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Jul 06 2022

Dems Can’t Have It Both Ways on Guns and Blacks

Democrats demonize the NRA, while presenting themselves as the heroic saviors of blacks. This won’t wash with people who know history. Sam Jacobs, for example:

[T]he NRA has historically opposed laws that were virtually tailor made to deny African-Americans the right to keep and bear arms. Many gun control laws to this day stem from the KKK’s fear of armed and independent minorities. The Rosewood Massacre in 1923 – a bloodbath led by a white mob that resulted in the destruction of an entire black community in Florida – was a clear example of how an armed black people could prevent future KKK raids. …

[T]he uptick in black NRA members as well as gun ownership and firearms acceptability in the black community isn’t an anomaly, but a reconnection with a deeper past stretching back to Reconstruction. The right to keep and carry arms was even mentioned in the infamous Supreme Court case of Scott v. Sandford, where the enslaved Dred Scott sued for his freedom.

Jerone Davison is a former ASU and NFL running back who is running to represent Arizona’s 1.8% black 4th congressional district. He knows history too:

Founded by Democrats, the KKK has been referred to as the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party. In its prime, it served a role similar to today’s Antifa. The more things change…

Guns are called equalizers for good reason. That’s why women carry them to prevent being raped.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jul 06 2022

Dutch Authorities Get Desperate

As leftists become increasingly desperate in their bid to achieve total power, they will inevitably target the food supply, in the name of either equity or the climate. In the Netherlands, it’s the climate. Farmers have been pushing back, causing the authorities to become more desperate still.

They are shutting down a high percentage of Dutch farms in the name of suppressing nitrogen, which makes up 78% of the atmosphere, but which now apparently causes climate change according to moonbat ideology. Farmers have responded by blocking roads and spraying government buildings with manure. Authorities are responding to the response like this:

They even appear to be resorting to agent provocateurs:

The rubber is beginning to hit the road. People are figuring out that the Liberal World Order does not mean them well. They will push back. But globalist authoritarians are too close to inflicting utopia to give up on it now.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Wiggins.

Jul 06 2022

Urgency Denounced as White Supremacy Value

Like most bureaucracies and corporations, the Oregon Health Authority has an office of equity and inclusion, tasked with imposing the establishment ideology. This now includes suppressing urgency, which has been revealed as a “white supremacy value”:

Regional Health Equity Coalition Program Manager Danielle Droppers informed the community that a scheduled conversation between OHA officials and relevant members of the public would not take place as planned.

“Thank you for your interest in attending the community conversation between Regional Health Equity Coalitions (RHECs) and Community Advisory Councils (CACs) to discuss the Community Investment Collaboratives (CICs),” wrote Droppers. “We recognize that urgency is a white supremacy value that can get in the way of more intentional and thoughtful work, and we want to attend to this dynamic. Therefore, we will reach out at a later date to reschedule.”

Only white people get stuff done right away, while everyone else lays around in the sun being oppressed. Or at least, that is the correct opinion to hold according to the condescending Experts on antiracism. Other traits they regard as white supremacist include perfectionism.

Droppers could more accurately have said that urgency is a nonbureaucratic value. The sluggish laziness that characterizes overpaid bureauweenies may be their only redeeming value, as it limits how much damage they inflict.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 06 2022

Open Thread

Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States. - Noah Webster

On a tip from 100Bravo.

Jul 05 2022

Democrat State Senator Tiara Mack Twerks Upside Down

No matter how far they progress, progressives will progress further still. Did you think no one could be less suitable to hold power over us than the ballyhooed Future of the Democratic Party, cognitively challenged communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Introducing Tiara Mack, the self-described “Queer Educator” and Rhode Island state senator who has been pushing what she calls “queer inclusive, pleasure-based sex ed” onto children:

Tiara Mack personifies her party not only culturally, but in terms of policy. She supports more taxes, more public housing, socialized medicine, cancellation of student debt, “diversifying” (i.e., purging of Caucasians) the teacher body, and “requiring a more comprehensive sex education.” She opposes the right to bear arms and election integrity.

