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Mar 02 2023

Profiles in Authoritarianism: Merrick Garland

The Soviet Union had Felix Dzerzhinsky (a.k.a. Iron Felix), head of the Cheka and OGPU, forerunners of the NKVD and KGB. We get the still creepier Democrat apparatchik Merrick Garland.

Democrats wanted Garland to serve as a rubber stamp leftist on the Supreme Court; that was thankfully averted, causing moonbats to wail and gnash their teeth. However, as Attorney General, he oversees our own version of the KGB, the FBI.

Garland is best known for using the FBI to terrorize parents who speak up at school board meetings against their children being subjected to LGBT grooming, antiwhite race hate, and boys in the girls’ restroom. Siccing a heavily armed goon squad on Mark Houck for being a prolife activist is another career milestone.

In the video below, Garland explains to Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) why the FBI investigates the alleged crimes of prolifers but not the epidemic of leftist violence against prolife clinics and Catholic churches:

According to Garland, the FBI tracks down prolife advocates because they commit their thoughtcrimes in daylight, in full view of cameras. Leftist terrorists are harder to catch, because they vandalize and firebomb churches by night.

True enough, evil people tend to perform their deeds in the dark, in contrast to prolife activists, who are of the light. It’s surprising they can get Garland to testify during daylight hours.

After this, Garland will stay safe under his rock until the sun goes down. Watch him squirm as Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) takes him to task for the FBI’s targeting of traditional Catholics:

On tips from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 02 2023

Open Thread

The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. - Abraham Lincoln

Mar 01 2023

Elon Musk Attacked Over Scott Adams

Political incorrectness is more contagious than Covid. Merely suggest that an unperson deserves a point of view and you will contract this dread illness; you too will be canceled, as will anyone who fails to denounce you with sufficient close-mindedness. So Elon Musk is asking for it.

From the relatively right-leaning Daily Mail:

Musk has sensationally claimed the media is racist to white people and Asians as he voiced his support for disgraced ‘Dilbert’ comic strip creator Scott Adams. …

Musk appeared to back the shamed creator as he replied to a tweet about the controversy claiming ‘the media is racist.’

‘For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now they’re racist against whites & Asians,’ the 51-year-old billionaire explained.

‘Same thing happened with elite colleges and high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist.’

Here’s what they consider supporting the canceled comic strip genius Adams:

Musk later commented ‘exactly’ in response to a tweet which claimed ‘Adams’ comments weren’t good but there’s an element of truth to this… it’s complicated.’

No, it is not complicated. You think what you are told to think. You hate those who do not. If you fail to hate them, then you will be hated.

Here’s why we must hate Scott Adams:

Adams in [a] video joked that he’s been “identifying as black” for some time, but must have accidentally joined a “hate group,” based on a recent Rasmussen poll. The poll, which surveyed 1,000 people, showed that 53% of black people agreed with the statement “It’s okay to be white,” leaving 47% unable to say they agree.

That is to say, according to the poll, nearly half of blacks think that whites should not be allowed to exist. But Scott Adams is the racist for being alarmed by the potentially genocidal hatred liberal ideology has wrought.

“Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Just get the f*** away,” Adams continued, after commenting further on race relations and crime. “Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed. So I don’t think it makes any sense as a white citizen of America to try to help black citizens anymore. It doesn’t make sense. There’s no longer a rational impulse. So I’m going to back off on being helpful to black America because it doesn’t seem like it pays off.”

Adams on Saturday morning reacted to the backlash online.

“A lot of people are angry at me today but I haven’t yet heard anyone disagree. I make two main points: 1. Treat everyone as an individual (no discrimination). 2. Avoid any group that doesn’t respect you. Does anyone think that is bad advice?” he wrote.

We are required to think that it is bad advice. Consequently,

Adams’ strip has been canceled by notable newspapers around the country including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and all papers in the USA Today Network.

The ‘canceled’ cartoonist was also dropped by Andrews McMeel Universal, the company that syndicates ‘Dilbert,’ and his upcoming works have been canceled. …

[Adams] told his [YouTube] listeners that no media organizations had reached out to speak with him or hear his side of the story.

They still allow this thought criminal on YouTube? It must be chaos there with head censor Susan Wojcicki gone.

When Democrats call for a “dialogue on race,” remember what they did to Scott Adams and keep your mouth firmly shut except to shout officially sanctioned bumper sticker slogans — unless you are the richest man in the world and think you can get away with challenging the thought police.

