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Jul 28 2023

Open Thread

It seems that wherever the Welfare State is involved, the moral precept,

Jul 27 2023

NBC BLK Denounces the Outdoors as Racist

The only standard of value inside their insular bubble is devotion to woke ideology, so the kooks who run the media have no self-awareness of how ludicrous they have become. Ever further they venture out on their creaking limb, finally reaching NBC BLK levels of absurdity, at which point the limb breaks and they come crashing down into self-parody:

NBC BLK reporter Char Adams described in a recently-revived June essay several black-led outdoor groups working to ‘provide safe spaces for black people to enjoy outdoor activities and dispel myths that the outdoors doesn’t belong to us.’

The report focused heavily on creating racially segregated ‘safe spaces’ so that black people can avoid ‘harassment’ and ‘trauma’ from white people who might fly ‘Trump flags’ at campsites.

The great outdoors is exclusive, because you never know when a Trump flag might appear in the middle of the wilderness, inflicting trauma by reminding you there are people in the world who won’t conform to moonbattery.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jul 27 2023

Campaign Finance Charges Against Dem Donor Dropped

They didn’t need to tell us this…

The Department of Justice has dropped its campaign finance violation charge against disgraced FTX founder and Biden donor Sam Bankman-Fried.

…because we already knew this:

Bankman-Fried reportedly donated $10 million to then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020.

The crypto hustler reportedly also hired a network of “political operatives” and spent at least $39,826,856 in an effort to help Democrats win their House races in the November 2022 midterm elections. …

Bankman-Fried told Jacob Goldstein of “What’s Your Problem?” that he planned to possibly donate “north of $100 million” and up to $1 billion to Democrats in the 2024 presidential elections.

Sam Bankman-Fried is second only to de facto POTUS George Soros himself in donations to the Democratic Party.

No wonder he always has such a smug look on his face, like a wicked child who knows he won’t be punished. However, as with Joe Biden’s bagman Hunter, keeping this lowlife out of prison may still prove difficult.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 27 2023

Profiles in Gerontocracy: Dianne Feinstein

As Joe Biden makes obvious and Dianne Feinstein underscores, not everyone is young enough to rule over their country. Watch in horror as the senior senator’s puppeteers tell her to shut up and say “Aye”:

Embarrassing, but not as bad as Biden defining America in a single word:

Adult Protective Services needs to remove Biden and Feinstein from the Debt Star and place them in a special facility where they can receive appropriate care. The government could defray the expense by charging admission. They might call it Geriatric Park.

Let’s hear what Mitch McConnell has to say about the idea:

Age limits have been proposed, but some are able to stave off cognitive decline and stay sharp to an advanced age. More fair would be cognitive tests. Better still, voters should take such tests. But that would not fly, for obvious reasons.

On tips from Wiggins.

Jul 27 2023

Arizona Criminals Exploit California Recycling Moonbattery

Enterprising Arizona criminals have found a use for the righteous green posturing that prevails on the Left Coast. Ecomoonbattery can be converted to cash:

Over the span of eight months, the United States Department of Justice investigated several recycling centers around [Riverside County, California] and found that the operators illegally redeemed $7.6 million worth of aluminum cans and plastic bottles that were brought over illegally from the neighboring state.

The criminal recyclers were exploiting the California Redemption Value (CRV) program.

The program allows Californians to return beverage containers to privately-owned recycling centers in exchange for $.05 to $.10 per container.

It’s funded by Californians every time they purchase an eligible item: the CRV tax is tacked onto the initial cost, but can be redeemed upon return. By redeeming ineligible items from outside of the state, scammers effectively steal money from the pockets of Californians.

The theft started with California bureaucrats stealing from those who are forced to pay extra for the eligible items. The out-of-state criminals just wanted a piece of the action. Both are doing their part to placate the planet by reprocessing garbage that would otherwise end up where it belongs: buried in a landfill.

This isn’t the first time:

Earlier this year, two Arizona business owners were arrested for their alleged roles in a $10 million recycling fraud scheme, in which they allegedly trucked over hundreds of tons of recyclables from Arizona to California to take advantage of the CRV program.

A similar scheme involving another group of Arizonans was busted in 2018 after defrauding California to the tune of $16.1 million.

Don’t worry, Californians. You will get your revenge by reducing Phoenix to a second Los Angeles as it fills up with refugees from your moonbattery-ruined state.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 27 2023

Free Fake Breasts for Transsexual Child Killer

They say the first casualty of war is the truth. That is certainly true of transsexualism, which like its progenitor postmodernism is grounded on the explicit rejection of objective reality. The second casualty is children. Jason Michael Hann, a.k.a. Jessica Marie Hann, provides an explicit example:

A sadistic man who beat two of his own infant children to death is now reportedly awaiting breast implants while at a women’s prison in California. …

Hann was first arrested after the remains of his 10-week-old daughter, Montana, were discovered stuffed in a tupperware container in Arkansas. …

Montana’s corpse had been in the plastic tub for approximately one year before she was found, and it was later determined that the baby had died of a fractured skull. …

When found, Hann and [his partner Krissy] Werntz were in custody of a one-year-old child who was reportedly on the brink of death. The infant had a number of severe physical injuries, including a dozen broken ribs, retinal hemorrhaging, bleeding under the skin, and internal damage.

That baby was saved. However,

A second corpse was then discovered, one belonging to a 6-week-old son Hann was found to have murdered by head trauma in 1999.

Hann was appropriately sentenced to death in 2013. However, this was in California, where Gavin Newsom suspended the death penalty in 2019. The accommodations at San Quentin must not have met Hann’s standards, because that same year he declared himself a woman.

SB-132, The Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act, formally established the right of inmates to be housed on the basis of gender identity.

That’s what passes for a “right” under liberal rule, while real rights like free expression and self-defense are denied. They had to move Werntz out of the Central California Women’s Facility to prevent him from killing her, as he was allowed in with the general population.

Since the Act went into effect, 357 male inmates have requested transfer to a women’s prison. According to Keep Prisons Single Sex USA, they had previously learned that 33.8% of the men seeking transfer to the female estate are known to be registered sex offenders.

For his crimes against society, Hann will be rewarded with an expensive operation to indulge him in his psychosis by installing artificial breasts.

Transsexuals are psychotic by definition, so it should not be surprising that so many of them are violent criminals. That society eggs them on in their insanity is itself insane — or evil.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.

Jul 27 2023

Open Thread

The ACLU is not just religiously neutral, but staunchly anti-religious. Particularly, anti-Christian. - F. LaGard Smith

Jul 26 2023

Now the Nurses Dance for Climate Ideology

Hundreds of Black Lives Matter race riots causing $billions in damages and the catastrophic US election may not be our worst memories of the godforsaken year 2020. Among the symptoms of Covid was the Dance of TikTok Nurses.

What do the nurses do with their time now that even the government admits the crisis is over? They dance to promote a crisis that will never end because the climate will always fluctuate:

Meanwhile, real patients with actual problems are left unattended. That’s the price of allowing moonbattery to infiltrate, subvert, and farcify healthcare like it has done to almost all of our institutions.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 26 2023

Biden Cancer Lie Erased From White House Transcript

From George Orwell’s 1984:

“Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.”

In that spirit,

That’s not what he said. The official White House transcript, like Biden’s claim to have cured cancer, is a lie. For now, we still have the receipts:

Anyone wonder why trust in American institutions is evaporating? They are infested with progressives is why.

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 26 2023

Welcome to California

California was the promised land. But the promise has gone wrong:

A wandering naked intruder is putting residents in East Hollywood on edge.

“None of us can get any sleep because we’re keeping an eye out for each other,” said one of the residents in the apartment complex that he broke into. …

“He’s running around naked,” the resident said.

He’s also been known to touch himself, a morbid sight neighbors regret seeing on security camera.

“There’s children in the building,” the resident said. …

The Los Angeles Police Department tells FOX 11 it is aware of the complaints but officers can’t really arrest the man since no crime has been committed.

Authorities are keeping down the incarceration rate, in accordance with liberal priorities.

More California:

Note that even with some of the most repressive gun laws in the country, criminals and lunatics have no problem acquiring firearms; it is only law-abiding citizens wanting to be able to defend themselves whose access to them is limited.

California is plunging over the edge into end stage moonbattery. The rest of the country is not far behind. As the disgusting farce that is Joe Biden staggers toward collapse, former California Senator Kamala Harris is a heartbeat away. Current California Governor Gavin Newsom stands ready to replace him on the 2024 ticket.

On tips from Varla and Wiggins.

Jul 26 2023

Biden Lying That He Cured Cancer Is Nothing New

Some are alarmed that Joe Biden would claim he cured cancer, suspecting that his mental decline is so advanced that he may actually believe it.

However, Biden has been telling easily disprovable and often outlandish lies his whole career. He has claimed to have done well in school, that he was the first member of his family to attend college, that he taught constitutional law for over 20 years, that he attended a black college, that he attended a black church, that he never opposed fracking, and even, blasphemously, that he is Catholic, despite being a conspicuously aggressive advocate of moral depravity including abortion.

