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Category: Biden

Jun 26 2022

Biden Regime Plans to Rig Midterms

Mollie Hemingway wrote the book on Democrat election fraud in the 2020 election. She sounds the alarm that worse is on the way:

Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Not a single one has been responded to. All signs indicate a concerted effort to keep the public in the dark until at least after the November midterm elections. The lack of transparency and responsiveness is so bad that the Department of Justice and some of its agencies have been repeatedly sued for the information.

Democrats tried to seize control of elections at the federal level in violation of the Constitution through legislation, but couldn’t get the votes because a total of two Democrat Senators (Kyrsten Sinema, Joe Manchin) were squeamish about reducing the USA to a banana republic. So the mission will be accomplished more furtively.

Although Democrat plans to lay a heavy thumb on the scale for the November elections are mostly top secret, a few details are known, including:

• In the midst of a labor crisis, the Department of Labor boasted that it was turning 2,300 American Job Centers previously focused on helping displaced workers find jobs into hubs of political activism. These new federally funded voter registration agencies were given guidance about how to bring in organizations to conduct “voter outreach.”

• The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services likewise announced plans to turn community health centers into voter registration agencies, using thousands of health care facilities to focus on voter registration and turnout.

• The Housing and Urban Development Department sent notice to public housing authorities that they should begin voter registration drives and participation activities. Previously, officials had been barred from electoral activities because they receive federal funding.

• “It is presumed residents of public housing might disproportionately vote Democrat. … The executive order targets people receiving government benefits who might think their benefits depend on one party in power,” Stewart Whitson, legal director for the Foundation for Government Accountability, told the Daily Signal.

• The Department of Education sent “dear colleague” letters to universities, telling them that Federal Work Study funds could now be used to support voter registration activities, contrary to previous guidance. The change was made without having gone through any rulemaking process to allow the change.

• The U.S. Department of Agriculture said it’s using its child nutrition programs to push voter registration and enlisting state, local, and federally funded employees to implement voter registration drives in local schools.

For the federal government to spend our money on Democrat get out the vote drives is blatantly corrupt. The aspects of the plan that have been kept secret are doubtless far worse. But by the time courts can do anything about it, the election will be over. Anyone who complains will be accused of “conspiracy theories” and “insurrection.”

Given how dramatically they have lowered our standard of living just since Biden took office, if Democrats are to stay in power, they will have to cheat at levels that will make the 2020 election look fair by comparison.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jun 24 2022

Biden Cheat Sheet Confirms Advanced Senility

The corrupt mediocrity Joe Biden was chosen by the radical left to serve as its figurehead because he will go along with anything, being not only devoid of principle but also helplessly demented. To get an idea of how senile this puppet is, check out the sort of instructions his handlers have to give him when he appears in public:

The New York Post reports:

Biden on Thursday inadvertently held up a comically detailed cheat sheet prepared by his staff instructing the gaffe-prone leader of the free world to “take YOUR seat” and to limit his remarks to “2 minutes.”

A photographer snapped an image of the document when Biden held it up backward at a meeting with wind industry executives, which he attended after skipping his administration’s morning meeting with oil companies about combating record gas prices.

He holds it up backward while arranging boondoggles with the useless wind industry, as energy prices continue to climb through the stratosphere. This has to be reality; it is too over the top to be comedy.

This isn’t the first time Biden provided a glimpse behind the scenes by holding up his handlers’ notes the wrong way:

Biden’s use of staff notes at events has been embarrassing before, such as last July, when an aide scrawled, “Sir, there is something on your chin.”

It will take the USA a century to live down this presidency, assuming the country survives it.

In the meantime, at least Biden is providing Mark Dice with some laughs:

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, and KirklesWorth. Hat tip: Information Liberation.

Jun 23 2022

Open Thread

Banning guns is an idea whose time has come. - Joe Biden

Jun 22 2022

How Biden Elevated the Pain Americans Are Feeling

The fright wig lady has a qualification other than being a historic black female sexual deviant whose parents come from Haiti. Unlike her predecessor, she is not too snarky to help explain how Biden elevated the pain the whole country is feeling regarding the rising cost of energy that is driving up the cost of everything else:

The senseless destruction of our economic well-being is not a result of Biden’s characteristic incompetence. It is by design, as he was incompetent enough to let us know in advance.

On a tip from Jester.

Jun 18 2022

Biden Falls Down Again

As the economy spirals downward toward recession due to his policies, Joe Biden is on yet another vacation. It is not going any better than his presidency. With no Easter Bunny around to chaperone, he ventured out on a bicycle without training wheels. The results were not pretty:

The Blaze reports:

Biden, 79, was on his bicycle when he rode toward members of the public around 9:40 a.m. at the Cape Henlopen State Park near his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Video shows Biden slow down as he gets in close proximity to the crowd, but then suddenly falls to the ground.

