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Jan 30 2024

Law & Order Sympathizes With Rapist on Racial Grounds

As their widespread support for Hamas indicates, progressives are okay with rape so long as it is inflicted by favored groups. This includes not only Islamic terrorists but also the inner city scumbags who have been running amok ever since local police were sidelined in the name of leftist demigod George Floyd. Consider how rape is depicted in a recent episode of NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit:

In the episode, “Truth Embargo,” the rape occurs during a mass smash-n-grab robbery of a high-end store. …

At the hospital, the victim, Natalie (Romina D’Ugo), falsely claims she did not see the rapist because he was wearing a mask.

She sides with her rapist against herself because he is the good guy, being black, and she is bad, being white.

Our culture, as presented to us by social engineers:

Natalie’s lesbian partner, Brooke (Keeley Miller), is angry at police detectives when she meets them in the hospital, somehow blaming them for New York City’s spiking crime…

Who else’s fault would it be? To suggest criminals are responsible for crime is itself a crime — namely, thoughtcrime.

Natalie doesn’t want the rapist serving time because being privileged she “can afford therapy”:

The audience is manipulated into feeling sorry for looters who rape women in another tearjerking scene:

The rapist whimpering that he feels invisible is a reference to the Afrocentric novel The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.

As Holly Ash puts it,

In all my years of covering actual rapes in the news, I’ve never seen a rapist look so favorable, moral, and just!

Excuse rape and you will get more of it. That’s okay with the twisted moonbats who program your television.

At least they have a sense of humor. Calling a show Law & Order and then using it to bestow precious victim status on criminals is a real knee-slapper.

You have a limited amount of time to be alive. Don’t waste it watching television.

On tips from Steve T and KirklesWorth.

Jan 30 2024

Congress to Shovel More Welfare at Illegal Aliens

According to government-affiliated public broadcasting, debt is good, because it is savings. This is fortunate, because bribing the Third World to pour across the undefended border to displace us out of existence is going to cost more than even the Uniparty could raise by taxation:

The Heritage Foundation has details on…

…the relative size of the expansion of the welfare state under the TRAFWA, the bill’s weakening of work requirements, its contribution to excessive benefits, its subsidization of illegal immigrants, its embrace of liberal priorities, and the harm it would cause to marriage and families.

The millions upon millions of illegal aliens flooding the country in the largest invasion in human history already consume more welfare benefits than American citizens. Just wait until we get bipartisan immigration reform.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jan 30 2024

Pelosi Blames Russia and China for Pro-Hamas Liberals

In the wake of the historic terror atrocities of October 7, leftists have called for a “ceasefire,” which given the situation equates to Israeli surrender to Hamas. This poses a problem for the Democratic Party, making obvious that its base is not merely misguided but malevolent.

Party leaders held their favorite boogeyman responsible for Trump’s election in 2016. Maybe Putin can be blamed for this too. Watch Nancy Pelosi float the notion that Russia is behind pro-Hamas protests, astonishing even lefty propagandist Dana Bash:

Or maybe it’s China staging the pro-terrorist sentiment:

As Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore might say, I love the smell of Democrat desperation in the morning.

On tips from Wiggins.

Jan 30 2024

Liberal Establishment Comes Down on Jordan Peterson

As Canada slides deeper into totalitarianism, the liberals in charge are ever less willing to tolerate dissidents like clinical psychologist, professor emeritus, and online educator Jordan Peterson. Mary Anastasia O’Grady sounds the alarm:

According to Ontario court documents, he’s been the subject of complaints since 2018 about his public statements “on topics of social and political interest, including transgender questions, racism, overpopulation, and the response to COVID-19, among others.” The complainers—none of whom seem ever to have been his patients—mainly tweeted their objections to the provincial licensing board known as the College of Psychologists of Ontario.


The board’s job is to regulate for competence, not for political views.

However, the board is part of the liberal establishment. That means its true primary purpose is to impose leftism.

In March 2020, the board warned Peterson about his “manner and tone.” Then…

In August 2022 the board wrote to Mr. Peterson on behalf of its panel of investigators about his “demeaning, degrading and unprofessional” public statements and the “harm” they could cause people. He could solve the problem, the bureaucrats said, if he would agree to attend a re-education camp of its choosing.

Peterson’s allegedly problematic manner and tone are generally thoughtful and professorial. But he is no coward. He declined to submit to demeaning political indoctrination. The board proclaimed that this refusal “may constitute professional misconduct.”

Canadian courts sided with the board, meaning that he might lose his professional credentials over thoughtcrime like this:

Court documents cite instances of name-calling politicians and his refusal to use pronouns other than those that correspond to biological sex. In May 2022, court documents say, “he commented on a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover with a plus-sized model, tweeting: ‘Sorry. Not Beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.’”

