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Aug 11 2023

California Backup Power Plan: Drain EV Batteries

As the Democrats running California continue to wage the progressive War on Energy, the rolling blackouts associated with Gavin Newsom’s rule will become more frequent, because no amount of other people’s money will make wind and solar reliable. At least they have a backup plan. Too bad it is insane:

California’s largest electric utility PG&E wants to suck the batteries of electric-vehicle owners plugged into charging stations to stabilize the grid during unstable periods. The Ford F-150 already allows for bidirectional charging, but that was sold as a benefit to the owner as a kind of independent generator for households during blackouts. PG&E wants to use it to commandeer all EV batteries and use their power to prevent grid collapse.

Bidirectional charging functionality will add an estimated $3,700 to the already excessive cost of EVs, as well as shorten their lifespan. No worries; the government can just provide more subsidies.

This will not be voluntarily:

Lawmakers in Sacramento are helping to move things along. For example, Senate Bill 233 would make bi-directional charging mandatory for all new electric vehicles.

As with Biden’s attack on gas generators, the objective is to prevent independence. We need to be completely reliant on the grid; then they can not only deny us energy but confiscate the energy we have already acquired.

Our rulers want us driving unreliable, dangerous, and combustion-prone electric vehicles because they do not want us driving any vehicles. When it all hits the fan — and it will, if Democrats get any more entrenched — they will need to deprive us of transportation to prevent organized resistance.

Newsom has signed an executive order banning non-electric vehicles by 2035.

“It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end,” said Leonardo da Vinci. We will soon be past the easy part.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Aug 11 2023

Oliver Anthony: Rich Men North of Richmond

The contrived sewage oozing out of our televisions is not our culture. Oliver Anthony is our culture:

The lyrics are pure countermoonbattery:

These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just want to have total control
Wanna know what you think
Wanna know what you do
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
Cause your dollar ain’t sh**, and it’s taxed to no end
‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothing to eat
And the obese milking welfare
Well God, if you’re 5 foot 3 and you’re 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are putting themselves six feet in the ground
‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kicking them down

An interview with Jason Howerton provides background:

Anthony’s past includes struggles with mental health, alcohol addiction and the despair felt by so many people navigating life in the 2020s. Things came to a head one night, and Anthony knew he had a decision to make.

“Though he wasn’t a religious man, that night he promised God to get sober if he helped him follow his dream,” Howerton explained.

Anthony was only 30 days sober when someone reached out to help him record his songs to share online. Then John Rich came forward with an offer to produce Anthony’s full record.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn says the chief strength of evil people is that they support each other. Good things come when countermoonbats do the same. If you like Anthony’s music, pass the word.

On tips from Anonymous and Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 11 2023

Democrats Come for Ice Cream Trucks

Nothing is safe from Democrats, not even ice cream trucks. Brooklyn City Councilweenie Lincoln Restler finds them environmentally incorrect:

Restler’s proposal advocates for a mandatory shift from fuel and diesel-powered ice cream trucks to more environmentally friendly alternatives such as electric or solar generators.

As always with envirotyranny, there is a downside:

While the shift to electric or solar generators is viewed as a positive step toward reducing pollution, some operators fear the associated costs might threaten their livelihoods.

However, to quote liberal luminary Shrillary Rotten Clinton,

“I can’t be responsible for every undercapitalized small business in America.”

We have a climate emergency, after all. The climate doesn’t like ice cream trucks.

Also, there is competition with the Left Coast to consider. Squeaks Restler:

“California is working on a similar effort. I hope we can continue to take the lead in New York City for climate justice.”

Only one moonbat dystopia can be the leader in climate justice.

On a tip from Lyle.

Aug 11 2023

Open Thread

A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying,

On a tip from Liberty Hound.

Aug 10 2023

Autistic Teen Dragged Off by Police for Homophobia

Meanwhile, as violent crime in Britain spirals out of control, an autistic teenager was dragged off by the thought police for accidentally committing homophobia.

A worried mother called the West Yorkshire Police to request an escort home for her vulnerable daughter, who suffers from both autism and severe scoliosis. When they brought her home, the girl said of one of the officers, “I think she’s a lesbian like nanna Julie.” That’s when all hell broke loose.

