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Category: Biden

Mar 30 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Mar 27 2024

Biden Says Pro-Hamas Mob Has a Point

A leader provides moral clarity. Joe Biden is not a leader but a figurehead, so morally vacuous that he cannot make up his mind to defend civilization against Islamic terrorists in the aftermath of the horrific atrocities of October 7.

Biden responded to pro-Palestinian protesters who interrupted his health care speech on Tuesday, saying that “they have a point.”

Two protesters were escorted out of the Raleigh, North Carolina, venue after they cut off the president mid-remarks, shouting, “What about the health care in Gaza?”

This is equivalent to Nazi supporters barking “What about the health care in Berlin?” during the Battle of Britain.

“They have a point,” Biden said after the protesters were escorted out. “We need to get a lot more care into Gaza.”

“Care into Gaza” means “money into Hamas,” the Democratically elected government of Gaza.

Biden has been putting our money where his mouth is, bestowing vast amounts of it upon Hamas as a reward for systematically raping and mutilating women and children and even building the terrorist organization a port so as to facilitate sending more. He is a traitor not only against America’s ally Israel and against America itself, but against Western Civilization, decency, and the human race.

Even a villain might inspire the respect you would accord a formidable adversary. However, Biden characteristically inspires no respect whatsoever as he lamely attempts to take both sides by also half-heartedly supporting Israel.

Revelation 3:16 comes to mind:

So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

On a tip from Bluto.

Mar 16 2024

Charges Stand Against Gold Star Father Steven Nikoui

Meanwhile, as left-wing apparatchik Mark Milley is knighted for his role in Biden’s Afghanistan debacle, a Gold Star father gets the Jan 6er treatment:

Gold Star father Steven Nikoui says charges have not been dropped against him after he was arrested for heckling President Biden during the State of the Union address.

Nikoui, 51, the father of slain Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, shouted ‘Remember Abbey Gate!’ ‘United States Marines!’ and ‘Abbey Gate!’ from the balcony of the House chamber in the middle of the president’s remarks last Thursday.

His son, Kareem, was killed by a suicide bomber, along with 12 other soldiers, during the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

If Mark Milley is a hero, then Steven Nikoui is a threat to democracy.

He called it ‘devastating’ that Biden instead mentioned the name of murdered Georgia student Laken Riley, which he confused with ‘Lincoln,’ but not the soldiers killed at Abbey Gate.

Biden apologized for his reference to “Lincoln” Riley, an apparent victim of his open border policy. That is, he apologized for calling the illegal alien charged with killing her “illegal.”

There might be no greater indignity than to see your country ruled by its worst enemies.

Fellow Gold Star father Darin Hoover called Nikoui’s arrest ‘ludicrous’ that he was singled out among other hecklers during the State of the Union.

‘The optics don’t look good, that’s for damn sure,’ he told

No worries, Democrats. If public revulsion against you overwhelms the media’s demonization of Trump, and lawfare doesn’t work, you can always fall back on cheating.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 13 2024

Biden Praises Outgoing Marxist Marcia Fudge

As housing becomes unaffordable for a growing number of Americans, our senile Moonbat in Chief hails outgoing Housing Secretary Marcia Fudge:

The White House, in a statement, hailed Fudge’s dedication to increasing the supply of affordable housing and protect the housing needs of some of the country’s most vulnerable residents.

In the context of Marxists like Marcia Fudge, the phrase “most vulnerable residents” refers to illegal aliens and welfare freeloaders.

Meanwhile, young people aspiring to home ownership are lucky to keep a roof over their heads, thanks to hyperregulation that retards construction and skyrocketing mortgage rates resulting from attempts to control the inflation produced by Democrats’ never-ending wasteful spending spree.

“From her time as a mayor, to her years as a fierce advocate in the U.S. House of Representatives, Marcia’s vision, passion, and focus on increasing economic opportunity have been assets to our country,” said Biden, a Democrat. “I’m grateful for all of her contributions toward a housing system that works for all Americans, and I wish her well in her next chapter.”

“All Americans” does not include you.