Liberals helpfully underscored his point by attempting to silence him.

The establishment’s main problem with Peterson is not that he is an articulate opponent of its ideology, but that he is unwilling to cower in submission.

This makes him a problem for the mob and a danger to a system that relies on cultural repression to advance its agenda.

In a free society, even those who disagree with Peterson would acknowledge his right to his opinion. Canada — the moribund canary in the coalmine of moonbattery — is not a free society.

On a tip from Varla.

Jan 30 2024

Open Thread

The generation now coming out of Western schools is unable to distinguish good from bad. Even those words are unacceptable. This results in impaired thinking ability. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Jan 29 2024

Ilhan Omar Loves Her Country

Her anti-America rhetoric, her support for our terrorist enemies, and her membership in the party that is systematically destroying the USA have caused some to suspect that progressive congresscritter Ilhan Omar hates her country. Actually, she loves her country — namely, Somalia, in whose interests she promises to subvert US policy:

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland is appalled at the malignant radicalism that we have come to expect of members of the Squad.

When the future hits, we won’t be able to say we couldn’t see it coming. Obama stated openly that the goal of Democrats is to fundamentally transform America into a different kind of country. We even know what kind: a country like Somalia.

On tips from Varla, seaoh, and WDS 2.0.

Jan 29 2024

Profiles in Leftist Dorkiness: Gauleiter Gretchen

To be ruled by leftists is degrading enough; worse still is to be ruled by leftist dorks who would normally be ridiculed into oblivion. Consider the infamous Covid tyrant Gauleiter Gretchen. Here’s how she announced that taxpayers will be forced to finance the extension of adolescence for an extra 2 years so that youth might marinate in moonbattery instead of getting jobs and starting families:

It’s mean to laugh at short bus kids. No one will laugh when speds take their revenge by spending their state into bankruptcy, imposing pure moonbattery, and imprisoning people for dissident opinions.

On tips from Wiggins and Lyle.

Jan 29 2024

NPR Expert: Debt = Savings

The establishment media is in a state of freefall due to its willingness to sacrifice credibility to advance the leftist agenda. But if you think private sector propaganda platforms like ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN are a joke, consider the media outlets that are financed by Big Government. Examples include the BBC, PBS, and at the last limits of lunacy, NPR — which informs us that the mountain of debt compiled by moonbats as they waste our money on crap like public broadcasting actually constitutes savings.

From National Public Radio:

NPR’s Leila Fadel talks with Stony Brook University professor of economics Stephanie Kelton about some potential benefits of the nation’s $34 trillion of debt.

The word “benefits” is not a typo.

Fadel introduces her guest as…

“…a senior economic adviser for Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaigns. She’s also a proponent of modern monetary theory, or MMT, which argues that since the U.S. prints its own currency, it can’t run out of money like a household or a business can.”

An economic advisor to a communist believes we can produce infinite wealth by printing infinite money. Refer to Zimbabwe to see how this turns out in real life.

The nutty professor explains her theory that debt is savings:

“So over the arc of U.S. history, the U.S. government typically spends on an annual basis more dollars into the economy than it taxes away from us. And so it’s adding dollars, and over time, we keep track of how many dollars have been added. And what that 34 trillion is telling you is that over the long sweep of history, the U.S. government has put that many dollars into our hands without taxing them away. So what it is is it’s our after-tax savings that’s being reported.”

Then the men in white coats arrived with their butterfly nets and escorted her away.

Currency issued by the government is not wealth; it only represents wealth. NPR’s expert is unwilling or unable to grasp this:

“[T]he idea that taxes pay for what the government spends is pure fantasy,” she writes in The Deficit Myth. “[I]t is the currency issuer — the federal government itself — not the taxpayer, that finances all government expenditures.”

Meanwhile, as even some liberals understand,

MMT is a recipe for hyperinflation, as Harvard economist and former Clinton Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers has noted, along with countless other economists. …

Printing mass amounts of money cannot solve the problem of scarcity.

An economist who cannot comprehend scarcity is like a mathematician who cannot count.

“The carpenter can’t run out of inches,” she tweeted in 2019. “The stadium can’t run out of points. The airline can’t run out of [frequent flier] miles. And the USA can’t run out of dollars.”

There is a reason Kelton has crazy eyes. She is crazy.

There is also a reason NPR provided a platform to this kook:

Kelton was all but certain to say the $34 trillion debt was no problem. Don Boudreaux, Peter St. Onge, David Henderson, Bob Murphy, Antony Davies, or any number of other free-market economists would have given a very different answer, one that no doubt would have been far more grounded in economic reality. But as a media entity receiving tax dollars, NPR has little incentive to promote a free-market economist or free-market views. Indeed, they have an incentive to do precisely the opposite.

