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Aug 17 2023

End Stage Liberalism in Los Angeles

Savages are attacking police officers with hammers in broad daylight. Here’s what they do to old ladies:

Investigators are looking for the man who grabbed a 75-year-old woman’s purse Monday, Aug. 14, then dragged her through a Hacienda Heights [Los Angeles] parking lot as two good Samaritans chased him until he yanked the purse from her and he fled.

She was at an ATM when the oppressed person came up on her.

Deputies have not recovered the victim’s purse, which contained a wallet, an unknown amount of cash and a cellphone.

This is why law-abiding citizens need to be armed.

Watch and wince as her skull repeatedly strikes the pavement:

The price of succumbing to liberal rule is living in fear, as criminals increasingly own the streets.

Elsewhere in LA:

That’s what end stage liberalism looks like.

On tips from 100Bravo, Ed McAninch, and Varla.

Aug 17 2023

Liberals Have Instilled Hesitation That Could Kill

The liberal establishment has created a situation in which white police officers are terrified to use force against black criminals. They know no one will have their back, and they could end up serving a long prison term for doing their job. The resulting hesitation gives the bad guys the advantage and can get officers killed. An example from Connecticut:

The Middletown Police Department said that on Saturday, August 12 at 6:33 p.m., authorities received a complaint about noise and breaking glass on a residential street.

Detective Karli Travis, who runs the Middletown Police Cadet Program and serves in the patrol division, was the first officer who responded to the call.

She approached the resident on foot and police said that she immediately noticed that the suspect, 52-year-old Winston Tate, was wielding a blunt object.

This was a hammer. She asked him nicely to put it down. Sometimes asking nicely doesn’t work. So she radioed for backup. Meanwhile, Tate charged her with the hammer, as can be seen in the hair-raising bodycam footage below.

Chief [Eric] McCallister said that the detective attempted to distance herself from her attacker and continued telling the suspect to put the hammer down.

Instead, he beat her with it. Luckily, he didn’t get in a solid blow to the skull before it dawned on the officer that it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. She opened fire, regrettably not killing Tate but at least forcing him to retreat.

An investigation into the shooting is ongoing by the inspector general’s office.

Thankfully this didn’t happen in Minneapolis. Travis would probably be brought up on attempted murder charges and thrown into the cell next to Derek Chauvin’s.

On tips from Wiggins and Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 17 2023

Too Little Too Late

The suits at Budweiser have gotten wet enough to realize their ship is taking on water. Maybe the working class rubes in Jesus Land will forget all about decades of arrogantly pushing LGBTism in light of this:

The appropriate response:

The stated objective was to change their customer base to people liberal elitists find more appealing, like transsexuals. The company is now committed to that course of action, whether it knows it or not.

If camo cans inspire former Bud drinkers to drop the boycott, within a few weeks it will be back to business as usual, with rainbow cans and marketing execs pinching their noses in disgust of their own customers. That’s why the boycott has to be permanent. Death to Budweiser.

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 17 2023

Oppressed American Black Escapes to North Korea

American blacks whose lived experience is to feel put upon by the obsequious favoritism they receive will be relieved to learn there are alternatives to living in the land of their oppression. For those who shun their ancestral homeland because Africa has barely emerged from the Stone Age, North Korea provides a more modern alternative:

North Korea finally confirmed Tuesday that US soldier Travis King is being detained in the country — nearly a month after he bolted across the border.

King told investigators that he had decided to enter North Korea because he “harbored ill feelings against inhuman mistreatment and racial discrimination within the US Army,” officials said.

One problem with Critical Race Theory is that those fool enough to believe in it are egged on in their foolishness. Looks like King wanted to defect.

The 23-year-old also expressed his willingness to seek refuge in North Korea or a third country, saying he “was disillusioned at the unequal American society,” the North Korean official news agency, KCN, said in a statement.

Nothing unequal about Marxist North Korea. Progressive utopia has been achieved. Everyone is equal beneath the heel of its rulers.

By now King is likely homesick. Too bad he doesn’t play for the WNBA. Biden would offer North Korea the moon and the stars to bring him back.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 17 2023

Open Thread

The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics. - Thomas Sowell

On a tip from Jerryskids.

