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Jul 29 2023

Obese Women Loot in California

The latest oppressed identity group to join the Cultural Marxist coalition is the morbidly obese. They are even holding a convention this Halloween to celebrate their hurtful marginalization. You can tell they are put-upon because they shop like Black Lives Matter looters — just a little more slowly:

Via Daily Mail:

The brazen heist unfolded [last] Saturday at the discount retailer’s North Freeway Boulevard location in Sacramento, where the three women were caught on camera trudging away with shopping carts loaded with stolen goods.

‘D**n look at these people stealing! Say hi to the camera!’ the bystander filming the incident can be heard saying, as alarms blared and the shoplifters piled mounds of clothing and shoes into the trunk of a red Dodge Charger.

Under moonbat rule, shoplifting is all but legal in California. Property is theft, according to the prevailing ideology. However, in this case authorities might investigate:

[I]n addition to audaciously looting the Burlington store, the three shoplifters had parked in a handicap spot without displaying a placard.

Major chains have been forced to close stores due to out of control shoplifting. No worries; California lawmakers are addressing the issue:

Although California has been one of the epicenters of organized retail crime, state lawmakers there are considering legislation that would ban store employees from confronting thieves.

Senate Bill 553 was passed by the state Senate last month and is currently in committee in the state Assembly.

No problem Democrats create is so awful that they can’t pass legislation making it even worse.

On tips from R F and Franco.

Jul 29 2023

WaPo Celebrates Homosexualization of Boy Scouts

Nothing was more wholesome and all-American than the Boy Scouts of America. So moonbats infiltrated and corrupted the organization. Because children are involved, the emphasis has been on perverted sex, in keeping with liberal proclivities.

Gushes the Washington Post:

Amid the hundreds of tents erected for the Boy Scouts of America’s National Jamboree, one especially stands out — decorated with a canopy of LGBTQ Pride flags and a string of multicolored lights, its tables covered with bowls of rainbow bracelets, pronoun stickers and diversity patches.

“This is my entire world,” said 18-year-old River Capell, a scout volunteer from Northern Virginia who describes themselves as nonbinary and pansexual.

River says the embrace of politicized sexual depravity by the BSA has been “incredibly welcoming and positive.”

Now that only a liberal would be willing to send their son out into the woods with these creeps, the BSA can be added to the list of institutions that have fallen to progressives.

The triumphant obituary was written by “queer journalist” Mike De Socio, who essentially admits that his fellow homosexuals have destroyed the BSA:

The organization lost nearly half of its membership between 2019 and 2020. This national event represents one of its first steps out of a generational nadir brought about by the pandemic, a sexual abuse scandal and an ensuing bankruptcy.

The BSA had barely resolved its struggle over membership policies — fully admitting gay men in 2015 and trans boys in 2017, and then cisgender girls in 2018 — before facing an avalanche of sexual abuse claims.

The BSA was crushed by a $2.46 billion settlement. Submitting to LGBT bullies comes at a price.

All’s well that ends well. As every Democrat knows, you have to destroy before you can replace:

Scouts within the ranks [i.e., leftist adults who had infiltrated the organization in order to subvert it] seized the moment to press for a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. A collective dubbed “Scouts for Black Lives” successfully pushed the organization to commit to a slate of projects, including a new diversity merit badge required for Eagle Scout rank.

No word on whether you can still achieve Eagle Scout status without an anal sex merit badge.

The BSA has been repurposed. It now serves to indoctrinate children with woke ideology and groom them on behalf of the Alphabet People. You may as well turn your son over to NAMBLA.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jul 29 2023

California Bills Come for Children

As moonbats openly taunt, they are coming for your children. They will do this not only through their control of the entertainment and education establishments, but through direct government force.

The Land of Fruits and Nuts is once again at the vanguard, with two bills that have already passed the State Assembly:

The text of AB 957 states that it “would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

As the California Globe reported, the bill could cause a parent to “lose custody for not ‘affirming’ or agreeing to a child’s claims about gender identity.” This would apply in custody disputes in which one parent wants to “affirm” the child’s confusion about gender, and the other does not.

As if that weren’t enough,

A related bill, AB 665, passed in the State Assembly on April 10 and has also made its way into the Senate chambers. If signed into law, it would allow a minor as young as 12 to be emancipated from his or her parents and transferred into state custody without a court order.

