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Dec 20 2023

Globalist Leftists Push Digital Public Infrastructure

What do the United Nations, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation have in common? They are all left-wing, globalist, and rabidly hostile to the interests of regular Americans, and all are pushing Digital Public Infrastructure through the “50-in-5” campaign in hopes of inflicting it on 50 countries in 5 years:

Sold as a mechanism for financial inclusion, convenience, improved healthcare, and green progress, DPI is an all inclusive phrase applied to a looming technocratic governance system powered by three foundational components: digital ID, digital payments like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and massive data sharing.

The evil dream of totalitarianism centrally imposed at the global level did not die with the USSR. Its proponents call it the Great Reset.

If successful, DPI will give governments and corporations the power to implement systems of social credit that can determine where and how you can travel, what you are allowed to consume, and how you will be able to transact with your programmable money.

That is, if someone in Brussels or at Google decides you are a homophobe or emit too much CO2, you can be prevented from making purchases at the grocery store.

Bill Gates says those who do not receive the Mark of the Beast risk “exclusion from society.”

Note the alarming word “equitable.” Equity is a euphemism for absolute authoritarianism under which the lawn is kept neatly manicured by ensuring that no blade of grass is allowed to grow higher than the shortest blade in any respect.

On a tip from R F.

Dec 20 2023

Delta Alarms Travelers With Man-Hating Moonbattery

“Inclusion” is Liberalese for the exclusion of identity groups they oppose. This includes or rather excludes men, as the moonbats at Delta Air Lines confirm:

A world with no men would be a world without aviation.

Modernity observes that not even Delta can outmoonbat the identity box-checkers at Virgin:

When you fly, you are trusting your life to the competence of the airline. Competence and wokeness are mutually exclusive.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 20 2023

Trans Activist Kendall Stephens Arrested for Raping Kids

Given the LGBT community’s conspicuous obsession with lascivious self-indulgence, its emphasis on corrupting children, and that these people literally define themselves by their sexual perversions, transgender activist Kendall Stephens getting arrested for raping little kids should come as no surprise:

FOX29, WTXF-TV in Philadelphia, reported Monday that Kendall Stephens, 37, who identifies as a woman, was arrested Monday on an array of charges including rape, involuntary assault, obscenity to minors, corruption of minors, unlawful assault to minors and involuntary deviant sexual intercourse.

He was also charged with indecent assault against people less than 13 years of age, according to KYW-TV, the CBS affiliate in Philadelphia.

According to WPVI-TV, an ABC station in Philadelphia, sources said the victims were two boys under 13.…

Stephens is known for his left-wing political advocacy, particularly on the matter of transgender rights…

Mainstream media outlets obsequiously refer to this guy as “she,” thereby not only lying to the public but advocating and participating in his depravity, even in the context of small children being raped.

Kendall Stephens may have suffered a setback in his political activism, but he has earned a place in the representative Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Steve T.

Dec 20 2023

Liberals Ban Trump From Colorado Ballot

Given the projection and hypocrisy that characterize Democrats, their hysterical shrieking about threats to “Our Democracy” set the stage for this. In blue Colorado, left-wing judicial activists acting on behalf of the Democratic Party have opened fire on the American form of government by ruling that the leader of the opposition party cannot appear on the ballot.

The pretext is a leftist talking point taken seriously only in moonbat fever swamps: that Trump took part in an insurrection because some of his supports got unruly at the Capitol while protesting election fraud.

As Breitbart notes,

The Court’s unilateral determination that Trump engaged in insurrection comes despite Trump having never been convicted of that – or any other – crime, or even been charged in court with the crime of insurrection. He was acquitted by the U.S. Senate of charges of engaging in insurrection…

By barring the opposition leader from the ballot, Colorado is in violation of the US Constitution, which requires each state to provide a republican form of government.

Unsurprisingly, the Democratic Party brain trust at MSNBC has encouraged other states to follow Colorado’s lead.

If Democrats hold onto power after pulling this stunt, the wheels are officially coming off. A vote for Trump in November will be a vote for the USA to remain a democratic republic rather than descending into tyranny.

On tips from Varla, Bluto, ABC of the ANC, Ed McAninch, and KirklesWorth.

Dec 20 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 19 2023

Study Confirms Illegals Use More Welfare Than US Citizens

The largest invasion in human history is also the largest looting spree. Among the findings of a report based on data from the 2022 Survey of Income and Program Participation are these:

• The 2022 SIPP indicates that 54 percent of households headed by immigrants — naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal immigrants — used one or more major welfare program. This compares to 39 percent for U.S.-born households.

• The rate is 59 percent for non-citizen households (e.g. green card holders and illegal immigrants).

No evidence was found that this is due to fraud.

• Illegal immigrants can receive welfare on behalf of U.S.-born children, and illegal immigrant children can receive school lunch/breakfast and WIC directly. A number of states provide Medicaid to some illegal adults and children, and a few provide SNAP. Several million illegal immigrants also have work authorization (e.g. DACA, TPS, and some asylum applicants) allowing receipt of the EITC.

Even if they work, they still collect welfare, as they do even if they don’t have kids and even if they have education credentials:

• Immigrant households without children, as well as those with high incomes and those headed by immigrants with at least a bachelor’s degree, tend to be more likely to use welfare than their U.S.-born counterparts.

Sometimes Democrats/the media pretend that illegals are prevented from suckling at the teat of the Welfare State; however,

• Most new legal immigrants are barred from most programs, as are illegal immigrants, but this has a modest impact primarily because: 1) Immigrants can receive benefits on behalf of U.S.-born children; 2) the bar does not apply to all programs, nor does it apply to non-citizen children in some cases; 3) most legal immigrants have lived here long enough to qualify for welfare; 4) some states provide welfare to otherwise ineligible immigrants on their own; 5) by naturalizing, immigrants gain full welfare eligibility.

An obvious conclusion is drawn:

Given their welfare use rates, knowledge of government programs is clearly extensive in immigrant communities.

No doubt the ins and outs of our extravagantly generous welfare system are common knowledge in places like Haiti and central Africa, where it would be virtually impossible to make as much by working as undocumented Democrats can make here by producing babies out of wedlock.

In the long term, we will be displaced by the millions upon millions of moochers leftists like Biden have been importing from the Third World. In the short term, we will be literally enslaved by them. What else would you call it when, on a coercive basis, someone else receives the wealth you produce?

On a tip from R F.

Dec 19 2023

Tory MP Commits Hate Incident Against Man in Wig

Airstrip One is facing an epidemic of thoughtcrime. Not only did a former Church of England vicar call a transvestite a “bloke,” Tory Deputy Chairwoman Rachel Maclean has accurately but politically incorrectly referred to one as a “man who wears a wig”:

West Mercia Police put Rachel Maclean’s comments on file following a complaint about her language by Melissa Poulton, who is standing as a Green Party candidate at the next election.

Maclean’s remarks are officially deemed a “Non Crime Hate Incident.”

She is now trying to appeal against the decision and get her name wiped from police records. Although people who have NCHIs recorded against them do not receive criminal records, their personal information can be stored on police files in serious cases and disclosed during vetting if they are applying for sensitive jobs.

Even if she could get the police to remove the incident from her file, the Internet is written in indelible ink. Maclean may be a high-ranking political figure, but she will forever be a thought criminal for not pretending this guy is a woman:

As Helen Joyce of Sex Matters notes,

‘The expansion of what constitutes “hate” to include using polite, accurate words like “man” and “male” for transwomen is just the latest way to shut up women who dare to talk publicly about matters that concern them, and to try to frighten other women into staying silent.’

Maclean’s actual crime:

She told the Mail last week that she would continue to speak up for women’s rights and would refuse to ‘deny reality’.

Denying reality is mandatory under moonbat rule. 2 + 2 = 5, because Big Brother says so.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Dec 19 2023

Potheads Become Protected Group in California

In California, all the animals are equal, just like in Animal Farm. But stoners are more equal than you:

California employees will soon officially have protections from discrimination based on their use of cannabis or marijuana while off the clock and away from the workplace.

“Protections from discrimination” equate to a place of privilege in the progressive caste system. If a California employer has to lay someone off, it had better not be someone who has made himself dopey with marijuana; there might be a lawsuit. As always with Cultural Marxism a.k.a. liberalism, normal people pay the price so that the allegedly oppressed can bask in entitlement.

The new protections come from an amendment to California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (AB 2188) which was approved by Governor Gavin Newsom on Sept. 18, 2022, and goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2024. The bill makes it unlawful for an employer to not hire, penalize, or terminate a person based on their use of cannabis products outside of work.

California jobseekers are advised to stress their drug use during interviews, so that employers know there could be consequences for not hiring them.

Employees in “the building and construction trades” and applicants or employees for federal jobs who require clearance from the U.S. Department of Defense may still be denied employment or face disciplinary action for cannabis usage outside of work.

It is important for people in these jobs not to have lobotomized themselves with recreational drugs. Zombies will do for any other occupation.

Remarks Daniel Greenfield,

What are the odds that pedophiles will be a protected class in California by 2025? Let me put it this way, I wouldn’t bet against it.

Neither would I, considering pedophiles are already slated to receive protected status in Minnesota and Connecticut.

Social engineers have a purpose in expanding the groups that qualify as oppressed by discrimination: to shrink the number of normal people into a minority too tiny to challenge Democrat rule.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Dec 19 2023

Pete Buttigieg Loots Southwest Airlines

It may be hard to feel sorry for Southwest Airlines after it obsequiously caved to the newest Cultural Marxist crybully contingent at the expense of normal passengers. But this is tyranny:

Southwest Airlines has been hit with a $140 million civil penalty for its December 2022 service disruptions, the Department of Transportation said Monday.

As if Southwest hasn’t suffered enough:

Southwest is still reeling from last year’s debacle that cost nearly $1.2 billion between the fourth quarter of 2022 and the first two months of 2023.

Pete Buttigieg, who was appointed Transportation Secretary as a reward for being noisily homosexual, decided to hurt the company some more. He barks:

“Today’s action sets a new precedent and sends a clear message: If airlines fail their passengers, we will use the full extent of our authority to hold them accountable.”

Translation: If you incur our wrath for whatever reason — or if we find it expedient to make an example out of you — we will hurt you bad.

The Federal Behemoth grabs still more of other people’s money:

The fine includes a $35 million payment directly to the government…

That should cover about 30 seconds of interest on the national debt.

Southwest has already paid more than $600 million in refunds and reimbursements to affected travelers and is expected to pay $750 million in compensatory damages.

Whatever lesson could be learned has been learned. But teaching it some more provides Big Government an opportunity to flex its growing muscles.

Southwest’s crime:

The airline had canceled nearly 17,000 flights scheduled between Dec. 21 and Dec. 29, affecting nearly 2 million customers, as a winter storm halted operations across major airports, overwhelming its scheduling crew.

Southwest had already taken steps to prevent it from happening again. But when they are down is a convenient time to kick people.

Identity politics has worked out well for Pete Buttigieg. Just a few years ago, he was the mediocre mayor of a minor city. Now he is unelected judge, jury, and executioner. Other airlines had better be very nice to Mayor Pete.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 19 2023

Open Thread

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. - Thomas Jefferson

Dec 18 2023

Nativity Scene Beheaded in Germany

Nativity scenes are under siege in occupied Europe. From Germany:

The people of Rüsselsheim are shocked: the nativity scene is located at the Protestant market church in the heart of the city, right next to the town hall, during the Advent season. The figures of the Holy Family with Jesus are life-size. …

But on the morning of December 17, the nativity scene looks like a battlefield. All the figures have had their heads cut off. Joseph has been kicked over, Mary beaten away. Jesus is first missing, later found under the rubble.

The local trade association attempted to play this off as “a macabre joke.” Not many get the humor.

The perpetrators could be moonbats; more likely, they are Muslims imported by moonbats.

For Europeans considering a traditional ham for Christmas dinner, better sniff it first before you buy. Muslims disapprove of pork:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Dec 18 2023

Church of England Vicar Under Fire for Calling Man “Bloke”

It isn’t only Australian councilmembers who get in big trouble for stating incontrovertible facts that contradict LGBT doctrine. The same happens to vicars in the Church of England:

Reverend Brett Murphy is being investigated after he recently posted a video slamming the CofE for putting “a radical rainbow activist” in a “position of high authority in a diocese”.

Murphy has resigned his position, but he still faces an official rebuke from the church that would bar him forever from being employed by it. The Powers That Be don’t like it that he said this:

“The Rev Rachel Mann is in fact, biologically, a bloke, who identifies and lives as a woman.”

Murphy suspects that the aptly named Mann is being groomed for a bishop position, which would be consistent not only with the DEI principles of our progressive ruling class but also with the liberal policy of hollowing out churches and replacing Christianity with moonbattery.

As Murphy remarks,

“The re-opening of the complaint especially exposes the drive within the CofE to censor and banish any dissenting voice that does not agree or celebrate extreme LGBT ideology.”

Christians are now dissidents within their own churches.

According to the Bible,

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

But the Bible is irrelevant in denominations that promote sin and therefore are not Christian in any meaningful sense.

On tips from Steve T and Franco.

Dec 18 2023

Fourteen-Year-Old Countermoonbat Takes On Educrat

No one else is taking on the incompetent, tyrannical, ideologically deranged, grotesquely overpaid educrats who have destroyed public education — so a 14-year-old girl steps forward:

Maybe there is hope for the future after all.

On tips from R F and Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Dec 18 2023

FBI Issues Update on Alphabet Mob’s Evolving Acronym

The FBI had better monitor the conflict between pederasts and lesbians. If the L gets ejected from LGBTetc, the agency must stand ready to issue another official statement:

An email reportedly from the bureau’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion to all FBI employees was leaked online.

“The FBI has officially adopted the LGBTQIA+ acronym in place of LGBT+. This change was proposed by Bureau Equality, one of our nine Diversity Advisory Committees, and approved by FBI executive management to help promote a more welcoming workplace for members of our LGBTQIA+ community,” read the email.

Eight Diversity Advisory Committees wouldn’t be enough for the agency tasked with imposing leftist ideology on a nation of 333 million.

The email went on to explain what each part of the LGBTQIA+ acronym meant.

The Deep State cares deeply about promoting sexual perversion. Even so, it struggles to keep pace with the personification of moonbattery, Justin Trudeau:

Trudeau was mocked online after he began using the even more inclusive acronym, 2SLGBTQQIA+.

You can see why the FBI requires a massive new headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon. If it has fallen behind Canada, it must need to hire more leftist bureauweenies — though it already has impressive reach:

The email from the FBI claimed that more than 30 federal agencies were to use the expanded acronym, including the Department of Justice.

The repurposing of the FBI as an enforcement arm of the Democratic Party has not gone unnoticed by the people it stands ready to terrorize:

Only 37 percent of registered voters held a positive view of the FBI, almost as many as said they had a negative view (35 percent). Furthermore, only 17 percent of Republicans polled held a positive view, compared with 56 percent negative. This was a stark change from 2018, when the bureau held a 52 percent positive rating with just 18 percent of registered voters viewing it negatively.

It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end. Already the FBI has been spying on Catholics, intimidating parents who speak up at school board meetings, and siccing SWAT teams on prolife activists. It needs to be disbanded before it has finished transforming into an American KGB.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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