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Category: Biden

Nov 03 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Anonymous.

Nov 02 2022

Biden Doubles Down on Stolen Valor

Even before he succumbed to dementia, Joe Biden was well known for telling self-aggrandizing lies and for publicly milking personal tragedies. Even so, the public was appalled when he implied that his son had died fighting in Iraq. Beau Biden died in the USA of brain cancer that may or may not have been related to exposure to burn pits in Iraq.

In his clueless arrogance, Biden is doubling down on the lie. Watch him use it to cover for mixing up Iraq with Ukraine, which he was using to cover for the runaway inflation Democrats have caused:

His handlers need to tell Creepy Joe to keep his claws off young girls…

…and to knock it off with the stolen valor and easily disprovable lies.

On tips from Wiggins.

Oct 31 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Oct 29 2022

Biden et al. Blame GOP for Paul Pelosi Attack

At this point, January 6 is all Democrats have. Consequently, everything is about January 6 — even a lunatic in his underwear breaking into Nancy Pelosi’s house and assaulting her husband. Watch in amazement as Joe Biden manages to hit yet another new low:

Quoth the Great Uniter:

“You know, it’s reported that the same chant was used by this guy they have in custody that was used on January 6 in the attack on the US Capitol. I’m not making this up. This has just been reported. I can’t guarantee it. I can tell you what’s been reported. The chant was, ‘Where’s Nancy? Where’s Nancy? Where’s Nancy?’

“This is despicable. There’s no place in America! There’s too much violence, political violence. Too much hatred. Too much vitriol. And what makes us think that one party can talk about stolen elections [quack quack quack…]?”

He goes on to explain that Republicans caused the nudist hemp jewelry maker from Berkeley David DePape to attack Paul Pelosi because they “corrode the political climate.”

As noted at BizPac Review,

The hypocrisy in the accusation over Paul Pelosi’s attack is rich and many have noted it. No such condemnation was forthcoming over the attempted murder of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Vice President Kamala Harris also engaged in the disingenuous attempt to link the Pelosi attack to Jan. 6, according to the Daily Mail.

Unsurprisingly, leftist congresscritters Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are on the same page.

Dishonorary Democrat Adam Kinzinger confirms that the crazy guy in his underwear brandishing a hammer is somehow part of the January 6 conspiracy to overthrow Our Democracy, which proves that Stalinist show trials are not a waste of time:

Non-Democrats, rather than making fools of themselves by attempting to link the incident to a relatively minor (by BLM era standards) riot that occurred on the opposite side of the country nearly 2 years ago, will attribute it to the rampant mental health crisis, as well as to characteristic Democrat incompetence where the Speaker of the House’s security is concerned.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Varla, and Bluto.

Oct 29 2022

Biden Says He Went to 54 States

People say that Biden is like Obama but even worse. Creepy Joe implements the same deranged, anti-American hard left ideology, but lacks the intelligence not to galvanize resistance by destroying the country too quickly. However, in one sense Biden represents an improvement. Obama claimed to have visited 57 states, with just one left to go — Alaska and Hawaii:

Biden never said there are that many states, although he does think there are at least 54:

Actually, under Democrat rule there is only one state: the state of despair.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 27 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Jester.

Oct 26 2022

Biden Denounces Extra Leg Room as Racist

If you have to fly, it’s worth it to pay a little extra for some leg room, especially since you never know when the passenger in front of you will decide to lean back into your lap. Take advantage of this option while you can, because like virtually everything worth having, the leg room option has been denounced as racist by our divisive and authoritarian Cultural Marxist in Chief:

Stand by for an executive order banning extra leg room. Under totalitarian moonbattery, we can only have what Democrats have determined complies with their ideology.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 25 2022

Biden Displays Absolute Inversion of Right and Wrong

It would be difficult to imagine a horror more conspicuously evil that permanently disfiguring children in order to promote sexual perversion. Yet Democrats consider it immoral not to commit this crime against both nature and humanity:

Biden has claimed states have no right to restrict treatments like hormone blockers or sex change operations for transgender children, claiming that recent measures passed by Republican-led legislatures were based in “fear.”

What could be more frightening than to be ruled by fiends who would sexually mutilate children?

