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Category: Biden

May 25 2022

Divisive Demagoguery From Atop Dead Children

When tragedy hits, the country needs a leader, to pull us together. The opposite of a leader has been installed in the White House. Disgustingly, Biden immediately exploited yesterday’s shootings in Uvalde as an opportunity to climb atop children’s corpses and stridently attack the Constitution:

Biden passionately called on Congress to pass gun control legislation and urged the country to “stand up to the gun lobby” Tuesday, just hours after a gunman killed 18 children and multiple adults at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

The body count is now up to 19 children, two adults.

Shrieked the Great Unifier:

“When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name are we going to do what we all know in our gut needs to be done?”

His teleprompter programmers laid on the rhetoric thick and heavy:

“Why are we willing to live with this carnage?”

The point of course is never to let a crisis go to waste:

“It’s time to turn this pain into action,” the president stated. … “It’s time to act and to tell those who obstruct or delay or blocked the common-sense gun laws, we need to let you know that we will not forget.”

The phrase “common sense gun laws” is a euphemism for attacks by left-wing authoritarians on the crucial Second Amendment.

Our constitutionally protected right of self-defense did not kill those kids and teachers. Evil did. The solution is not to disarm the law-abiding, or to pretend that firearms can be uninvented, which would be the only way to keep them out of the hands of criminals. It lies in confronting the evil that is corroding American society. More concretely, it lies in addressing the mental illness epidemic that was exacerbated by the Covid lockdowns and providing better security for schools.

Biden’s divisive demagoguery failed to impress Tucker Carlson or Will Cain:

Imagine the school security that could be purchased with the recent $40 billion handout to Ukraine.

In his shamelessness, Biden is a fit figurehead for the political wing of the liberal establishment. Other moonbats are lining up to exploit the dead children:

“The blood of every child that dies of gun violence in this country is on the hands of the Republican Party,” Hollywood director Rob Reiner said.

Archie Bunker was too kind when he called this guy “Meathead.”

Podcast co-host of One America pointed fingers at Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and his state’s constitutional carry laws passed last year which allow for citizens ages 21 and over to openly carry handguns without a license.

Salvador Ramos was only 18 — not that open carry laws have any relevance. Progressives may be surprised to learn that it is already illegal to shoot children in all 50 states.

Ade Osadolor-Hernandez, the advisory board director of the pro-gun control group Students Demand Action, joined MSNBC’s Ari Melber to respond to the shooting by pointing to “systemic inequities” in the “LatinX” community.

If a Hispanic shoots other Hispanics, it could only be because America is racist.

Hold on, it gets crazier. Women’s March board member Lucy Flores uses the dead kids to promote producing more dead kids through abortion:

“Texas is trying to force women to birth children just so they can be shot in school.”

It is safe to assume that Salvador Ramos was insane. There is a lot of that going around.

On tips from Blackjack and Anonymous.

May 25 2022

Open Thread

The single biggest stimulus to the economy are the unemployment benefits we're paying. These people go out and they spend the money. They go out and they have to get by to everything from paying their mortgage or buying food or just getting by. It has a significant impact on economic growth and the continuation of economic growth. - Joe Biden

May 24 2022

Biden Confirms High Gas Prices Are Part of Plan

If skyrocketing gas prices have been crippling for you, look at the bright side. The guy who deliberately caused them with his systematic war on domestic energy production (see e.g. here, here, here, here, here) thinks they are wonderful, because they will lead to an “incredible transition” from affordable and reliable energy to energy that is neither affordable nor reliable, but that Democrats prefer because it is useful for money laundering and because it is politically righteous according to their climate ideology.

Croaks Biden:

“[When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.”

This means that it will not be over when Democrats take their boot off the neck of the oil industry, because that would be a return to the status quo ante, not a transition. It will be over when we stop expecting to be able to drive wherever we want and run our computers every day. Wind turbines just won’t generate that much energy, even if Democrats deface the whole country with the hideous monstrosities and use them to chop the last eagle to bits.

Already, Biden’s war on energy is costing the average American thousands of dollars per year. Letting Democrats take power doesn’t come cheap.

It would be nice to think that this will at least result in more pleasant weather, per leftist ideology. Whether even Biden actually believes that is doubtful. We’ll get the same heat in the summer; we just won’t be able to afford to run the AC.

On tips from Bluto and Wiggins.

May 23 2022

When Media Acknowledged That Biden Is a Joke

A generation ago, back before Biden had hair on top of his head, he already lusted after the power of the presidency. He was a smart guy back then — or at least, he told us he was. But the media had not yet decayed to the point that it would attempt to pass him off as a serious person:

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

May 22 2022

Buttigieg Wants Marshall Plan for Ukraine

Biden just signed off on another $40 BILLION payoff to Ukraine, to be paid for through inflation by any American with savings. Will that finally be enough, considering that our own country is going broke? Hardly.