The skyrocketing national debt is not the only looming crisis that we will be lucky to survive. There are also the undefended border, the likelihood of Iran acquiring intercontinental nuclear missiles, and a ruling class that may actually believe its own self-serving lies, no matter how preposterous.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jan 29 2024

Moonbats Come After Mona Lisa

Western Civilization is the pinnacle of human achievement. The goal of leftist politics is to erase it. No treasure of our heritage is too sacred for them to deface — not even Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa:

Two climate activists hurled soup Sunday at the glass protecting the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in Paris and shouted slogans advocating for a sustainable food system.

They mean “sustainable” in the Orwellian sense — i.e., a euphemism for its diametric opposite. Specifically, if moonbats like sinister WHO communist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus apply the word to agriculture, they mean “incapable of producing enough food to sustain the current population.”

The vandals wore t-shirts declaring their allegiance to Riposte Alimentaire. France 24 reports:

The Riposte Alimentaire (Food Retaliation) group describes itself as a collective dedicated to advocating for action on climate change and sustainable agriculture. On its website, the group said the French government is breaking its climate commitments and called for the equivalent of France’s state-sponsored healthcare system to be put in place to give people better access to food while providing farmers a decent income.

Within living memory, leftist attempts to apply Big Government to agriculture resulted in the death by starvation of tens of millions in China and the USSR.

“Climate commitments” are never compatible with food production or anything else that is beneficial to the human race.

Other iconic works of art that climate kooks have attempted to destroy include Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh and Girl With a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer.

Just as we need a clerk to unlock the cabinet at the drug store to buy a stick of deodorant because otherwise the Democrat base will shoplift everything on the shelf, soon all significant artwork will have to be viewed through reflections on protective encasements lest moonbats sacrifice the art to their depraved ideology.

At least the art can still be defended for now. Who will protect these irreplaceable treasures when the maniacs who want them destroyed consolidate control of the government? There is nothing of value that leftists will not demolish out of sheer malice.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 29 2024

Royal Navy Succumbs to Moonbattery

The US Navy is key to preventing communist China from exerting domination over the entire Pacific region at the expense of free countries. To get an idea of where it is heading under liberal rule, consider that when Britain was the world’s preeminent naval power, it maintained a navy at least equal to the combined strength of the next two largest navies in the world. Then came liberal decay. Now it is a joke:

The Royal Navy is redeploying marines and sailors to become diversity and inclusion officers to enhance the “lived experience” of personnel…

The Royal Navy is severely undermanned, largely because the emphasis on discriminating against white men and the sexually normal in the name of diversity/equity/inclusion has caused a recruitment crisis.

The Navy is advertising a role as a diversity and inclusion officer for those ranked Lieutenant Commander or Captain in the Royal Marines. The service is also looking for those ranked petty officers, chief petty officers, sergeants or colour sergeants to transfer to a senior diversity and inclusion policy position. Marines and those who are able seamen are invited to apply for a position in the Navy’s “climate assessment team”.

The Navy’s official diversity and inclusion policy document states that the service conducts climate assessments “to provide all those in command with an independent assessment of the lived experience of personnel”.

Transsexual sailors of preferred non-British ethnicity will have ready access to counseling should exposure to politically incorrect attitudes negatively impact their “lived experience.”

Odds that the Chinese navy wastes resources on climate assessment teams are slim. Small surprise that Britain failed to defend the citizens on Hong Kong when the ChiComs made a mockery of the treaty regarding the former British colony.

The document also outlines different diversity and inclusion roles in the Navy, including diversity advisors, practitioners, and associates; the former two positions help advance “diversity and inclusion in the workplace” while the latter is a more informal role for sailors of any rank to support official diversity officers in their work within units.

Having been subverted by leftists, the Royal Navy now exists primarily to advance leftism:

The Telegraph revealed that an official guide on trans and non-binary awareness told sailors to introduce their pronouns at the start of meetings and interactions.

Sailors were admonished to “avoid microaggressions.”

Behold the consequences:

Personnel problems are so acute that two warships, HMS Westminster and HMS Argyll, have had to be decommissioned to staff a new class of frigates. Calls earlier this year to send the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to the Red Sea following airstrikes on the Houthi rebels in Yemen were denied due to staff shortages.

Across the Atlantic, as noted recently,

Under Democrat rule, the US Navy is too busy promoting sexual depravity, indoctrinating recruits with loony left ideology, revering child-molesting perverts, and punishing sailors for being Caucasian to defend the USA from foreign invasion by dinghy.

If Britain could destroy its formerly awe-inspiring navy (whose dominance was instrumental in ending the slave trade), so can the USA:

The US Navy is starting to enlist individuals who didn’t graduate from high school or get a GED, marking the second time in about a year that the service has opened the door to lower-performing recruits as it struggles to meet enlistment goals.

