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Mar 18 2023

Open Thread

We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Mar 17 2023

Professor Denounces Problematic Pantry Porn

The Smithsonian Institution has revealed that self-reliance, cohesive nuclear families, “objective, rational linear thinking,” hard work, personal responsibility, and delayed gratification are white supremacist. We can now add to that list keeping a tidy pantry.

Barks Jenna Drenten, an associate professor at Loyola University Chicago:

As someone who studies digital consumer culture, I’ve noticed an uptick in glamorized, stylized and fully stocked pantries on TikTok and Instagram, giving rise to a content genre I dub “pantry porn.”

These presentable pantries are a cause for concern:

Storing spices in coordinated glass jars and color coordinating dozens of sprinkles containers may seem trivial. But tidiness is tangled up with status, and messiness is loaded with assumptions about personal responsibility and respectability.

Personal responsibility and respectability are ominous terms, from the woke viewpoint.

Cleanliness has historically been used as a cultural gatekeeping mechanism to reinforce status distinctions based on a vague understanding of “niceness”: nice people, with nice yards, in nice houses, make for nice neighborhoods.

What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures. In my research, influencers who produce pantry porn are predominantly white women who demonstrate what it looks like to maintain a “nice” home by creating a new status symbol: the perfectly organized, fully stocked pantry.

Classist, racist, and sexist: the trifecta of political unorthodoxy. When utopia has been achieved, the FBI will conduct door-to-door pantry checks to make sure no extremists commit oppression by keeping an orderly pantry.

On a tip from Barry A.

Mar 17 2023

Sanctions Protect Russia From Banking Crisis

It turns out the sanctions imposed on behalf of the corrupt, authoritarian regime in Ukraine are having an effect on Russia after all — by insulating it from the banking crisis that moonbattery mixed with irresponsible monetary policy has set off in the West:

Top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday, according to the Russian state news TASS agency: “Our banking system has certain connections with some segments of the international financial system, but it is mostly under illegal restrictions from the collective West.”

But Peskov added: “We are, to a certain extent, insured against the negative impact of the crisis that is now unfolding overseas,” suggesting that he believes Russia may fair better than other countries tied into the Western banking system.

Last February, Russia was banned from the international banking service SWIFT.

The ban initially caused chaos for the Russian economy and banking system, with the Ruble currency collapsing as millions of concerned Russians tried to withdraw their money from Russian banks. However, despite the early turmoil, the Russian currency ultimately rebounded to on par with pre-war levels, with the currency being propped up, in part, by Moscow’s ability to continue to sell its energy — albeit at a discount — to willing buyers such as India and Communist China.

Meanwhile, our energy prices remain high, helping to hold prices up and the economy down.

Russia has many problems, but at least it doesn’t have to worry about a financial crisis brought on by the sort of woke kooks who crashed Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank.

Credit Suisse is in a tailspin and looks likely to follow, despite a $54 billion bailout from Swiss taxpayers. The bank’s head of global markets may not be a self-described “queer person of color and a first-generation immigrant” like SVB’s Jay Ersapah, but he looks true to type in the era of corporate ESG:

On tips from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 17 2023

Minnesota Pushes Transsexualization of Children

A bill is under consideration that would make Minnesota a sanctuary state for subjecting children to horrific procedures, including genital removal surgery, that are banned in more civilized parts of the country. Governor Tim Waltz signed an executive order supporting sexual mutilation on behalf of transsexualism. Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan is on board with the agenda:

Flanagan addressed the crowd as she wore a shirt that read “Protect Trans Kids” with a picture of a dagger on it.

Actually, they are more likely to use scalpels than daggers to cut off children’s genitals so as to recruit them for life into the politicized ranks of the sexually abnormal, but close enough.

“Let’s be clear: this is life-affirming and life-saving health care,” she declared. “When our children tell us who they are, it is our job as grown-ups to listen and to believe them. That’s what it means to be a good parent.”

If your young daughter declares she is a mermaid, toss her off a pier. That’s what it means to be a good parent.

Wonders one commenter,

If 9 year olds can decide to chop off their parts, why not allow them to drink, drive 18 wheelers, or pole dance?