Other than being ostentatiously homosexual, Alfred E. Newman lookalike Pete Buttigieg’s only qualification to be a cabinet member is that he was once mayor of South Bend, Indiana. During his tenure, he was known for not filling potholes. But there are to be no unfilled potholes in Ukraine. As if Ukraine were our ally, and as if we had money coming out our ears, Buttigieg proposes a second Marshall plan so as to build new infrastructure for the infamously corrupt nascent nation.

He doesn’t even want to wait until Russians are done blowing stuff up.

Squeaks Mayor Pete:

“With the memory of the Marshall plan in mind, what we’re talking about is not only about how we fund immediate needs and support their ability to maintain the war effort, but how we support the ability of Ukraine to be economically viable and generate a sustainable future for themselves, even as they’re under attack.”

Whatever Zelensky knows about Biden’s influence peddling in Ukraine, the knowledge has been profitable. Biden bought the firing of a prosecutor who had been investigating the employers of his bagman Hunter for $1 billion of our money. What do you suppose he is getting for the tens of $billions he has shoveled at Ukrainians since?

Buttigieg admitted that while “the destruction of Ukrainian homes and infrastructure is still under way”, to talk about reconstruction might feel premature “and yet in my encounters with Ukrainian leaders, and particularly my counterpart [Oleksandr Kubrakov], who I speak to regularly, they are already thinking about reconstruction even as they’re thinking about defending their homeland and it’s inspiring to see and it deserves strong and unified support from us.”

Most of the money will probably end up in Swiss bank accounts anyway, so why wait until the bombs stop falling?

Russia is not destroying the USA by spending it into oblivion. Democrats are.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 19 2022

W Gaffe Can’t Compete With Biden’s

W will choke if he gets his foot any farther into his mouth:

The decision regarding Iraq seemed to make more sense at the time than it does in hindsight.

At least W mitigates the self-inflicted damage by having a sense of humor about it.

If you define a gaffe as a politician shooting himself in the foot by accidentally telling the truth, nothing will top this one by Joe Biden:

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

YouTube still permits video of this astonishingly honest statement for now, tagging it with the laughable disclaimer that “Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of election results”:

That was so perfect, Dinesh D’Souza used it to introduce 2000 Mules, which documents enough election fraud to have changed the results of the 2020 election.

No one can compete with Joe Biden. With gaffes as with graft, he is the Big Guy.

On tips from Franco, seaoh, and Mr. Freemarket.

May 15 2022

“Ultra-MAGA” Took Biden’s Handlers 6 Months

No one should be surprised that Biden hasn’t done anything about the baby formula crisis largely caused by the federal government, other than provide pallets of scarce baby formula to illegal aliens and sneer dismissively that he is not a mind-reader. Left to his own devices, Biden couldn’t get his shoes on the right feet. As for his handlers, they knew the baby formula shortage was coming as early as February. That is not much time, when you consider that it took them 6 months just to come up with their new buzzword, “Ultra-MAGA.”

From left-wing WaPo, via Hot Air:

Biden’s attempt to appropriate the “MAGA” brand as a political attack was hardly accidental. It arose from a six-month research project to find the best way to target Republicans, helmed by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal group.

The polling and focus group research by Hart Research and the Global Strategy Group found that “MAGA” was already viewed negatively by voters — more negatively than other phrases like “Trump Republicans.”

Nothing makes it onto Biden’s teleprompter without getting run through focus groups. Each word is intended to manipulate us.

If Anita Dunn’s name sounds familiar, she is the Obama communications director most remembered for quoting the worst mass murderer in human history, Mao Zedong. She named the communist dictator who killed as many as 110 million people as one of her two favorite political philosophers.

“Ultra-MAGA” was developed as the Democrat response to the organic and highly effective slogan, “Let’s Go Brandon.” But like Shrillary’s “Basket of Deplorables,” it has backfired as countermoonbats embrace it.

The closest thing to a redeeming quality Democrats have is that they are too incompetent to implement their malevolent agenda.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and TCS III.

May 12 2022

Biden Shuts Down Drilling as Gas Prices Hit Record High

At least now that gasoline prices have hit an all-time record high, the Biden Regime will get its boot off the neck of the energy sector, right? Wrong:

The Biden administration disclosed Wednesday the Department of Interior will cancel three critical oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s Cook Inlet. …

The [Cook Inlet] decision means more than 1 million acres of potentially oil-rich lands will remain untapped.

Meanwhile, the department also canceled two lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico.

The good news is that by driving up energy costs, this will further slow down the economy, resulting in better weather according to left-wing ideology.

Vladimir Putin is not shutting down our energy supply. He is an adversary, not an enemy. Joe Biden is an enemy.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

May 11 2022

81 Million Votes

We are asked to believe that over 81 million Americans voted to be ruled by a conspicuously corrupt, incompetent, and senile figurehead for the radical left. Even if accurate, this would be dwarfed by the number of Americans whose standard of living is declining as a result of runaway inflation caused primarily by Biden et al.’s war on energy and grotesquely wasteful spending. But at least our leader has stepped up to address the issue:

If you actually did vote for this, repent and mend your ways.

On a tip from Jester.

