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May 25 2023

Monty Python in the Age of LGBT Intolerance

Monty Python is a remnant of a better culture, before wokeness canceled our sense of humor:

Monty Python stars John Cleese and Eric Idle have been workshopping new scenes and plotlines for a blockbuster stage show based on the classic 1979 film Life Of Brian.

Cleese says he has “changed certain things.”

One exchange which has had to come out is the discussion between People’s Front of Judea members Stan (played by Idle) and Reg (Cleese). Stan says that he wants to be known as Loretta and to have babies. ‘It’s every man’s right to have babies if you want them,’ says Stan. Reg counters: ‘But — you can’t have babies.’ At which Stan responds: ‘Don’t you oppress me.’

What was comedy in the 1970s is now reality. It is currently forbidden in the entertainment industry to acknowledge that men cannot have babies, for the same reason that Winston Smith was not allowed to acknowledge that 2 + 2 = 4.

Cleese told an audience at his one-man show last week that when the scene (co-written with the late Graham Chapman) was performed at a read-through for the new show in New York last year, doubts emerged. ‘At the end, I said to the American actors: ‘What do you think?’ And they said: ‘We love the script, but you can’t do that stuff about Loretta nowadays.’

Watch the forbidden scene before Google’s YouTube stuffs it down the memory hole:

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

May 25 2023

Henry Louis Gates Helps Revise Newspeak Dictionary

Normally, revisions to the Newspeak Dictionary consist of deletions, as our ruling class constricts the realm of permissible thought by restricting our vocabulary. However, new words can be added when it serves liberal purposes — for example, by asserting Afrocentrism.

The New York Times effuses that new words include “bussin” and “boo”:

Those were two of the first 100 words that the Oxford University Press said it had prepared to include in the Oxford Dictionary of African American English, the hopeful result of the three-year research project announced last spring.

The researchers say they aim to publish a first batch of 1,000 definitions — some words and phrases will have more than one — by March 2025. But the more important goal of the project, which will be edited by Henry Louis Gates Jr., a scholar of African American history at Harvard University, is to underscore the significance of African American English and to create a resource for future research into Black speech, history and culture.

If the name rings a bell, Gates is the insufferable Harvard professor who contrived a racial incident by behaving like a spoilt child when the police temporarily prevented him from breaking into his own house, having no way of knowing he was the owner. Fellow race-baiter Barack Obama exploited the incident to stage the farcical Beer Summit, at which black members of our liberal ruling class held their noses and pretended to tolerate the sort of working class white guy who becomes a police officer. Historical note: Obama drank Bud Light, naturally.

Rap lyrics are cited as a source of new words social engineers want to inject into English. The dictionary may warrant an NC17 rating.

Many of the listed neologisms have a connection with slavery. The idea is to make an institution that ended going on 2 centuries ago seem currently relevant so it can be exploited for political purposes.

In addition to appearing in the Oxford Dictionary of African American English, the entries will also be added to the wider word bank of the Oxford English Dictionary, Gates said. …

More than just a collection of words, Gates said, the new dictionary will serve as a record of the ways Black people have molded the English language to protect themselves and also keep a morsel of autonomy in a world that would have them have none.

Everything that isn’t about LGBTism or the global warming hoax is about the sacred oppressedness of blacks — including even the dictionary.

On a tip from Lyle.

May 25 2023

Open Thread

To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag. - Pauline Hanson

May 24 2023

Profiles in Liberal Education: Shellyne Rodriguez

Where moonbats prevail (e.g., the federal government under Democrat rule, the education establishment), being a left-wing black woman is the only qualification needed to attain any job. If it is enough for the Supreme Court, it is enough for a college professor — even for psychopaths like Shellyne Rodriguez:

A Manhattan college professor flipped out on a group of students who set up an information table opposing abortion inside the school building — cursing and tossing their pamphlets…

Shellyne Rodriguez, an adjunct professor, told the pro-life students they were “triggering” her students by tabling inside Hunter College in Manhattan earlier this month. …

“You’re not educating s–t. This is f–king propaganda,” the art professor told the students tabling on May 2. “What are you going to do like anti-trans next?”

Resisting the transsexual agenda would be an even greater thought crime than opposing abortion.

She then pushed the anti-abortion materials off the table toward the students while exclaiming “f–k this s–t” and walked off…

The PSC Graduate Center is a labor union representing City University of New York professors. On behalf of the liberal establishment, it endorsed Rodriguez’s behavior:

“Her actions to shut down the tabling were fully justified, and are part of a long and celebrated CUNY legacy of confronting groups such as military recruiters who disseminate misleading information,” the group said in a letter of support.

