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Sep 08 2023

Burning Man Debauchees Defile the Desert

Remember the Tea Party rallies? Hundreds of patriots would gather to express their resistance to creeping socialism, open borders, and Obamunism in general. Afterward, you wouldn’t see so much as a gum wrapper on the ground. Compare that with a gathering of moonbats, like the Burning Man debauch:

Burning Man attendees ditched their cars and left heaps of trash across a miles-long stretch in a Nevada desert as thousands of festival-goers began a mass exodus out of the muddy site, a local sheriff said.

Sheriff Jerry Allen of Pershing County — where the week-long annual music and art festival is held — told the San Francisco Chronicle in an email that every year there are “large amounts of property and trash strewn from the Festival into Reno and points beyond.”

This year was even worse than usual, thanks to torrential rain that resulted in many moonbats leaving behind not only trash but even their cars.

Meanwhile, these same neohippies will elect Democrats to micromanage each picayune detail of our personal lives on behalf of the environment.

On a tip from Steve T.

Sep 08 2023

Red-Pilled Minnesota Moonbat Shivanthi Sathanandan

They say a Republican is a Democrat who has been mugged. Sign up erstwhile moonbat Shivanthi Sathanandan for the GOP:

A Democratic party official who pledged to ‘dismantle’ the Minneapolis Police Department in 2020 is now calling for tougher crime laws after suffering a violent carjacking outside her Minnesota home.

Shivanthi Sathanandan, the Second Vice Chairwoman for the Democrat-Farmer-Labor party, took to Facebook on Wednesday to share the graphic outcome of the gunpoint attack on her driveway and to call for justice.

The Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party is an affiliate of the cancer known nationally as the Democratic Party.

Pictured with blood on her face, she said that she had suffered a broken leg, deep cuts on her head and body, and bruising after four young men carrying guns ‘beat me violently down to the ground in front of our kids’.

Sathanandan demanded swift consequences, calling to ‘get illegal guns off our streets, catch these young people… and hold them in custody and prosecute them. Period.’

Sounds good — so long as by “illegal guns” she means “illegal guns,” not the firearms law-abiding citizens require to defend themselves.

Wails Sathanandan,

Look at my face in the picture. This is the face of a mother who just had the sh$t beaten out of her. A mother whose only thought was, “let me run far enough and fight hard enough so that my kids have a chance to get away.” This is the face of a mother who just listened to her four year old daughter screaming non-stop, her 7 year old son wailing for someone to come help because bad guys are murdering his Mama in the back yard, her neighbors screaming in outrage… all while being beaten with guns and kicks and fists.

I have a broken leg, deep lacerations on my head, bruising and cuts all over my body.

And I have rage.

These men knew what they were doing. I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS.

Welcome to reality, Shivanthi Sathanandan. Hope you stay with us for a while.

She even went on to thank the local police that she and other Minnesota liberals have been waging war on since the martyrdom of Saint George of Fentanyl, the personification of glorified low-level crime.

Redemption is possible.

On tips from Wiggins, Ed McAninch, and Franco.

Sep 08 2023

Ethnic Studies Professor Andrea Smith Is Racial Impostor

Fundamental to liberal orthodoxy is the dogma that Caucasians are somehow “privileged.” We are told we must counter this imaginary privilege by granting to groups that really are privileged even more privilege. Meanwhile, not-so-privileged whites conspire to acquire privilege by pretending to belong to identity groups favored by the liberal establishment. The latest is Andrea Smith, a supposedly Amerindian professor at University of California, Riverside:

The superstar Marxist agitator Angela Davis once called Smith “one of the greatest indigenous feminist intellectuals of our time,” but oh, how the oppressed have fallen. The Times of London reported [last] Tuesday that Smith “has agreed to resign from the university “after complaints from colleagues” over her “fraudulently claiming to be of Native American heritage.”

Smith is an “ethnic studies expert” — that is, she is paid to denounce Caucasians and Western Civilization. Being white herself undermines the contention that whites are the source of all evil.

Even by liberal standards, her hypocrisy is prodigious:

[I]n 1991, Smith had the unmitigated chutzpah to accuse “white women of wanting to ‘become Indian’ so they can ‘escape responsibility and accountability for white racism.’”