Liberals have no problem teaching small children to pole dance. Driving an 18-wheeler would offend the climate though.

A primary duty of parents is to protect their children from depraved fiends like Waltz and Flanagan. This duty will become increasingly difficult as leftist kooks consolidate power. Flanagan’s rhetoric implies the threat that if you are not a good parent, the state may have to intervene.

Lest they be subjected to procedures that would have sent Josef Mengele himself rushing toward the restroom with vomit spurting from between his fingers, parents may have to make plans to get their kids out of jurisdictions that have succumbed to moonbattery. The federal government has already weighed in on sex change surgery for children, with the figurehead of the liberal establishment declaring this satanic procedure “close to sinful” not to inflict. If effective pushback doesn’t start soon, bugout plans may have to involve not just other states but other countries.

On a tip from Franco.

Mar 17 2023

Open Thread

Despite romantic fantasies about caring candidates who learn of America in donut shops, most politicians rely on media to teach them what concerns the average person. - Dick Morris

Mar 16 2023

Michael Moore Descended From Slave

You can see why progressives are so keen to erase history. To prop up their ideology, it must be replaced with fictional narratives like New York Times’ 1619 Project and the education establishment-endorsed fantasies of anti-American communist Howard Zinn. Some leftists also have personal reasons. Angela Davis — also an anti-American communist, as well as a black supremacist — turns out to have ancestors who came over on the Mayflower. Now we learn that Michael Moore is descended from a slave.

As with Davis, the revelation comes complements of the PBS program Finding Your Roots. Nonmoonbat taxpayers are finally getting some return on their compulsory investment.


Host and executive producer Henry Louis Gates Jr. said on the show that Moore’s paternal eighth great grandfather was one of 300 Scottish slaves brought to Boston from London in 1651.

Ancestor John Wattles was later freed and settled outside Boston before he was killed in a clash between colonists and Native Americans in 1676, Gates told Moore, who said he understands the reasons for the death.

Figures a guy who probably walks like a hippopotamus on its hind legs would be descended from someone whose name sounds like “waddles.”

Moore denounced his fellow Caucasians while characteristically siding against his ancestor and with the Stone Age savages who killed him.

Now here’s an ancestor a moonbat like Moore can take pride in:

His third great grandfather was brought before a court martial in 1812 after refusing to serve in a militia.

“That is amazing and such a good feeling too,” Moore said.

Everyone on earth is descended from slaves, but with most of us, they are far enough back that we don’t know their names. Moore’s enslaved forebearer gives the lie to the leftist stance that white people are inherently bad because slavery.

On a tip from landy fincannon.

Mar 16 2023

Another Diverse Sex Crime

Only in a world succumbing to moonbattery can you read headlines like this:


From England:

Dominic Risden, 24, who now claims to be a transgender woman named ‘Lexi-Rose Crawford’, has been found guilty at the Bristol Crown Court of raping a female friend in April of 2019.

As usual with sex crimes, it was not a first offense:

[I]n 2017, Risden, then identifying as a man, was found guilty of having sex with a 15-year-old girl…

After serving half of a 4-year wrist slap of a sentence, in 2019 Risden declared himself to be named Lexi-Rose Crawford, assumed female pronouns, and raped a woman who appears to have been thoroughly browbeaten by liberalism:

As to why she didn’t try to fend off her attacker, the victim said: “What could I have done without using physical contact to stop her? And then that could have been me in the wrong by using physical contact to stop her”.

By “her,” she is referring to the man who raped her. If she were to “misgender” the criminal, that could have been her in the wrong.

On the first day of the trial Risden reportedly appeared before the court with a chin full of stubble and a short moustache, however, these were shaved off by the second day of the trial. The convicted sex offender also “inexplicably” adopted an American accent for the proceedings.

If Risden can identify as a woman and be taken seriously, why can’t he identify as American? Maybe he was hoping for a pardon from our belligerently pro-transsexual president.

Despite apparently not having secured a legal gender change recognition certificate, the rapist was referred to as “miss” throughout the four-day trial and the formal indictment in the case accused Risden of using “her penis” to rape the woman.

Welcome to Clown World.

On a tip from Marty.