Reduxxx quotes the mother, who goes by Nikita Snow on social media:

“I just felt a jolt on my back… the officer had launcher herself in my home at me and Amanda. She was grabbing her.”

Amanda is not the girl’s real name.

Snow says her daughter scampered into a cupboard under the stairs and began crying and apologizing, unsure of what was going on. Amanda also began self-harming out of stress.

“She was crying and saying sorry to the police woman. That’s when I grabbed my phone and started recording.”

In terrifying footage twice-removed by TikTok, Amanda is heard screaming and crying as multiple West Yorkshire Police officers surround the cupboard she had backed herself into for safety.

“She’s getting arrested,” the female officer says firmly. “Another unit’s coming, don’t worry … I’m telling you another unit is coming, she is going to get arrested tonight.”

Arrest her they did:

The clip ends with Amanda being led out of the house in tears by a group of six police officers. As she is walked outside, she appears to fall to the ground, at which point the officers begin twisting her arms behind her back in an effort to force her to stand.

Snow attempted to explain that her daughter has severe scoliosis and that her joints should not be manipulated in such a way. In the video, the girl is seen trying to grab at her shoulder with her free hand and screaming in what appears to be obvious pain.

The video:

The terrified girl spent 20 hours in police custody before they released her on “unconditional bail.” According to West Yorkshire Police, she was arrested “on suspicion of a homophobic public order offense.”

It simply is not tolerable to live under these people. Paul Joseph Watson has had enough:

On tips from seaoh, KirklesWorth, Anonymous, and Jester.

Aug 10 2023

DeSantis Removes Radical Soros-Installed State Attorney

There is happy news regarding Monique Worrell, the Soros-installed state attorney in central Florida who came to our attention when she let free a Criminal of Color who had tried to rape a teenager. Esteemed countermoonbat Ron DeSantis has taken her out:

DeSantis suspended her from office as state attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit for dereliction of duty and incompetence.

DeSantis said that Worrell, who was backed by a group tied to Democrat billionaire George Soros, has allowed murderers, other violent offenders, and dangerous drug traffickers to receive extremely reduced sentences and escape the full consequences of their criminal conduct.

Worrell responded as you might expect: by howling that DeSantis is a threat to Our Democracy.

She also screamed that DeSantis is a “dictator” and “evil.” Nothing sooths the soul like the impotent shrieking of thwarted moonbats.

DeSantis’s office listed numerous examples of Worrell unleashing havoc on Florida, including:

“Just this past weekend, Worrell was at the center of a major controversy. Daton Viel was arrested in March 2023 for sexual battery on a minor, as well as Lewd and Lascivious Molestation. That arrest was made while Viel was on probation for another offense – that probation began in February 2023. Viel was still let out on bond and thereafter shot two Orlando Police Officers.”

Moonbattery is not a victimless crime.

In keeping with liberal proclivities, Worrell has been a friend to those arrested for child pornography.

Watch and laugh as she throws a tantrum:

Now for the bad news. Monique Worrell fulfills all requirements to be Biden’s next pick for the Supreme Court.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 10 2023

FBI Kills Old Guy After Social Media Posts

At this point, taunting the FBI could be hazardous to your health:

Craig Deleeuw Robertson of Provo, Utah, who was described by the FBI as being between the ages of 70-75, was shot during an early morning FBI raid on his home at about 6:15 a.m.

They came to serve arrest and search warrants over social media posts threatening Joe Biden and other left-wing pols on social media. In addition,

On July 27, he allegedly wrote, “Hey FBI, you still monitoring my social media? Checking so I can be sure to have a loaded gun handy in case you drop by again.”

Robertson had made it obvious that pulling the sort of raid they used to terrorize Mark Houck for opposing abortion would elicit an armed response, yet they chose to use ham-fisted tactics.

Neighbors described Robertson to Deseret News as being “overweight” and walking with a “cane.”

One neighbor described Robertson as “a big story teller [who] likes the attention of big stories” and remarked,

“So a man that sits at home all day, doesn’t have much to do, if he’s on his phone and is involved in politics and has strong political opinions, I’m not surprised that he would make posts like that to try to receive attention.”

