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Sep 11 2023

Will Mexico Build the Border Wall?

I was wrong. I thought that as Democrats consolidate power, they would be forced to build a border wall to keep us from escaping. This guy says Mexico is building it to keep illegal aliens from going south, as Biden et al. spend us into economic collapse:

Trump did say Mexico would pay for the wall.

File this one under Not Yet but Maybe Soon.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 11 2023

US Marshals Downplayed Threat to Justices

Even the US Marshals Service appears to have been tainted by the politicization/weaponization of the federal government:

In a newly uncovered email sent weeks after an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the U.S. Marshals Service said it was “unaware” of “targeted” threats to Supreme Court justices.

The Marshals Service sent the internal email on June 23, 2022, the day before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project obtained the email. Kavanaugh was one of the six-justice majority who voted in favor of overturning Roe.

At the time, conservative justices’ homes were under siege by leftist goons. Their addresses had been posted online.

An attempt on Kavanaugh’s life was made by a moonbat from California named Nicholas Roske on June 8:

His online communications and own words to police clearly indicate that the then-pending abortion decision was the main motive in Roske’s failed attempt on Kavanaugh’s life.

Here’s why the Marshals Service would downplay the assassination threat to conservative justices.

The Marshals Service is an agency of the Department of Justice.

The DoJ is headed by Merrick Garland, a conspicuously unprincipled tyrant who has been compared to the USSR’s Felix Dzerzhinsky, and who Obama tried to place on the Supreme Court.

Lucky for the unborn and for the Constitution that the six sane justices don’t scare easily.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Sep 11 2023

Open Thread

The great object is that every man be armed. - Patrick Henry

Sep 10 2023

Juneteenth Replaces Christmas Eve

Even apparatchiks like John Cornyn — who pushed Juneteenth as a federal holiday — know they can’t keep piling up holidays indefinitely, because if they don’t come to work at all, they can’t steal our money and micromanage our lives. When they decree a new holiday in honor of our official state religion (i.e., moonbattery), it is meant to replace an old holiday honoring the culture they are systematically eradicating. For example:

The largest hospital system in Georgia, Emory Healthcare, has scrapped Christmas Eve from its paid holiday calendar and added Juneteenth. Employees will now have to use paid time off to celebrate the December holiday.

The change, announced August 31, will also let employees earn extra holiday pay for working on Juneteenth—but not on Christmas Eve.

Lest anyone miss that this represents a triumph for leftism,

“We hope this will allow more opportunities for celebration, reflection, and education,” Emory Healthcare CEO Joon Sup Lee wrote in an email to employees. “[D]iversity, equity, and inclusion at Emory Healthcare (EHC) is about creating an environment of true belonging for our patients and team members, while ensuring equitable outcomes for all.”

Such replacements are starting in the private sector due to the more urgent need to get some work done. Then they will spread to the government.

If all goes according to the agenda, Christmas Eve will be forgotten. Holidays used to be holy days. In utopia, they will be unholy days set aside for leftist purposes, as with Juneteenth (or as Jason Whitlock aptly calls it, George Floyd Day), which rewards Black Lives Matter rioters and provides a certain community with a pretext to indulge in even more mayhem than usual.

The policy will leave the hospital short staffed just when its services are most in demand:

Since 2021, Juneteenth weekends have been marred by mass shootings and other forms of gun violence, including at holiday celebrations across the country. In Chicago alone, gunfire over the three-day weekend killed 13 people this year.

Thanks John Cornyn!

On a tip from She’s in Texas.

Sep 10 2023

Vaccine Poetry

If Democrats maintain power after next year’s election, they are apt to inflict more Covid tyranny, including mask mandates, pressure to take experimental vaccines, and even a return to lockdowns. If Trump wins, don’t be surprised if you get the same. But look at the bright side — at least we’ll have poetry:

To coincide with the Global Vaccine Impact Conference, Gavi has commissioned spoken word artists from across the globe to compose new unique works celebrating the power of immunisation.

Prepare yourself for “My Vaccine, My Health,” by Makida El-Husseini of Ghana:

Inspiring words for Covid vax true believers:

Health is vaccination
It protects the immunity of our system
To fly away from deadly viruses and chronic diseases
that plague our growing greens to a demise
Vaccines are life

Life, that breathes into the souls of humanity’s existence
And eschew the brutality of the cold breeze of death

Vaccines have saved any number of lives. Too bad we can no longer trust them not to make us sick.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Sep 10 2023

US Government Moves to Hire More Criminals

The federal government can hardly be expected to impose the will of a morally degenerate ruling class without employing criminals. That’s why it passed the Fair Chance Act:

In an effort to promote fairness and inclusivity in federal hiring practices, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has announced its final regulations to implement the Fair Chance to Compete for Jobs Act of 2019, commonly known as the Fair Chance Act. These regulations mark a milestone in ensuring that individuals with criminal history records are provided a fair opportunity to compete for employment within the federal government and its contractor organizations.

The word “fair” in the US Government context usually refers to preferences for favored groups.

The Fair Chance Act, enacted in 2019, laid the foundation for these regulations by prohibiting federal agencies and contractors from requesting an applicant’s criminal history information until a conditional offer of employment has been made. The Fair Chance Act expands upon the existing “Ban the Box” rule, implemented in 2016. The intent behind this law is clear – every applicant deserves a fair chance at employment, and the qualifications, skills, and willingness to serve the American public should be the primary criteria as federal agencies and contractors make employment decisions.

The primary qualifications for federal jobs are commitment to leftist orthodoxy, contempt for the US Constitution, and membership in preferred identity groups.

Under the Fair Chance Act,

Criminal history information cannot be requested or assessed until after a conditional offer of employment is made unless mandated by law.

Believe it or not, this is from Forbes, not an official government press release:

OPM’s final regulations on criminal history disclosure represent a step toward creating a more inclusive federal workforce.

The primary task of the federal government is to steal from some to buy votes from others. How is it supposed to accomplish this without employing criminals?

On a tip from Steve T.

Sep 10 2023

Harvard Dead Last University for Free Speech

Harvard is the national leader when it comes to universities. Where it is leading is into leftist authoritarianism, where the free inquiry that is supposed to be the point of universities is no longer possible:

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) released its annual college free speech rankings on Wednesday, which dubbed the state of free speech at the Ivy League school “abysmal.” …

Harvard received a 0.00-point free speech ranking on a 100-point scale — a full 11 points behind the next-worst school.

That would be UPenn, also of the Ivy League.

The score is calculated based on factors including how strong the school’s policies in favor of free speech are and how many professors, students and campus speakers have been targeted by authorities for their speech.

The culture of repression goes beyond intolerant educrats and doctrinaire professors:

The rankings also take into account student sentiment about free speech based on polling FIRE conducted in partnership with research firm College Pulse.

Despite the extravagant cost, Harvard is the worst school in the country for students who value the free exchange of ideas. However, the actual purpose of Harvard is to provide credentials to aspiring members of the liberal elite.

Harvard is the premier training academy for the ruling class. Its hostility to the American principle of free speech is unacceptable. We need to look elsewhere for our leaders.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 10 2023

Open Thread

The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis. - Edmund Burke

Sep 09 2023

Trans Bully Tiffany Moore Gets Some Pushback

By now most people have seen the viral video of the guy made up as a parody of a woman threateningly snarling “It is ma’am!” at a GameStop employee in Albuquerque for failing to pretend he is female in accordance with our rulers’ ideology. Language alert:

The transvestite goes by the name Tiffany Moore. As we have come to expect, the media obsequiously supports him in his psychosis:

No word on whether they managed to get the store clerk fired.

Considering that the moonbats running the media think you will believe this guy is a woman, why would you insult your own intelligence by listening to anything else they say?

Let’s help “Tiffany” go viral again. For once, a trans bully gets a little pushback after invading the ladies’ room:

Anybody buy that Mr. Tiffany is “intersex?” Funny that currently fashionable angle (referring to a birth defect that affects 0.018% of the population) didn’t come up in the 4-year-old liberal media puff piece above.

Eventually one of these weirdos will make the media’s day by getting himself killed watching someone’s little girl pee. Then the liberal establishment will have a martyr to worship even more holy than the career criminal fentanyl victim George Floyd.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Sep 09 2023

New Mexico Suspends Constitutional Gun Rights

As every schoolchild should know, the right to bear arms is prominently guaranteed in the US Constitution. Yet this fundamental right has been suspended in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County by decree of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham:

Grisham announced the order, made through the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), to ban non-law enforcement personnel from carrying firearms in certain areas, either openly or concealed, regardless of whether any individual gun owner has a permit to carry. The public health decree will remain in effect for 30 days…

As Covid tyranny made clear, Big Government acknowledges no limits in matters of public health. Consequently, we can expect every aspect of life to be reframed by the government/media in public health terms, so that our rights can be ignored. If preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves (and others) can be said to promote public health, what couldn’t be?

You don’t have to be a legal expert like Jonathan Turley to understand that the decree “is flagrantly unconstitutional under existing Second Amendment precedent.” Democrats violate the Constitution deliberately, revving up their base to support rendering it null and void by packing the Supreme Court. They are also testing the resolve of the resistance, and experimenting as to what people will put up with before waking up to the fact that the Democratic Party is the enemy of the United States.

