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Feb 09 2024

Open Thread

You have the God-given right to kick the government around - don't hesitate to do so. - Edmund Muskie

Feb 08 2024

Leftists Threaten to Target Patriots in Homes and Churches

The Black Lives Matter riots that were so exuberantly supported by the liberal establishment worked well for the Democratic Party in 2020. But in 2024, mostly peaceful protests may be more targeted:

Angry radical leftists staged a loud protest outside the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the conservative Heritage Foundation against its “Project 2025,” an initiative that aims to help conservative politicians end the power of the “Deep State” if and when Republicans prevail in the 2024 races for the White House, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives.

The rally occurred January 27. Similar rallies will be allowed to escalate out of control if Trump continues to look likely to win.

The “Stop the Coup 2025!” protesters clearly sought to intimidate conservative staffers and politicians on Capitol Hill and throughout the nation’s capital, where memories of protests outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices remain fresh in everyone’s minds.

That illegal exercise in intimidation was essentially abetted by the thugs comprising Biden’s Justice Department. Montgomery County police arrested a moonbat named Nicholas John Roske for attempted assassination. Even then, the Biden Regime did not back away from implicitly supporting these tactics.

“We need to go find out where they live, where they go to church, who they hang around with, and birddog they (sic) a—-,” one activist declared to the crowd.

Here’s what regular Americans are up against:

Bad enough having these moonbats in your neighborhood…

“It’s a horrific experience,” said one neighbor who described the protests. “They have drums, they have a megaphone, and they chant, they yell all kinds of things … They have told neighbors ‘f— you, f— your children,’ things like that – and so they’re abusive towards neighbors and intimidating.”

Worse still is having them run the increasingly intrusive federal Leviathan.

You can see why liberals are in a hebephrenic frenzy over Project 2025:

Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts … explained that he envisions the destruction of the administrative state, its vast political power, and the influence it holds over individual American sovereignty. “The only way to do that… is to diminish the number of unelected bureaucrats who are wielding that power instead of Congress,” he said.

Roberts stunned globalist leftists while simultaneously delighting conservatives last month while participating in a World Economic Forum (WEF) panel discussion — “What to Expect from a Possible Republican Administration?” — when he said the next Republican administration needs to reject “everything that’s ever been proposed at the World Economic Forum.”

Javier Milei isn’t the only countermoonbat willing to poke these demons in the nose. Imagine Trump — highly motivated by the corrupt establishment’s campaign against him — doing in the USA what Milei has been doing to restore freedom and prosperity in Argentina. Liberal backlash will make it clearer than ever why they do not want us to be able to defend ourselves.

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.

Feb 08 2024

Sincerity From the Mouths of Moonbats

Sometimes even left-wing politicians are sincere. Watch as Senator Chris Murphy, top Democrat negotiator for the failed bill to open the border even wider, specifies who it is that Democrats and their RINO collaborators care about most: “undocumented Americans that are in this country” — i.e., invaders illegally imported by our hostile government at our expense:

MSNBC propagandist Chris Hayes and Chris Murphy are members of the same species, Liberalis whitemalicus, identifiable by its repulsive, sluglike softness. You expect these creatures to leave a muculent trail behind them as they go.

Another specimen of this species is Justin Trudeau — who is also sometimes capable of sincerity:

True enough, Canadians who would vote for the party of Trudeau do not want Canada to be great.

When your rulers tell you that they care more about foreign invaders than they do about you and that they do not want their country to be great, believe them.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Feb 08 2024

FAA Bureaucrat: Have Baggage Handlers Fly the Planes

Angela McCullough, the Federal Aviation Administration’s Air Traffic Organization’s acting Deputy Chief Operating Officer, likely holds her position largely because she is black. Why shouldn’t the same criterion apply to pilots?

