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May 13 2023

Open Thread

the fear of fat works ... because it's being manipulated in us to enforce class divisions, racisms, womyn-hatred. And we give it the room to work because it's so close to us, it's our own bodies, that we don't see it as coming from outside ourselves, we don't name it for the weapon it is. - Elana Dykewomon

May 12 2023

Treasonous Biden Regime Unleashes Total Chaos at Border

Despite absurd reassurances from the sick joke of a Homeland “Security” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that the border is secure, the Biden Regime now admits the obvious. Through deliberate inaction, it has unleashed total chaos:

Title 42, the public health order that allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants at the southern border due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ended on Thursday night with the ending of the COVID-19 national emergency. In the days leading up to the order’s end, agents have been encountering historic levels of over 10,000 migrants a day – with authorities already preparing for releases of migrants without court dates onto the streets.

Why bother with court dates? Everyone knows the invaders won’t show up for them anyway.

“It’s going to be chaotic for a while,” President Biden told reporters…

Correction: it is going to be chaotic permanently. Opportunistic invaders are flooding into the country from every corner of the Third World in numbers that cannot ever be assimilated — nor were they ever intended to be.

The objective is to displace the American people with an alien population lacking our tradition of limited government and certain to support an ever-expanding welfare state. This is genocide without the gas chambers.

It would be less alarming if the invaders where wearing the uniforms of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Occupation by a foreign government might eventually be expelled. We will never be free of the invaders invited by Biden. Incentivized by the welfare state to breed explosively, they will quickly render Americans a shrinking, irrelevant minority in our own country.

A single fighter jet could stop this immediately. But our own government wants it to happen. This is treason on a scale never witnessed in history.

Behold what America will look like before Democrats are through with it:

On tips from Blackjack and Varla.

May 12 2023

Daniel Penny Charged for Protecting Subway Passengers

Do not expect justice or personal safety where leftism prevails. Daniel Penny is in police custody after protecting other subway passengers from psychotic derelict Jordan Neely.

Like liberal demigod George Floyd, Neely died while being restrained, which was necessary because he was a sociopathic lowlife and a threat to those around him.

If found guilty on the second-degree manslaughter charge, Penny could be rewarded for his heroism with 15 years in prison.

As noted at Daily Caller,

While Penny’s action were deemed vigilante by some, others – including those who were on the train with Neely, believe that Penny acted heroically. A 66-year-old subway passenger who witnessed the incident told the New York Post that she thanked Penny for stepping in, adding the Marine only did so when things got “out of hand.”

But because Penny is white and Neely was black, liberals demand the Derek Chauvin treatment. Pro-criminal Soros-appointed DA Alvin Bragg is only too happy to oblige.

A sane jury would most likely find Penny innocent. However, this is playing out in the city that elected Eric Adams mayor.

The message to the public is clear. Under liberal rule, the criminals are in charge. Lift a finger to protect yourself or others and the authorities will crush you. Be passive. Cower in fear.

On tips from Ed McAninch, Wiggins, and ABC of the ANC.

May 12 2023

Blasphemous Display Removed From Catholic Church

Transgressing moonbats can still be forced to step back, even in New York City, where the Church of St. Paul the Apostle has removed a display characterizing God as transsexual:

TheBlaze previously reported that the liberal-leaning parish featured a display entitled “God is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey” next to the altar.

The display consisted of several paintings by Adah Unachukwu that supposedly mapped “the queer spiritual journey by three significant points: Sacrifice, Identity, and Communion.”

The display informed parishioners that “There is no devil.” Actually, there is a Devil, and he has infiltrated churches under the guise of political correctness. Pushback must be forceful and sustained, or Christianity will be subordinated to moonbattery just as the media and education establishments have been.

Manhattan’s Church of St. Paul the Apostle has already fallen:

The church, which is run by the Paulist Fathers, runs a ministry called “Out at St. Paul,” which the parish’s website says is “our ministry and outreach to the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans, and Queer community.”

The ministry has a website and a Facebook page. “The love of God affirms trans kids, protects trans kids, listens to trans kids, fights for trans kids, delights in trans kids,” reads the description of one featured photo.