If Musk didn’t own Twitter, his centrist opinions would get him banned from it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 01 2023

PBS Denounces Monopoly and Capitalism

You may wonder what your tax dollar has been paying to produce on PBS, but probably not enough to sit through the pretentious moonbattery, so here’s an update:

The newest edition of the Public Broadcasting System series American Experience delves into the history of the famous board game Monopoly in “Ruthless: Monopoly’s Secret History.”

But not content to relay the sordid history of how Parker Brothers-anointed game “inventor” Charles Darrow ripped off previous versions of the game, including a socialist version by Lizzie Magie, the makers had to shoehorn misleading anti-capitalist ideology in, falsely conflating capitalism with harmful monopoly power and reducing them both to “greed.”

Game designer Ashlyn Sparrow is provided a megaphone through which to bark the dismal nihilistic wokeism that is the creed of our rulers:

“Monopoly makes it easy to imagine that you can, you know, accomplish your goals, accomplish your vision, you can start a business, and you don’t have to think about what you look like, where you come from, that you’re from a different class, from a different race, have a different gender, have a different gender expression. You don’t have to think about any of that at all, right? And that is the problem and the myth that Monopoly continues to just push forward.”

No doubt some of the numberless federal bureaucracies comprising the Deep State are already working to put a stop to this with new board game regulations.

PBS types may hate Monopoly for being a piece of Americana, but what they really hate is economic freedom, a.k.a. capitalism. Journalist Mary Pilon piles on:

“Monopoly does obscure a lot of realities about this country, about class, about race, about gender, about how our current, dare I say, game of capitalism is played, and has been for centuries…”

Fortunately antiestablishment media outlets not propped up by tax money are still allowed to speak truth to moonbattery:

What this left-wing wall of unanimity ignores: Of all forms of economics, capitalism is most focused on results and the least on who you are. It is the most class-blind, color-blind, sex-blind economic philosophy around, closer to a meritocracy than the socialism most commenters here would likely prefer.

Since we are forced to pay for ideologically compliant government media, Democrats may as well force us to pay for ideologically compliant government board games. A game entitled “Equity” in which everyone always wins and Big Government keeps the money is sure to garner positive reviews from PBS.

As much of the program as you are likely to sit through.

On a tip from Barry A.

Mar 01 2023

Anarchotyranny From Texas to Vermont

The system of justice implemented by liberals is known as “anarchotyranny.” Under it, criminal activity is largely permitted, but we are closely monitored so that innocuous but politically incorrect behavior can be punished severely.

This has resulted in astonishing arrogance among the criminal class. In Humble, Texas, a shoplifter took to Facebook to boast of her career:

“Drop the name, tell them who it is,” a woman says in a Facebook video. “Not only did I steal, the world knows I steal. That ain’t surprising. Now, (expletive) that’s walking around this (expletive). That’s what I do. Shoplifting is what I do, that’s not surprising to nobody.”

Her crowing was in response to people recognizing her from surveillance images of a thief stealing from the Deerbrook Mall.

“It’s just crazy to me how y’all wait,” said the woman. “How these ugly (expletive) white folks wait this long to post something. You post stuff to get more likes and more haha’s.”

While plying her trade, the thief brought along her baby and a possible boyfriend. Shoplifting isn’t her worse crime:

While leaving the store, a deputy stopped the couple. While the man was apprehended, the woman kept running. While she ran from authorities, police say she left her baby and stolen items in the mall parking lot and drove off.

“Turn me in all you (expletive) want,” said the woman on Facebook. Y’all can tell them my name, my first name, last name, all that. I’ll be out of jail tomorrow. That’s don’t bother me. I’ll be out of jail tomorrow. No probation. No parole.”

She knows the system well.

As for the police, who systemically oppress her according to the ideology of our ruling class,

Two Vermont state troopers are on paid leave as state police officials investigate claims they made racist and misogynistic comments while playing an online game when they were off duty.

Troopers Nathan Jensen and Nathan Greco were ratted out by an anonymous informant to Democrat State Senator Nader Hashim, resulting in an investigation.

The troopers in Vermont are likely in bigger trouble than the shoplifter in metro Houston.

On tips from Wiggins and seaoh.

Mar 01 2023

Oregon Bill to Subsidize Homelessness

As with inflation, Democrats want the homelessness crisis to get worse. If not, explain this:

A proposed Oregon bill would provide the deep blue state’s homeless population $1,000 per month that recipients could use at their own discretion.

The bill, introduced last month, would establish a People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program to give 12 monthly thousand-dollar payments to those suffering from homelessness or who are on the brink of becoming homeless.

You won’t even have to be homeless to be given other people’s money.

People who spend more than 50 percent of their monthly household income on rent, and those who earn 60% or less of the area median income would also be eligible for the funding.

Already Oregon has a homelessness problem.