It would be good news that Fudge is leaving, except that the Regime is certain to replace her with another leftist just as awful.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Mar 05 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Feb 14 2024

Biden Regime Reportedly Investigating Israel

The Hamas terror atrocities of October 7 shocked the world. The violence inflicted on women was particularly horrific. Nor were children spared; at least 36 were murdered, often in front of their parents. The Biden Administration responds:

At the State Department, officials are investigating Israeli actions in Gaza that they believe may have broken international law. The State Department is also evaluating Israeli conduct through the Civilian Harm Incident Response Guidance process, a policy introduced by President Joe Biden last fall. This process is intended to monitor whether foreign governments use weapons provided by the U.S. to hurt civilians, and it could unearth evidence of international law violations.

That would be consistent with spouting Islamist propaganda, shoveling our money at Hamas, and calling on Israel not to retaliate.

Meanwhile, out of the other side of their mouths, the Biden people claim to support Israel, an outpost of civilization besieged by pure evil. There is an election in the fall, and decent people vote.

On a tip from Jester.

Feb 13 2024

Biden Fried Chicken With Blacks Ad Brings the Cringe

In 2020, the Democrat establishment took the nomination from communist Bernie Sanders and gave it to conspicuously incompetent corruptocrat Joe Biden, presumably because James Clyburn promised the black vote. Biden famously proclaimed that those who don’t vote for him “ain’t black.” He has been pandering to blacks ever since, openly choosing his VP and appointing a justice to the Supreme Court on the basis of their race. But despite the favoritism, even blacks have had enough of this decrepit creep. His handlers are getting desperate:

On tips from Heckrules and seaoh.

Feb 12 2024

Classified Documents Underscore Joe Biden’s Corruption

Not just incompetent. Not just senile. Not just treasonous. Not just sinister. Also corrupt:

The special counsel report on Joe Biden’s unauthorized removal and disclosure of classified documents exposed much more than our president’s mental deficits and the breadth of his irresponsible handling of top-secret and classified information. The report revealed a close nexus between Hunter Biden’s influence peddling and his father’s responsibilities and access to intel during the elder’s term as vice president.

Much of this involved Ukraine, an infamously corrupt country down which American taxpayers have been forced to flush many $billions under Biden. Biden arrogantly bragged about using our money to bribe Ukraine to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was looking into corruption related to his bagman Hunter.

As [House Oversight Chair James] Comer stressed, in addition to the Ukraine-related documents, top-secret and classified documents connected to China — another key source of Hunter Biden’s millions — were recovered. …

“Important questions remain about the extent of Joe Biden retaining sensitive materials related to specific countries involving his family’s influence peddling schemes that brought in millions for the Bidens,” Comer told The Federalist. “We will continue to provide the transparency and accountability owed to the American people.”

Provided the November elections go well. Otherwise, Biden’s crimes will continue to be swept under the rug, as the liberal media directs our attention elsewhere.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Feb 12 2024

Why There Will Be No Trump Versus Biden Debate

Not even the most ham-fistedly biased liberal media apparatchiks could prevent a bloodbath if this sick joke were to take the debate stage against Trump:

“Well meaning” in a pig’s eye. It isn’t just nice people who succumb to senile dementia.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Feb 10 2024

NBC News: Biden Worse, Trump Better Than Expected

File this one under Even the Liberal Media Admits:

Just 14% of registered voters say Biden has done a better job as president than they expected he would, according to the latest NBC News national poll. Another 42% say Biden has done a worse job than they expected, and 44% say his tenure has gone about as they expected it would.

But 40% say Trump’s presidency was better than expected, with 29% saying it was worse and 31% saying it was about as expected.

Undergoing a years-long campaign of demonization by the mainstream media does make expectations easier to beat.

With Trump, absence is making the heart grow fonder:

The marks for Trump are slightly better than they were when NBC News asked the same question about his administration in August 2018. Then, 29% of registered voters said the Trump administration was going better than expected, 27% said it was going worse, and 43% said it was going about as expected.

Regarding the key independent vote,

Trump also fares far better than Biden with independent voters — 38% of them say Trump’s administration went better than expected, 43% say it went as expected, and 18% say it was worse. Just 6% of independents believe Biden’s administration is going better than they expected, with 52% saying it has gone worse.

