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Oct 31 2023

A Very Biden Halloween

Run a country? Joe Biden has trouble handing out Halloween candy:

Then again, if you want your Halloween extra creepy, it would be hard to top this compulsive child-sniffer:

Too bad it isn’t a different holiday. There would be someone more commanding on hand to chaperone Biden:

On tips from Chris Neilson, Wiggins, and WDS 2.0.

Oct 31 2023

Judge Orders Biden to Stop Destroying USA’s Defenses

In Fahrenheit 451, a dystopian story of government hostile to those it governs, firemen don’t put out fires; they start them. Similarly, under Joe Biden’s handlers, the Border Patrol does not prevent foreign invasion but facilitates it by removing barriers that have been erected to defend the country.

Refreshing sanity from the judicial branch:

Judge Alia Moses, of the U.S. Western District, ordered the Department of Homeland Security to stop ‘disassembling, degrading, tampering’ miles of the wire set up on the banks of the Rio Grande.

The focus of the lawsuit is Eagle Pass, where thousands of migrants crossed in late September and where huge crowds try to get in every day.

[Texas] sued the Biden administration last week after members of border patrol were seen cutting out sections to let border crossers in.

If sanity is to be reasserted, let’s take the next step by enforcing the law. Treason is illegal. No one has ever been more conspicuously guilty of it than Biden and Mayorkas, both of whom should be arrested at once for facilitating the largest invasion in human history.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Oct 31 2023

John Fetterman Confronted by Kook Who Voted for Him

Not even the cognitively dysfunctional psychiatric inpatient Senator John Fetterman is as far out there as some of the moonbats who voted for him. Watch him stand frozen with his fingers in some kind of Illuminati configuration while a voter sounds off in his face:

A ceasefire in the immediate aftermath of a terror atrocity that killed 1,400 translates directly to surrendering to Hamas. It would make future terror attacks as inevitable as Biden made the abduction of more Americans by paying $6 billion ransom to Iran. Fearing the withdraw of Jewish support, even the Democrat operatives behind brainless marionettes like Fetterman and Biden have to acknowledge this.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 31 2023

Women Begin to Find Disfavor

Only recently, women still had such a place of prominence in the Cultural Marxist totem pole of oppression that #MeToo mania was able to destroy any number of lives, even among moonbats (e.g., Al Franken, Charlie Rose). But then social engineers were forced to choose between women and transsexuals. Consequently, women are getting a taste of the contempt and demonization normally reserved for men.

Ninety-pound anti-Constitution activist David Hogg even blames suburban white women for gun violence. Squeaks Hogg:

“We will never end gun violence until white women in the suburbs stop voting for the Republicans who are endangering our schools and communities by flooding them with guns.”

True enough, any woman living in a house with numerous means of ingress, near an urban area, would be foolish not to have a gun in the house — preferably an AR-15, which is an idea weapon for female home defense, given its easy handling and high capacity.

Even the National Organization for Women has turned on women:

“Trans women are women,” the organization said on Facebook Monday morning.

That is to say, there is no such thing as a woman in any meaningful sense. A male pervert mocking women by dressing up as one as if for Halloween is as much a woman as a woman is.

Comments on the NOW post that do not comply with official pro-transsexual, anti-woman ideology are apparently getting deleted.

Feminism was once the primary wrecking ball used to destroy traditional values. But it has largely served its purpose. Social engineers have moved on, confirming that the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution from above. Now even the largest feminist organization in the USA is no longer feminist but rather LGBTist.

When women are as disfavored as men, equality between the sexes will have been achieved at last.

On tips from Barry A and Bluto.

Oct 31 2023

Biden Regime Demands AI Impose Cultural Marxism

For those unfortunate enough to be white, male, Christian, or sexually normal, an America run by AI will not be a welcoming place — by design. As if the leftists running the tech industry were not sufficiently politically correct, the Biden Regime makes the moonbattery mandatory:

Biden released an executive order aimed at regulating the artificial intelligence (AI) industry [yesterday], which includes a provision that AI must advance the goals of “civil rights” and “equity” — aka, the left’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) framework.

This Cultural Marxist framework explicitly punishes America’s core population to benefit favored identity groups. It is a recipe for the tearing apart of American society.

In the movies, AI turns against us after it develops self-awareness and starts acting in its own interests at the expense of humanity’s. In real life, it will be hostile from the beginning. Federal bureauweenies will see to it.

The White House says it will send out guidance to landlords, federal contractors, federal benefits programs and others to reduce the possibility of racial and other biases in their use of AI.

That is, to impose racial and other biases against identity groups disfavored by the ruling class.

There will also be enforcement: the White House fact sheet on the executive order states that there will be “training, technical assistance, and coordination between the Department of Justice and Federal civil rights offices on best practices for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations related to AI.”