At least she didn’t accuse them of doing it so as to get cushy jobs spitting on America from inside the Ivory Tower.

Like her ideology and her treasured nonwhite status, Smith’s resignation is fake. UC Riverside was forced to fire her, but did so as nicely as possible, presumably in consideration of her liberal orthodoxy. Educrats announced that…

“She will step down in August next year and will be able to keep teaching until her retirement.” What’s more, “she will not be subjected to an investigation, will keep her retirement benefits and will retain the title of professor emeritus.” As if that weren’t enough, “the university will cover up to $5,000 of her legal fees related to the complaint.”

Please welcome Professor Smith to the growing list of racial impostors, along with Kay LeClaire, Elizabeth Hoover, Carrie Bourassa, CV Vitolo-Haddad, Gwen Stefani, Heather Rae, Jessica Krug, Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Rick Caruso, Kelly Kean Sharp, Rachel Dolezal, Raquel Evita Saraswati, Sacheen Littlefeather, Satchuel Cole, Shaun King, and powerful Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren, among others.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Sep 08 2023

Open Thread

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. - Will Rogers

On a tip from Htos1av.

Sep 07 2023

Eric Adams: Illegal Immigration Will Destroy New York City

Mayor Eric Adams, who not long ago (video) was still self-righteously proclaiming New York to be a sanctuary city for illegal aliens invited in by Democrats to displace the American population, now explicitly admits that illegal immigration will destroy our largest city.

The Blaze reports:

At a town hall on the Upper West Side Wednesday night, Adams stressed that “this issue will destroy New York City.”

“Let me tell you something, New Yorkers: never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this,” said Adams.

I do. Three steps: (1) pry Democrats out of power, (2) close the border, and (3) unceremoniously deport all illegals. Bibi Netanyahu shows the way.

The New York Times indicated that over 100,000 illegal aliens have stormed the city, overwhelming services intended for down and out American citizens. Having had its 200 shelters maxed out, the city has been dumping illegal aliens into humanitarian centers, converted hotels, school gymnasiums, and religious buildings, as well as imploring citizens to do what Adams is unwilling to do himself: bring the unwelcome guests into their homes.

The downfall of New York features wealth transfers to migrants invaders and to profiteers who have exploited the situation:

New York City taxpayers, some of the most tax-burdened in the nation, are seeing a massive transfer of wealth as they foot the bill for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to help carry out Mayor Eric Adams’ migrant hotels scheme. …

According to figures obtained by the New York Post, just two NGOs — Volunteers of America and Lutheran Social Services — have secured more than $35 million in taxpayer money to provide services to border crossers and illegal aliens living at the Paul Hotel in Midtown Manhattan as well as the Fairfield Inn & Suites in Long Island City, Queens.

The cost represents a small fraction of the $12 billion wealth transfer from New Yorkers to border crossers and illegal aliens, as well as NGOs and the city’s powerful hotel industry.

Although it’s tempting to chuckle that New Yorkers invited their own demise by putting people like Adams in power, as goes New York, so goes the country. The choice could not be starker: defeat Democrats or America dies.

On tips from Wiggins and Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 07 2023

Kaiser Permanente Pushes Transsexual 3-Year-Olds

No child is too young to be transsexual, according to the liberal establishment — not even 3-year-olds. Libs of TikTok reports:

An employee at Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest healthcare providers on the West Coast, reached out to us after she was mandated to take a new staff training on “gender affirming care.” The employee, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of losing her job, was horrified that a healthcare facility would be promoting the mutilation and castration of children.

Like the children groomed by our schools, Kaiser Permanente employees are subjected to LGBT indoctrination, including a series of videos promoting the transsexual agenda. In one, a young boy reveals that he knew he was a girl since he was 4 years old; a woman posing as a man proclaims that she knew she was transsexual since she was 3.

Liberal orthodoxy about sex being arbitrarily “assigned” rather than determined by chromosomes is regurgitated. Employees are instructed to believe there are not two genders but an infinite number.

Kaiser also boasts on their site that they provide pediatric gender care, offering surgical procedures and irreversible hormone therapy which they offer to children.

The grotesque horror of these crimes against humanity call to mind those of Josef Mengele.