A pattern is starting to emerge…

In March 2021, President Biden tripped and fell multiple times while walking up the stairs to Air Force One.

Earlier this month, Biden lost his footing while walking up the stairs to Air Force One.

Biden’s mental is even more conspicuous than his physical deterioration.

This guy is seen by the world as the personification of our country. No wonder America’s enemies are on the march. Sorry Taiwan; your days are numbered.

If Congress won’t impeach Biden for treason, then the 25th Amendment should be used to put this husk in a rest home where he belongs. Let’s get President Cackling Kamala over with.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 17 2022

How to Lighten Up a Funeral

If you are planning a funeral and don’t want it to get too heavy, invite Joe Biden to speak. He is likely to lighten the mood with some laughs by applying his trademark obliviousness:

Biden started his speech at the White House with words of condolence for the family of Matt Susz, the executive vice president and chief financial officer of Jo-Ann Stores. The company announced Susz’s death on Wednesday.

Mr Biden said: “And by the way, my sympathies to your family of your CFO, who dropped dead very unexpectedly.” He added: “My best to their family. It’s tough stuff.”

Too bad Biden didn’t venture a guess as to how to pronounce Susz’s name. That might have cracked up his grieving family almost as much as using the expression “dropped dead.”

The grim expression on the sign language interpreter’s face reminds us that it was no joke when Biden said Susz’s death is “tough stuff.”

At least Biden didn’t invite the deceased to stand up and take a bow, as he did with paraplegic Missouri state senator Chuck Graham:

On tips from Chris Neilson and Anonymous.

Jun 16 2022

Biden Regime Persecutes Innocent Border Agents

If one story sums up the insanity, injustice, and straightforward treason that characterize our Democrat rulers, this is it. Even now, the Biden Regime continues to persecute Border Patrol agents for attempting to defend the USA from invasion — despite the agents already having been cleared of wrongdoing.

Via Summit News:

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is still going to punish Border Patrol Agents in connection with the infamous fake ‘whipping’ Haitian migrants incident that was hyped up by Democrats and the media, even though the agents were found to have done nothing wrong.

As we highlighted two months ago, the agents involved were completely cleared of all charges, a development that was practically ignored by every news network apart from Fox.

What left-wing propagandists passed off as whips were actually reins. Journalists may be interested to learn that these are devices used to control horses.

After the agents were cleared, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked then White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki when Joe Biden intends to apologise for saying he would make the agents “pay” for what they did.

Doocy finally has an answer to his question.

At the time, border agents involved in the incident were suspended, while their colleagues were forced to undergo woke re-education training

The shaved gerbil atop the DHS enhanced morale by denouncing the agents as perpetuators of “systemic racism.”

Rather than the apologies, commendations, and promotions they deserve, the agents will now be punished for unspecified “administrative violations.”

Meanwhile, the border remains open, with more needy, unskilled foreigners pouring in from every corner of the Third World than could possibly be assimilated or that our crippled economy could possibly withstand.

The persecution of the Border Patrol agents confirms that this is not incompetence. It is deliberate treason.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 15 2022

Biden Menaces Energy Industry With “Emergency Powers”

From Day 1, Biden attacked the oil industry, shutting down pipelines and closing vast areas to drilling, thereby driving up the price of energy and consequently of everything else. Now, despite his administration just confirming that it will continue this policy in the name of the global warming hoax, he blames energy companies for what he has done to them. If they won’t magically overcome his restrictions and produce more oil, he will make like the dollar store dictator he is and inflict emergency powers:

Biden may resort to using emergency powers if American oil companies don’t increase output at their refineries, the president told oil CEOs in a series of letters Wednesday.

The Regime does not say when it will impose emergency powers, only that it will be in the “near term.” The kind of government we live under now likes to keep people guessing.

If refineries are not producing enough gasoline, it could be because Biden has severely restricted the drilling and transportation of oil. Here’s another reason:

[T]he last major refinery to be constructed in the U.S. was Marathon Oil’s facility built in Louisiana in 1977. Industry groups and experts blamed the declining capacity and lack of new refineries on environmental regulation and projected fuel demand decline in the future as governments push green energy alternatives.

Yet again we see that you cannot have both green BS and affordable energy.

Leftists take control of a wealthy country and quickly reduce it to a poor one so as to make their power permanent. If this strikes you as familiar, you may be thinking of Venezuela. It was the richest and most stable democracy in Latin America before Biden types took power. Now it is second poorest. It has the world’s largest oil reserves. But that does it no good, because the corrupt and incompetent government seized control of the oil industry, grinding production to a virtual halt. This is likely to be the consequence of Biden’s “emergency powers.”

On a tip from Bluto.

Jun 14 2022

Biden Regime Makes Trump Look Psychic

His birthday is a good time to acknowledge that Donald Trump saw this iceberg before we steered into it. He tried to warn us:

But then, were there any informed, intelligent people who did not predict that placing a corrupt, senile, incompetent fool in power as a figurehead for the radical left would lead to the sort of disaster that is currently unfolding?