Under Democrat rule, a main objective of the FAA as with the rest of the federal Leviathan is to deprive the maximum number of heterosexual white men of employment — even regarding jobs that few others are qualified to do, like flying airliners. Here she appears to endorse the “ramp to cockpit” strategy:

According to liberal doctrine, this makes perfect sense. If a black guy is loading the luggage rather than flying the plane, it could only be because of systemic racism. If a white guy is flying the plane rather than loading the luggage, again it could only be because of systemic racism. Any other explanation would be racist and therefore forbidden to mention.

The FAA has explicitly called for preferentially hiring those with “severe intellectual disability” and “psychiatric disability.” This may provide insight into Angela McCullough’s position of power.

Already merit has largely been abolished from the federal government. Soon liberal social engineers will accomplish the same through all walks of life. We are ruled by stupid and malevolent lunatics.

On tips from Anonymous and Chris Neilson.

Feb 08 2024

PETA Wants 10 Vegan Commandments in Classrooms

When moonbats bark about “separation of church and state,” it isn’t that they want to repress religion. They only want to repress a religion they don’t like in favor of their own. After the 10 Commandments have been abolished from classrooms, they will be replaced:

“The unnecessary violence inflicted on the billions of animals tormented and slaughtered every year in archaic experiments and for food, clothing, and entertainment depends on a simple lack of empathy for others who may appear different from us but nonetheless share humans’ interest in enjoying life without experiencing undue fear, pain, or violence,” writes PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “Displaying PETA’s Ten Vegan Commandments in public schools would be a simple way to promote peace, understanding, empathy, and compassion.”

Rather, it would promote moonbattery.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 08 2024

Open Thread

The effect of capitalism is to steer human selfishness so that, through the invisible hand of competition, the energies of the capitalist produce the abundance from which the whole society benefits. - Dinesh D'Souza

Feb 07 2024

Biden on Debating Trump

First Biden appeared to endorse Donald Trump; now this:

Does he mean that Trump has lots of time on his hands because he doesn’t have to stand around eating frozen snacks, gibbering, and loading his Depends while a cabal of leftists run destroy the country in his name? Couldn’t be:

Is Biden unaware of the banana-republic lawfare his administration has brought against Trump in an effort to destroy him? Trump spends half his days in court thanks to Biden these days, whereas Biden spends half his time on vacation.

Maybe Biden is less senile than we thought, and still has the cognitive capacity to grasp that Trump would run circles around him.

Feb 07 2024

Even Al Sharpton Understands It Is an Invasion

Preposterously yet predictably, Biden echoes left-wing senators like Chris Murphy and Mitt Romney by attempting to blame Trump for the border crisis Biden caused while advancing his stated objective of transforming American demographics. A border bill that would have opened the floodgates even wider is set to crash and burn, provoking Biden to croak:

If the bill fails, I want to be absolutely clear about something: The American people are going to know why it failed. I will be taking this issue to the country. And the voters are going to know… Trump and the MAGA Republicans said ‘no’ because they’re afraid of Donald Trump, afraid of Donald Trump.

Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends.

Border reporter Bill Melugin replies:

Biden’s lie will not fly. Even Al Sharpton — an ultraleft bomb-thrower who came to prominence through the quintessential hate hoax — is admitting the obvious. It isn’t “migration” at this point. It is an invasion:

Aiding and abetting invasion is not a policy issue. It is treason.

On a tip from StephaneDumas.

Feb 07 2024

Sex Change for the Dead

If dead people can vote for Democrats, they ought to be able to get a sex change. Airstrip One shows the way:

Labour Member of Parliament Charlotte Nichols … asked in January if Britain’s Gender Recognition Act (GRA) of 2004 could be amended to allow for “transgender people who are deceased to be legally remembered by the gender they lived by.”

That is, legal documents would be altered so as to deny objective reality. This is already done with birth certificates, so why not death certificates? As George Orwell foresaw,

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 07 2024

Failed NYC Mayor Eric Adams Compares Himself to Jesus

Just when you thought nothing could lower your opinion of Eric Adams, he channels Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin of failed New Orleans — and then compares himself to Jesus Christ.

As usual with Democrats, it all comes down to diversity/equity/inclusion. Barked Adams at a town hall last Wednesday:

“Look at this team, folks. Look at this team. Look at my, look at my deputy mayors!” he said before naming some of the people in the hall.

“Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the City of New York? And then go down the line. Look, look who’s here. This is representative of the city.* That’s why people are hating on me.”

It couldn’t have anything to do with giving New York the final push into the maelstrom that is the Democrat Death Spiral. Haters must hate him because like most Democrats he chooses personnel based on them not being white. Never mind that New Yorkers presumably selected Adams largely on that same basis.

By his own reckoning, his devotion to Cultural Marxist discrimination makes Adams comparable to Jesus Christ:

“Ma’am this is a Matthew 21:12 moment. Jesus walked in the temple, he saw them doing wrong in the temple. He did what?” Adams asked the audience.

“He turned the table over!” replied one member.

“I went to City Hall to turn the table over!” Adams continued.

He then recounted some of the staff he selected for diversity points rather than competence. His idea of turning the money changers out of the temple is purging municipal government of merit. Results of this approach have been as you might expect.

Some populations are not fit to govern themselves. This becomes evident when they start electing clowns like this:

On a tip from Wiggins.

*By “representative of the city,” he means “nonwhite” — although non-Hispanic whites are still the largest demographic group, and only one in five New Yorkers is black.

Feb 07 2024

Open Thread

I love being a conservative. We conservatives are proud of our philosophy. Unlike our liberal friends, who are constantly looking for new words to conceal their true beliefs and are in a perpetual state of reinvention, we conservatives are unapologetic about our ideals. - Rush Limbaugh

Feb 06 2024

CNN Staffers Gripe About Pro-Israel Coverage

As we learned from the BBC, the adage “personnel is policy” applies to the media as well as government bureaucracy. Consider also CNN:

CNN is facing a backlash from its own staff over editorial policies they say have led to a regurgitation of Israeli propaganda and the censoring of Palestinian perspectives in the network’s coverage of the war in Gaza.

From the viewpoint of these professional propagandists, failing not to support Hamas in its terror war against Israel constitutes “propaganda.” In contrast, shifting the focus to cover for raping women and butchering children would comply with their notion of objective reporting.

CNN journalists say the tone of coverage is set at the top by its new editor-in-chief and CEO, Mark Thompson, who took up his post two days after the 7 October Hamas attack.

Thompson used to be director general at the left-wing BBC. But he isn’t radical enough to suit CNN staffers, who gripe about the “focus on Israeli suffering and the Israeli narrative of the war as a hunt for Hamas and its tunnels,” when they would rather report on how the keffiyeh crowd is put upon.

One journalist described a “schism” within the network over coverage they said was at times reminiscent of the cheerleading that followed 9/11.

You wouldn’t side with the USA against al Qaeda after 9/11, would you? Then why side with Israel against Hamas after 10/7?

It would be difficult to overstate how malevolent liberal journalists are.

On a tip from Bluto.

Feb 06 2024

Briton Evidently Arrested for Displaying Union Jack

When UK police cracked down on the English flag because it is racist, Not the Bee wondered whether they would also come after the Union Jack, which is based on it. Looks like we have the answer:

Extended video, via Blazing Cat Fur:

In the UK as in the USA, the government is at war with the country it rules. Hence the systematic displacement of the respective native populations via mass Third World immigration.

On a tip from Brian Brandt.

Feb 06 2024

Biden Talks to Ghost, Explains Stance on Abortion

Joe Biden is getting to the steep part of his slide into senility. Here he tells us about his 2021 meeting with François Mitterrand, who died in 1996, before lying that police officers were killed rather than doing the killing on January 6:

As Creepy Joe admits, “It’s hard to make this stuff up.” He is not up to the task.

At least Biden isn’t as radical on abortion as some believe. Unlike the Democrat base, he doesn’t believe in killing babies right up to the moment of birth, but only during the three trimesters:

Before long, he will be croaking about abortion through four trimesters — unless they have switched him out for the real candidate by then. Not even the liberal establishment could be arrogant enough to go through with the sick joke of running Biden again.

On tips from Varla, seaoh, and Wiggins.


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