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Jun 10 2022

GEICO Forced to Pay Woman for Catching STD in Car

If auto insurance gets even more expensive, it will be in part because insurers are now required to pay massive jackpots to people who contract venereal diseases by fornicating in cars:

The Missouri Court of Appeals has upheld a $5.2 million judgment against an insurance company in the case of a Jackson County woman who claimed she unwittingly caught a sexually transmitted disease from her former romantic partner in his car.

The ex-boyfriend was found liable for not telling her he had a tumor. But he doesn’t have pockets as deep as GEICO’s, so everyone who buys car insurance picks up the tab for the jackpot justice.

According to court papers, the woman, identified in court records only as M.O., notified GEICO in February 2021 of her intention to seek monetary damages, alleging she contracted HPV, the human papillomavirus, from an insured member in his automobile.

In the olden days, when the notion of personal responsibility for your own behavior still existed, women tended to refrain from sex outside of marriage. One of the benefits was that they were less likely to contract STDs.

On tips from Heckrules, Wiggins, Dragon’s Lair, and seaoh.

Jun 10 2022

Discord in Woke Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

What happens when white male heterosexuals have been marginalized out of the picture? The Cultural Marxist coalition of the allegedly oppressed turns on itself. The Evangelical Lutheran Church provides an example:

An openly transgender cleric from San Francisco, who made history last year with an appointment as a bishop by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has resigned amid allegations of racism after firing the pastor of a predominantly Latino congregation.

The Rev. Megan Rohrer, who uses the pronoun “they,” led one of the church’s 65 synods, overseeing nearly 200 congregations in Northern California and northern Nevada.

Going by a girl’s name suggests that Rohrer is a guy. But then, wearing a bowtie is something a female transsexual would do. Rohrer has done such a thorough job of defacing God’s handiwork that I don’t know which pronouns to use. I’m not going to use “they,” because Rohrer is only one person, even if the demons infesting his/her soul may be legion.

Weirdos like Rohrer aren’t the only ones empowered by being supposedly oppressed. After he/she fired Puerto Rican pastor Rev. Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez for alleged “verbal harassment and retaliatory actions,” his mainly Mexican congregation shrieked racism.

The church responded by appointing a “listening panel.” Presiding bishop Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton announced in a report that…

…she intends to act on and explore several of the listening team’s recommendations particularly the need for anti-racism and cultural sensitivity training.

Not good enough. Nothing is ever good enough for a mob that has gotten a taste of the power that comes with being oppressed. The church’s Latino Ministries Association denounced Eaton’s groveling statement as “weak and compassionless.”

They also said her message ignored the suffering of an entire community and gave “a white aggressor the opportunity to decide their own fate – a decision deeply rooted in white supremacy and systemic racism.”

The terms “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” are meaningless yet powerful. Black supremacists have used them to inflict enough damage on local police to create a crime wave.

Rohrer will now have the opportunity to mount a defense as part of a disciplinary process – an opportunity Rabell-Gonzalez says he has been denied. He also said he did not refuse the synod’s mandate to see a therapist. When Rohrer became bishop, Rabell-Gonzalez said he expected to get an ally.

“I got an oppressor instead,” he said.

It is good to hear that even transsexuals can be oppressors. That means there are limits to their power over the rest of us.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jun 10 2022

“Morbid Obesity” Struck From Newspeak Dictionary

As the medical profession succumbs to moonbattery, diseases cannot even be named, lest those afflicted by them feel stigmatized. Consequently, “morbid obesity” has been struck from the medical edition of the Newspeak Dictionary, woke researchers having denounced it as offensive.

Critics … slammed the recommendation, published in a leading obesity journal, saying it was ‘odd’ given morbid obesity is a clinical term.

Sure, it is a clinical term — just like a certain form of sexual depravity was listed in the DSM that clinicians are now required to affirm, revere, and encourage rather than acknowledge as an unhealthy disorder. Progress keeps marching.

[I]ndustry experts agreed that ‘less stigmatising’ language was crucial in the battle against the bulge, saying ‘words truly do matter’.

Joe Nadglowski, president of the Obesity Action Coalition, said: ‘The old expression “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” doesn’t apply for those living with obesity.’

These days, it doesn’t apply for anybody. You don’t bully people with sticks and stones anymore. You bully them by accusing them of bullying you.

It comes after a separate team of researchers claimed the word obesity is racist and should be dropped in favour of ‘people in larger bodies’.

If a word is racist, that settles it. From now on, it must be referred to only as the O-word.

Looks like a journal needs a name change:

The proposed change to obesity language was made by a group of British experts writing in the journal Obesity, which describes itself as ‘the premier source of information… for people with obesity’.

The term “morbid obesity” describes a body mass index over 35, which is associated with a high risk of death. But death is no big deal in our culture compared to offensiveness.

The next step is for oncology journals to ban the word “cancer.” Telling people they have cancer makes them feel bad.

On a tip from Franco.

Jun 10 2022

EU Mandates Coal-Powered Moonbatmobiles

As of 2035, Europeans will no longer be able to buy proper automobiles, but instead will be forced into inefficient moonbatmobiles, if they can afford them:

The European Parliament on Wednesday threw its weight behind a proposed ban on selling new cars with combustion engines in 2035, seeking to step up the fight against climate change through the faster development of electric vehicles.

It is unclear whether any adult actually believes that electric vehicles will stop the climate from fluctuating.

The European Union assembly voted in Strasbourg, France, to require automakers to cut carbon-dioxide emissions by 100% by the middle of the next decade.

Carbon dioxide allows plants to grow. Whether it has any significant effect on the temperature is in dispute. Whether there is anything wrong with the weather anyway is still more doubtful.

Conventional vehicles are also banned in California as of 2035, by executive order of the odious Gavin Newsom. Because fossil fuels are bad.

Meanwhile, the golf carts they want to force us to drive around in continue to be powered by coal:

Kooky liberal-approved energy sources will never suffice to keep cars on the road. The supposed war on fossil fuels is actually a war on transportation. People who can go wherever they want are almost as big a threat to Big Government as people who can say whatever they want.

On tips from Wiggins and Bluto.

Jun 10 2022

Open Thread

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. - Theodore Roosevelt

On a tip from 100Bravo.

Jun 09 2022

Biden Demonstrates Communication Skills

Biden went 119 days without granting an interview to the friendly media that was instrumental in putting him in power. Finally, he agreed to a tongue bath by shameless Democrat toady Jimmy Kimmel, which was performed last night in front of a studio audience of clapping seals. Even that format proved too challenging:

Kimmel performed his assigned task by absolving Biden of responsibility for the mess he has been making of the country. The lackey joined Biden in denouncing Republicans, called for him to use executive orders to attack the Second Amendment, and advised him to “start yelling at people.”

Awful as Biden is at communicating, that isn’t the reason his approval rating is in free fall. As Tim Murtaugh accurately observes,

The White House has it backward. It’s not that Americans don’t understand what Mr. Biden has done. It’s that they do.

Despite his communication problems, Biden was able to get his message across loud and clear regarding the Democrat desire to jail political opponents:

That’s what the inquisition calling itself the January 6 Commission is all about, as Peter Navarro and Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelly can tell you.

On tips from Wiggins, Jester, and Varla.

Jun 09 2022

Moonbats Demand Abortion and Communism

Considering how gung ho they are about killing babies, think what they would do to you. “Pro-choice” communists call for abortion, bloodshed, and communist revolution between classes indoctrination sessions at Syracuse University:

To quote graduate student Katie Mott of the Party for Socialism and Liberation in the video above, “Peaceful protests aren’t getting us much” — despite her fellow leftists currently controlling the White House and Congress.

She must have meant that peaceful protests are not getting them what they want as quickly as they want it. That’s why progressives resort to what their drovers in the media call “mostly peaceful protests” — the kind where things get broken and people get hurt.

“Will there be some bloodshed?” asks Katie. “Certainly.”

She knows her socialist history.

This should clarify why the media/Democrat Party axis of evil has launched a jihad against gun rights. When communism works as intended, all the bloodshed is on one side.

Since the Syracuse event occurred last month, liberals have escalated to an aborted (so to speak) assassination attempt on a Supreme Court justice.

If leftists continue to consolidate power, a lot of people will end up dead.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Jun 09 2022

More Racist Oppression

Here’s why before long every store in the country will look like ghetto liquor stores, with the goods and employees sealed away behind bulletproof glass:

This state of affairs comes to you compliments of the liberal establishment, which has systematically marginalized the police, glorified criminals, eradicated consequences for lawlessness, and whipped up hatred of Caucasians.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 09 2022

How the Department of Energy Spends Your Money

Turns out the Department of Energy serves an actual purpose. It produces propaganda intended to persuade the gullible that the stratospheric energy prices the Biden Regime created deliberately, consistent with leftist global warming ideology, are actually the fault of Russia and Covid:

The video mentions that oil production in the USA has not returned to pre-Covid levels. It does not mention that this is because Trump was the president before Covid and now we have Biden, who has gone out of his way to suppress energy production from his first days in office.

It points out that energy prices are up globally. This was caused largely by crippling production in the world’s leading producer of energy, the USA.

Rather than allowing us to access our own resources, Biden is irresponsibly depleting our strategic petroleum reserves. We are supposed to regard this as a good thing. It will have consequences when we find ourselves at war with China and out of oil. How apt that the video presents as typical Americans an apparently Chinese woman and her child.

At last the video comes to the solution to Biden having choked off our energy supply: stop using energy. We must reduce reliance on fossil fuels and instead power the economy with politically correct green gestures.

No serious person thinks we can keep the economy running on the meager, unreliable energy provided by liberal-approved technology like wind turbines and solar panels. If we don’t get Democrats out of power before they collapse the economy in the name of the climate, there will be mass starvation in the USA.

On a tip from ScrewyPuppy.

Jun 09 2022

Now Meat Causes Depression

Our moonbat rulers have decided that we little people should refrain from eating meat, which has always been a part of the normal human diet, as you can confirm by looking at your teeth. As with air travel, letting just anyone eat meat would make it be too warm outside, according to their ideology. They are preparing us for the coming restrictions on meat by demonizing it, much as they have done with firearms. Now the Experts tell us that meat causes depression:

Researchers from Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI) and Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain, have discovered the role of an amino acid in depression in humans, mice, and flies. It is proline, an amino acid found in a broad range of foods such as gelatin, grass-fed beef, and wild-caught fish. The findings, published in the scientific journal Cell Metabolism, also link a proline-rich diet to an increased risk of developing depression.

Chalk up another reason why we should eat lentils, grass, bugs, larvae, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, and plastic trash instead of food.

Imagine a scientist trying to get government funding after doing a study finding that a normal human diet is good for you.

On a tip from Zachary B.

Jun 09 2022

Monkeypox Spread by Climate Change

At first, we thought that monkeypox, like AIDS, is primarily spread by the wanton sexual degeneracy associated with the LGBT lifestyle. As even the progressives running NBC News admitted,

Dr. David Heymann, who formerly headed WHO’s emergencies department, said the leading theory to explain the spread of the disease was sexual transmission among gay and bisexual men at two raves held in Spain and Belgium. …

Madrid’s senior health official… Enrique Ruiz Escudero said authorities are investigating possible links between a recent Gay Pride event in the Canary Islands, which drew some 80,000 people, and cases at a Madrid sauna.

However, they spoke without considering the full political ramifications. The Science has now been revised accordingly. Moneypox is now spread by climate change. Intones Professor Eyal Leshem, an infectious disease expert at Sheba Medical Center in Israel:

“Climate change has forced some animals into closer contact with humans, you will see more of these types of diseases.”

The good news is that since monkeypox is spread by climate change, we can cure it. All we have to do is prevent the climate from fluctuating for the first time in the history of the planet. Bureaucrats say they can do this, but only if given sufficient power and money.

The first step is to let Democrats drive up the price of gasoline so that people can’t afford to drive. This has already been accomplished.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 09 2022

Open Thread

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. - William S. Burroughs

Jun 08 2022

Brett Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt

The liberal establishment’s long-running campaign to whip up hysterical hatred of Supreme Court justices even slightly to the right of center is paying off:

An armed California man incensed about the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion expected to overturn Roe v. Wade was arrested near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home Wednesday after he hatched a plan to kill the judge to “give his life purpose,” prosecutors said.

This was the purpose of leaking the draft: to give liberals an opportunity to terrorize justices into not going through with repeal of the awful ruling that has undermined the Constitution and facilitated millions of deaths.

Nicholas John Roske, 26, was arrested by the Montgomery County Police Department at about 1:50 a.m. near Kavanaugh’s home in Chevy Chase and was charged later Wednesday in Maryland federal court with attempting to kill or kidnap a US judge, court records show.

The would-be assassin was foiled by the dysfunctional uselessness that is common among moonbats. Dressed in black like an Antifa terrorist, he saw that he had been observed by US Deputy Marshalls. That’s when he called 911 and confessed to being armed and wanting to kill Kavanaugh.

He was taken into custody and when investigators searched his suitcase and backpack, they found a small arsenal, including a tactical police vest, a tactical knife, pepper spray, zip ties, a Glock 17 pistol and two magazines and ammunition.

The motive was moonbattery.

He believed Kavanaugh would loosen gun control laws and hatched a plan to kill the justice after finding his address online in an ill-fated bid to “give his life a purpose,” Roske allegedly told the agent.