Affirmative Action hires can still get fired, but they have to push the envelope farther still:

The Post knocked on the door of [Shellyne Rodriguez’s] Bronx apartment Tuesday morning — a day after she made headlines for flipping out on pro-life students at Hunter College.

“Get the f–k away from my door, or I’m gonna chop you up with this machete!” the manic adjunct art professor shouted from behind her closed door just moments after veteran reporter Reuven Fenton identified himself.

Seconds later, Rodriguez barged out and alarmingly put the blade to the reporter’s neck.

The reporter wasted no time getting out of there, but Rodriguez followed, brandishing the machete, shrieking,

“Get the f–k off the block! Get the f–k out of here, yo!”

She chased him all the way to his car. No worries about police interfering; this happened in New York City under Eric Adams.

However, the optics were bad enough for Rodriguez to be viewed by educrats as a liability to the cause of moonbattery, so she was fired. She may turn up in DC next time Biden has an open cabinet position.

In the meantime, she is suing the NYPD for oppressing her during the Black Lives Matter riots, in which she unsurprisingly participated. She says she suffered nerve damage when police had to restrain her with zip ties.

The lawsuit adds that the injuries also impacted “her ability to make art.”

So she won’t be hurting moneywise. A jury of NYC liberals will see to that by looting themselves on her behalf.

On tips from Veritas100, Barry A, seaoh, MrRightWingDave, and Franco.

May 24 2023

More Mandatory LGBTism

It isn’t only Down Under that compliance with LGBTism is now mandatory. Examples abound throughout the Anglosphere, particularly in the realm of education. In Britain, 4-year-olds are required to take part in festivities celebrating sexual perversion:

Christian parents Izzy and Shane Montague are to appeal their case after the Central London County Court dismissed their claim against their child’s former school, Heavers Farm, for attempting to force him to participate in an LGBT themed Pride Parade.

At 4 years, their son is of age for sexual indoctrination, which could not be more ham-fisted in a North Korean reeducation camp:

Parents were informed about the LGBT themed Pride celebration only days in advance when they received a rainbow-coloured invitation to attend the event. In preparation for the parade, children were taught the popular ‘gay anthems’, ‘We are Family’ and ‘True Colours’, which they had to sing while marching around the school.

The children were also required to create rainbow themed art, which the school’s lesson plan held out as an assignment to show support for the diverse LGBT community. The march also featured several large and conspicuous Pride flags. A number of members of staff were photographed at the event wearing LGBT campaigning themed t-shirts, with one teacher wrapping himself in a Pride flag.

The school told all parents that holding the parade was a legal requirement and even said to one parent it was against the law for their son not to attend.

Elsewhere in the UK,

[A] Christian maths teacher has been banned by the Secretary of State for Education for “bringing the profession into disrepute” for not using the preferred pronouns of a female student who identified as a boy.

A Teaching Regulation Authority (TRA) professional conduct panel has, with the backing of Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, ruled that Joshua Sutcliffe was guilty of unprofessional conduct and has banned him from teaching in any capacity for at least two years and potentially indefinitely.

Education is the primary front in the war to impose LGBTism also in the USA. The University of Colorado instructs students to assume everyone is transsexual and to use grammatically incorrect they/them pronouns by default.

Modern liberalism grew out of postmodernism, which holds that objective reality is irrelevant, and that power can be achieved by creating a new reality through language. By controlling words, our rulers control our thoughts, and thereby control this artificial reality. Here is how it works:

Leftist ideology has to be rigid because it is sick and insane. No reasonable person will embrace it unless out of weakness because it has been imposed on them or cluelessness because they have been brainwashed.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Mr. Freemarket.

May 24 2023

Why Deep State Is Sure to Interfere in 2024 Election

If you liked the Deep State meddling in the 2016 and 2020 elections, you will love 2024, after Swamp apotheosis Joe Biden has had several years to nurture the corruption that was already festering out of control and to finish Barack Obama’s legacy of weaponizing federal agencies for partisan political purposes.

