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May 09 2024

Open Thread

Education is a weapon the effect of which is determined by the hands which wield it, by who is to be struck down. - Joseph Stalin

On a tip from Jester.

May 08 2024

Breath of Fresh Air: Brian Mast on Hamas

The bad news: Code Pink is back, as hostile to America and its allies as ever. The good news: a politician has been discovered with the moral clarity to confront moonbattery without apology — Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL):

Agreeing to a ceasefire is easy enough for Hamas. Being terrorists, they wouldn’t have to abide by it.

Imagine coming up to someone in a rough bar, gouging out one of their eyes without provocation, then demanding a ceasefire — while making it clear you intend to gouge out the other eye.

In other Code Pink news, Neville Roy Singham, the Maoist who apparently has funded pro-Hamas campus protests to the tune of $12 million, is married to Code Pink head moonbat Jodie Evans.

Democrats’ angry base could not be more conspicuously evil if it tried — or more unappealing:

On tips from Wiggins, WDS 2.0, and Varla.

May 08 2024

Soros-Installed Kim Gardner Takes a Powder

Kim Gardner — the Soros-installed Saint Louis Circuit Attorney who thought it just to prosecute Mark and Patricia McCloskey for standing in their own yard with firearms to dissuade Black Lives Matter rioters from burning down their home — is back in the news:

A state examination of the office that handles criminal prosecutions in St. Louis is being delayed because auditors can’t find former Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, Missouri Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick said Monday.

She has evaded their attempts to serve her with a subpoena for months.

Gardner, a Democrat first elected in 2016 to become the city’s first Black circuit attorney, resigned in May 2023. She was part of a movement of progressive prosecutors who sought diversion to mental health treatment or drug abuse treatment for low-level crimes, pledged to hold police more accountable, and sought to free inmates who were wrongfully convicted.

This was apparently part of a nationwide strategy by Democrats, largely funded by top Democrat donor George Soros, to destabilize the country by driving urban crime rates into the stratosphere. Although the ultimate objectives are unclear, they are clearly malevolent, and probably involve further infringement of our Second Amendment rights.

In addition to the McCloskey outrage,

In 2018, she charged former Gov. Eric Greitens, then a rising star in GOP politics, with felony invasion of privacy, accusing him of taking a compromising photo of a woman during an affair. The charge was eventually dropped.

Under Soros-installed prosecutors like Gardner and Alvin Bragg, conviction is unnecessary; the process is the punishment. Greitens resigned in June of that year.

In 2019, she prohibited nearly 60 officers from bringing cases to her office after they were accused of posting racist and anti-Muslim comments on social media.

Accusation = guilt when it comes to thoughtcrime. Meanwhile, the criminals who should have been prosecuted continued to run amok.

Then came the tragedy of 16-year-old Janae Edmondson losing her legs thanks to Gardner refusing to incarcerate criminals.

Gardner predictably screeched that to criticize her is racist.

Since she can’t hide indefinitely, Gardner ought to seek protection from Joe Biden, like her fellow Soros-appointed left-wing Woman of Color DA Marilyn Mosby of Baltimore.

Other Soros DAs include George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Kim Ogg (Houston), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), Monique Worrell (central Florida), Jason Williams (New Orleans), Pamela Price (Oakland), and Jacqueline Sartoris (Cumberland County, Maine). None of them has turned out much better than Gardner, Bragg, and Mosby.

On tips from seaoh and ABC of the ANC.

May 08 2024

Bladeless Swiss Army Knives

What next, after progressives have progressed to making us safe by confiscating all firearms? Ask the people who make Swiss army knives:

For more than a century, the Swiss army knife has been an essential piece of kit for everyone from picnickers and equestrians, to golfers and astronauts.

But now the maker of the pocket-knife, with its red or blue shell and multiple tools, has bowed to what an English judge last week called the “plague of knife crime” by designing a new range without blades.

The plague of knife crime was mainly caused by mass Third World immigration combined with a population that has been disarmed by its leftist rulers, rendering it vulnerable to attack. A little old lady can defend herself with a gun, but where there are only knives, lowlifes have the advantage. After knives too have been confiscated, authorities will take steps to protect the public from the plague of blunt instrument crimes.

In response to an increasing number of countries imposing bans or restrictions on carrying knives, Victorinox, the Swiss firm that produces the pocket tools, is in the early stages of developing the first range of bladeless products designed specifically for activities where a blade would not be required.

Spoons are still allowed for now, until it is discovered that they can be used to gouge out people’s eyes.

Maybe they should make Swiss army forks — because when a society does not trust itself with pocketknives, you can stick a fork in it.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

May 08 2024

Open Thread

Although much of the media have their antennae out to pick up anything that might be construed as racism against blacks, they resolutely ignore even the most blatant racism by blacks against others. - Thomas Sowell

May 07 2024

Establishment Frames Calling Out Liars as Lack of Decorum

With a straight face, Barack Obama yelped at Congress that ObamaCare would not result in Americans being compelled to pay for healthcare for the unlawful invaders displacing us from our country. Outraged by the audacity, a Republican Congressman could not help but shout, “You lie!”

The same side of the aisle that gave us Maxine Waters continues to clutch its pearls over the lack of decorum of its deplorable adversaries:

When South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You lie!” during a 2009 speech President Barack Obama delivered to Congress, the breach of decorum quickly became the evening’s most notable moment. Members of both parties condemned the outburst, which was a response to the President’s claim that his health care plan would not apply to undocumented immigrants. After being booed by his colleagues, Wilson issued an apology and expressed contrition to Obama’s chief of staff.

Fourteen years later, heckling, booing, and yelling at the President has become the norm.

The actual problem is that the insultingly brazen lying Wilson objected to has become the norm.

Despite being cast as the villain and despite his regrettable apology, Wilson has unsurprisingly been proven correct:

Biden’s administration formalized a policy Friday opening Obamacare health insurance exchanges to people who arrived illegally in the US as children and have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status — at an estimated cost of up to $300 million per year.

You might recognize Biden as the treasonous Marxist apparatchik sitting to the left of Obama in the video above.

Democrats go beyond allowing millions upon millions of foreigners to pour over the border to take our country away from us and turn it into the sort of country they left behind. They rub salt in the wound by forcing us to pay for the invaders’ healthcare. It calls to mind Saddam Hussein’s policy of charging the families of his victims for the ammo used in executions.

But don’t call them out as liars. The media will sniff that you lack decorum.

On tips from Lyle and Jester.

May 07 2024

Honorary Degree for Richard “Rachel” Levine

Among the many benefits conferred upon those flamboyantly presenting themselves as members of the opposite sex, the liberal establishment has added honorary degrees from Rutgers:

Admiral Rachel L. Levine has led the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps since 2021 and is the assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Levine will receive an honorary doctor of science degree Sunday during the Rutgers-New Brunswick and Rutgers Health commencement at SHI Stadium, the university said Monday.

At this point a college degree is worth only slightly more than a Nobel Peace Prize.

Richard “Rachel” Levine earned the dubious honor by being “the nation’s first openly transgender federal official confirmed by the U.S. Senate.”

Admiral” Levine should also be in line for an honorary degree in genocide from the University of Auschwitz for the senior citizens he killed as Pennsylvania Health Secretary, by forcing Covid patients on nursing homes while getting his own mother out so that she would not fall victim. Also in order would be an honorary degree in medical atrocities from Mengele State for his promotion of sex change procedures for children, including both chemical castration and surgery.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

May 07 2024

Airstrikes in November?

While attacking the Second Amendment, Joe Biden has sneered that Americans’ AR-15s are useless anyway against his F-16s. That provides ominous context for the paranoid ravings of prominent Democrat Maxine Waters (D-CA):

Democrats are likely to cheat in November. Any complaints about it will be spun aggressively as “insurrection” by the media/Democratic Party. Maybe we should be building bomb shelters.

On tips from Wiggins and Dr. Kufi Tutite.

May 07 2024

La Leche League Compels Support for Male Lactation

First depraved LGBT concepts like feeding male “milk” to babies are facilitated. Then they are forcibly normalized and imposed on society at large:

The British wing of La Leche League (LLL), which gives mother-to-mother support to those finding it hard to breastfeed, has been told by its US-based board of directors that the service cannot be single sex and they must support “male lactation”.

A substance resembling milk can be secreted by men who have been pumped full of female hormones. Our society has degenerated to the point that it permits feeding this unnatural not to mention unholy secretion to innocent babies.

By the way, the word “mother” has been struck from the Newspeak Dictionary:

They were also told that the use of the term “mother” could be a “roadblock”, and that questioning gender ideology was “harmful”.

No nook or cranny of society undefiled by moonbattery is to be permitted.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 07 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

May 06 2024

Welcome to Harvard Medical School

There is nothing that moonbattery cannot render useless and contemptible en route to destroying it completely. Not long ago, it would be hard to imagine a more prestigious institution than Harvard Medical School. Behold what liberalism has done to it:

How diverse.

I wonder why someone who checks the correct identity boxes would be so confident she will pass her tests despite just skimming the reading.

Before undergoing a medical procedure, make very sure that the surgeon is not a recent graduate from Harvard Medical School.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 06 2024

Liberalism as Meta-Evil

What we now call “liberalism” differs from malevolent ideologies of the past in that moral depravity is not merely a characteristic or even defining feature but the central objective. The most destructive ideologies in human history have been communism and Islam. But these ideologies are merely evil. Moonbattery is meta-evil, embracing and incorporating all else that is evil.

For example:

Mao killed 65 million of his own people. That lends him cachet among progressives. His body count will be exceeded if they prevail.

For another example:

Only by pursuing wrongness as an end in itself is it possible to reconcile LGBTism with Islam:

On tips from Kevin R and Wiggins.

May 06 2024

Chicago Teachers Union Displays Astonishing Greed

Where pathological greed meets radical leftism, there you will find teachers unions. In Chicago — launchpad of Barack Obama’s political career — the union has degenerated into a mob of looters:

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is negotiating a new contract with the public schools system and is understood to be calling for an extra $50 billion to pay for wage hikes as well as other demands such as fully paid abortions for its members, new migrant services and facilities and a host of LGBT-related requirements and training in schools.

To put the figure into context, the total base tax receipts for the state of Illinois last year were $50.7 billion.

Only 21% of Chicago 8th graders are proficient at reading. But no doubt they are well versed in alternative pronouns and know how to put a condom on.

Uselessness pays well where the woke are in charge:

Union President Stacy Davis Gates’ audacious plan calls for members to bank at least 9% wage increases each year through fiscal year 2028.

The average salary of a teacher in Chicago Public Schools is $93,182, according to research by the Illinois Policy Institute, a conservative nonprofit think tank. Therefore, the average teacher’s pay will increase by half to $144,620 in the 2027-2028 school year, it says.

Not bad for unskilled part-time babysitters who take summers, weekends, and every conceivable holiday off.

That figure would equate to more than double the median household income in Chicago, according to Census Bureau statistics.

Yet the media bleats piteously that teachers are unpaid.

If you think the outrageous demands will be laughed off, consider that the mayor is ultraleftist Brandon Johnson:

Johnson, a former CTU legislative coordinator who was put forward by the union to run for mayor. As of June 30, 2023, CTU had funneled more than $2.6 million into Johnson’s campaign while he received more than $6 million from teachers unions altogether, according to the Illinois Policy Institute.

Chicago already spends $21,000 per year per student, producing so little benefit for the money that Davis herself sends her son to private school — though the preferredly pigmented Davis has proclaimed that school choice is racist.

Meanwhile, Illinois State Comptroller Susana Mendoza reports on what the liberal locust swarm has been doing to the state’s finances:

Illinois is on pace to spend an additional $6.2 billion more than it receives in revenue this fiscal year alone if the state continues its current rate of spending without a budget.

She observes that “the spending is open-ended and our fiscal path is catastrophic.”

Progressives interpret this to mean they had better grab fast before Illinois collapses and there is nothing left to grab. Those in charge in Chicago are the equivalent of a Black Lives Matter mob going through a department store.

On tips from Varla, