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Jul 18 2024

Let Them Eat Pollution Butter

Bill Gates would never make it as a Bond villain or even an Austin Powers villain. He is too cartoonishly evil. Now he wants to “eliminate” farmers by feeding the public synthetic butter made out of pollution:

Gates is funding a new startup with produces fake “butter” that doesn’t require dairy cows or the crops needed for margarine.

Instead, Gates says his “butter” is made from “vegan” fat which is produced from chemicals.

Gates-backed startup Savor produces this fat from “emissions” captured from fossil fuel burnings and gas-powered vehicles.

The stated purpose as usual is to prevent the climate from continuing to fluctuate the way it always has and always will.

Let them eat lentils. Let them drink cockroach milk. Let them drink maggot milk. Let them eat beetleburgers. Let them eat crickets. Let them eat grass. Let them eat maggot butter. Let them eat mealworms. Let them eat plastic trash. Let them eat weeds. Let them eat wind turbine blades. Let them eat worm dogs. Let them eat synthetic pseudofood. Let them eat larvae. Let them eat pollution butter.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 18 2024

Microsoft Backs Away From DEI

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle embodies not only the incompetence that nearly killed Trump but also DEI, the lunatic implementation of Cultural Marxism that has been taken to such obviously pernicious extremes that even Microsoft has had enough:

Microsoft sparked internal revolt after it fired its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) team, leading the program’s leader to slam the company’s ‘changing business needs.’

The tech giant’s move was exposed in an email obtained by Business Insider, which appears to show the DEI internal team leader criticizing the fact diversity was ‘no longer business critical.’

Microsoft joins a number of tech companies in walking back DEI commitments that were made in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, including Google, Meta and Zoom.

Even Big Tech is getting fed up with the prevailing moonbattery. Fairness and merit may yet be reinstated.

On tips from Dennis G and KirklesWorth.

Jul 18 2024

Climate Crapola as a Form of Totalitarianism

The moonbat establishment demands that we surrender our freedom and standard of living in the name of climate ideology. This approach is undermined by those who point out that the global warming hoax is baloney. France shows how to deal with these problematic people:

A popular French rolling news channel has been fined for broadcasting climate scepticism unchallenged.

CNews … provides 24-hour national and global news coverage and is the second most watched news network in France, after BFMTV.

It was accused of allowing one of its guests to defend a controversial thesis on the human origin of climate change – without providing any rebuttal.

Economist Philippe Herlin committed thoughtcrime with this observation:

“Anthropogenic global warming is a lie, a scam… Explaining to us that it is because of Man, no, that is a conspiracy, and why does that have so much weight?”, Herlin said. “Because it justifies the intervention of the State in our lives, and it absolves the State from having to reduce its public spending… It is a form of totalitarianism.”

CNews was fined €20,000 for not putting on some moonbat to dispute his accurate observations.

In the USA, fines are not repressive enough to suit Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who wants those who deviate from his party’s position on climate issues to be brought up on RICO charges.

Is climate crapola a form of totalitarianism? Judge for yourself.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC. Hat tip: JoNova.

Jul 18 2024

Open Thread

Hatred as an element of the struggle; a relentless hatred of the enemy, impelling us over and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir to and transforming him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. Our soldiers must be thus; a people without hatred cannot vanquish a brutal enemy. - Che Guevara

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 17 2024

New Trump Video Hits Hard

The moonbats have hysterical media hate fests, Deep State interference, banana republic lawfare, and assassination attempts. Trump has this:

At this point, it isn’t a vote for Trump vs. Biden. It’s a vote for America vs. against it.

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 17 2024

Sloping Roof Excuse Evokes Guffaws

If it hadn’t come within millimeters of getting Trump killed, the incompetence of Jill Biden’s DEI pick to head the Secret Service would be hilarious. But at least Kimberly Cheatle has a good excuse for not covering the nearby roof that Crooks fired from. There was a sloping roof:

Cheatle, who is facing calls to resign over the massive security failure, said Secret Service officials planning security for Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania considered the warehouse 147 yards away from where Trump spoke to be a risky position for stationing an agent. …

“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” she told ABC News in an interview Tuesday.

So Cheatle says they played it safe and “the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

Except it looks like they didn’t even do that. Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi says it was up to local police to secure the inside of the building. Yet Butler Township Commissioner Edward Natali says local police were strictly tasked with traffic control.

On tips from YOU TRIED TO KILL MY PRESIDENT, Bluto, KirklesWorth, Jack Bauer, WDS 2.0, Varla, and Wiggins.

Jul 17 2024

Hoax Fails to Launch Student Government Career

Now that Jews have been designated as white adjacent, they are suitable targets for one of moonbats’ favorite weapons — the hate hoax:

The University of Washington closed its investigation into a Jewish student who allegedly threatened her black Muslim roommate with a knife. …

The Muslim student who made the allegations, Isha Hussein, says the university did not take her concerns seriously. Additionally, she appears to have publicized the allegations against her former roommate around the same time she was launching an unsuccessful bid for the student government.

University spokesperson Victor Balta explains why they dropped the investigation:

“The student who was allegedly threatened was interviewed by UW police and declined to assist with any potential prosecution, instead requesting only that the allegation be documented — which it was.”

Not a bad strategy for generating political support, even if it didn’t work out in the end:

The Somali Student Association hosted a “Justice for Isha Hussein” rally in March.

As for her victim,

The unnamed Jewish student had to leave her dorm due to the allegations, which the university determined were unfounded.

Please welcome Isha Hussein to the Hate Hoax List.

On a tip from Matt L.

Jul 17 2024

Assassination Attempt Highlights Rejection of Reality

Fundamental to the moonbat mindset is the belief that nothing that does not cast the leftist agenda and those who support it in a favorable light can be real. “Where’d you hear that?” is the standard rebuttal to those who futilely attempt to confront liberals with indisputable facts. Childish denial is applied even to events that happened right before everyone’s eyes — like the Trump assassination attempt, which some astonishingly claim was staged.

Sky News Australia is aghast at liberals’ psychotic rejection of reality:

The lunacy is appalling but not surprising. Modern moonbattery is based on postmodernism, which holds that objective truth is irrelevant. This is why attempts to argue with progressives as if they were adults is such a waste of time.

On tips from seaoh, KirklesWorth, and Chris Neilson.

Jul 17 2024

Desperate Libs Fall Back on Climate Hype

Democrats are panicking over the increasing likeliness that their archenemy Trump will be elected in a landslide. They need to put a brake on the countermoonbat momentum. Maybe they can distract us with hysteria over the imaginary climate crisis.

We are now told that minor fluctuations in the temperature allegedly resulting from insufficient taxation and regulation are slowing Earth’s rotation.

This tops even Chicken Little clucking about a “Doomsday Glacier” that will melt to punish us for not voting for Democrats. Now time itself is affected. Newsweek shrieks that in theory, at some point after we’re all dead of old age, the climate could cause a day to be 2.62 ± 0.79 milliseconds per century longer.

This is presented as a serious problem. Remember now, don’t laugh.

On tips from Steve T and Wiggins.

Jul 17 2024

Bridging the Racial Divide in Presidential Politics

Thanks to the divisive Alinskyite tactics entrenched by Barack Obama, we have ever more of a racial divide in America. Here’s what I mean:

The paleface is Steve Cohen, who represents Memfrica.

The primary sponsor of this bill to put Trump in a bullseye (as Biden might put it) was Bennie Thompson, the party apparatchik who was chosen to preside over January 6 show trials. Here’s how his field director Jacqueline Marsaw responded to the assassination attempt on Trump:

As for the other side of the divide, the doggishly loyal Los Angeles Time has revealed that within the Democratic Party only white supremacists doubt Joe Biden’s fitness:

A small but growing number of Democratic members of Congress — about 20 as of Friday afternoon — have publicly called on President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.