The decision follows a move in December 2022 to bring in a larger number of recruits who score very low on the Armed Services Qualification Test.

As in Britain, the Navy’s focus on promoting perversion and punishing Caucasians is not driving the best and the brightest to the recruiting office.

No navy and no country is so great that it cannot be destroyed by moonbattery.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and seaoh.

Jan 29 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 28 2024

Ted Cruz on Democrat Border Callousness

Democrats’ campaign to alter the USA’s demographics to their political benefit by leaving the border open to foreign invasion is not only treasonous, it is a humanitarian catastrophe. Ted Cruz calls out the Party of Government for its ruthlessness and hapless RINOs for collaborating:

The chart Cruz refers to could be this one.

Hell hath no torment like listening to liberals congratulate themselves on their own humanitarian niceness. Reducing America to a Third World country is not nice. It will exponentially increase suffering — not only here but throughout the world, which they threaten to plunge into renewed Dark Ages.

Good thing for leftists that they control the media. Otherwise, by now they would be getting set upon by mobs wielding pitchforks and torches. But then, if they didn’t control the media, they never would have been able to push things this far.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jan 28 2024

Indians Erased From American Museum of Natural History

According to progressive doctrine, it is racist not to expunge Indians from American culture. Leftist bullies have imposed name changes on sports teams and iconic landmarks like Squaw Peak in Phoenix. They deleted the Indian maiden from butter packaging. They even canceled the crying Indian from the old public service ads that encouraged us not to litter. Now they are purging Indians from museums:

History lovers slammed the American Museum of Natural History for shuttering all its Native American-related displays Friday, with one disappointed historophile saying the now-empty major exhibition halls and display cabinets show “history being made secret.”

Museum director Sean Decatur explains why nearly 10,000 square feet of exhibition space that featured Indians now stands empty:

“The halls we are closing are artifacts of an era when museums such as ours did not respect the values, perspectives and indeed shared humanity of Indigenous peoples.”

That is, Indians have been canceled because moonbattery.

Again the federal government imposes wokeness:

The alterations are a response to new federal regulations that went into effect this month regarding the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act…

In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, firemen don’t put out fires; they start them, burning down houses in which books have been discovered. Likewise, in our real life dystopia, museums don’t preserve history; they erase it.

Future generations will hardly know that Indians existed, another aspect of American heritage having been senselessly destroyed by the cultural vandalism of liberal social engineers.

On a tip from Franco.

Jan 28 2024

UN Funds US Invasion, Participates in Hamas Terrorism

The most pernicious global organization may not be the World Economic Forum. The United Nations helps fund the ongoing invasion of the USA and has participated in Hamas terror atrocities.

Financing foreign invasion is an act of war:

[T]he UN and its advocacy partners are planning to spread $372 million in “Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA)”, and “Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MCA)” to some 624,000 immigrants in-transit to the United States during 2024. That money is most often handed out, other UN documents show, as pre-paid, rechargeable debit cards, but also hard “cash in envelopes”, bank transfers, and mobile transfers the U.S. border-bound travelers can use for whatever they want.

It’s the largest invasion in human history. The troops need to be paid.

The $372 million in planned cash giveaways to the 624,000 immigrants moving north and illegally crossing national borders “represents a significantly greater share of the financial requirements” for 2024, the RMRP [Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan] says, but it is still only one part of much broader UN hemisphere-wide vision that aims to spend $1.59 billion assisting about three million people in 17 countries who emigrated from their home nations.

Much of that money was expropriated through taxation from the very people being conquered through this new form of warfare.

Personnel is policy. This gives an idea of the kind of personnel that staffs the United Nations:

The UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) says it has sacked several employees after reports of their involvement in the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

They had to be fired because Israel brought them to public attention, threatening US funding.

The US State Department had recently praised UNRWA’s work, and the administration of Joe Biden restored funding that was halted during Donald Trump’s tenure.

For the sake of appearances, Biden’s State Department is pausing additional funding to UNRWA. But even the clueless Antony Blinken no doubt knew all along where the sympathies lie:

UN Watch, a Geneva-based NGO that scrutinises the work of the UN, earlier this month raised the alarm about alleged Hamas sympathies among multiple UN employees in Gaza.

The group cited hate posts in a Telegram group of about 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza, praising the Hamas attackers as “heroes”. …

Several teachers quoted by the UN Watch were seen glorifying the Hamas attackers as “martyrs” and wishing them victory.

No worries, globalist moonbats. Now that a few terrorists have been fired, the story will blow over and the money spigot will be turned back to all the way open.

Unconfirmed but unsurprising:

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Anonymous, and taxpayer22.


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