It seems likely the FBI could have found a way to bring him in without violence. But then Robertson did ask for the Bonnie and Clyde treatment.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 10 2023

Another Green Boondoggle Goes Belly Up

Didn’t they learn anything from Solyndra and the other extravagantly expensive green energy boondoggles that went belly up during the Obama Administration? Sure they did. They learned that they can get away with flushing money down the toilet. So they keep doing it:

Biden frequently extolled an electric vehicle company — in which his energy secretary heavily invested — before it declared bankruptcy on Monday.

Bay Area-based electric bus and battery maker Proterra filed for Chapter 11, with CEO Gareth Joyce citing “various market and macroeconomic headwinds that have impacted our ability to efficiently scale.”

One headwind is that electric buses are prone to bursting into flames.

The EV firm, which sold more than 1,300 electric buses to public transit systems in the US and Canada, was valued at $1.6 billion when Biden, 80, took office in January 2021 — but closed with a market value of $362 million, according to Reuters.

Where does all the wealth disappear to? Democrat donors are most likely to know.


In 2021, the president pledged more than $10 billion from his $1.9 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan toward zero-emission transit and school bus programs.

But no amount of other people’s money can make electric vehicles make sense. In the end, the market decides what is fit to exist, not liberal ideology.

On tips from Varla, Jack D, Occam’s Stubble, Wiggins, and Franco.

Aug 10 2023

Open Thread

Nowhere at present is there such a measureless loathing of their country by educated people as in America. - Eric Hoffer

Aug 09 2023

Watch Drag Queen Throw Tampons at Children

Every time I work up the nerve to peek out through my fingers, what I see out there is even sicker. Presenting the current state of our culture under moonbat hegemony:

It will keep getting worse so long as we keep not pushing back. Children will be ever more the focus of politicized depravity.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 09 2023

Gold Star Families Sound Off on Biden’s Betrayal

Of all the disgraces history will curse Biden for, the most infuriating may be his betrayal of US troops serving in Afghanistan. His treatment of their survivors has been appalling:

The emotional testimony this week by the families of the 13 U.S. service members killed during President Biden’s chaotic military withdrawal in Afghanistan has cast renewed scrutiny on the president’s past treatment of Gold Star families. …

The U.S. military evacuation, which required thousands of additional U.S. troops on the ground and significant cooperation from the Taliban to complete, ended a day ahead of deadline on Aug. 30, 2021, leaving behind hundreds of U.S. citizens and tens of thousands of Afghan allies despite Biden’s promise days earlier to “get them all out.”

By “evacuation,” they mean unconditional surrender to the sandal-wearing savages who provided Al Qaeda the base from which to launch 9/11.

There has been no accountability, despite the Americans killed or abandoned, and despite the $billions worth of military equipment paid for by Americans and gifted by Biden to the Taliban.

“We were told lies, given incomplete reports, incorrect reports, total disrespect,” [Gold Star mother Kelly] Barnett said. “I was told to my face [son Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover] died on impact. That’s not true. The only reason that I know this is because witnesses told me the truth. I was lied to and basically told to shut up.”

Shana Chappell, mother of Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, sounded off on Facebook about a meeting with Biden:

“You tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story and I had to tell you, ‘This isn’t about you so don’t make it about you!’” Chappell wrote. “You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how I feel and I let you know that you don’t know how I feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how I feel! You then rolled your f— eyes in your head like you were annoyed with me and I let you know that the only reason I was talking to you was out of respect for my son.”

Far from accepting meaningful responsibility for the debacle, Biden wouldn’t even stop looking at his watch as the corpses of Americans he had gotten killed were returned:

Darin Hoover, father of Utah Marine Darin Taylor Hoover Jr., said the president looked down at his watch not once but several times as the caskets were being offloaded.

“That didn’t happen just once. It happened on every single one that came out of that airplane. It happened on every single one of them. They would release the salute, and he would look down at his watch on every last one, all 13, he looked down at his watch,” Hoover said on Fox News’ “Hannity” in 2021.