Former San Diego City Councilman and two-time Congressional candidate Carl DeMaio, R-CA, is leading the charge to oppose AB 665. He said the bill “effectively takes children away from their parents if they aren’t ‘woke’ enough.” DeMaio added: “The worst part is that the bill permits even counselors and interns to make and facilitate decisions to allow the state to take these kids away from their parents.”

Both bills will soon be law:

If one or both pieces of legislation were to pass the State Senate, where Democrats hold an 80% majority, the bills would head to the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-CA.

Newsom can be expected to eagerly showcase his allegiance to the LGBT agenda at the expense of parents — again.

As Republican State Senator Scott Wilk advises, parents need to flee California. After that, they need to protect their new home from the metastasizing cancer that has claimed the Left Coast.

First they groom, then they confiscate.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 29 2023

Open Thread

The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes. - Felix Frankfurter

Jul 28 2023

Most Diverse Fighting Fice in the History of the World

Last night at Truman Civil Rights Symposium, the Commander in Chief crowed triumphantly that what’s left of the USA has “the most diverse fighting fice … in the history of the world”:

Biden misspoke of course. He meant to say “fighting farce.” Not that the transsexuals who have been prioritized are expected to fight — they are too privileged for that.

The US military is no farce yet. But with the likes of Biden at the top, implementing their agenda through Pentagon brass comprised of moonbats, it will be soon.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 28 2023

Massive Cost of Taking Down Wind Turbines

We are spending ourselves into oblivion to mar the landscape and kill off eagles with inefficient wind turbines, which serve mainly as looming symbols of leftist hegemony (and of course, to launder taxpayer money). But the real cost will come when we finally tear the hideous things down.

In Australia, landowners may be saddled with this gargantuan expense:

Andrew Dyer, the country’s energy infrastructure commissioner says he has seen several “questionable agreements” between renewable companies and landholders that could leave the latter saddled with millions of dollars in decommissioning bills.

“Under the law, it will default to the landlord,” Mr. Dyer told a Senate Estimates hearing on May 23.

According to Dyer,

“It costs more money to pull a turbine down than it does to put it up… The costs of pulling down a turbine may exceed the revenue you get for 25 years.”

Twenty-five years is the expected lifespan of a wind turbine, although it is unlikely that people will still tolerate their presence a quarter century from now. It won’t take people that long to face the choice between rejection of moonbattery and societal collapse.

Not cheap to remove.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 28 2023

RFK Jr Denied Secret Service Protection?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a Democrat and a flaming moonbat on topics like environmentalism. However, he deviates from liberal orthodoxy regarding Covid, censorship, Ukraine, and guns. More importantly, he could stand between Joe Biden and reelection. Consequently, he is expendable — highly expendable:

This could be a touchy subject for RFK Jr, considering that both his father and his uncle were assassinated.

Recruitment of potential assassins is already underway. RFK Jr has been demonized by the liberal media to the point that he is more popular among Republicans than Democrats.

Donald Trump shouldn’t complain; all they are doing to him is trying to throw him in prison. No wonder more Democrats don’t step forward to challenge the conspicuously unfit Biden.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 28 2023

Wrist Slap for Sadistic Patricide

Michigan under moonbat rule exemplifies anarchotyranny. It will soon be a felony to say anything an LGBT person takes exception to. However, murder is all but legal — and not only regarding inconvenient babies. A woman just received a 1-year wrist slap for a particularly horrific patricide:

A teenager who fatally doused her sleeping father with a chemical drain cleaner which left him gravely ill until he succumbed to his injuries six months later, has walked free from court after only getting a one year sentence with credit for time served.

That means they let her go free.

Megan Imirowicz, 19, could have faced a life sentence over the death of her 64-year-old father, Konrad, with whom she was angry because he was too drunk to take her to a hair appointment.

He did not die quickly or pleasantly:

While in hospital, Konrad [Imirowicz] had his legs amputated, endured multiple infections, a tracheotomy, skin grafts and kidney dialysis, reports The Oakland Press.

Take that, patriarchy!

No doubt Megan is the real victim. Having to shoulder responsibility for getting to hair appointments on her own must have been traumatic for her. But she feels much better now:

‘I’m really happy I get to go home with [what’s left of] my family,’ she said to Law & Crime Network on Tuesday, adding: ‘I’m excited.’

Maybe she’ll celebrate with a trip to Disneyland.