No doubt Tiara Mack will be on the short list if Biden is around to select another Supreme Court justice.

It challenges the imagination to wonder how Democrats will find a representative who takes self-parody to a further extreme, yet somehow they will.

Already, the state of our ruling party draws gasps of horror from across the ocean:

On tips from KirklesWorth and Jester.

Jul 05 2022

Ilhan Omar Booed by Somali Constituents

The Cultural Marxist coalition is designed to destroy; it is too inherently unstable to serve as a foundation to build upon. Leftists have not finished wrecking America, yet already their alliance of the allegedly marginalized has begun to balkanize. Ilhan Omar owes her position to being a Woman of Color, an immigrant from the Third World, and a Muslim. Above all, she is a moonbat. This may not sit well with her constituents.

Daily Caller reports on a Somali music festival in her home state:

[M]embers of the crowd booed and chanted their displeasure at the congresswoman while she presented an award to Somali artist Suldaan Seeraar, according to a video posted to congressional candidate Shukri Abdirahman’s account. …

Some festival-goers at the Target Center in Minneapolis were heard yelling at Omar, a Somali-American, to “get the f*ck out of here” as she walked on stage with her husband Tim Mynett, Fox News reported several videos show.

“Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. We don’t have all night,” Omar told the crowd as she tried to calm the boos, according to the videos.

Afterward, she put out her own video, with the booing edited out.

There are many reasons to boo Ilhan Omar. It is unclear which of them provoked the crowd’s hostility. However,

Abdirahman, who is running as a Republican for Omar’s seat, claimed the crowd’s jeers were in response to Omar’s pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion views.

Somalis are right about some things. This puts them at odds with the Democrats who have been importing them in massive numbers so as to hook them on welfare and farm them for their votes.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 05 2022

Presidential Medal of Freedom Becomes a Dishonor

Honors mean less than nothing when they are bestowed by the dishonorable. Who would want a Pulitzer Prize in light of Walter Duranty receiving one for telling lies in the New York Times to facilitate Stalin’s genocide? The Presidential Medal of Freedom was once the highest honor an American civilian could receive. With Biden in power, it looks about as impressive on your record as a felony conviction.

The obnoxiously homosexual Megan Rapinoe plays a game no one watches. She managed to become famous by indulging in a theatrical display of disrespect when the American national anthem is played, and bullying her teammates to do the same. This so endeared her to her fellow moonbats in the corporate world that Subway made her the face of the franchise — with predictable consequences that had franchisees howling. Victoria’s Secret tried using the painfully homely woman as a model. Obscenely, Biden has bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom upon her, reducing it to mockery, just as he has done with the presidency:

“Megan Rapinoe is an Olympic gold medalist and two-time Women’s World Cup champion,” the White House states. “She also captains OL Reign in the National Women’s Soccer League. She is a prominent advocate for gender pay equality, racial justice, and LGBTQI+ rights.”

This advocacy of moonbattery has included sneering at the unimportance of girls’ sports that have been destroyed by interloping transsexuals:

[Rapinoe] told Time magazine she is “100% supportive” of “trans inclusion” in girls sports, dismissing concerns about fairness while emphasizing that people “need to understand that sports is not the most important thing in life.”

What is the most important thing in life? Ramming moonbattery down our throats. That’s how she became famous and got her medal.

Scoffs Rapinoe,

“I’m sorry, your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important.”

Denouncing the USA while pushing the LGBT agenda isn’t the only way to win a Presidential Medal of Freedom. You can also get one by quitting on your teammates because you have mental problems. As noted earlier,

When Olympic gymnast Simone Biles quit on her team and her country because dealing with the stress of competition wasn’t “fun,” instead of shaking their heads in sadness, liberal opinion-shapers praised her for it.

That praise has now been escalated to a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Liberalism is the inversion of moral values. Since quitting is contemptible, liberals reward it. If Biles had behaved nobly, she would not have received the medal.

It would be better for a pigeon flying overhead to bestow you with a medal than to get one from a Democrat president.