The state has been experiencing a long-lasting homeless issue for several years, especially in areas like Portland where up to 700 tent camps have taken over sections of the city.

To quote Ronaldus Magnus, if you want more of something, you subsidize it. However, with some things, decriminalization does the job:

The state has also been dealing with increased drug use and trafficking after it passed a law decriminalizing street drugs last year.

No one could be this stupid. Liberals are destroying America on purpose.

In the short term, the leftists who rule Oregon will be doing their first good deed by passing the bill. The rest of the country will be cured of homelessness as drug-addled derelicts head west to get their free drug money.

But then the moonbattery will metastasize to other jurisdictions.

When Democrats achieve the leverage to impose similar handouts at the national level, game over. All future elections will be won by whomever promises to raise the payouts by the most. When the economy collapses beneath the burden of inflation and taxation and because too few have a reason to work, straightforward Marxism can be imposed. This is the ultimate objective of Democrat economic policy.

On a tip from Jack D.

Mar 01 2023

Lori Lightfoot Loses

Maybe we have reached maximum moonbattery; maybe now, we begin to turn back from the abyss of insanity that has been institutionalized by the Democratic Party. Even dysfunctional Chicago knew better than to reelect the catastrophically awful Lori Lightfoot:

Lightfoot, the first black woman and openly gay mayor of the Windy City, is now also the first Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose a re-election after trailing behind in third place with only 17.1 percent of votes as of Wednesday morning.

Lightfoot does not like the country that let her be mayor of the third largest city:

Following her concession speech, a reporter asked her if she was treated unfairly because of her race and gender, with Lightfoot answering: ‘I’m a black woman in America. Of course.’

Lightfoot steadfastly refused to take any responsibility for her incompetence, barking that “99 percent” of criticism directed against her was for being a black woman.

Even if being a black lesbian got her into power, it couldn’t keep her there with a record like this:

[T]here was a 59 percent increase in murder citywide when comparing the 9th week of 2023 to the same time-period four years ago, which is right when Lightfoot was heading to a runoff with Toni Preckwinkle.

The four-year change also shows a 27 percent increase in robbery, 31 percent increase in theft and a massive 270 percent increase in the number of motor vehicle thefts.

Lightfoot will be remembered not only for skyrocketing crime and for taking identity politics to the last extreme of absurdity, but for killing the Magnificent Mile:

Huge brands like Macy’s, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Gap, Uniqlo and Timberland have all fled large premises since Covid shutdowns and ensuing riots.

Lightfoot stoked the riots by siding with Black Lives Matter and shrieking for the police to be defunded.

Many were driven away by soaring crime and violence, with the vacancy rate on the once tony shopping strip rising 10-fold since 2016, when it sat at just 3.6 percent, to the current 30.1 percent vacancy rate.

Maybe with her gone, flagship stores will dare to return.

Now for the bad news. The Democrat Death Spiral has hit rock bottom in Chicago. Anyone not content to live under Democrat rule bailed out decades ago. That means there is no competition for the Democratic Party and no chance of responsible leadership.

But at least watching Lightfoot crash and burn might inspire her successor to lighten up on the radicalism.

On tips from Varla, Anonymous, and Ed McAninch.

Mar 01 2023

Profiles in Moonbattery: Maria Araujo Kahn

Personnel is policy, not only in the Deep State bureaucracy but also throughout the judiciary. Maria Araujo Kahn personifies the policy Democrats can be expected to inflict:

Biden’s nominee to fill a vacancy on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals is a longtime diversity trainer criticized the “discriminatory effects” of First Amendment law and conducted training sessions that suggest “microaggressions” can “kill you.”

Now an associate justice on the Connecticut State Supreme Court, Maria Araujo Kahn lamented in a 2020 opinion that current legal precedents permit “verbal assaults” on “oppressed groups.” Since 2013, she has also delivered at least a dozen diversity trainings and presentations to lawyers across the country, with titles like “Cultural Competence, Implicit Association and Racial Anxiety,” according to her Senate Judiciary Questionnaire.

Free speech belongs to a benighted era. Now that we are more enlightened, we know that it is racist.

Kahn’s views on free speech reflect a broader trend in progressive jurisprudence, where once-taken-for-granted legal norms have fallen out of favor.

For example, a recent Washington State Supreme Court ruling imposes racial tiers, which could make it virtually impossible for a white to prevail against a black in a civil suit.

Progressives are openly hostile to Western Civilization and seek to destroy it. If they are not turned back, we will have to get by without its many blessings, which include respect for fundamental freedoms and a reasonably fair legal system.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 01 2023

Open Thread

WHO logo

Compliments of Chuck A.