Aug 16 2023

San Francisco Uninhabitable for Federal Workers

As San Francisco enters end stage liberalism, the mess is piled so deep that Democrats can’t avoid stepping in what they created:

Officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advised hundreds of employees in San Francisco to work remotely for the foreseeable future due to public safety concerns outside the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on Seventh Street.

No one could be more Democrat than federal bureaucrats corroding the country inside a building named after Nasty Pelosi in San Francisco.

Too bad they can’t give themselves an exemption from local conditions. But liberal policy has made this once beautiful city unlivable for everybody. Equity has been achieved.

Dozens of dealers routinely plant themselves on, next to or across the street from the property, operating in shifts as users smoke, snort or shoot up their recent purchases. The property’s concrete benches are an especially popular site for users to get high, socialize or pass out.

Where recreational drug use has been permitted to flourish, other crime flourishes too, as do filth and violence.

The memo came on the same day that, according to Axios, President Biden’s White House chief of staff called for more federal employees to return to their offices after years of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’ve got a problem that dwarfs Covid. The disease that destroyed San Francisco has metastasized throughout the country. The same effect can be expected from coast to coast.

On tips from Anonymous and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 16 2023

Countermoonbat Boycott Draws Blood From Target

AB InBev was vulnerable to a countermoonbat boycott because it sold its former #1 brand Bud Light to the sort of people liberal elitists hate. Retail giant Target is more belligerently woke, aggressively targeting children for transsexualization. But its broader customer base makes it invulnerable, so it can afford to be arrogant. Or maybe not:

Target lowered its sales and profit expectations for the rest of the year after its quarterly sales fell for the first time in six years, declining 5.4%, while it announced it expected its share price to clock in between $7.00 to $8.00 as opposed to the previously expected $7.75 to $8.75, according to the earnings report. The decrease in expectations follows backlash from conservatives after the company announced a Pride Month collection in May that included LGBT merchandise marketed to kids.

It is not feasible to boycott every company that rams sickness down our throats on behalf of the degenerate ruling class. But regular Americans can inflict serious damage on the most egregious of them, potentially motivating the rest to back off.

A shareholder lawsuit was filed in early August through America First Legal, suing the company and its board of directors for allegedly misleading investors and costing them billions. The suit takes aim at Target’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Environment, Social and Governance policies, saying that they do not benefit shareholders and ignore previous trends related to conservative backlash.

Liberals are expert at imposing their agenda through lawsuits. Let’s hope they like the taste of their own medicine.

The bleating about “safety” in the video above is pure moonbattery. There were threats of violence, but they came from the left.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Aug 16 2023

Minneapolis Museum Attempts to Conjure Demon for Kids

Museum curators are custodians of our culture. Alarmingly, it appears that most of them worship at the altar of the infernal ideology we know as moonbattery. So woke are some that in Minneapolis they literally attempted to conjure a demon:

The Walker Art Center held a pagan ritual geared toward families last weekend, with a performance called “Lilit the Empathic Demon.”

“Lilit” is a variation of Lilith, described on Wikipedia as “the primordial she-demon.”

Just as good is regarded as evil, all things evil are presented as nicey-nice by social engineers:

“Demons have a bad reputation, but maybe we’re just not very good at getting to know them,” an event description reads.

Libs have another reason to forbid reading from the Bible; it is demonophobic.

The event, which took place at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, was part of the Walker’s Free First Saturdays program and featured artist Tamar Ettun who creates “demon traps.”

Tamar Ettun’s “art” looks like it was created by a small child with development issues. But that makes no difference these days. The important thing is to be “transgressive” by sneering at whatever the liberal establishment commands us to hate.

The event was designed for families, and finished with a “playful demon summoning session.”

If drag performances can be family friendly, why not ceremonies conjuring demons?