Encouragingly, there has been immediate pushback. Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen says he is “wary of … the potential risks posed by prohibiting law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense.” State Rep. John Block has sensibly called for Lujan Grisham’s impeachment and removal.

I know just where to take her from the governor’s mansion. Depriving Americans of their constitution rights is a crime punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

On tips from Wiggins, Anonymous, Straight Shootr, Occam’s Stubble, and Blackjack.

Sep 09 2023

STEM Majors Can No Longer Do Calculus

As civilization succumbs to moonbattery, the wealth it has produced will be lost. This refers not only to the money frittered away through the welfare state and green energy looting sprees, but to cultural treasures passed down through generations — like calculus:

Across the country, more students are placing into pre-college math, reports AP’s Collin Binkley. “At many universities, engineering and biology majors are struggling to grasp fractions and exponents.” …

“We’re talking about college-level pre-calculus and calculus classes, and students cannot even add one-half and one-third,” said Maria Emelianenko, chair of George Mason’s math department.

Even softball quizzes appropriate for grade school produce appalling results.

Professors tried “expanded office hours, a new tutoring center, pared-down lessons focused on the essentials,” writes Binkley. “But students didn’t come for help, and they kept getting D’s and F’s.”

You can see why grades need to be abolished in both college and K-12.

What do you expect of a society that regards both merit and math as racist?

On a tip from R F.

Sep 09 2023

August to Be Transgender History Month

One month out of 12 is not enough for our degenerate rulers to devote to grinding depravity and psychosexual insanity into our faces. So California is adding another:

The California State Assembly has voted to officially recognize August as “Transgender History Month,” beginning in 2024. The resolution, which passed on Wednesday, makes California the first state in the United States to have a month that officially recognizes the history and contributions of transgender people.

Those still queasy from being force-fed LGBTism for the entire month of June may recall that the T stands for trans. But it takes more than one month to recognize all the positive contributions to society made by transvestites — or rather, it would take more than a month to come up with any.

The bill’s author is Assemblymember Matt Haney, Democrat of San Francisco.

[I]n 2021, San Francisco became the first city in the U.S. to declare August as Transgender History Month, which was repeated by Santa Clara County shortly after.

This demonstrates how sickness spawned in the cesspool San Francisco metastasizes. That’s how Nancy Pelosi came to be one of the most powerful members of the federal government for the past 20 years. Expect Transsexual Reverence Month to join Pride Month nationwide shortly.

We are still a few years away from MAP Month, but it’s coming.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.

Sep 09 2023

Open Thread

The masses favor socialism because they trust the socialist propaganda of the intellectuals. The intellectuals, not the populace, are molding public opinion. - Ludwig von Mises

On a tip from Jester.

Sep 08 2023

California Judge Prevents Parents From Protecting Kids

A few years prior to the culturally catastrophic Supreme Court decision imposing homosexual marriage at the federal level, voters in California had a chance to weigh in. They passed Proposition 8 in 2008, banning it. Gay federal judge Vaughn Walker overruled them, until such time as the media could stampede the herd in the desired direction. Similar tactics are used against parents who object to their children being transsexualized behind their backs:

A judge in California on Wednesday issued a temporary restraining order on the Chino Valley Unified School District’s recently adopted policy that requires schools to inform parents about student gender transitions.

San Bernardino Superior Court Judge Tom Garza granted the temporary order amid an ongoing civil rights lawsuit filed last month by California Attorney General Rob Bonta, who claimed the district’s “forced outing policy” discriminates against the privacy rights of LGBTQ+ students and the California Constitution.

According to the official narrative, children are already sexually psychotic before liberals get their hands on them. The teachers who brainwash them and the doctors who chemically castrate them in preparation for eventual sex change mutilation are only trying to protect them from their parents, who are the villains of the story.

Chino Valley Unified School District, which represents over 26,000 students in San Bernardino County, passed a policy in July that requires teachers to inform parents within three days if their child uses names and pronouns different from their birth certificate or requests to use school facilities or join sports team opposite of their gender.

Sonja Shaw, President of the Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education, is an advocate for parents’ rights.

“I don’t understand why they are so gung ho on this issue, but everything else we have to inform the parents about,” Shaw said.

In case she really doesn’t understand, let’s spell it out. Homosexuals and transsexuals don’t reproduce; they recruit. They do it largely through schools. This is facilitated by the Democratic Party, which controls most schools and knows it can count on the overwhelming majority of the LGBT vote, being the party of degeneracy and moral depravity.

The left-wing creeps running California are very explicitly coming for kids. Republican State Senator Scott Wilk has recommended fleeing the state if that’s what it takes to protect your children from having their lives destroyed. Good advice — except that Democrats will impose their agenda nationally.

On a tip from Franco.


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