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 05 2022

Lib Traumatized by July 4th Flags

The American flag represents individual liberty and Western Civilization at its best. Moonbats react to it like vampires to the Holy Cross. This makes the Fourth of July triggering for them. Here, one describes the knot in her stomach she feels at the sight of the Stars and Stripes:

We are expected to believe that she once loved Old Glory, until it came to stand for “white supremacy” and a handful of angry yahoos trespassing in the people’s house. However, anti-Americanism has always been a fundamental tenet of moonbattery.

Treason is a moonbat’s first instinct. If they are American, that is reason enough for them to hate America. This is why they side with foreign trespassers against citizens, nonwhites against whites, and animals against people. If we are invaded by squid-like monsters from another galaxy, they will side with the aliens, and even act self-righteous about it, as they denounce their betters for “othering” the space creatures.

Projected self-loathing is the most likely psychopathological explanation.


Jul 05 2022

Moonbats Invent New Word: Heteropessimism

Normally, revisions to the Newspeak Dictionary entail erasing words that we are no longer allowed to use, on the principle that by restricting our vocabulary, social engineers can restrict our thoughts. Sometimes, however, our moonbat rulers add new words — like “heteropessimism.”

Via Salon:

Heteropessimism is a new word for an intuitive, possibly very old, concept in white Western culture. Coined in 2019 by writer Asa Seresin, heteropessimism is an attitude of disappointment, embarrassment or despair at the state of heterosexual relations – specifically about being in one.

Seresin’s definition is useful because this pessimism is accompanied by the paradoxical practice of sticking with heterosexuality in its current forms, even as it is judged to be “irredeemable.”

The proposed solution is for us to abandon normal, natural, healthy relationships and embrace alternative sexuality.

This will stop us from reproducing, so that our carbon emissions will no longer threaten to inconvenience the polar bears. As we wait to go extinct, we can enjoy the many exotic diseases that are spread through the homosexual lifestyle, now including monkeypox.

If there is despair in sexual relations, it is because feminism, degeneracy, and other aspects of the leftist mindset have poisoned them. To enable stable and fulfilling relationships, reject moonbattery and embrace the traditional values that served us so well for millennia.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Jul 05 2022

Open Thread

One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offense to keep arms. - Joseph Story

Jul 04 2022

Reagan and Biden on America

It would be great to have a great president to remind us why this is a great day — like Ronaldus Magnus:

Our current president has something to say about America too:

From Reagan to Biden in only 4 decades. Moonbattery acts fast. We have a lot of work to do to reverse the damage.

On tips from Wiggins and Eddie_Valiant.

Jul 04 2022

Orlando Apologizes for Denouncing Fourth of July

The moonbats running Orlando denounced our national holiday by tweeting this:

“A lot of people probably don’t want to celebrate our nation right now, and we can’t blame them. When there is so much division, hate and unrest, why on earth would you want to have a party celebrating it?”

“Hate” is Liberalese for “resistance to moonbattery.”

Some of this resistance came from the Fraternal Order of Police Orlando Lodge #25, which denounced the denunciation as “inflammatory and in poor taste.”

Even now, leftists will often back down when confronted with pushback, if only due to the spinelessness that characterizes bureaucrats. But then there was pushback to backing down to the pushback:

Anna Eskamani is a State Rep from Orlando. Like Orlando’s mayor Buddy Dyer, she is a Democrat.

At least they were right about there being division. Fortunately, the Founders blessed us with a system of government that allows us to work it out peacefully.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 04 2022

WWII Vet Not Liking the Fundamental Transformation

The Fourth of July is the perfect time to resolve to pry moonbats’ claws loose from Lady Liberty’s throat and restore the country this gent fought for:

On tips from Anonymous and seaoh.

Jul 04 2022


The Fourth of July is all about pushing back against tyrants. In that spirit, FJB. Or to be more explicit,

At least we don’t have to worry about how awful it will be when the liberal establishment imposes President Kamala or President AOC. Not even they could be any worse than Biden. No one could.

Actually though, it is not true that nobody likes Joe Biden. Due to his energy policy and Marxist rhetoric, his ChiCom paymasters love him:

On tips from Anonymous and the War Planner.


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