Imagine trusting your health to fiends who sexually mutilate children. Yet by net patient revenue, Kaiser Permanente is the fourth largest health system in the USA.

One former patient, Chloe Cole, who received a double mastectomy as a teen, is suing Kaiser for what they did to her when she was young and confused.

Hopefully there will be many more such suits, until such time as decency and sanity are restored, so that inflicting sex change procedures on children leads to appropriate legal consequences.

To the surprise of no sane person, sex change surgery only exacerbates the psychiatric dysfunction that would make anyone consent to it.

Children do not consent. They are set on track for it from an early age by some of the most profoundly evil people history has produced.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Sep 07 2023

American Libraries Have Been Repurposed

American libraries have fallen to the Long March Through the Institutions. Consequently, they have been repurposed, and no longer serve as repositories of American culture. On the contrary, they serve as a network to destroy that culture through socialist organizing.

Emily Drabinsky, the self-described “Marxist lesbian” who was elected president of the American Library Association, stated from the beginning that under her control the ALA would be used to promote the global warming hoax, wage class warfare, and punish people for being Caucasian in the name of “economic justice and racial equity.”

She is living up to expectations. Here she confirms that libraries are to be used as sites of socialist organizing:

We spent $trillions on a nuclear arsenal to defend us from these people. We were willing to blow the whole planet up rather than be enslaved by them. Then we let them take us over from within.

On a tip from Barry A.

Sep 07 2023

Home Covid Test

Democrats figure if they can run Biden for president again, they can run us through Covid again too. Masks, experimental vaccines, and tests will become increasingly mandatory as authorities condition us for a return to lockdowns. Fortunately, you can test for Covid without sticking a swab up your nose:

The test does not work with Bud Light, because it has no taste.

Attention liberal readers: the test works even better with gasoline. Drinking gasoline has the added advantage of helping to remove fossil fuels from the imperiled planet, thereby preventing the climate from fluctuating.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 07 2023

Lab-Grown Fruit Because Climate Change

In the name of their atavistic weather gods, our leftist rulers want us to eat synthetic meat produced in a laboratory. But at least we get to eat real fruit that grows on trees under the sun that so frightens them. Or maybe not:

In the face of growing food security concerns due to climate change, scientists in New Zealand are attempting to grow fruit tissue in labs.

Taxpayers are forced to fund the Food by Design program at Plant & Food Research.

The program aims to grow fruit tissue without the parts that are usually discarded like the core of the apple or the rind of an orange.

Pseudofood is better than real food. No waste.

The technology would probably be suitable for growing fruit tissue within cities, said Dr Sam Baldwin, a strategy leader at Plant & Food Research, in the hope that it would reduce the cost and carbon emissions created when transporting food into urban centres.

This would reduce the dependence of liberals’ urban power bases on the regular people who live outside their moonbat fever swamps.

Allegedly harmful carbon emissions help fruit trees to grow. But we won’t be needing trees anymore. Our liberal overlords want to cut them down and bury them, because they offend the climate.

On a tip from Franco.

Sep 07 2023

Bill Gates Buys Into Budweiser

They say fools and their money are soon parted. The world will be better off when cartoonishly malevolent moonbat zillionaire Bill Gates has been parted from his. In the unlikely event you needed another reason not to drink anything sold by AB InBev, he provides another:

Bill Gates has acquired 1.7 million shares of Anheuser-Busch Inbev through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation trust during the second quarter of this year. …

The market value of Gates’ investment in Anheuser-Busch is valued at $95 million, according to TipRanks.

Maybe consumers will decide they don’t mind having LGBTism condescendingly rammed down their throats. Maybe Budweiser will stage a comeback. Or maybe not:

Over the past six months, the company’s share price has fallen nearly nine percent, the New York Post reported. In the past five days, the stock has been down over three percent.

It could be that Gates expects growth in the Asia Pacific region to make AB InBev a good investment despite alienation of the American market. Or it could be that Gates is pouring money down the drain to secure the approval of his peers. Pasting Dylan Mulvaney on cans of Bud Light erased $6 billion in market value, but it won the hearts of liberal elitists — who unfortunately for Budweiser don’t drink much beer.

At least bailing out Budweiser will cause less damage than buying up 70 million acres of forest, cutting down all the trees, and burying them to appease the climate.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Sep 07 2023

Open Thread

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. - Alexander Fraser Tytler

On a tip from Jester.

Sep 06 2023

Climate Scientist Spills the Beans

The media shrieks that we are doomed because global warming causes ever worsening forest fires; we will all burn up if we do not sacrifice our freedom and standard of living so that the government can prevent the climate from fluctuating. Liberals crow that they have the Science on their side.

True enough, scientific papers support the liberal narrative. This is hardly surprising, considering that they are a product of academia — that is, the liberal establishment.

Patrick T. Brown recently told liberals what they want to hear about global warming and forest fires in the prestigious journal Nature. Now he spills the beans:

The paper I just published—“Climate warming increases extreme daily wildfire growth risk in California”—focuses exclusively on how climate change has affected extreme wildfire behavior. I knew not to try to quantify key aspects other than climate change in my research because it would dilute the story that prestigious journals like Nature and its rival, Science, want to tell.

If he didn’t play by the rules, he wouldn’t have been published. Publish or perish.

The first thing the astute climate researcher knows is that his or her work should support the mainstream narrative—namely, that the effects of climate change are both pervasive and catastrophic and that the primary way to deal with them is not by employing practical adaptation measures like stronger, more resilient infrastructure, better zoning and building codes, more air conditioning—or in the case of wildfires, better forest management or undergrounding power lines—but through policies like the Inflation Reduction Act, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The green energy looting spree with the Orwellian title the Inflation Reduction Act is about as likely to prevent wildfires as it is to reduce inflation. But science isn’t about science anymore. Like every other institution that has fallen to leftists, it is about moonbattery.

Brown is willing to speak out because he has left academia and now he works for a private research center, where the pursuit of scientific understanding is not subordinated to leftist politics. No one who wants a career in academia can tell the truth about global warming.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden croaks:

“Nobody can deny the impact of climate crises—at least nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore.”

In other words, if you won’t pretend there is a “climate crisis,” you are a dummy.

Biden was well known for his low intelligence long before senility reduced his mental capacity to the point he can no longer function.

Yet thanks to the politicization of science, Biden is as smart as the cleverest scientists. He already has the answers they are required to find.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and R F.

Sep 06 2023

Federal Charges Over Giant Hamster Wheel

After Democrats have finished consolidating control, we will finally get that border wall. They will need it to keep us in. When America has been fundamentally transformed, people will try to escape in anything that floats, like Cubans have been doing since their country met a similar fate. Already you can face federal charges for trying to leave the country in an oversized homemade hamster wheel:

A Florida man is facing federal criminal charges after he attempted to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get to England in a human-sized hamster wheel contraption, officials said.

Ray “Reza” Baluchi was charged with obstruction of a boarding and violation of a captain of the port order, according to a criminal complaint.

The Coast Guard nailed him 70 nautical miles east of Tybee Island, Georgia. While it chases down Americans in hamster wheels, illegal aliens continue to pour into the country by the millions, some by boat.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 06 2023

Biden Dishonors Medal of Honor Recipient

Now I get why the liberal establishment settled on the conspicuously creepy, incompetent, and corrupt Joe Biden as its figurehead. Each day that he is kept in the White House is another clot of phlegm spat in our faces.

Maybe Biden was trying to get away before the closing prayer because he was afraid references to God would make his skin smoke.

The incident took place Tuesday just after Biden placed the medal on former U.S. Army Captain Larry Taylor.

Taylor, 81, received the medal for heroic action during the Vietnam War. In 1968, the then-1st Lt. Taylor flew his helicopter into harm’s way to rescue four of his comrades who were surrounded by the enemy and facing certain death.

After Biden wandered off in the middle of the ceremony,

The benediction was then read as Taylor stood onstage by himself. Someone in the crowd seemed to gesture to Taylor to remain standing up front despite the president having left.

They hate us so much they are running Biden for reelection, despite it being obvious to all the world that he is dysfunctional.

They say Caligula appointed his horse Incitatus to the Roman Senate. Obama, Soros, and the rest of the cabal ruling our country have topped that.

On tips from Blackjack and Mr. Freemarket.


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