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May 29 2023

Open Thread

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived. - George S. Patton

May 28 2023

The Horror

You thought nothing could be as chunk-hurlingly disgusting as the recent bid by Adidas to top Nike using Dylan Mulvaney to model sports bras? Wrong. No matter how long you stare into the abyss that is moonbattery, you will always discover new horrors, each at least as sickening as the last.

A previously neglected Calvin Klein ad from last year’s Pride Month promotion has come to light, featuring transgender model Bappie Kortram.

Kortram is a “trans man.” She has not had her chest surgically disfigured. However, she has deformed herself pharmaceutically to the point of growing chest hair and a beard. If the objective was to render herself repulsive, she succeeded.

Unsurprisingly, Bappie Kortram has also modeled for Adidas. She constitutes a woke trifecta: transsexual, black, and morbidly obese.

As with Bud Light, this crime against decency is part of a larger campaign:

Last year, Calvin Klein also rolled out a Mother’s Day ad campaign featuring a pregnant “man.”

This isn’t about selling clothes; it is social engineering. The motive is the demonic blend of depravity and malice that drives all things progressive.

Are we below the fold yet? Presenting Bappie Kortram, who represents what our ruling class wants us to want to look like:

On tips from Ed McAninch and ABC of the ANC.

May 28 2023

Media Narrative on Target Is Diametric Opposite of Reality

Target has long been known for obnoxiously rubbing leftism in customers’ faces, so it is no surprise that it is next up after Anheuser-Busch to feel the backlash from a public that has been fed to the teeth with the depraved and disgusting transsexual agenda. Characteristically, the media is attempting to portray decent people who object to children being transsexualized as the villains. AP has resorted to barefaced lies:

The Associated Press has removed uncredited claims, without telling readers, that Target yanked or relocated LGBTQ merchandise featured prominently in Pride Month displays in response to “threats to workers” and “violent confrontations” between customers and employees.

Just the News noticed the wire service made the claims in its own voice in the headline and first paragraph of the report posted Tuesday night, rather than attributing those claims to Target, despite providing no evidence of threats or violence. The story was widely carried in other media.

Those claims had disappeared a day later without a correction or editor’s note.

Meanwhile, in real life:

A Utah Target has been evacuated and a bomb squad has been called in after multiple threats were made against stores across the state and five in Ohio after the company’s annual Pride collection sparked fury. …

Five Targets in across Northeast Ohio and Pennsylvania were also threatened, according to Cleveland 19, who received a threatening email listing stores in Stow, North Canton, Boardman, Niles, Ohio and Monaca, Pennsylvania.

The right-wing terrorists the DHS and FBI are devoted to uncovering have turned up at last! Oh wait:

‘Target is full of [redacted] cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to homophobic right wing, redneck, bigots, who protested and vandalized their store,’ the email to Cleveland 19 read. ‘We won’t stand idly by as the far right continues to hunt us down.’

The reference to a vandalized store likely refers to the disinformation fabricated by Associated Press.

Anheuser-Busch blundered into the same situation Target now finds itself in, taking fire not only from the conservatives it deliberately disgusts but also from LGBT militants who never find anyone’s submission sufficiently obsequious.

‘We are sending you a message, we placed a bomb in the following Targets,’ the email continued. ‘We will continue to bomb your Targets until you stop cowering and bring back your LBGT merchandise.’

If AP’s inversion of events gave you déjà vu, you could be thinking of the recent attempt by the DHS (with a media assist) to spin the transsexual suicide terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville as violence not by transsexuals but against them.

The government, the media, and the rest of our liberal ruling class might actually serve as a reliable source of information. We just need to apply a magic decoder ring by assuming that whatever we are told is the precise opposite of the truth.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

May 28 2023

Open Thread

Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality. - D. James Kennedy

On a tip from Chuck A.

May 27 2023

Fart Spray Induces Panic

Good thing Alejandro Mayorkas and Merrick Garland are on the job. The domestic terrorism they squeak about is on the rise. A recent attack at Caney Creek High School north of Houston was so terrifying, it left authorities with no other option but to panic hysterically:

Following an investigation, police arrested David Navarrete-Arce, 17, and Diego Flores, 18, on May 12, charging them with possession of a prohibited weapon – a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison, according to reporting by The Courier of Montgomery County.

The “weapon” in question is a stink spray called Hensgaukt Fart Spray, marketed online as a gag toy of the type teenagers tend to find amusing. The smell so alarmed authorities, the school was evacuated twice. Some students were taken out on stretchers. A can of the stink spray was confiscated by a teacher on the day of the first evacuation, but apparently dots were left unconnected.


Roughly 30 tons of ammonium nitrate disappeared in mid-April while being moved [by train] from Wyoming to California, prompting explosives manufacturer Dyno Nobel to inform federal authorities. More than a month after material vanished during the nearly two-week trip, officials have yet to find cargo, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

No worries; Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is sure to get to the bottom of it, as with all the other transportation debacles that have been in the news since he took office.

Ammonium nitrate is a chemical often used in agricultural fertilizer but can also be implemented in explosives, as it was in the deadly 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, according to the federal government.

