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Sep 27 2022

Watch Civilization Collapse in UK

Until recently, not only was Britain a civilized country, it defined civilized countries. It earned the vicious hatred of leftists by exporting civilization throughout the world. But moonbattery put an end to that. Through mass immigration, it is putting an end to Britain itself.

Watch the wolves close in as the campfire dwindles:

The nation might still be saved, with the right leadership. The seemingly hopeless Battle of Britain was won thanks to the greatest leader of modern times, Winston Churchill.

Unfortunately, Liz Truss is not Winston Churchill:

Truss appears to be an overall improvement on Boris Johnson. But that isn’t enough.

The song had it wrong. Unless something radical changes, there won’t always be an England.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Sep 27 2022

A Portrait in Transsexualized Childhood

As prophet of progressivism Vladimir Lenin preached, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.” One shattered egg is the teenage girl who wrote this after her future had been canceled:

Im a 17 year old girl with a flat chest, a deep voice, a visible Adam’s apple and some facial hair. There’s no reason for me to continue to live. I destroyed my life and I feel like all hope I have is stupid for me to have. I don’t think any person will ever wanna date me. Before all this people were into me but I destroyed that.

She agreed to be sexually mutilated at age 14 by having her breasts surgically removed. Fiends in white coats also deformed her developmentally by putting her on testosterone.

I was just a kid and I would have needed someone to help me accept myself but my therapist didn’t question my “transness.” I can’t stop thinking about the life I could have had.

Family is in the crosshairs of the sort of social engineers who did this to her. Now, the only thing keeping her alive is love for her mother.

She stopped me the first time from transitioning but the second time she was also brainwashed and sadly thought that when all these professionals say it’s the right thing to let your kid transition then it must be the right thing. She thinks it’s all her fault but it isn’t. I wanna kill myself but then she will feel even more miserable. How can I kill myself and let her know that I want her to be happy.

Her mother, like herself, was led astray by people we have been conditioned to trust.

How can I learn to accept that I can’t go back in time and undo my transition? … How can I stop being angry at the so called “professionals” that allowed me to go on hormones and have top surgery this young?

Since the days of Woodrow Wilson, progressives have dreamed of imposing a technocracy under which we are ruled by experts who know what’s best for us. As with Covid, if there is a silver lining to the horrific crimes against nature and against humanity that have been inflicted in the name of the LGBT agenda, it is that we now understand that The Experts cannot be trusted.

My remorse is tremendous. … I can’t imagine that I will ever be happy again. … I just want to live my life as a normal girl.

That possibility has been denied her on behalf of the agenda.

I miss my old voice and my old body. I see girls my age and I can’t put in words how extremely jealous I am that they can just be happy in their body.

The last thing our ruling class wants is for us to be happy with ourselves. Instilling self-alienation and self-hatred is at the root of both LGBT and CRT ideology.

She ends with a desperate plea:

Any detrans people here that can give me hope that one day I can be happy again?

This cry of grief and horror was picked up from Reddit and tweeted. As noted at Not the Bee,

Twitter put a “sensitive” content warning on the tweet because it contains two screenshots from Reddit where a girl who has been mutilated to look like a man writes about how she has nothing to live for because she feels like a freak of nature.

Instagram is giving Giorgia Meloni the same “sensitive content” treatment, for a similar reason. Before long, social media posts that do not support the liberal agenda will be censored completely.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Bluto, and Jester.

Sep 27 2022

Jeffrey Dahmer No Longer Gay

Just as Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, infamous pedophile serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer no longer was gay:

Netflix has removed a tag catagorising its new series Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story as LGBTQ following an online backlash. …

Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys between the years 1978 and 1991. He was arrested in 1991 and was murdered in prison three years later.

Dahmer was a homosexual, as were many of his victims. But the powers that be want to obscure this, even though it was likely central to his psychopathology, as with fellow pedophile serial killer John Wayne Gacy.

Eventually, Dahmer’s homosexuality will be memory-holed. Future generations will remember him as a white supremacist who killed and ate people for Jesus while wearing a MAGA hat.

This isn’t the first time something has been declassified as LGBT-related on orders from the identity group atop the cultural Marxist power structure:

Amazon removed Daily Wire host Matt Walsh’s children’s book, “Johnny the Walrus,” from its LGBTQ+ bestseller list…

The book had been at the top of the list when it abruptly disappeared. Here’s why:

Activists are furious that Daily Wire podcast host and children’s author Matt Walsh has the number one best-selling book in Amazon’s “LGBTQ+” category with “Johnny the Walrus.” …

The book features a young boy named Johnny, who has a wild imagination. The child envisions himself as many things, including a walrus. His progressive mom knows her boy is a boy, but becomes pressured by her friends on social media to treat and “transition” her child to live his true identity as a walrus. Mom is faced with the choice of either protecting her son or pleasing her friends.

As the saying goes, “To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” The rule of LGBT militants over American culture is so absolute that not only are you not allowed to criticize them, you can’t even associate them with anything that undermines their agenda.

On tips from Steve T and Jester.

Sep 27 2022

Race Quota Could Nix Starlink in South Africa

Even after leftists like Joe Biden use immigration and welfare policy to achieve their stated objective of making whites a minority, the quotas, set-asides, and antiwhite discrimination collectively known as Affirmative Action will continue. The whites who created South Africa have been reduced to <9% of the population. Systemic racism against them is still so repressive that it appears to be preventing South African expat Elon Musk from providing Starlink Internet service:

South Africa’s estimated launch date for SpaceX’s high-speed, low-latency satellite Internet service Starlink has been changed from 2023 to “unknown”.

The delay in launching Starlink has been attributed to “regulatory hurdles.” At least some of the red tape is racial in nature:

South Africa’s telecoms regulator — the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) — previously told MyBroadband it would not issue any new licences to companies that are not 30% black owned, in line with new legislation for Internet service providers (ISPs).

Racial justice means it is better to go without than give business to white people.

On a tip from R F.

Sep 27 2022

Open Thread

the heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is not the official censorship of the Press, but the unofficial censorship by a Press which exists not so much to express opinion as to manufacture it. - Dorothy L. Sayers

Sep 26 2022

Spain’s Equality Minister on Child Right to Have Sex

Irene Montero of the leftist Podemos party is Spain’s Minister of Equality — that is, Minister of Moonbattery. Here Montero holds forth on the right of children to be sexually molested:

“[All] boys, girls, niñes [apparently an invented word for sexually nonbinary children] of this country have the right … to know that they can love or have sexual relations with whoever they want, based, yes, on consent.”

The concept of consent is meaningless in sexual matters that involve children, as progressive social engineers have proven by using their control of schools to indoctrinate so many of them into the cult of transsexuality. Children will go where adults push them.

Via Signs of the Times:

The Blaze reports that it is unclear when she made this statement.

The only limit to the sickness that is leftism is our willingness to put up with it.


Sep 26 2022

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Giorgia Meloni

Hats off to Italy for making the countermoonbat Giorgia Meloni the next Prime Minister:

The coalition led by Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FdI) party won Italy’s election on Sunday, meaning the country’s first national-conservative government is set to take power. …

The coalition, known as Centro Destra, is an alliance between Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FdI), former Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini’s League (Lega), and former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italy. …

Meloni’s conservative alliance also looks that it will now control both houses: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. …

Meloni’s motto is “We defend God, country, and family.” She has also expressed her dedication to traditional family values, opposition to gender ideology and the LGBT lobby, as well as support for strong borders and an end to mass migration.

If you were ever to feel sorry for moonbats, now would be the time. Here’s what they are up against in Italy:

Looks like sinister President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen had better get her “tools” ready on behalf of the Liberal World Order.

On tips from Wiggins and Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 26 2022

84-Year-Old Prolifer Shot

Shannon Brandt got out on absurdly low bail after deliberately killing 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson, apparently for being a Republican. Let’s see how gentle our liberal-run “justice” system can be on whoever shot an unnamed lady in Lake Odessa (pop. 1,994), who was canvassing for Right to Life of Michigan.

From the Detroit Free Press:

The organization said the 84-year-old was going door-to-door to talk about Proposal 3, a Nov. 8 election proposal seeking to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.

The volunteer was shot in the back/shoulder area while leaving a house during a heated conversation, the organization said in a media statement issued Saturday.

Fortunately, she was treated and released, so this is unlikely to rise to the level where actual criminal charges might be filed, although police are investigating.

Let’s hope the FBI stays out of it; otherwise, a SWAT team might be dispatched to the victim’s home.

The passage of Proposal 3 would be bad news for babies, accomplishing at the state level what liberals used to pretend the US Constitution does. It would establish abortion as a “right.”

Although the motive for the shooting is unknown, this may help put it into context:

Unity will be achieved when no one dares publicly disagree with the Democrat platform.

MrRightWingDave, Wiggins, and TCS III.

Sep 26 2022

Reverse Apartheid in Germany

A favorite tool for supplanting the core population is to discriminate against it in hiring. The bureaucracy of Hanover, Germany is forthright about denying Germans jobs because they are German:

A third of vacancies within the city of Hanover will be reserved exclusively for migrant applicants, new proposals praised by the local Green party have revealed.

Hanover is a city of over half a million. Its mayor is a Turk named Belit Onay, a member of Alliance 90/The Greens.

The draft resolution proposed by the city’s integration committee, which is currently comprised of Greens, SPD, and CDU politicians, says the “target figure for all new hires is 30 percent” in order to significantly increase the proportion of people with foreign roots within the local administration.

A bureaucracy consisting of foreigners will not be compromised by loyalty to Germany’s people and heritage.

The city will furthermore establish a publicity campaign to “motivate young people from immigrant families to take advantage of the wide range of training and study opportunities in the state capital” in order to firmly cement Hanover’s status as an “immigration city.”

The campaign will comprise a “Day of Diversity” at local schools, while further developing “anti-racist coaching” across authorities and public bodies.

“Anti-racist” in this context means racist against Germans.

A similar plan had been put forward in Berlin, but has yet to be implemented. Responding to the Berlin proposal, the labor law expert and constitutional lawyer Arnd Diringer emphasized that according to Article 33, paragraph 2 of the German Constitution, such a quota would be “grossly unconstitutional.” The article clearly reads that “based on the aptitude, ability and professional performance, every German has equal access to every public office.”

What does the German Constitution have to do with it? We have laws against racial discrimination in the USA. These do not protect us from Affirmative Action. Little people obey laws and constitutions. The leftist ruling class obeys only the dictates of its ideology.

Summit News puts Hanover into the context of the Greens’ ongoing campaign to make Germany non-German:

As we previously highlighted, back in July, the Green Party in Germany launched a PR campaign celebrating its vision for the future of the country.

Out of all the promo posters created for the campaign, none featured any white people.

But remember, demographic replacement is a dangerous right-wing extremist conspiracy theory.

The Green Party is small in the USA, because the Democratic Party renders it redundant, but in Germany, Alliance 90/The Greens is the third largest party. The SPD and CDU are #1 and #2. Germans had better start voting AfD before they are outnumbered, at which point their country will be gone for good.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 26 2022

Open Thread

Sep 25 2022

PayPal Weaponized

The totalitarianism currently unfolding differs from repressive regimes of the past. Rigid adherence to official ideology is imposed on a more decentralized basis. The Constitution defends us against political censorship imposed by the federal government. So our rulers utilize private sector cat’s paws like PayPal, where you can find yourself banned for any thought the liberal opinion enforcers don’t like.

Even gays opposing the sexual exploitation of children can find themselves canceled:

Gays Against Groomers is far from alone:

On the same day, the Telegraph reported that PayPal shut down the accounts of Free Speech Union, its founder Toby Young, and his opinion and news website the Daily Sceptic last week without a clear explanation. Free Speech Union is a nonpartisan organization that opposes cancel culture and has defended academics who have criticized transgenderism and people who have been fired for expressing their opinions.

Toby Young sounds off:

The infraction:

[C]omments from PayPal given to the Advocate suggest the bans are related to both Free Speech Union and Gays Against Groomers’ public opposition to “radical gender theory” and drag queen story hours in schools.

Quacks a PayPal apparatchik:

“Achieving the balance between protecting the ideals of tolerance, diversity and respect for people of all backgrounds and upholding the values of free expression and open dialogue can be difficult, but we do our best to achieve it.”

How do you argue with NPCs who tell you with a straight face that deviation from their demented ideology must be suppressed in the name of tolerance and diversity?

The arms of the octopus work in tandem:

Hours after being banned by PayPal, Gays Against Groomers shared that the group’s gmail account had also been disabled.

The implications of this developing form of liberal tyranny are truly alarming. Paul Joseph Watson explains:

Revelation 13:17 tells of a time when no one may buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast. Compliance with woke ideology is the Mark of the Beast.

On tips from Anonymous, Mr. Freemarket, KirklesWorth, and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 25 2022

Civilization Is Fragile…

…and moonbattery is breaking it:

This is what you vote for when you vote for the party of entitlement, irresponsibility, and marginalized local police — i.e., Democrats.

It is easier to vote your way into it than fight your way out.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 25 2022

People Begin to Learn the Truth About Slavery

The de facto state religion of the USA under Democrat rule is based on the concept that whites are inherently morally wrong because of slavery. The leftist ideologues who control the schools and media are correct that whites played a key role in the institution of slavery. It was nearly universal throughout the world from before recorded history until whites largely ended it.

The main instrument responsible for marginalizing slavery to backwaters like Africa was the British Empire — upon which leftists have been vomiting bile on the occasion of Elizabeth II’s death. Britain’s control of the seas allowed it to suppress the international slave trade.

Ending slavery cost hundreds of thousands of white lives in the USA. The Civil War was not the first war America fought against slavery. “The Shores of Tripoli” is a reference to the war Thomas Jefferson fought against Muslims to force them to stop enslaving Americans.

All races have enslaved and have been enslaved. Blacks are not special in this regard, despite what kids are taught in Democrat-run schools.

The truth will out. Even left-leaning comedians might sometimes go off the reservation and admit to it, as Bill Maher did recently in the context of ridiculing presentism. The slavery part starts at 2:17:

Yet we are endlessly bullied with the assertion that blacks are oppressed because some of their ancestors were slaves prior to 157 years ago.

It would be hard to call CNN propagandist Don Lemon oppressed, although admittedly he has had a rough ride lately. Not only has CNN demoted him from his prime time slot in an attempt to restore credibility, but he is leaving with the imprint of UK royal commentator Hilary Fordwich’s shoe on the seat of his pants:

Candace Owens helps fill the gap left by our ideologically deranged schools with this brief history of slavery from Prager University:

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Jester, KirklesWorth, and Dragon’s Lair.

Sep 25 2022

Open Thread

Critics of the global warming agenda are motivated... by a love of freedom and civil liberties. They want a discussion based on logic and facts that will address any problems without depriving us of liberty and personal choice. They do not want to sacrifice our way of life based on fears of an unproven theory. After all, the loss of liberty is a greater cause of alarm than global warming. - Deneen Borelli


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