You like chaos in the streets because incarcerating sociopaths is racist according to liberal ideology? Great, then you’ll love the USA under our silicon overlords.

Additionally, the use of AI in the criminal justice system will be a top priority, with plans to develop “best practices on the use of AI in sentencing, parole and probation, pretrial release and detention, risk assessments, surveillance, crime forecasting and predictive policing, and forensic analysis.”

Applying Democrat ideology to “sentencing, parole and probation, pretrial release and detention” means Lady Justice takes off her blindfold so that whites can be punished more severely than blacks. The political weaponization of the FBI indicates what we can expect of “risk assessments, surveillance.” For more information on “crime forecasting and predictive policing,” readers are referred to the movie Minority Report.

The bottom line: in order to avoid violating U.S. civil rights laws, in particular the doctrine of disparate impact, companies using AI may in some cases have to stop them from reaching conclusions that are too accurate.

As with climate models, AI will reach the conclusions it has been programmed to reach.

“Disparate impact” means fairness. Abolishing it will require a totalitarian regime to inflict the same punishment and bestow the same reward regardless of what individuals have deserved. AI will be useful in this regard.

We can already see where this is heading:

DHS sub-agencies have in the past used a cybersecurity pretext to take a leading role in censoring “disinformation,” and created guides for “deradicalizing” conservative Americans.

AI programmed and deployed by our enemies is our enemy.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 31 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Oct 30 2023

Driving EV Is Equivalent to Paying $17.22/Gallon for Gas

Would you volunteer to pay $17.22 per gallon for gasoline? Then don’t let leftists pressure you into an electric car. Daily Wire reports on a new study:

[The authors] give evidence that “the average model year (MY) 2021 EV would cost $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period without $22 billion in government favors given to EV manufacturers and owners. … Adding the costs of the subsidies to the true cost of fueling an EV would equate to an EV owner paying $17.33 per gallon of gasoline. And these estimates do not include the hundreds of billions more in subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) for various aspects of the EV supply chain, particularly for battery manufacturing.”

“Nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits suppressed the retail price of EVs in 2021 by an average of almost $50,000,” the authors note.

Even with the subsidies,

“Car lots are swelling with unsold EVs and the Ford Motor Company is losing over $70,000 on each EV it currently sells.”

EV drivers can’t count on others being forced to pick up most of the tab forever. The extravagantly wasteful subsidies won’t last, because as Margaret Thatcher observed, eventually socialists run out of other people’s money.

No wonder blue states like California and New York — as well as Democrats at the federal level — have moved to make electric vehicles mandatory. Otherwise, who would drive them?

Only after we have been forced into inefficient, expensive, unreliable, unsafe, environmentally harmful electric cars can Democrats price us out of having cars altogether.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Occam’s Stubble.

Oct 30 2023

Soros-Backed Oakland DA Pamela Price Robbed

As part of a campaign to escalate urban violence and politically destabilize the country, in hopes of creating a situation that will enable gun confiscation followed by authoritarian rule, George Soros has spent massive amounts of money helping into office pro-criminal district attorneys throughout the country. Examples include Alvin Bragg (New York), George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Kim Ogg (Houston), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), Kim Gardner (St Louis), Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore), Monique Worrell (central Florida), Jason Williams (New Orleans) — and Pamela Price of Oakland, who on Friday afternoon had her work laptop stolen from her car during a smash-and-grab robbery outside a “family justice center.”

Price foolishly tried calling the police, who tend not to exert themselves in places like Oakland because they know the DA won’t prosecute anyway.

ABC7 reported her bodyguard parked the $90,000 county Tahoe SUV just outside the Family Justice Center and came back to find the windows smashed.

Imagine how much worse life in Oakland is for those who don’t have presumably armed bodyguards.

A source from the Oakland Police Department reported that Price waited an hour for authorities to arrive before she decided to file a report online.

At least the culprits might get prosecuted, in the unlikely event they are apprehended.

Price had some help in her rise to power, as a story from last August reminds us:

Alameda County district attorney Pamela Price, who took $130,000 from [George] Soros for her failed 2018 bid, secured the position for her boyfriend Antwon Cloird, the San Jose Mercury News reported Sunday. Cloird joined Price’s office as a “senior program specialist” in 2023, with a $115,502 per year salary. Price brought him onto her team without disclosing their relationship, although it is an “open secret” in the office, according to the report.

Since becoming district attorney in 2022, Price has presided over a massive crime surge in Oakland…

Crime in Oakland has been skyrocketing across the board. Business owners recently held a strike to protest rising crime and inadequate protection. Lifelong residents have been escaping. Even the Oakland NAACP is fed up:

The Black advocacy group wrote a letter that was aimed directly at Price.

‘Failed leadership, including the movement to defund the police, our District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life-threatening serious crimes, and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric have created a heyday for Oakland criminals,’ the letter said.

‘If there are no consequences for committing crime in Oakland, crime will continue to soar.’