More lies:

1. Biden said his helicopter was “forced down” near Osama bin Laden’s lair in Afghanistan

2. Biden said he was a coal miner

3. Biden said he was “shot at” in Iraq

4. Biden said he called Slobodan Milošević a “damn war criminal” to his face

5. Biden said he participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters

6. Biden said he criticized President George W. Bush during lengthy private meetings in the Oval Office

Still more:

1. Law School Grades

2. Arrested in South Africa

3. First Job

4. Visiting a Synagogue

5. Unemployment Numbers

6. Visited Afghanistan

7. Naval Academy Appointment

8. Beau Died in Iraq

9. Never Spoken to Hunter About Family Business

10. Visited 54 States

11. Passing Student Loan Legislation

12. Raised by Puerto Ricans

13. Gas Prices

14. Biden Traveling 17,000 Miles with Chinese President

15. Inflation Is Temporary

The lies that he was arrested in South Africa and that he has not been involved in his bagman Hunter’s influence peddling operations are at least as preposterous as his curing cancer claim.

Biden’s incessant lying was one of the main reasons he was laughed off the stage even by the liberal media back in 1988, when we still had standards.

He lies not only because he is a contemptible, third-rate human being, as we have all known for decades. His lies are compulsive, resulting from a case of pseudologia fantastica that is so severe as to cross into psychosis and that predates his senility by a generation.

On tips from Wiggins, Blackjack, seaoh, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 26 2023

Biden Regime Sues to Stop Texas From Defending Border

Texas is run by patriotic Americans willing to defend the country from foreign invasion. Unfortunately, the artillery fire supporting the invasion is coming from behind — this time in the form of a Department of Injustice lawsuit:

The Biden DOJ claims the marine floating barriers state officials have installed in the Rio Grande are unauthorized and in violation of federal law.

Invading the USA really is a violation of federal law. For the unscrupulous, the convenient thing about law is that it only matters if enforced.

The 1,000-foot barrier is made up of interconnected inflatable sphere buoys four feet wide that can be shifted and extended. When grabbed, the buoys spin, thereby preventing individuals from climbing over.

Governor Abbott is ready to take the defense of his state and the country all the way to the Supreme Court. You can see why liberals want to pack it with Merrick Garland types.

As if trying to top the hypocrisy of Hunter Biden’s lawyer’s ethics complaint and the State Department’s denunciation of Cambodia’s rulers for behaving like Democrats, the witless fox ostensibly in charge of the henhouse (namely, Border Czarina Kamala Harris) responded by calling Abbott “un-American.”

The United States is undergoing a full-scale invasion of historic proportion. The obvious purpose of facilitating this foreign conquest is to displace the American population. Nothing Julius and Ethel Rosenberg did was more blatantly treasonous.

On tips from Lyle, Occam’s Stubble, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 26 2023

Open Thread

Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights could get through Congress today? It wouldn't even get out of committee. - F. Lee Bailey

Jul 25 2023

Hillary Clinton Blames Republicans for Weather

The heat wave has been awful here in Phoenix, with the high topping 110° every day this month. Thanks to Hillary Clinton, we know who to blame — MAGA Republicans:

Here’s why Republicans are to blame for the weather even though Democrats control the federal bureaucracy, the White House, and until this year both houses of Congress:

Clinton’s social media post came in response to a tweet from left-wing think tank Center for American Progress which stated “MAGA Republicans are pouring fuel on the climate crisis fire.” The post included an image of recent media stories highlighting the recent spate of high temperatures in the U.S. and noted Republicans voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats’ $739 billion climate package — which President Biden signed into law in 2022.

The Inflation Exacerbation Act passed, flushing gargantuan sums of money down inefficient green energy boondoggles, but it has failed to perfect the weather because some Republicans voted against it.

“Without climate change, July’s summer heat in the U.S. Southwest would have been ‘virtually impossible,’” [for top climate scientist at the NOAA Ryan] Maue tweeted Tuesday. “I guess that’s true if you memory hole 1925, 1930s, 1950s, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2012, 2020, etc. and the rest of the almanac.”

Memory-holing is a moonbat specialty. If the job is tough, they can always call in Michael Mann of Hide the Decline infamy.

In a separate post, Maue noted Clinton’s post was made just eight days after a New York Times editorial calling on leaders to “politicize the weather.”

Don’t fault Shrillary for making a fool of herself. She was just following orders from headquarters.

Heat waves aren’t fun, but better too hot than too cold:

According to a 2021 study published in The Lancet Planetary Health, cold is far more deadly. For every death linked to heat, nine are connected to cold. …

Interestingly, during the 2000-2019 period examined in the study, while heat-related deaths rose, deaths from cold exposure fell. And they decreased by a larger amount than the increase in heat-related fatalities. Overall, researchers estimated that approximately 650,000 fewer people worldwide died from temperature exposure during the 2000-2019 period than in the 1980s and 1990s.

Consider Britain, with its moderate climate:

[L]ooking specifically at England and Wales there were on average nearly 800 excess deaths associated with heat and 60,500 associated with cold between 2000 and 2019…

That’s why they rebranded the global warming hoax as “climate change.” The climate constantly fluctuates. When the weather takes a turn for the colder, Democrats won’t miss a beat in blaming Republicans.

On tips from Varla and Bluto.


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