Also, the border is wide open, with invaders crossing illegally at a rate of millions per year, including terrorists from places like Afghanistan. Majorkas and Garland are too focused on the fabricated threat of white supremacists to do anything about it, assuming they would know where to start.

Terrorists will have no problem instilling panic in the coming years.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

May 27 2023

Paid $11.25 Million for Being Late 47 Times

Racist oppression works great: show up late for work 47 times, get fired, collect $11.25 million. Thanks to the politicization of the judicial system, the looting spree known as “racial justice” has no limits:

High-end gym chain Equinox has been ordered to pay $11.25 million to one of their former trainers after her lawyers convinced a New York jury that her firing was racially motivated and not because she showed up for work late 47 times.

Robynn Europe lives near Coney Island. Eventually, she showed up for work at a gym on the Upper East Side. She does not deny frequently being late. Nonetheless:

The jury found that Europe, a former professional bodybuilder, had been subjected to a hostile work environment and unlawfully fired her on the basis of both her race and gender.

What do you expect? These people chose Eric Adams to be their mayor.

Europe claims that a subordinate made racist and sexist remarks. Also, a manager at Equinox allegedly obliged a customer’s request for a white trainer. This manager had already been fired.

Sorry, Caucasian readers. There is no way for you to attain the precious privilege of racial oppression for yourselves. The same activist lawyers, liberal judges, and urban Democrat juries that pick the winners pick you for the losers.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Chris Neilson.

May 27 2023

Open Thread

Much more prevalent than physical fear is the fear of criticism, rejection, and verbal opposition. - Derek A. Cuthbert

May 26 2023

Sam Brinton and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

With liberals in the driver’s seat, news themes intersect at the point of absolute moonbattery. Take for example the themes of Biden’s comically inappropriate identity-based staffing choices (e.g., Kamala Harris for being a Woman of Color, Pete Buttigieg for being a sexual deviant, Karine Jean-Pierre for being both) and the leftist politicization of professional sports. These stories converge in the personage of the cross-dressing kleptomaniac Sam Brinton:

Joe Biden’s former nuclear waste czar, who in his off-hours liked to steal women’s luggage and then pose for selfies in their clothing, has another underreported entry on his curriculum vitae. Sam Brinton is also a member of the L.A. Dodgers’ favorite anti-Catholic political group, whose members dress up as drag nuns and mock Christ–and whose slogan is “go and sin some more.”

Presenting the guy Creepy Joe gave authority over nuclear waste in his natural — or should I say unnatural — milieu:

Blessedly, Brinton has finally been put in a cage where he belongs. If only we could say the same for Creepy Joe.

Before the Biden Administration named him to be a key contributor at the nuclear waste division at the Department of Energy, Brinton appeared on the show of a drag queen nun of the Boston branch of the Sisters and talked about his life and drag nun persona — Sister Ray Dee O’Active (get it?).

This reflects the type of people we have in charge under Democrat rule.

Even if Sam doesn’t get to stay in the ladies’ jail, at least it should cheer him up that the Los Angeles Dodgers caved to the woke mob so that the ceremony revering the explicitly blasphemous Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is back on.

On a tip from Franco.

May 26 2023

Actual Housing Discrimination Against Blacks Uncovered

If you are going to rent out your property to vacationers, do it in Jamaica. You won’t have to worry about getting canceled for racism if experience persuades you to adopt a policy like this one:

A Jamaican business owner who leases small cottages as short-term rentals to tourists has said she will be blocking “Black Americans” from renting from her in the future.

Like most everyone in Jamaica, she is black herself.

The owner said she rents to people from all over the world but has had difficulty with most of her Black American clientele. She categorized them as “Disrespectful, entitled, unappreciative” and said the reason they are is because they have been spoiled and given too much “free sh[**]” in America.

The corrosive effects of our handout society are evident from abroad. Yet through the use of ideological blinders, many Americans manage not to perceive it.

Alleged housing discrimination is among the pretexts supporting demands that blacks be given still more free sh**.

Jamaica had better hope it never falls under Democrat rule. Imagine how much it would have to inflate its currency to pay itself reparations.

Rather than the groveling apology we have come to expect, she responded to the inevitable social media backlash from the woke mob with this:

She said those complaining are the clientele she hopes to weed out, “My peace is more important than your frickin’ opinion.”

She announced on Instagram that she would rather “let goats and cows into my house than have you come in and disrespect it.” If only her attitude were more prevalent in the USA, goats and cows would not currently run the place.

On a tip from Marty.

May 26 2023

Expert: Start Transsexualizing Your Child Prior to Birth

Children are not human until after they have passed entirely through the birth canal; that’s why it is morally acceptable to crush their skulls prior to that event and vacuum out their brains. However, even if you are too young to count as a Homo sapiens, you are never too young to be set on track to have your mind and body destroyed on behalf of the transsexual agenda, as an Expert confirms:

A professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine who is involved in a LGBTQ+ “special interest group” claimed that parents must start including gender ideology in their families before a baby is born.