If they are to stand a chance in November, Democrats have two options: (1) cheat so brazenly as to risk civil war or (2) dump Biden like the soiled diaper he is probably wearing. That articles like this appear in the liberal establishment media suggests that they have opted for the latter.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Feb 10 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Feb 09 2024

Biden Plays Senility Card

Joe Biden isn’t a Woman of Color or homosexual, so how does he defend himself from observations that he is corrupt, incompetent, and treasonous? By playing the senility card.

Not even his most fervent detractors can deny that Biden has succumbed to dementia. He keeps recounting meetings with dead people like François Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl. He confuses the leaders of Mexico and Egypt. He cannot remember when his term as VP began or ended or even when his son died.

His senility is readily apparent from across the sea:

Biden sicced the weaponized Justice Department on his chief political opponent for allegedly mishandling classified documents — a crime that Biden himself was found to be flagrantly and repeatedly guilty of. He even retained classified information regarding Ukraine policy during a time his bagman Hunter sat on the board of Burisma.

No worries; just play the dementia card:

A special counsel report released Thursday found evidence that President Joe Biden willfully retained and shared highly classified information when he was a private citizen, including about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, but concluded that criminal charges were not warranted.

Why not? Because even if the crimes occurred years ago, now he is a doddering old man who doesn’t know what day it is. Call it the Vincent Gigante defense:

In a famous case from the 1990s, the mobster Vincent Gigante offered what became known as “the bathrobe defense.” He attended his arraignment in pajamas and a bathrobe and claimed to be mentally impaired. Regarding President Biden’s misuse of classified documents, the country is now asked to believe the forgetful elderly man defense.

That’s likely to be the main public takeaway from special counsel Robert Hur’s 345-page report of his investigation into the secret documents Mr. Biden kept in various places. Mr. Hur reports that he “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” But he concludes that “no criminal charges are warranted,” in large part because he doesn’t believe a jury would convict “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Before you object that no one could possibly regard a malevolent clot of swamp scum like Biden as “sympathetic” or “well-meaning,” recall that a DC jury just penalized Mark Steyn $1 million for not believing in the global warming hoax.

If he is too senile to be expected to obey the law, Biden is obviously too senile to be president of the USA. The goal for the Democratic Party is to keep him propped up as the presumptive nominee until the last moment, so that patriots will not have time to orchestrate a defense against whoever they replace him with.

On tips from Varla, Anonymous, WDS 2.0, Wiggins, Blackjack, KirklesWorth, and Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 07 2024

Biden on Debating Trump

First Biden appeared to endorse Donald Trump; now this:

Does he mean that Trump has lots of time on his hands because he doesn’t have to stand around eating frozen snacks, gibbering, and loading his Depends while a cabal of leftists run destroy the country in his name? Couldn’t be:

Is Biden unaware of the banana-republic lawfare his administration has brought against Trump in an effort to destroy him? Trump spends half his days in court thanks to Biden these days, whereas Biden spends half his time on vacation.

Maybe Biden is less senile than we thought, and still has the cognitive capacity to grasp that Trump would run circles around him.

Feb 07 2024

Even Al Sharpton Understands It Is an Invasion

Preposterously yet predictably, Biden echoes left-wing senators like Chris Murphy and Mitt Romney by attempting to blame Trump for the border crisis Biden caused while advancing his stated objective of transforming American demographics. A border bill that would have opened the floodgates even wider is set to crash and burn, provoking Biden to croak:

If the bill fails, I want to be absolutely clear about something: The American people are going to know why it failed. I will be taking this issue to the country. And the voters are going to know… Trump and the MAGA Republicans said ‘no’ because they’re afraid of Donald Trump, afraid of Donald Trump.

Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends.

Border reporter Bill Melugin replies:

Biden’s lie will not fly. Even Al Sharpton — an ultraleft bomb-thrower who came to prominence through the quintessential hate hoax — is admitting the obvious. It isn’t “migration” at this point. It is an invasion:

Aiding and abetting invasion is not a policy issue. It is treason.

On a tip from StephaneDumas.


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