That’s the point of installing tools like Price, who has pushed for less prison time even for murderers. She responded to the NAACP with disappointment that “a great African-American organization would take a false narrative on such an important matter.”

Devout liberals know there is only one True Narrative, according to which criminals are the good guys because racism.

In other Oakland crime news,

Less than 24 hours after launching, Oakland Police Department has ended the social media crime reporting program.

The announcement went out Friday night, soon after Price lost her laptop.

Witnesses to car break-ins should call 9-1-1 instead of sending messages to those deactivated accounts.

No reason was given for the sudden termination.

If you don’t want to be a crime victim, stay out of towns where George Soros backed the DA.

On tips from Ed McAninch and R F.

Oct 30 2023

Trump’s Biden Impersonation Hits Home

If the 2024 election doesn’t work out, Trump could launch a new career in standup comedy. The Joe Biden impersonation he performed in Las Vegas Saturday was spot on:

Oct 30 2023

Regime Halts Firearm Exports

There are still enough Americans living in the USA that attempting a direct repeal the Second Amendment would result in resistance. Yet the leftist agenda cannot be advanced much further until the public has been disarmed. So Democrats have settled on a strategy of destroying firearms manufacturers.

First, they soften up public opinion with a propaganda barrage fed by the mass shootings that inevitably result when a society promotes psychosis and lets maniacs run loose. Then, they cripple the businesses they want to destroy with shenanigans like this:

The United States has halted most civilian firearm exports for the next 90 days, the U.S. Department of Commerce said late Friday.

Moves like this are always pulled late in the day on Friday, so as to escape public scrutiny.

Citing national security reasons, the Commerce Department said the U.S. will largely stop issuing civilian export licenses and will assess the “risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate human rights, or fuel criminal activities.”

Naturally the ban does not apply to Ukraine, at which the regime is shoveling hundreds of $billions of our money as our own economy drowns in government debt. Biden’s handlers want Ukrainians to have guns. They don’t want you to have guns. That’s why they will pull stunts like this as part of a broader campaign to drive firearms manufacturers out of business. Other aspects of the campaign entail denying them banking services and suing them for misuse of their products.

The regime will still need guns to provide at our expense to friends like Zelensky and to shoot those of us deemed to be Threats to Their Democracy. After legitimate manufacturers have been bankrupted, the firearms industry will be nationalized, with Big Government as its only customer.

Something similar is happening in the auto industry. In the future, all cars will be electric, manufactured at a loss, and driven by our rulers.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Oct 30 2023

German Students Demand Gloryholes in Lecture Halls

To see what’s next as progressivism progresses, let’s plug into Bing Translator a German news story about students at the University of Augsburg demanding gloryholes in lecture halls:

“Three gloryholes are to be installed in the lecture hall center opposite the entrance, by the information boards. These are to be approved by the Department of Space and Construction and cleaned by the building management. In addition, they should be soundproof and opaque. The gloryholes should be designed to be as barrier-free as possible – the height should be adjustable, there should be wall handles that can be held onto. The lights should be dimmable and a possible knee padding should be installed. In addition, condoms, licking wipes, lubricants and disinfectants and wipes are to be provided free of charge in the gloryholes; trash cans are also needed,” the application reads.

The stated purpose is to reduce stress, but when use of the gloryholes inevitably becomes mandatory, it will be so as to display solidarity with the LGBT community.

On a tip from R F.

Oct 30 2023

Open Thread

I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever. - Thomas Jefferson

On a tip from Htos1av.

Oct 29 2023

NYC Racial Equity Chief Calls for Genocide of Jews

Sorry, Jews. No slice of the racial equity pie for you:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ new appointee for chair and executive director of the city’s Commission on Racial Equity has a distinguished history of spewing antisemitic rhetoric. …

Linda Tigani, who earned more than $140,000 in 2022 as acting chief equity and strategy officer for the city’s Health Department, has shared a number of posts on X that appear to be antisemitic.

In the aftermath of the October 7 terror atrocities, Tigani has been posting pro-Hamas propaganda and shrieking the slogan “FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA,” which is a call for the eradication of Jews from their homeland.

You don’t get any equity from our moonbat overlords if people who are categorized as browner than you have been torturing your children to death.

Oct 29 2023

City Councilor: The Motive Is He’s White

The media will tell you that the recent mass murder in Maine was caused by our Constitutional right to defend ourselves. Saner voices observe that such horrors are to be expected in a society that fosters psychosis and lets maniacs run free. Neither addresses the killer’s motive, which only Portland City Councilor Victoria Pelletier seems to know:

“The motive is he’s white.”

Victoria elaborates:

It appears that all of Robert Card’s victims were white too — despite the killings taking place in a town with a large minority population. But only the unwoke allow petty details to distract from the narrative.

On a tip from Latrunculus Occulte.


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