Mar 16 2023

Instilling Decadence at Churchill High

Students coming out of our public schools may not be able to read or do math, but they could be well qualified to work in the porno industry:

Students at Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon, were repeatedly put in uncomfortable positions during health class after the teacher had them engage in sexually explicit assignments.

The word “health” means “whatever leftists want to impose.” In the context of Covid, it means authoritarianism. In the context of abortion, it means killing offspring. In the context of school, it means corrupting innocence.

For one of these assignments, students who had missed class earlier in the month were instructed by their teacher, who is also a football coach, to write out a “sexual fantasy” featuring items such as feathers and massage oils.

No worries; the assignment specified that there was to be “NO penetration of any kind or oral sex.” Downright priggish, by today’s standards.

Other assignments are less straight-laced:

Another shockingly inappropriate assignment also took place during the same class. In February, students were required to play a game called “With Whom Would You Do It?”

To play the game, students had to spin a wheel labeled with sexual acts, including anal penetration and oral sex. This wheel was projected in front of the entire classroom and, when the wheel stopped on a sexual act, the students had to mark the initials of both a male and female student with whom they would want to perform the act.

Sexual deviants have discovered that laws against corrupting the morals of a minor do not appear to apply to teachers, who often work in a climate of unmitigated liberalism. Consequently, they have flooded the profession. This has resulted not only in LGBT grooming but in an explosion of sex crimes against children.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 16 2023

Transsexual Wrecking Ball Takes Out Women-Only College

According to woke ideology, there is no such thing as a woman in any meaningful sense. Therefore, a women-only school is thoughtcrime. That’s why students at Wellesley College, alma mater of Hillary Clinton, voted to accept cross-dressing men:

The nonbinding referendum … would admit transgender men and all nonbinary individuals regardless of their assigned gender at birth…

“Assigned gender at birth” is Liberalese for “actual sex.”

The ballot … also proposed that the college replace all “gender-specific language … in reference to its student body.”

These changes would include saying “students” instead of women and replacing she/her pronouns with they/them, the outlet explained.

As surely as Confederate generals, women are being erased.

On a tip from Franco.

Mar 16 2023

Silicon Valley Bank Gave $73,450,000 to Black Lives Matter

When hyperwoke Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, we were left to wonder where the money went. Some has turned up:

According to a new database by the conservative Claremont Institute, the collapsed bank donated or pledged to donate nearly $74 million to groups related to the Black Lives Matter movement. …

Two months after racially charged riots led to the most destructive outbreak of American political upheaval in more than a century, the bank joined the chorus of corporate firms touting their commitment to so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

Giving money to Black Lives Matter makes clear what the DEI duckspeak actually means. BLM is a terrorist group that caused up to $2 billion in damages to advance an ideology based on black supremacism, Marxism, sexual depravity, and the destruction of the nuclear family. Its immediate objective during the riots that Silicon Valley Bank rewarded with $73,450,000 was to abolish local police.

Despite the money vanishing in a puff of smoke, BLM was successful. Local police were not actually abolished, but defunding, demonization, and demoralization marginalized them via the Ferguson Effect. Combined with liberal control of the “justice” system, the result has been violent crime spiraling out of control. We see ever more stories like this:

That’s what the SVB wokesters bought with their $73,450,000. Oh wait, I forgot the likeminded Biden regime is predictably bailing them out. I should have said, that’s what they bought with our $73,450,000.

SVB isn’t alone. Corporations have poured a staggering $82.9 billion into Black Lives Matter.

Instead of putting its money into investments that generate wealth, the liberal establishment pays rioting scum to burn our country down in the name of radical leftism, secure in the knowledge that the Democratic Party will bail them out at public expense when they fail. No wonder the economic outlook is so bleak.

On tips from Chris Neilson, ABC of the ANC, and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 16 2023

Open Thread

There has been a lot of progress during my lifetime, but I'm afraid it's heading in the wrong direction. - Ogden Nash

Mar 15 2023

Biden Calls Evil Good and Good Evil

As we read in the Bible,

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that count darkness as light, and light as darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

This is bad news for Democrats, who call things by the diametric opposite of what they are in an attempt to dupe us into swallowing the unpalatable. For example, sex change operations are now called “gender affirmation.” For a starker example, our leftist president declares that it is “cruel” and “close to sinful” to protect kids from being permanently disfigured on behalf of the LGBT agenda.