He bought the Glock and the other items “for the purpose of breaking into the Justice’s residence and killing the Justice as well as himself,” prosecutors said.

Today Biden dutifully croaks noises of disapproval. Yet his regime has explicitly refused to condemn fellow leftists for terrorizing justices at their homes.

Remember when top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer publicly threatened Kavanaugh and fellow moderate justice Neil Gorsuch, barking, “You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price” and “You won’t know what hit you” in an attempt to scare them into line on Roe? A reminder:

I’ll bet Roske remembers.

Joe Biden gets to pick a replacement for any justice who is assassinated by his supporters. That’s why there has been a public call for assassins.

The January 6 Commission is a step closer to a Third World style of government. Assassins showing up at the homes of Supreme Court justices is another. Unless the country rises up in revulsion against leftism and the thuggish tactics that characterize it, the future will keep getting darker.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, JackisBack, and TCS III.

Jun 08 2022

Chesa Boudin Recall Could Be Turning Point

We have hit peak moonbattery. Now the backlash can begin. Weather Underground scion Chesa Boudin has been recalled as DA in the world capital of degenerate woke lunacy, San Francisco:

Voters in progressive San Francisco on Tuesday overwhelmingly supported the recall of Chesa Boudin, the city’s radical left-wing district attorney, two years after he was elected on a platform that emphasized reducing the jail population and prioritizing “restorative justice.”

“Restorative justice” is Liberalese for mollycoddling criminals.

Boudin’s platform could be summed up as “F the Police.” This was fashionable as the Black Lives Matter riots raged, but less so now that the media-manufactured mania had died down and people are waking up to the inevitable effects of wokeism, which include rampant crime.

Boudin’s liberal credentials are impeccable. He worked as a translator and advisor for Hugo Chavez, whose ruination of Venezuela has served as the primary template for the Democrat agenda. Born into moonbattery, he is the offspring of Weather Underground terrorists Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert. He was named after cop-killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur), the patron saint of Black Lives Matter, who now resides in communist Cuba.

Because his parents were incarcerated for killing two police officers and a security guard during a robbery, he was raised by two other Weather Underground terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. These same two terrorists launched the political career of Barack Obama from their Chicago apartment.

Boudin gave voters what they asked for:

He ended cash bail, stopped prosecuting drug-possession cases stemming from “pretextual” traffic stops, stopped using “enhancements” to extend prison sentences for convicted gang members, and stopped prosecuting so-called quality-of-life crimes — things such as prostitution, public camping, public defecation, and open-air drug use. Supporters of the recall say that sent a message that San Francisco was a consequence-free place to engage in low-level crimes, which simply encouraged more crime in the city generally.

By implementing the Broken Windows theory in reverse, Boudin helped make San Francisco into the uninhabitable hellhole it is today.

In 2021, a year that saw nearly 500 people in the city killed by a worsening fentanyl crisis, Boudin’s office didn’t convict a single person of dealing the drug. They chose instead to emphasize diversion programs and lower-level “accessory after the fact” charges, in part to protect immigrant drug dealers from deportation…

As with Biden, his administration has been a case study in applied liberalism.

That even left-wing San Francisco would overwhelmingly vote to oust one of the progressive-prosecutor movement’s leading figures shows just how much the nation’s mood has changed over the past two years as rising crime has plagued big cities across the country.

What are our rulers in the Democrat Party/mainstream media complex learning from this? Not a thing. Intelligencer honked in advance that if Boudin were to be recalled, it would be because San Francisco isn’t liberal after all. These kooks will continue to double down.

This does not necessarily apply to voters, even in San Franfreakshow:

Boudin’s ouster comes less than four months after San Francisco voters recalled three progressive school-board members who were widely condemned for prioritizing social-justice politics…

Those social justice politics included changing the names of 44 schools named after retroactively canceled thought criminals, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and even insufficiently left-wing former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein. Not even being homosexual has spared whites from cancelation by the San Francisco Board of Education on a racial basis, as Seth Brenzel learned. The school board is so politically correct that it canceled the concept of acronyms for being racist.

Let’s see what voters can do about other Soros-backed maniacs in positions like Boudin’s (e.g., George Gascon [Los Angeles] Alvin Bragg [Manhattan], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Kim Gardner [St Louis], and Marilyn Mosby [Baltimore]). At the national level, let’s see what we can do about prying the pernicious Democratic Party from power.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Varla, and Dragon’s Lair. Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.


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