You can only serve one master. Members of the LGBTQ+ cult will not be distracted from their agenda by conflicting principles like “first do no harm.”

Lauren T. Roth, a professor of pediatrics at Einstein and a physician in the division of academic general pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore … has specialized knowledge of transgender medical interventions on children diagnosed with dysphoria.

Lectures Roth:

“Like, this is a normal thing. And we have to understand that gender is on a spectrum. There’s not just men and women.”

Despite the specialized knowledge, Dr. Roth appears to have flunked junior high biology class. A doctor denying the adult humans are either men or women is like a mathematician denying that 2 + 2 = 4.

To convince children of such obvious lies, you have to start early:

Roth said gender ideology must be adopted by parents “at birth or even before,” and proceeded to criticize the colors pink and blue for putting “expectations” on a baby.

Liberal parents will not acquire a transsexual trophy child unless they get the project started early.

Despite gender ideology having been invented only within the past few years,

Roth went on to claim that babies can develop their gender identity as young as 18 months old.

This will require what progressives call “nudging”:

[Roth] suggested parents can initiate gender-related conversations early in childhood in order to “give them space to explore” what gender they are.

Here’s why wise parents will not let Dr. Roth anywhere near their children:

Roth serves as co-chair of the LGBTQ Health and Well-Being Special Interest Group of the Academic Pediatric Association, where she is working to bring standardized training to future pediatricians.


Montefiore provides transgender medical interventions on children such as cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers…

The purpose of these drugs is to prevent a child’s normal development.

The Long March Through the Institutions has been laying claim to the medical profession, making it increasingly difficult to determine which doctors can be trusted to place the health of patients ahead of leftist ideology.

Fortunately, Roth’s crazy eyes are likely to warn caring parents away:

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 26 2023

Moonbattery Linked to Other Psychopathologies

The truth will out, as Shakespeare said. Some truths are so obvious, even academic researchers can’t avoid noticing them — like the fact that moonbats tend to be a-holes with loose screws. Just as morbid obesity is linked to other health issues, wokeness is linked to other psychopathologies:

Left-wing extremism is linked to toxic, psychopathic tendencies and narcissism, according to a new study published to the peer-reviewed journal Current Psychology.

Authors Ann Krispenz and Alex Bertrams introduce the “dark-ego-vehicle principle.”

“According to this principle, individuals with dark personalities — such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits — are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism which they can use as a vehicle to satisfy their own ego-focused needs instead of actually aiming at social justice and equality,” they told PsyPost.

How “social justice” could ever have a benevolent motive is another issue.

Here’s why George Soros and the party he purchased don’t need to pay Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs to get them to do their bidding:

“In particular, certain forms of activism might provide them with opportunities for positive self-presentation and displays of moral superiority, to gain social status, to dominate others, and to engage in social conflicts and aggression to satisfy their need for thrill seeking.”

Alarmingly, this applies not only to street garbage but to leftist thugs who attain political power, as the reckless and belligerent Biden Administration has illustrated.

“An individual high in LWA might declare anyone to be ‘old fashioned’ who is opposing their own ‘progressive values,’ strive to suppress free speech to regulate the expression of right-wing beliefs in educational institutions, and even endorse the use of violence to reach their own political goals,” the authors said.

LWA = “left-wing authoritarianism” — i.e., moonbattery.

Lets hope the academic careers of Ann Krispenz and Alex Bertrams survive the publication of this paper.

On a tip from Anonymous.

May 26 2023

Open Thread

Democratism and its allied herd movements, while remaining loyal to the principle of equality and identity, will never hesitate to sacrifice liberty. - Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

May 25 2023

Unless This Appeals to You…

…never buy anything from North Face:

They are not trying to sell products. They are trying to make you vomit. Then they want to rub your face in the vomit, out of sheer hatred of what America was before they began fundamentally transforming it into this.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and Steve T.

May 25 2023

Broadcaster Fired Over Newspeak Dictionary Transgression

It isn’t easy to find racism against blacks in a society where the ultimate faux pas is to fail to show sufficient reverence for them. Fortunately for the thought police, new crimes against political correctness can always be invented through modification of the Newspeak Dictionary and through punishment of accidental infractions. For example:

Oakland A’s broadcaster Glen Kuiper was let go by NBC Sports California after using a racial slur during a telecast while describing a trip to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum.

Kuiper uttered the forbidden N-word. No, not that N-word. The other one: “Negro.” For reasons that have never been made clear, this word is no longer permissible, possibly not even while discussing the United Negro College Fund or the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum. Kuiper compounded his infraction by mispronouncing the word.

“Following an internal review, the decision has been made for NBC Sports California to end its relationship with Glen Kuiper, effective immediately,” the network said in a statement Monday. “We thank Glen for his dedication to Bay Area baseball over the years.”

The thanks he gets is a shoeprint on the seat of his pants because a word came out of his mouth the wrong way.

Meanwhile, down the Left Coast, the thanks Christian fans get is to see perverts revered for ridiculing their faith. Offend people all you want in leftist realms like profession sports; just don’t accidently offend those who are “oppressed.”

On tips from Wiggins and Franco.


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