Despite having been found guilty, she does not accept responsibility for the murder. Accepting responsibility is not a feature of anarchotyrannical societies.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jul 28 2023

Democrats Say Force Is Justified to Defend Abortion

These people have no qualms about tearing guiltless babies limb from limb or crushing their skulls and sucking their brains out. Would they hesitate to inflict violence on opponents? No:

According to a new study by the University of Chicago, public support for political violence has grown significantly among Democrat voters.

A national survey of American adults, conducted June 22-26, asked if force is “justified” to achieve various ends. In particular, the study found that support for the use of force to coerce members of Congress has doubled in 2013, from nine percent in January to 17 percent in June.

The study also reports that “the rise was sharpest among Democrats where it grew by about 2.5 times.”

Democrat support for the use of violence “to restore the federal right to abortion” has doubled in the past 6 months.

The concept of a “right” to kill babies is preposterous. Next they will claim a right to kill people who hinder their abortions.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 28 2023

Skewered White Babies as Art in Colonized France

During the slave revolt against the French that created perpetually dysfunctional Haiti, white babies were reportedly held aloft by rioting mobs on pikes. Centuries later, thanks to unrestricted immigration, the revolution has come home.

From Résistance Républicaine, via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

A black woman stands on the stage, in her hands a long metal rod from which dozens of white baby dolls hang – pierced, partly naked, partly in rompers. What sounds like a Satanist ritual is part of a theatre performance at the Avignon Festival in France. It is supposed to address the “hypersexualisation” and “exoticisation” of black women’s bodies by white men and to bring “decolonisation” to the stage.

In case anyone was wondering what “decolonization” means, here is a visual definition:

Art imitates life, which will soon imitate art, like a pair of facing mirrors.

On a tip from Gringoman.

Jul 28 2023

Why Did Eric Swalwell Campaign for Pedophile?

Why did congresscritter Eric Swalwell campaign for America’s Historic First Transgender-Identifying State Lawmaker Stacie Laughton, who was already a convicted felon when he was elected and who now faces charges involving sex crimes against toddlers? A concerned citizen tries to find out:

Chaya Raichik may have a substantial wait before Swalwell gets back to her with an explanation. In the meantime, she should ask the same question of his fellow Laughton-endorser Robert Francis O’Rourke. “Beto,” as he likes to call himself, has more time on his hands, since he keeps losing elections.

Swalwell, O’Rourke, and Laughton himself are only slightly ahead of their time. Pedophilia is next up to be mainstreamed by the same social engineers who gave us gay marriage and transsexual children. Ask any MAP. Why else would the liberal media provide a platform for a pedophilia advocate to trash Sound of Freedom?

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 28 2023

Open Thread

It seems that wherever the Welfare State is involved, the moral precept,

Jul 27 2023

NBC BLK Denounces the Outdoors as Racist

The only standard of value inside their insular bubble is devotion to woke ideology, so the kooks who run the media have no self-awareness of how ludicrous they have become. Ever further they venture out on their creaking limb, finally reaching NBC BLK levels of absurdity, at which point the limb breaks and they come crashing down into self-parody:

NBC BLK reporter Char Adams described in a recently-revived June essay several black-led outdoor groups working to ‘provide safe spaces for black people to enjoy outdoor activities and dispel myths that the outdoors doesn’t belong to us.’

The report focused heavily on creating racially segregated ‘safe spaces’ so that black people can avoid ‘harassment’ and ‘trauma’ from white people who might fly ‘Trump flags’ at campsites.

The great outdoors is exclusive, because you never know when a Trump flag might appear in the middle of the wilderness, inflicting trauma by reminding you there are people in the world who won’t conform to moonbattery.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jul 27 2023

Campaign Finance Charges Against Dem Donor Dropped

They didn’t need to tell us this…

The Department of Justice has dropped its campaign finance violation charge against disgraced FTX founder and Biden donor Sam Bankman-Fried.

…because we already knew this:

Bankman-Fried reportedly donated $10 million to then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020.

The crypto hustler reportedly also hired a network of “political operatives” and spent at least $39,826,856 in an effort to help Democrats win their House races in the November 2022 midterm elections. …

Bankman-Fried told Jacob Goldstein of “What’s Your Problem?” that he planned to possibly donate “north of $100 million” and up to $1 billion to Democrats in the 2024 presidential elections.

Sam Bankman-Fried is second only to de facto POTUS George Soros himself in donations to the Democratic Party.

No wonder he always has such a smug look on his face, like a wicked child who knows he won’t be punished. However, as with Joe Biden’s bagman Hunter, keeping this lowlife out of prison may still prove difficult.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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