May 11 2022

Beware Ultra-MAGA Republicans

The new buzzword from the White House is “ultra-MAGA Republicans.” An example of Biden using it:

Likewise, Biden never anticipated that $trillions in wasteful government spending and deliberately crippling domestic energy production in the name of the global warming hoax would cause runaway inflation. No worries; standing in front of wallpaper printed with “TACKLING INFLATION” and “LOWERING COSTS” is so sure to solve the problem that there will be no need for Democrats to suspend their orgy of spending or take their Birkenstocks off the neck of the oil industry.

Meanwhile, as the Regime urges us to fear the radicalism of “ultra-MAGA Republicans,” mobs of thugs egged on by the White House illegally lay siege to the homes of Supreme Court justices. Samuel Alito has been in hiding so that tolerant liberals don’t mostly peacefully kill him.

The Senate has passed a bill to protect justices from leftist violence and intimidation. However, Democrats like the Lori Lightfoot call for escalation.

On tips from TCS III.

May 10 2022

White House Officially Encourages Illegal Intimidation

For once, we get some straight talk out of White House spokesmoonbat Jen Psaki. She was characteristically vague regarding official endorsement of the mobs of leftist thugs terrorizing Supreme Court justices in their homes for the explicit purpose of forcing them to change their vote on an opinion. But now she confirms that the Biden Regime encourages it:

The behavior Psaki explicitly advocates in Biden’s name is a violation of federal law.

Urging people to break the law might also be against the law. Someone should ask the Attorney General about it. But unfortunately, that position is now held by a damp little rodent who himself used the FBI to intimidate parents for speaking out at schoolboard meetings against leftism imposed in the classroom.

Merrick Garland is not there to enforce the law, but to advance Democrat objectives. His failure to do anything about the illegal intimidation campaign being waged against conservative justices proves it. If Democrats had succeeded in placing Garland on the Supreme Court, there would have been no need to lay siege to the home of this rubber-stamp leftist.

At no point in American history would rule by the third-rate tyrants currently infesting the White House have been deemed acceptable. No wonder Democrats want to erase American history.

On a tip from Varla.

May 08 2022

Biden Ambivalent on Hispanicization of USA?

Biden has been exuberantly supportive of making whites a minority in the USA through “an unrelenting stream of immigration.” But his feelings about Spanish displacing English are more nuanced. He crows triumphantly that already 25% of schoolchildren speak Spanish. Yet in addition to wanting to honor them, he also wants to conquer them. Also, he accuses them of getting in the way. Or maybe it is a mistake to try to make sense of the gibberish spewed by our supposed leader:

If he is ambivalent, maybe it is because the Democrat plan to secure a permanent socialist majority through mass immigration has hit a snag:

One recent poll shows the president’s approval rating among Hispanics is an abysmal 26%, and an astonishing 41% “disapprove strongly” of his performance.

In 2020, Biden allegedly received 61% of the Hispanic vote. It didn’t take them long to figure out they had made a big mistake. If the lesson sticks, they will avoid voting Democrat for some time to come.

On a tip from Jester.

May 05 2022

The Jurisprudence of Joe Biden

Joe Biden has served as a useful prop for Obama and puppet for the far left mainly because he is a nonentity who will go along with anything so long as he gets a cut. But anyone who has been in a business as long as Biden has infested the Swamp is bound to contribute something of his own. He gave us “Borking” — the process of tearing down eminently qualified Supreme Court nominees for not lining up with the progressive agenda. Lost in a senile haze, Biden has been reliving his glory days.

While denouncing the Supreme Court for acknowledging that the Constitution has nothing to say about abortion, leaving the issue up to voters, Biden shambled down Memory Lane:

“This reminds me of the debate with Robert Bork. Bork believed the only reason you had any inherent rights was because the government gave them to you,” Biden recalled. “When I was questioning him as the chairman, I said, ‘I believe I have the rights that I have not just because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because I’m just a child of God—I exist.’”

As is often the case with Democrat rhetoric, this is the exact inversion of the truth. It is originalist conservatives like Bork who believe that our rights our inherent. Liberals believe there is no higher authority than the government–media complex. Any right can be rescinded at will: even the fundamental rights of free expression and self-defense, as illustrated by his Ministry of Truth and hostility toward the Second Amendment. Likewise, any “right” can be fabricated out of whole cloth, even the right to abort children.

Democrats would not portray themselves as the opposite of what they are if they did not understand that what they are is wrong, or at the very least that most people will oppose it.

Then Biden showed his true Democrat colors:

“Now, what happens if you have states changing the law, saying that that that children who are LGBT, who can’t be in classrooms with other children, is that is that legit under the way that the decision is written?” Biden asked.

What this has to do with finally striking down Roe v. Wade is anyone’s guess, but why miss out on a chance to promote the liberal concept of sexually perverted children?

On a tip from Bluto.

May 03 2022

Biden: There Has Never Been a Senator From Delaware

Joe Biden has infested the beltway swamp for so long that he has become a living repository of political knowledge. You can learn things from him that you will never hear from anyone else. For example, did you know that his home state of Delaware is so small that it has never had a Senator?

It must have slipped his mind that he represented Delaware in the Senate for 36 years.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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