Further, Biden insultingly steals valor by lying to Gold Star families that his son Beau died in Iraq.

As the cherry on top, he continues to shovel our money at the Taliban he surrendered to:

A report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction that was released a week ago found that since the American military left Kabul with 13 U.S. service members killed and with billions of dollars in equipment left behind, money has continued to flow in. …

“The U.S. government has appropriated more than $2.35 billion in [fiscal year] 2022 and [fiscal year] 2023 funding for Afghanistan reconstruction programming since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021,” the report stated.

This goes beyond treason to something so vile we have no word for it.

Here a Gold Star father calls on Biden and his stooges to have the honor to resign:

But there is no honor in Biden, or in the liberal establishment he personifies — as CNN demonstrates by ignoring the testimony:

On tips from Varla, Ed McAninch, Anonymous, and Blackjack.

Aug 09 2023

J.K. Rowling Erased

What goes around comes around regarding the vicious intolerance at the heart of leftism. Not even being liberal protects prominent cultural figures from cancelation if they fail to conform to progressive dogma on an up-to-the-moment basis. Consider J.K. Rowling, whose infraction is failure to comply with LGBTism:

A Seattle Museum has airbrushed JK Rowling from its hall of fame and Harry Potter exhibition over her gender-critical views.

The liberal establishment has Harry Potty now. It doesn’t need his creator anymore.

The Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) in Washington hit out at the famous author and accused her of holding ‘super hateful and divisive’ opinions. …

The museum still has Harry Potter memorabilia on display but any mention of the author of the franchise has been airbrushed.

Rowling has faced criticism for her views on transgender issues after she argued women should not be fired for believing biological sex is real.

Asserting that reality is real strikes at the heart of modern leftism. Maybe J.K. Rowling isn’t really a liberal after all.

[The museum’s] exhibitions project manager Chris Moore, who is transgender and uses the pronouns ‘he/they’, confirmed the museum would no longer contain any references to Rowling. …

Moore accused the author of using ‘racial stereotypes’, ‘fat-shaming’ and a ‘lack of LGBTQIA+ representation’ in the books.

Proclaims the pseudoman Moore:

‘It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s what we were able to do in the short-term while determining long-term practices.’

In the long term, Rowling’s works will be rewritten to address their ideological shortcomings. Then the author herself will be replaced with someone more suitable.

Future generations may be told that Chris Moore wrote her books. To quote Orwell yet again,

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.”

On a tip from Lyle.

Aug 09 2023

Open Thread

The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections. - Lord Acton

Aug 08 2023

Michelle Wu Introduces Boston to Democrat Death Spiral

One problem with putting people in positions of authority based exclusively on their status as left-wing Women of Color is that you end up having to live under the likes of Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris, Ketanji “I Dunno What a Woman Is” Brown Jackson, and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu:

Wu signed an executive order that prohibits city-owned buildings from being constructed or renovated in a way that allows for the use of fossil fuels.

As with her extravagant electric bus campaign, taxpayers will be saddled with the cost.

Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of modern civilization. Without them, society would collapse. Most of us would perish of starvation. Yet liberals have decreed that fossil fuels are politically incorrect.

While the new order only applies to city-owned buildings, Wu is moving forward with a plan she announced last year that would ban fossil fuels in new residential building projects throughout Boston.

Warns Greater Boston Real Estate Board CEO Greg Vasil:

[I]f Boston is not a conducive business environment for development, I am sure other nearby communities would welcome the enhancement this would mean to their property tax base.

Like Chicago, New York, and before them the slum that was once the wealthiest city in the USA, Boston has entered the Democrat Death Spiral.


Chicago’s far-left Mayor Brandon Johnson praised the move.

Wu’s election suggests that Boston has already passed the tipping point:

Wu is a self-professed “progressive” who campaigned on so-called “climate justice.” While delivering her victory speech in November 2021, she said that Boston was “ready to become a Green New Deal city.”

Difficult as it may be to imagine, those who follow Wu will be worse still. As productive citizens are driven out, ever more radical leftists will be elected by a population comprising an ever-rising percentage of kooks and parasites.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.


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