to all federal elections.” This will likely make it easier for students to vote twice, from both at home and at school.

Students will be among the last groups to give up on the Democratic Party. Until they leave school, they have absorbed a gallon of indoctrination for every drop of real world experience. It is no surprise Democrats want to count more of their votes.

On a tip from Jack D.

Jul 13 2022

World Economic Forum: Climate Change Is Racist

More wisdom has been bestowed upon us by our globalist masters. Now we learn that it would be racist not to give up our freedom and standard of living so that our rulers can control the weather, because global warming is worse for sacred blacks.

From the World Economic Forum:

Black communities in the United States will see the flood risk in their neighbourhoods climb at least 20% over the next 30 years, experts are predicting.

The ancient Greeks had the Oracle of Delphi. We have to settle for the Experts.

Led by the University of Bristol in the UK, the study, published in the journal Nature, looks at how flooding will impact different communities unequally.

Only reliance on government funding can explain why scientists goof around trying to prove that theoretical flooding caused by an imaginary climate crisis is racist, instead of doing serious research.

The Experts admit that currently,

it’s impoverished white communities who are most at risk from flooding in low-lying areas at risk from heavy rainfall, the study finds.

No biggie, right? Nobody cares what happens to impoverished whites. They are deplorable. But wait:

[R]ising sea levels are predicted to push storm surges and high tides further inland. This means that, over the next 30 years, the flood risk burden “falls disproportionately on communities with large African American populations on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts,” the scientists warn.

That settles it. We must cause total economic collapse by banning fossil fuels at once. Only the most gullible believe this would have any perceptible impact on the weather, much less flooding, but at least we will know that we meant well.

By the way, it isn’t only flooding that is racist:

For example, the risk of wildfires is 50% higher for Black, Hispanic and Native American communities in the US, according to a study in the journal PLOS ONE. Air pollution also causes three times more deaths for Black Americans.

If acts of God like flooding and wildfires are racist, then God must be racist. That’s why we should worship the Experts instead.

The Experts offer solutions:

Climate and environmental risks make up five of the top 10 risks in the World Economic Forum’s new Global Risks Report 2022. Its Climate Justice Challenge aims to advance environmental and socio-economic solutions for communities most impacted by climate change.

Race-based socialism sounds good to some, or Democrats wouldn’t keep getting elected. If wealth redistribution doesn’t perfect the weather at first, we’ll just have to double down and redistribute more.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 13 2022

Agenda Items for the Globalist Liberal Elite

In case the agenda of the Liberal World Order isn’t clear, the World Economic Forum spells it out with predictions based on wishful thinking:

• You will own nothing and like it.

• America will be cut down to size.

• Meat will be an occasional treat (except for members of the ruling class, as in North Korea).

• Climate change will materialize as an actual problem justifying radical action.

• We will be displaced by “refugees.”

• We will be suppressed by taxes on the harmless CO2 that all human activity produces.

• We will be forbidden to use any fossil fuels, just like Joe Biden promised (after all, cavemen didn’t need cars or electricity).

• The misery social engineers create on earth will be extended into outer space (no doubt powered by wind turbines).

Smug in their bubbles of B.S., the Davos crowd expects people to embrace this bleak, oligarchical collectivist vision of the future:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 13 2022

Open Thread

The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure. - Albert Einstein

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 12 2022

LA Times Columnist Denounces US Constitution

Conservative Supreme Court justices do their job by upholding the Constitution. Liberals don’t hate them so much as the Constitution itself. Nicholas Goldberg of the Los Angeles Times is up-front about it:

The problem isn’t just with the justices. The problem, or at least a substantial portion of it, lies with the U.S. Constitution itself.

He finds an Expert to quote:

“It was written by a small group of white male landowners clustered along the Eastern Seaboard in a largely agrarian society in the late 1700s,” said David S. Law, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law who studies courts and constitutions around the world. “How could it possibly fit the needs of a highly diverse country of 300-plus-million people in the 21st century, a military and economic superpower in a globalized world, a highly developed, post-industrial nation that stretches from sea to shining sea?”

Because it is based on the timeless, universal principles of individual liberty, natural rights, and limited government is how.

According to Goldberg and Law, a constitution that upholds freedom rather than guaranteeing goodies is not keeping up with the times:

[C]onstitutional thinking has evolved since 1787. Today, most new constitutions include far more enumerated rights than ours, notes David Law. The right to education, for instance, and to privacy, food, healthcare and housing.

Goldberg also wants constitutional rights to abortion, to unionization, and to force the world to cater to each person’s disabilities. He calls for the environment and favored identity groups including homosexuals and transsexuals to be granted explicit rights (i.e., superior status).

The “right” to force other people to provide you with food, housing, and special privileges could only be found under an authoritarian regime. If you have a “right” to other people’s labor and property, you have no rights, because you live under socialism.

Leftists want to take away our rights and replace them with privileges bestowed by Big Government at other people’s expense. The purpose of the Constitution is to defend America from people like Nicholas Goldberg and David Law.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jul 12 2022

Liberal Lunacy Drives Up Cost of Housing

Biden’s maniacal War on Energy and commitment to massive wasteful spending are not the only reasons inflation won’t be easy to get under control. There is also the rising price of housing. As always, liberal policies are making matters worse.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Climbing housing costs are set to keep inflation elevated this year, creating another challenge for Federal Reserve officials who want to see signs that price pressures are easing before slowing their interest-rate increases.

These interest rate increases are likely to trigger a recession — assuming we aren’t already in one. But even that would be better than runaway inflation.

If you want housing to be prohibitively expensive, a tried and true tactic is rent control. St Paul demonstrates. As of May, it caps rent increases at 3% per year, about one third of the current inflation rate:

This strict new rent control is hitting while building costs have soared. Between the first quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022, construction costs rose 18.2% in nearby Minneapolis…

The effect this will have on the construction of new housing should be obvious. Who is going to build if they cannot turn a profit?

Citing rent control, investors recently paused development on the 3,800-unit Highland Bridge project. Its builders would have set aside 20% of units for affordable housing, with 10% going to those earning 30% or less of area median income.

Democrats squawk that they want affordable housing. What they actually want is Americans living in tents, dependent on handouts. This was proven after Democrats took total control of California.

The best way cities can make housing affordable is to have policies that increase the housing supply. Rent control restricts supply and is economic madness, as St. Paul is proving.

Many voters appear to be so cognitively dysfunctional that they honestly cannot see the inevitable outcome of policies like rent control. Those running the Democratic Party don’t have that excuse. They know they are putting people out on the streets by preventing the construction of new housing, whether through rent control or through excessive regulation as in California.

Misery is not a bug of liberal policy; it is a feature. As Founding Father of progressivism Vladimir Lenin put it, “Worse is better.” The more desperate people there are, the easier it is to impose communism. That’s why the Democratic Party is waging a war of extermination against the middle class.

On a tip from Varla.


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