Here is what the malevolent creep Joe Biden finds it cruel and sinful not to inflict on innocent children:

As the video depicts, skin grafts are often taken from various parts of the body to fashion crude imitations of opposite-gender sexual organs, like something out of a depraved X-rated version of The Island of Doctor Moreau.

We are not up against people who are merely wrong. Like its figurehead Biden, the liberal establishment is evil.

On tips from Varla and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 15 2023

Watch Jussie Smollett Hate Hoax Reenacted

Coconspirators in the most famous hate hoax since the one that launched Al Sharpton’s career have come forward to confirm that like his Democrat backers, Jussie Smollett is a fraud:

Early in the morning hours of a polar vortex in January 2019, FOX’s “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett claimed two White supremacist Trump supporters attacked him near his Chicago apartment in a racially-motivated hate crime that would soon incite outrage from activists and the media. …

Smollett alleged the “White supremacists” … threw chemicals on him and put a noose around his neck, while shouting racially and homophobically-charged slurs and telling him he was in “MAGA country.”

Despite the credulity of the liberal establishment, the staged hate crime flunked the laugh test so dramatically that Smollett was convicted on five felony counts of disorderly conduct.

Brothers Abimbola “Bola” and Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo, Smollett’s accomplices in the act, finally broke their silence to the media about the hoax for the first time in an interview now streaming on Fox Nation.

Watch and laugh as the Nigerian brothers explain how they subjected Smollett to a noogie, which is probably as close as this privileged yet whiny Gay Person of Color ever came to being oppressed:

On tips from seaoh, KirklesWorth, and Occam’s Stubble.

Mar 15 2023

Failed Signature Bank Also Obnoxiously Woke

Unsurprisingly, other banks run by moonbats are following Silicon Valley Bank down the crapper. Next to discover the truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke” was Signature Bank:

Signature Bank was closed by regulators on Sunday, the second massive bank failure in three days.

The New York-based bank faced a crisis of confidence after midsize lender SVB Financial Corp. was seized by regulators on Friday. … The failure is the third-largest in U.S. history.

Second largest is Silicon Valley Bank.

Signature board member Barney Frank, the former congressman who formed one half of the landmark Dodd-Frank financial law after the 2008 financial crisis, said Signature suffered a bank run of billions of dollars on Friday.

Taxpayers are on the hook:

Signature customers will get all of their deposits back, including money above the $250,000 limit for federal deposit insurance, banking regulators said.

Because not even Democrats can confiscate other people’s money as fast as they fling it to the four winds, they will bail out the customers at least in part with money that does not exist. Like the Inflation Reduction Act, this will drive inflation even higher, resulting in more economic havoc, resulting in more bank failures.

A joint move by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department took the extraordinary step of designating SVB and Signature Bank as a systemic risk to the financial system, giving regulators flexibility to backstop uninsured deposits.

The end goal of encouraging banks to invest irresponsibly in sophomoric moonbattery, then swooping in to seize control and bail out investors with taxpayer money, is to incrementally nationalize the banking system.

Here’s what Signature Bank focused on rather than sound investments:

A seminar on gender-neutral pronouns hosted by Signature Bank just months before its collapse … featured its chairman Scott Shay along with corporate consultant on gender issues Finn Brigham.

Video of the seminar, which goes for more than an hour, shows Brigham and Shay delivering a lecture about ‘pronouns’ with the ultra-woke company seizing the opportunity to laud their title as the ‘first bank in the United States to have an openly gay man on the board.’

That would be the conspicuously homosexual Democrat Barney Frank. Yet other Democrats tell us that these banks are failing not because of their reckless monetary policy, but because part of Dodd-Frank was repealed.

Brigham, who works as director of project management for the Manhattan-based nonprofit Callen-Lorde Community Health Center – an LGBTQ health clinic – identifies as a ‘genderqueer trans masculine person.’

Too bad they didn’t bring on someone who identifies as a competent banker. But they were too busy wallowing in gag-inducing crap like this:

On a tip from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084.


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