Nearly all are white, and many are members of the moderate New Democrat Coalition. But Biden still has strong support from most of the Congressional Black Caucus, which boasts about 60 members of the House, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, with about 40.

Biden’s floundering 2020 campaign was rescued when “civil rights” leader James Clyburn agreed to deliver the black vote, presumably in exchange for the racial favoritism that has characterized the Biden Regime. Party leaders had to stop Bernie Sanders somehow, because even if he was the most popular candidate among Democrats, few other Americans would vote for a communist.

Democrats want everything to be about race. Sometimes it seems they are getting their way. Other times not:

Trump’s appeal bridges the racial divide. The more meaningful divide is between America’s defenders and its enemies.

On tips from Barry A, Jack D, Jacksback2, and YOU TRIED TO KILL MY PRESIDENT.

Jul 17 2024

The View Harpies Blame Guns, White Guys, America

Unencumbered by taste or intelligence, the harpies of ABC’s The View take point in exploiting the Trump assassination attempt to attack our right of self-defense.

Screeches Sunny Hostin:

“I say now is the time to talk about the common denominator when it came to this assassination attempt, is America’s fascination and obsession with owning guns.”

Why blame her fellow liberals’ hysterical demonization of Trump when you can pin it on America itself and one of the key liberties that define it?

Thomas Matthew Brooks didn’t do it; his white skin and the gun did. Just ask Ana Navarro:

“It was a 20-year-old lone wolf, White whack job with easy access to a gun, and we have to have a conversation about that…”

For her part, Behar couldn’t understand why it didn’t raise red flags that a “White guy” bought 50 rounds of ammo. Surely no one needs more than 10 for a trip to the range.

As for the shooter’s motive, The View brain trust concluded that nobody knows.

On tips from Barry A and WDS 2.0.

Jul 17 2024

Open Thread

As a former U.S. attorney general under President Reagan, and a former Ohio secretary of state, we would like to say something that might strike some as obvious: Those who oppose photo voter-ID laws and other election-integrity reforms are intent on making it easier to commit vote fraud. - Edwin Meese

Jul 16 2024

That Didn’t Age Well

Sometimes liberal publications like Business Insider make for interesting reading — if you could use a good laugh. From last September:

Tucker Carlson baselessly claimed that the political establishment is plotting to assassinate former President Donald Trump because they “just can’t have” him as president again.

Baseless? They hyped their base into a homicidal frenzy.

The former Fox News host peddled the conspiracy theory in an interview with anti-woke comedian Adam Carolla…

Coming from the moonbats at Business Insider, “anti-woke” is a pejorative.

“If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment, and none of them work. What’s next? Graph it out, man. We’re speeding toward assassination, obviously,” [Tucker] said.

If it wasn’t obvious then, it is now.

Alex Jones and Dan Bongino also saw it coming, for which Business Insider denounced them as far-right conspiracy theorists. Naturally their allegedly inflammatory prediction was related to the minor unruliness on January 6, the most significant day in human history according to the liberal religion.

Maybe Business Insider will publish a piece admitting that Tucker was right. Maybe Joe Biden will pass an IQ test. Maybe I’ll grow wings and fly off to the moon.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jul 16 2024

No Money for Military Prescriptions

Congress has approved giving $175 BILLION of our money to infamously corrupt Ukraine, for reasons having nothing to do with our interests. Meanwhile:

Active duty soldiers, veterans, and their families in southern Arizona are being told by pharmacies located on federal military bases that their prescriptions cannot be renewed due to lack of funding.

The Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center pharmacy, located at Ft. Huachuca, known as an installation pharmacy, is currently undergoing one of these shortages. The pharmacy is telling customers there will be no funds available until July 17. The pharmacy is directing customers to commercial pharmacies, where they must pay out of pocket for their medications.

Evidently they are not getting reimbursed.

Governing is all about priorities.

On a tip from R F.


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