K. T. McFarland makes the case that the Peter Strzok and John Brennan types infesting the FBI and CIA will play a heavy hand in the next election — not only because the federal bureaucracy has been absorbed by the Democratic Party, but because their malfeasance will get many of the higher-ups in big trouble if they cannot prevent a Republican administration from coming in and cleaning house:

If the Deep State in collusion with the politicized media chooses the winners and losers, elections are as meaningless here as in Iran. Liberty in the USA has never been in greater danger.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

May 24 2023

Open Thread

The people have a right to keep and bear arms. - Patrick Henry

May 23 2023

Motherhood Abolished Under Mandatory Transsexualism

No more whimpering for “tolerance.” Rejection of objective reality in favor of transsexual sickness is now mandatory. In woke Australia, object to a man trying to breastfeed a baby and you violate the law:

Jasmine Sussex and Standing For Women Queensland (SFWQ) were both contacted by Twitter on May 16, with the platform informing the two accounts that specific content they had posted would be censored to Australian users in order to comply with Australian law. …

All of the content referred to an Australian trans-identified male who sparked backlash last year after publicly declaring he had induced lactation and was breastfeeding his own biological son.

Regardless of the effect this will have on the child’s mental and physical health, Australians are not allowed to disapprove. In their moonbat dystopia, the very concept of motherhood has been abolished. Sussex has also been kicked out of the Australian Breastfeeding Association for using the word “mother,” because transsexuals demand everyone say “parent” instead.

Exhibit A for the prosecution, representing a viewpoint that is illegal in Australia:

The sickness moonbats would impose on society at large knows no bounds.

On tips from Barry A.

May 23 2023

Fox News Requests Bud Light Treatment

Leftists enjoy crushing their opposition in a full frontal assault in the tradition of Joseph Stalin, but when that isn’t expedient, they use the Antonio Gramsci approach of infiltrating and subverting institutions they oppose. Progressive bête noire Fox News is a case in point. The liberal establishment inflicted serious damage with the Dominion lawsuit, directly costing FNC nearly $800 million and forcing it to fire its #1 attraction. But the death blow that kills Fox will be delivered from within.

The Daily Signal has gotten ahold of a company handbook revealing that Fox News complies obediently with LGBT mandates, specifying that men can use the women’s restroom, can show up for work dressed in women’s clothes, and must be referred to with female pronouns if they so demand. Employees are encouraged to become transsexual through a “Workplace Transition Plan.”

The revelations [come] amid conservative consternation at Fox Digital’s use of activist language like “gender affirming care” in stories on its website, as well as the site’s consistent use of female pronouns for biological males like TikTok celebrity Dylan Mulvaney and swimmer Lia Thomas (formerly known as Will Thomas).

Imagine trusting a media source that arrogantly lies to your face, even when it clearly knows you know it is lying. This is the case when “journalists” refer to guys like Mulvaney and Thomas as “she.” They express open contempt for their audience and force you to wonder what else they are lying about.

It isn’t just a rule of thumb; it is an iron clad law. No outlet that knowingly refers to people by the wrong pronouns in order to comply with LGBTism can be regarded as a reliable source of information.

What now passes for journalism borders on a crime against humanity:

Fox also drew strong backlash for a June 2022 on-air segment praising a child’s gender transition as an “inspiration to others.” That segment briefly depicted California state Sen. Scott Weiner, a far-left Democrat who led the move to soften sex offender registry requirements for sodomy with minors, and highlighted the activist claim that a child might commit suicide if he or she is not permitted to transition.

The pernicious effect extends beyond the Fox News viewership to compromise conservatives in general. Matt Walsh and Steve Deace explain how:

Disney’s leftist propaganda outlet ESPN is particularly insidious because it circumvents intellectual defenses by disguising the moonbattery under a sugar coating of sports coverage. FNC is more insidious still, hiding the woke poison in conservative lite pablum.

Those who rock the liberal establishment boat soon end up over the gunwale — e.g., Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino, and Glenn Beck.

Carlson had to fight FNC brass to get the eloquent opponent of LGBTism Walsh on his show. Walsh notes that there is “no daylight at all between Fox News and MSNBC when it comes to gender” and adds,

“If it were up to me, Fox would get the Bud Light treatment.”

Fox is even more vulnerable that Anheuser-Busch, having a customer base that consists almost entirely of people sick of being force-fed liberalism.

On a tip from Franco.

May 23 2023

Open Thread

America was not founded to improve health care or housing; it was founded for freedom. - Elliott Abrams

May 22 2023

Child-Corrupting Target and Its Satanic Supplier

The liberal establishment has been pushing transgenderism hard, specifically at children. The most aggressively leftist name in retail is at forefront:

Retail giant Target rolled out an “LGBT Pride” collection that includes so-called “tuck-friendly” wear and rainbow-colored onesies for infants and children — stoking conservative outrage that echoes the Bud Light fiasco.