No doubt goofiness made it hard to take seriously. Drag performances are goofy too. Yet exposing children to them advances the liberal agenda — speaking of which:

The Walker Art Center has received millions of dollars in taxpayer funds through Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, which routinely funds projects with a left-wing agenda.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Aug 16 2023

Assisted Suicide Skyrockets in California

In Canada, state-sanctioned killing is presented as a solution for everything except crime (and regretting sex change procedures) — including anorexia, PTSD, being poor, needing a wheelchair lift, and long waits to see a doctor. When it comes to ghoulish moonbattery, can the USA hope to catch up to Canada? Sure we can; we have California:

The number of deaths from assisted suicide in California increased by 63% in just one year, according to the state’s latest report.

Consistent with the principles of anarchotyranny, the same hyperregulatory state that soon won’t let people drive normal cars passed a law legalizing assisted suicide.

Since it took effect, the number of people who died under the lethal legislation has climbed each year, and 2022 was no different. In 2021, 525 people died from assisted suicide. In 2022, that number rose to 853.

Why such a drastic increase? In 2021, California legislators moved to remove safeguards from assisted suicide, including decreasing the waiting period to just 48 hours, when it was previously 15 days. … Some patients have also reported that insurance companies in California are refusing to cover treatment, and instead, will only pay for assisted suicide.

This state of affairs was created by the same liberals who bark that we must be denied the fundamental right of self-defense because we might use guns to commit suicide.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 16 2023

Forbidden From Adopting for Being Catholic

The main purpose of our government is to impose the ideology of our ruling class. Sincere Christians must be eradicated before ideological homogeneity can be achieved. Consequently, they continue to be targeted by the FBI. In deep blue Massachusetts, they are not allowed to adopt:

Mike and Kitty Burke’s application to foster was denied by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) because they “would not be affirming to a child who identified as LGBTQIA”.

Being Catholic, they would not sexually corrupt children in their care. Therefore, they are unfit.

According to court papers, during the application process the Burkes shared their beliefs “that marriage is between a woman and a man and that sexual relations are to be kept within the bounds of such a marriage”.

This conventional view is now regarded as impermissible thoughtcrime by the Powers That Be.

They also told the assessor representing the DCF, who interviewed them in their own home, that due to their “religious beliefs, they would not assist a medical gender transition for a hypothetical future child”.

No one who would deform a child’s body on behalf of the LGBT agenda should be left alone with a child, let alone given custody. But liberals have turned everything upside down and backward.

William McGurn puts this depraved tyranny in the context of the culturally catastrophic Obergefell decision imposing homosexual marriage:

“It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy,” [dissenting Samuel Alito] wrote. “In the course of its opinion, the majority compares traditional marriage laws to laws that denied equal treatment for African-Americans and women. . . . The implications of this analogy will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent.”

You couldn’t find more suitable adoptive parents than the Burkes:

Mr. Burke deployed to Iraq as a Marine, while Mrs. Burke is a former paraprofessional for kids with special needs.

In stark contrast to our liberal overlords, they are tolerant:

The Burkes were willing to accept children of any race, culture or ethnicity, as well as some special needs. They would even take siblings.

But this disqualifies them:

In the license study describing the family, the Massachusetts DCF noted that “Kitty and Mike are devoutly Roman Catholic and not only attend church with regular frequency, they both also work for local churches as musicians.”

How are social engineers supposed to create a society modeled on San Francisco bathhouses if children are exposed to dissident viewpoints?

The author of their license study took care to note that the Burkes are “lovely people.” But with regard to LGBT issues, she also said “their faith is not supportive and neither are they.”

The objective is not to place needy children in stable homes, but to advance the leftist agenda. Where government is involved that is always the objective, to the extent that liberals have consolidated control.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Varla.

Aug 16 2023

Open Thread

When words cease to cling close to things, kingdoms fall, empires wane and diminish. - Ezra Pound

Aug 15 2023

Male Powerlifter Sets Female Record

We all know that letting men compete as women is destroying women’s sports. Yet so powerful is the “marginalized” Alphabet Mafia that the grotesque farce continues:

A male powerlifter who identifies as a “woman” set a women’s national record at a championship in Brandon, Manitoba, yesterday. Anne Andres, 40, currently holds multiple records in the female division, including women’s deadlift and bench press, and has placed first in nine out of the eleven competitions he has participated in over the past four years.