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 09 2022

Biden Demonstrates Communication Skills

Biden went 119 days without granting an interview to the friendly media that was instrumental in putting him in power. Finally, he agreed to a tongue bath by shameless Democrat toady Jimmy Kimmel, which was performed last night in front of a studio audience of clapping seals. Even that format proved too challenging:

Kimmel performed his assigned task by absolving Biden of responsibility for the mess he has been making of the country. The lackey joined Biden in denouncing Republicans, called for him to use executive orders to attack the Second Amendment, and advised him to “start yelling at people.”

Awful as Biden is at communicating, that isn’t the reason his approval rating is in free fall. As Tim Murtaugh accurately observes,

The White House has it backward. It’s not that Americans don’t understand what Mr. Biden has done. It’s that they do.

Despite his communication problems, Biden was able to get his message across loud and clear regarding the Democrat desire to jail political opponents:

That’s what the inquisition calling itself the January 6 Commission is all about, as Peter Navarro and Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelly can tell you.

On tips from Wiggins, Jester, and Varla.

Jun 09 2022

How the Department of Energy Spends Your Money

Turns out the Department of Energy serves an actual purpose. It produces propaganda intended to persuade the gullible that the stratospheric energy prices the Biden Regime created deliberately, consistent with leftist global warming ideology, are actually the fault of Russia and Covid:

The video mentions that oil production in the USA has not returned to pre-Covid levels. It does not mention that this is because Trump was the president before Covid and now we have Biden, who has gone out of his way to suppress energy production from his first days in office.

It points out that energy prices are up globally. This was caused largely by crippling production in the world’s leading producer of energy, the USA.

Rather than allowing us to access our own resources, Biden is irresponsibly depleting our strategic petroleum reserves. We are supposed to regard this as a good thing. It will have consequences when we find ourselves at war with China and out of oil. How apt that the video presents as typical Americans an apparently Chinese woman and her child.

At last the video comes to the solution to Biden having choked off our energy supply: stop using energy. We must reduce reliance on fossil fuels and instead power the economy with politically correct green gestures.

No serious person thinks we can keep the economy running on the meager, unreliable energy provided by liberal-approved technology like wind turbines and solar panels. If we don’t get Democrats out of power before they collapse the economy in the name of the climate, there will be mass starvation in the USA.

On a tip from ScrewyPuppy.

Jun 01 2022

Open Thread

On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. - H. L. Mencken

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

May 31 2022

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden Come After Handguns

Canadians let their squishy-soft pretty boy dictator get away with exploiting Covid as a pretext to impose martial law. So they should not be surprised to see Justin Trudeau soon push the envelope even further by announcing a ban on handguns:

When it comes to tyranny, cracking down on the right of self-defense is the ultimate red flag. No government would do this that means its people well. Canada’s rulers expect their agenda to engender armed resistance.

It is tempting to say that if Canadians put up with this, they ought to be kicked out of North America. But the USA is not far behind on the road to subjugation. Joe Biden croaks cluelessly that 9mm handguns are “high-caliber weapons,” that such a firearm “blows the lung out of the body,” and that they ought to be banned on the grounds that our constitutional rights are “never absolute.”

More than 40% of all pistols produced in the USA are 9mm. Anything less powerful is unsuitable for self-defense, as likely to enrage an attacker as to disable one.

The rubber is about to hit the road. If a people is not willing to do what it takes to stay free, it won’t.

On tips from Wiggins, seaoh, StephaneDumas, and Varla.

May 28 2022

Biden Regime Withholds Food to Impose LGBT Agenda

The federal government gives away other people’s money by the $trillions, but it doesn’t give it away for free. You take a penny, they own you. Put up resistance and they will let you know it:

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.

He who pays the piper calls the tune — even if he pays the piper with the piper’s own money after confiscating it through taxation and inflation. That is the magic of federal spending.

You don’t want boys exposing themselves in the girls’ shower room? Then don’t take money from a government run by evil creeps like Joe Biden. If only people had acted on this principle before Big Government made so many of us dependent.

Before many schools shut down in response to Covid-19, the National School Lunch Program fed nearly 30 million kids every school day, in approximately 100,000 public and private schools and residential care facilities.

The tactic of withholding food from children who have become reliant on it won’t surprise anyone familiar with the career of Joseph Stalin, who has been a major influence on the modern Democrat Party.

Liberal social engineering has consequences:

In Loudoun County, Virginia, in 2021, a young woman was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom by a young man granted access by the district’s transgender policies.

Scott Smith, the father of the sexually assaulted 14-year-old girl, complained about the school’s coverup of this crime at a schoolboard meeting. He was manhandled by the police and dragged out of the room with his pants pulled down, then demonized by the media.

That is the kind of country we will continue to live in until we can get out from under moonbat rule.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Dragon’s Lair.


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