Never mind states’ rights. For Biden, this is a moral issue:

“I don’t think any state or anybody should have the right to do that. As a moral question or as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong,” Biden told transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney during a NowThis News presidential forum that aired Sunday.

More on the emetic Dylan Mulvaney, who has been rewarded for his depravity with direct access to the president, here and here.

The corrupt Swamp creature Biden has a concept of right and wrong. But it is inverted 180°. Referring to state bans on subjecting children to sex change operations, Creepy Joe croaks, “I think it’s immoral.”

Isaiah 5:20 comes to mind:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…

On a tip from Chas No.

Oct 20 2022

Biden Energy Policy Pushes America Toward Ruin

Joe Biden ran for office openly promising to abolish the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of the economy. Shockingly, people voted for him anyway. Literally from the day he took power, he has waged war on the American energy sector (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

Unsurprisingly, this has driven energy prices into the stratosphere, pulling overall inflation with it. So with midterms coming up, he recklessly drains 15 million more barrels from the strategic reserves in another pathetic attempt to lower the prices just long enough to get Democrats past the election. Adding insult to injury, he calls us idiots by asking us to believe that this is “not politically motivated at all.”

He then compounds this with a still more insultingly outrageous lie:

“My administration has not stopped or slowed U.S. oil production.”

Really now:

Biden has leased fewer acres for oil and gas in his first two years than any other administration at the same point since the end of World War II.

Biden also issued an executive order freezing oil and gas leases, a decision that has been tangled up in the courts.

The president also suspended oil production leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, after former President Donald Trump opened up the vast oil reserves for production.

Biden also ordered the halt of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would have moved 830,000 barrels of crude oil from Canada to the United States.

Biden’s war on American energy continues:

As a result of these policies, we are heading toward an energy depression.

Biden has been draining the strategic reserves for some time now, treasonously selling some of it to our communist Chinese adversaries. Here is the effect this has had on our strategic reserves:

If this continues, we will have no strategic reserves, just as our money will have no value because Democrats have been inflating the currency to finance their ongoing green spending looting spree.

Meanwhile, these same Democrats lurch ineptly toward war with energy-rich Russia.

If they were destroying our country on purpose, what would they do differently?

On tips from Jester.

Oct 16 2022

Biden Cannot Grasp Relative Age

We may have new insight into why Biden continues to make inappropriate advances toward little girls in public.

The latest example:

As Lisa Booth notes, “There are way too many videos like this.”

For example,

One of his young victims later confirmed that Biden pinched her nipple.

Maybe it’s not strictly a matter of Biden being an elderly pervert who lusts after children. Maybe, due to advanced dementia, he has a hard time comprehending the concept of relative age:

However, not being able to understand age differences does not explain why he allegedly sexually assaulted Tara Reade and showered with his own daughter.

Of all the morally flexible lowlifes infesting the Swamp, why did the liberal establishment settle on this mentally defective creep as its figurehead? Maybe because Biden is the ultimate insult to the country they hate and are in the process of destroying.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 13 2022

Beau Biden Now Died in Iraq

When he ran for president in 1988, Joe Biden was laughed off the stage, in part for telling easily disprovable lies that exposed him as second rate and shameless. Fortunately for him, we have lower standards now. Also shameless is Biden’s habit of milking personal tragedy. While declaring the Camp Hale Continental Divide a national monument yesterday, he combined both by claiming that his son Beau died in Iraq:

At least this time Biden is only stretching the truth, instead of inventing a lie from whole cloth. Beau Biden did serve in Iraq, and may have contracted the brain cancer he died of at Walter Reed from exposure to toxic burn pits there. But leaving the impression that he died in combat is an attempt at stolen valor.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 09 2022

Open Thread

Oct 08 2022

Open Thread

Oct 05 2022

Biden Raps: My Mind’s Going Blank Now

Despite ominous talk that Biden we will try to run for a second term, there is little chance of it. He has been such a disaster that not even most Democrats would vote for him. But at least the end of his political career will free him up for musical pursuits:

His next in line is hardly more coherent, and doesn’t have senility as an excuse. Looking back, no one will believe that America was destroyed by people like this.

On a tip from seaoh.


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