Although thoroughly deserving a permanent boycott, Anheuser-Busch is merely irritating. Target is worse:

Target’s line of trans options, promoted on its website ahead of next month’s Pride Month, sparked even more fury because it targets kids.

The items include bathing suits with “tuck-friendly construction” and “extra crotch coverage.”

What kind of sick freaks would produce these products? If you suspected there is something satanic about the transsexual agenda, you were correct:

Scarlett Johnson, an activist from Wisconsin, went viral on Twitter this weekend with a thread explaining why she is “done” with the retailer. In particular, Johnson took issue with Target listing three items on its online store from Abprallen, a London-based designer of products that sometimes mix imagery and messages about gender with the macabre.

Although Target is not yet explicitly pitching Devil worship to children,

Johnson highlighted other products for sale that are shown on the Abprallen website and associated Instagram account with about 25,000 followers. Among them is a skeleton draped in rainbow colors, a “Trans Witches For Abortion” badge, and a “Satan respects pronouns” T-shirt. …

The product page for the “Satan respects pronouns” shirt talks about how LGBT+ people are “so often referred to as being a product of Satan or going against God’s will” while making the case that the Church of Satan and The Satanic Temple are more accepting of the gay community.

Moonbattery is like drug addiction. Those who succumb to it always have to push the envelope a little further to get the same rush. Expect Target to go full satanist next Pride Month if not sooner if they do not encounter sufficient pushback.

We can’t boycott every rotten corporation, because the entire liberal establishment is evil to the core. But companies that go out of their way to rub it in our faces are to be avoided when there are alternatives.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Steve T.

May 22 2023

Why Australian Police Tasered a 95-Year-Old Lady

Liberal rule entails anarchotyranny and demasculization. Applied to police, this results in officers who leave criminals alone and react to normal people with the panicked fear of cornered animals. Here’s what moonbattery has reduced police to in Australia:

Sky News reports:

NSW Police Southern Region Commander Peter Cotter gave a press conference on Friday where he provided further detail about the condition of Clare Nowland, 95, who is currently surrounded by her family at Cooma Base Hospital. …

Ms Nowland was allegedly found holding a steak knife and standing at her walking frame by nursing staff at the Yallambee Lodge near Cooma, a small town south of Canberra, on Wednesday.

At last word the great grandmother is in critical condition.

Mrs. Nowland stands under 5 feet tall and weighs less than 95 pounds. But the knife could have been quite sharp. They told her to put it down, but she wouldn’t listen. Maybe her hearing aid batteries were low.

Using a taser was risky. The police should have played it safe and called in a sniper.

On a tip from Lyle.

May 22 2023

Education Secretary: Teachers Know What’s Best for Kids

The wealth you create is not yours. It belongs to Big Government. That’s why Democrats refer to tax cuts as an expenditure. The children you create and raise are not yours either. They too belong to the federal behemoth, to be molded in accordance with our rulers’ ideology.

MSNBC propagandist Melissa Harris-Perry put it this way:

“[W]e have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”

Her fellow socialist Adolf Hitler concurred:

“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.’”

After all, your “rights as a parent … are gone when your child is in the public school system,” as fifth grade teacher Jenna Barbee confirms to CNN.

Biden’s Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona weighs in:

Teachers know what’s best — even if the emphasis on sexually deranging children has been flooding the profession with sex criminals. They know the kids better than parents, who might not even be aware that their children are on track for a sex change.

Cardona’s fatuous remark comes in the context of an intensifying battle to secure parents’ rights against agenda-driven teachers who subject children to perverted hardcore pornography.

The USA managed to get along fine without a Department of Education for over 2 centuries until the trainwreck Jimmy Carter signed it into existence in 1979. We would not have to keep jacking the debt ceiling ever higher into the stratosphere if we eliminated just those parts of the federal government that are entirely pernicious. Cardona’s department would be a place to start.

On a tip from Franco.

May 22 2023

Open Thread

Gun-free zones don't deter criminals-they help them by providing a guarantee that they will not face any armed resistance. But they do deter the law-abiding. A faculty member with a concealed-handgun permit who breaks the campus gun ban would be fired and likely find it impossible to get admitted to another school. Bringing a firearm into a gun-free zone can have serious adverse consequences for law-abiding people. But for someone like the Virginia Tech killer, the threat of expulsion is no deterrent at all. - Glenn Beck


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