Unlike some transgender athletes, Andres would be competitive even among his fellow men:

Andres’ total would have placed him amongst the top-performing male powerlifters in the entire championship had he participated in the men’s category.

Hopefully someone is keeping track of who really does hold these records, so that cheaters competing as members of the opposite sex can be purged once liberal hegemony has been overthrown.

Try not to grind your teeth as Andres insults the real women he unfairly competes against:

On a tip from Franco.

Aug 15 2023

Chainsaw Buoy Hate Hoax

Texas has impeded Biden’s objective of displacing the American population with a gargantuan influx of illegal immigration from the Third World. But the Regime does not accept resistance passively. Texas defends the border with razor wire; the federal government cuts the wire to let invaders through. Texas places buoys in the Rio Grande to prevent illegal crossings; Democrats respond with a lawsuit and a hate hoax:

Nothing pulls on the heartstrings like white supremacists using chainsaw buoys to hack apart put-upon immigrants who only want to achieve a better life through intergenerational careers of voting for Democrats for a living.

Once again, their lies fail to pass the laugh test. Here’s what former US Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott has to say about the buoys:

“When I was Chief, USBP tested numerous variations of buoy barrier features to include what some are calling a ‘saw’ blade,” Scott said. “It is actually called a passive radial disc. It is an anti-climb deterrent and was tested by USBP in 2020 and determined to be passive and make climbers uncomfortable but would not break skin or injure a person.”

We would be well within our rights to defend the border with mines and machine guns. However,

“During testing, USBP personnel jumped on top of it from different platforms without issue. The teeth were designed to avoid injuring illegal aliens,” Scott said.

Liberals dishonestly blame the buoys for dead illegal aliens continuing to turn up in the river as they have for decades. If there were any serious indication that a drug trafficker, child sex slave trafficker, welfare colonist, or anyone else was killed by the buoys, believe me we would know about it.

Please welcome Democrat congresscritter Joaquin Castro to the Hate Hoax List.

Aug 15 2023

Death by Waste on Pretending to Control Weather

Democrats have many ways of attacking America: maligning/erasing our heritage, corrupting youth, displacing the population, corroding morality and religious belief, degrading education, passing off a revolting freak show as our popular culture, et cetera. But the coup de grâce will be delivered through spending.

Spending on housing for the illegal aliens they import is dwarfed by the money poured down Ukraine, which is dwarfed in turn by flagrant waste under the pretense of controlling the weather.

Here’s a relatively inexpensive (at this point) but representatively demented example:

As part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) [on August 11] announced up to $1.2 billion to advance the development of two commercial-scale direct air capture facilities in Texas and Louisiana. These projects—the first of this scale in the United States—represent the initial selections from the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law-funded Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hubs program, which aims to kickstart a nationwide network of large-scale carbon removal sites to address legacy carbon dioxide pollution and complement rapid emissions reductions.

This is bad news for plants, which rely on the essential nutrient carbon dioxide, a normal and necessary component of our atmosphere that Democrats demonize for strategic reasons.

If there could be a more insane way to waste money even than carbon capture, it could only be climate justice:

For the first time in our nation’s history, the Federal Government has made it a goal that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain Federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution.

How historic. This was written in the Orwellian language Liberalese, so to translate: “disadvantaged” means politically favored; “marginalized” means placed first and foremost; “underserved” means obsequiously catered to at everyone else’s expense; “pollution” largely means the harmless carbon emissions referenced above.

To meet the goal of the Justice40 Initiative, the Administration is transforming hundreds of Federal programs across the government to ensure that disadvantaged communities receive the benefits of new and existing Federal investments…

The federal behemoth is to focus on throwing money we don’t have to the four winds in the name of making the weather nicer for privileged identity groups. Since no amount of wasted money will change the weather, they need never stop wasting until the entire economy collapses into communism per the Cloward-Piven strategy.

Biden recently admitted that the Inflation Reduction Act, which drove up inflation by wasting hundreds of $billions on environmental posturing, was misnamed. But that doesn’t mean the waste will slow down before Democrats and their collaborators have been pried from power.

On tips from Barry A and Chuck A.


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