Feb 28 2023

Vegan Passenger Served Banana

Vegans have become accustomed to being catered to obsequiously when they shriek their unreasonable demands. However, that’s not how it worked out for Japan Airlines passenger Kris Chari. Weep his fellow moonbats at Business Insider:

There were two meal services during the flight — the first was a snack and light refreshment served after takeoff and the second was lunch, a Japan Airlines representative told Insider. The snack option for non-vegan passengers consisted of seared tuna with a Moroccan-style eggplant salad, cheese with orange salsa, and a baguette, per the airline’s menu and Chari’s experience.

Chari told Insider he expected to receive the equivalent of what non-vegan passengers were served as a snack, such as a sandwich, salad, vegan cheese, or a baguette.

“Instead, I was served a single banana,” he said.

Also, they gave him chopsticks to eat it with, as if to provide entertainment for the other passengers.

They gave him spaghetti for lunch, but apparently that didn’t suit him either.

Vegans might impose their sickly diet on all of us, because it is more efficient to provide the same meal for everyone. Since they are too good to eat normal human food, we will be expected to eat theirs. Unless of course there is pushback against their arrogant bullying.

Admittedly, the banana was inappropriate. They should have served him a lemon meringue pie — by grinding it in his face as soon as he started yelping about the special treatment he expects for being a vegan.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Feb 28 2023

Biden Panders to Antiwhite Race Hate

Presidents of consequence are remembered by characteristic quotations:

George Washington: “The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.”

Thomas Jefferson: “Most bad government has grown out of too much government.”

James Madison: “The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded.”

Abraham Lincoln: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Joe Biden: “I I I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid.”

America’s moonbattery-induced decline has reached a new nadir:

Actually, Biden is stupid. Even before dementia set in, he was conspicuous for his lack of intelligence. This is why he lies about his college record.

Imagine the contempt blacks would feel toward one of their own who pandered to an audience of guffawing Caucasians by groveling, “I may be a n*****, but I’m not stupid.” The contempt would be well earned, as is the contempt in which Biden is held.

On tips from Barry A, KirklesWorth, and Chris Neilson.

Feb 28 2023

Top Ten Debunked Covid Myths

During Covid hysteria, the Experts told us what we were required to believe. Big Tech suppressed conflicting information. But truth will out. It has already.

You may remember these indisputable Covid facts, handed down from on high by infallible authorities like Anthony Fauci:

1. Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity

2. Masks prevent COVID transmission

3. School closures reduce COVID transmission

4. Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection

5. Young people benefit from a vaccine booster

6. Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates

7. COVID originating from the Wuhan lab is a conspiracy theory

8. It was important to get the second vaccine dose three or four weeks after the first dose

9. Data on the bivalent vaccine is ‘crystal clear’

10. One in five people get long COVID

This misinformation was used to impose Covid tyranny. All of it has been debunked, although many liberals will no doubt go to their graves believing every word of it.

As Mark Dice observes, you can usually tell what is true because that is what Big Media pooh-poohs and Big Tech censors:

On tips from Jack D and KirklesWorth.

Feb 28 2023

Equity Is Bigotry

Because only omnipotent, omnipresent government can impose it, equity is tyranny. Because it holds us down to the lowest common denominator, equity is mediocrity. Because it cuts against human nature and benefits no one but a tiny parasitical ruling class, equity is insanity. Because progressives use it as a euphemism for systemic discrimination against whites, men, and the sexually healthy, equity is bigotry:

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 28 2023

Syracuse University Presents Woke Future of Healthcare

Academia has led the way in destroying Western medicine in the name of wokeism. Naturally, it leads the way in providing the replacement:

Diane Schenandoah does not have any formal medical training to assist students, instead she has multiple art degrees, including one in three-dimensional art from Syracuse University. She currently is hosting a series of “meditation” sessions along with her monthly “moon sessions,” according to the university.

Ms. Schenandoah is an expert in smudging.

“Smudging” involves burning sage to get rid of “negative energy.”

She is also adept with tuning forks, which provide an accessible alternative to elaborate technology like MRI machines.

Tuning forks can be used “in conjunction with acupressure points to work directly with sound on the body, to balance and regulate your spiritual and emotional energy channels,” according to a musical instrument and healing website.

Although Syracuse University has her on the payroll, exactly why they pay her is not clear:

“There was really no definitive direction in the job description other than helping students. I talk with students about finding their center and their balance” the healer stated in a campus news release.

This is done in part through dream interpretation and ceremonies that honor Grandmother Moon.

Happily, we will be able to afford indigenous healers even after Democrats have finished incrementally nationalizing the healthcare industry.

On a tip from Steve T.


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