Soon the same rhetoric will be applied to small children who can only be who they are by engaging in gay sex with adults.

Some sanity remains. The blasphemous display has been removed and the Archdiocese of New York is investigating. Let’s hope the church is restored to Christian hands and reconsecrated.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Blackjack.

May 12 2023

Smirnoff’s Maxine LaQueene Is Transsexual Prostitute

There is follow-up on Maxine LaQueene, erstwhile representative of Smirnoff vodka, who had to be detained by police for his behavior at the Texas Capitol while protesting against bills to protect children from grooming by his fellow drag queens. Via Post Millennial:

The drag queen who uses she/her pronouns was forcibly removed by police after he flashed his testicles and rear end in front of legislators, women, and teens present in the state House chamber. Now the trans children’s rights activist has been unmasked for promoting shocking fetish videos online in addition to working illegally as a sex worker, a Class B Misdemeanour in the state.

LaQueene, a biological male, who identifies as a trans woman, was advertising sexual services on a trans prostitution website for $200 an hour, describing himself as “Mistress Maxine…a 6’4 trans mistress…available for dates, girlfriend experiences, hotel meetings and more.” Additionally, he proudly shows off extreme fetishes on his Twitter account, which he uses for trans activism, as well as on his OnlyFans.

Not only a drag queen, but an LGBT activist. Not only an LGBT activist, but a sex worker. No wonder the suits at Smirnoff wanted his face on their vodka.

Despite claiming to be a trans kids advocate, the drag queen posts photos of his uncensored penis with captions like “RT if you can deepthroat it” to Twitter, whilst posting extreme fetish videos on his OnlyFans account with his boyfriend who identifies as a ‘dog,’ wearing a leather fetish dog mask.

He ought to apply for a job in Biden’s Department of Energy, now that fellow dog master Sam Brinton has left his position.

To the extent liberals are winning the culture war, Mr LaQueene personifies American culture.

On a tip from Barry A.

May 12 2023

Open Thread

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

May 11 2023

Democrats Come After Electricity

First, they require everything to be electric, even when it makes no sense, as with cars and stoves. Then, Democrats declare war on electricity:

The Biden administration is proposing new limits on greenhouse gas emissions from coal and gas-fired power plants, its most ambitious effort yet to roll back planet-warming pollution…

Whether these emissions actually cause significant warming is debatable. Whether warming is a bad thing is also debatable. The effect on the economy of jacking up the price of electricity is not debatable.

If finalized, the proposed regulation would mark the first time the federal government has restricted carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants…

Almost all the coal plants – along with large, frequently used gas-fired power plants – would have to cut or capture nearly all their carbon dioxide emissions by 2038, the EPA said.

The expense of this pointless undertaking will be colossal.

The idea is to progressively price us out of using electricity, no significant amount of which can be generated by politically fashionable “green” technologies.

When we no longer have cars or electricity due to Democrat policy, will that finally be enough to inspire us to rebel against their rule?

It certainly will not be enough to satisfy Democrats in their drive to grind us under their heels.

Not even ISIS or al Qaeda is as profound an enemy. Maniacal Muslims could be placated; all we would have to do is convert to their brand of Islam.

Liberals can never be placated. Per their doctrine, we cause global warming by eating. We are racist by being white.

No matter what we do, they will always be hostile. Even after they have us shivering in the dark, they will find new ways to hurt us.

On tips from Bluto and Ed McAninch.

May 11 2023

Jig Is Up on Biden Influence Peddling

Joe Biden has long been infamous for corruption. Despite the liberal establishment’s best efforts to cover for its figurehead, the scale of his perfidy is beginning to emerge:

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, released a 36-page memo on Wednesday, noting his committee had subpoenaed four banks and received thousands of records. The report argues the bank records show that “the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million” from companies belonging to foreign nationals, with Republicans identifying payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while Joe Biden served as vice president under former President Barack Obama and after Joe Biden left public office in early 2017.

Communist China is our #1 adversary:

[Comer] added that his committee “is also providing additional information about the Biden family’s troubling receipt of payments from China, particularly the individual Ye Jianming and his company, CEFC, to show what was from 2015 to 2018 a growing interest by people closely tied to the CCP in cultivating a relationship with the Biden family.”

According to Comer, nine Biden family members have been bagging cash from foreign sources.

Comer subpoenaed the FBI’s Christopher Wray for information regarding a Biden bribery scheme. Good luck with that:

After the deadline had passed, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) released a joint statement with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) saying they plan to “follow up” with the bureau and expect compliance with the subpoena seeking a specific FD-1023 form generated by the FBI.

Cooperation from the FBI is hardly more likely than honesty from slime like Biden. The agency has degenerated into an extension of the Democratic Party, which utilizes it to terrorize prolife activists, Catholics, and parents who complain at school board meetings about LGBT/CRT ideology being inflicted on their children.

The standoff comes on the heels of Just the News reporting on emails this week that show Bud Cummins, a U.S. attorney-turned-lobbyist, wrote to the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan in 2018, sharing that Ukraine’s then-Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko was willing to share alleged evidence a possible corruption scheme involving Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings at a time when the elder Biden was vice president.

An old video comes to mind:

Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was fired evidently for investigating Burisma, which “employed” Biden’s bagman Hunter.

A legitimate media would shred Joe Biden like a cat going after a fresh roll of toilet paper:

If this is still a serious country, Biden will pay a price for subordinating national interests to his arrogant corruption.

On tips from Blackjack, ABC of the ANC, Veritas100, and Mr. Freemarket.

May 11 2023

Cultural Marxist Brainwashing Now Mandatory at SUNY

Leftism has subverted every college subject, including even medicine (see here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.). But that’s no reason not to put each and every student through reeducation bootcamp. If North Korea’s rulers were in charge of American universities, they would run them like SUNY:

The State University of New York will institute a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice course into its core curriculum across its 64 campuses beginning next fall for every incoming student.

There is to be no escape. Only by taking other classes in leftist radicalism can students avoid this one.

Students are not there to receive the education they want in exchange for tuition payments (plus lavish taxpayer subsidies). They are there to be put through a meat grinder and come out the other end as intellectually homogenous moonbats ready to serve the liberal establishment.

The new course will “explore race, class, and gender identity,” according to SUNY officials.

They will not be told anything bad about favored groups (blacks, homosexuals, women, Muslims) or anything good about disfavored groups (whites, nonperverts, men, Christians). They are to be trained on who to love and who to hate. Unless they spout the correct rhetoric, their GPAs will suffer.

Professors are not allowed to deviate from the socially corrosive leftist viewpoint. According to a fact sheet provided by SUNY educrats,

In fulfilling the learning outcomes for the DEISJ category, courses must explicitly address how institutional and societal structures lead to inequities across groups.

Dissident professors who stress forbidden concepts like liberty, individuality, merit, and personal responsibility are likely to lose their jobs.

The stated purpose is “closing racial equity gaps.” That can only be achieved by holding us down to a lowest common denominator. Refer to the black majority country of your choice to see what the social engineers have in mind for America’s future.

Mandatory diversity/equity/inclusion (i.e., cultural Marxism) indoctrination is already imposed on the 23 campuses of the California State University system.

Some ideologies can’t stand on their own. They have to be imposed by force.

Small wonder that recent college graduates are unprepared for work. Work is oppression anyway.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 11 2023

Open Thread

A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation. - Ronald Reagan

May 10 2023

Sow Identity Politics, Reap George Santos

“We have LGBT people too!” chirped New York Republicans. “Look how inclusive we are. We have our own homosexual drag queen!

His name is George Santos:

Rep. George Santos (R-NY) has been federally indicted and arrested over 13 counts relating to campaign finance fraud. …

Among the charges, Santos is accused of telling donors that funds would be used toward his congressional campaign, but the money was used instead to buy designer clothes, alleviate personal credit card debt, and spend lavishly on other items unrelated to his race for Congress.

Hopefully Republicans will learn from this to leave identity politics to the Democrats and focus on other qualifications — like character.

Now if only Gauleiter Gretchen would be arrested.

On a tip from Varla.

May 10 2023

RFK Jr and Keith Olbermann on Guns

Our most fundamental right is the right to life. For adults, this means the right of self-defense. Liberals leap with appalling enthusiasm to exploit mass shootings to attack this right. Their shameless eagerness is a reminder of how essential it is that we defend it.

Even Robert F. Kennedy Jr, no conservative to put it mildly but at least a free thinker, understands that the right of self-defense does not cause mass murder, whether the weapon of choice is a car as with Darrell Brooks and George Alvarez or a gun as the media prefers. As he told Mark Stein:

“[I]t appears that almost every one of these shooters were on SSRIs or some other psychiatric drug, and this is only happening in America, where all these people are taking these psychiatric drugs. We take four times as many as any other country in the west, average European country. And there’s no time in history — I mean, we’ve always had guns in this country. Switzerland has more guns per capita than we do, and you don’t see that happening there. … Prior to the introduction of Prozac, these kind of — those shootings just were almost unknown. And now they’re, you know, they’re an everyday affair. But NIH will not study that because it will offend the pharmaceutical industry, and it’s something that we ought to be studying.”

The opposite of a free thinker is Keith Olbermann, former face of MSNBC. He projectile vomits the position of leftist true believers:

2nd amendment does not contain the word “own” or a synonym. You have no such right to own one and it wouldn’t do you any f***ing good. If guns made things safer we wouldn’t have mass shootings every hour, moron. Shove your gun up your ass.

It would be self-abasement to stoop to disputing this level of idiocy. You can read the Second Amendment for yourself, just as any reasonable person can figure out the need for the vulnerable to defend themselves, especially in a country run by liberals who allow violent criminals to run loose.

All kooks like Olbermann actually have to say is, “IF YOU ARE NOT A LEFTIST I HATE YOU HATE YOU HATE YOU!” Letting them disarm us would not end well.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and StephaneDumas.

May 10 2023

California Stasi Hotline

Like East Germany, except nauseatingly liberal — that’s California under the rule of leftists like Gavin Newsom, who proudly announces a Stasi hotline for turning in thought criminals:

Last Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the California Civil Rights Department announced the launch of CA vs Hate. Through the hotline, Californians will be able to snitch on their neighbors for committing “hate acts,” which the service explicitly states do not always include violence.

Violent crime is disproportionately committed by an identity group designated as “oppressed.” How could an oppressed person commit a hate crime? From the moonbat viewpoint, it would not compute.

“A hate incident is a hostile expression or action that may be motivated by bias against another person’s actual or perceived identity,” the website states.

The list of protected identities goes on long enough to lull you to sleep. Authorities wake up with a start when the alleged victims are blacks, sexual deviants, or illegal aliens.

Acts of hate include “derogatory name calling.” Not even the Stasi would terrorize people over that.

The new hotline, Newsom explained, is “an unequivocal message that hate will not be tolerated” in California.

Define “hate” as “defiance of moonbattery” and these could be the first true words Newsom has spoken in public.

Reports made to the hotline “will not be shared with law enforcement,” unless the person making a report requests it. The hotline, however, will share information with law enforcement “if needed.”

Meanwhile, actual crime is so rampant in California that it is becoming impossible to do business there. Even child rapists are released after minimal jail time.

The term for the California system of government is “anarchotyranny.”

As with the global warming hoax, Democrats are snuffing out liberty to fix a problem that does not exist in any significant sense. As Michael Shellenberger notes,

“California’s total number of hate crime complaints is trivial. There were just 285 hate crime complaints in California, a state with 39 million people, in 2021. There was an order of magnitude more homicides in California, 2,361, in 2021.”

They say one in 100 East Germans was an informant for the communist secret police. California could top that by paying a bounty on thought criminals. But the kooks in charge appear likely to spend themselves into insolvency paying people to be black instead.

On tips from R F and MrRightWingDave.

May 10 2023

Open Thread

I believe in excellence. It is a basic need of every human soul. All of us can be excellent, because, fortunately, we are exceedingly diverse in our ambitions and talents. - Edward Teller


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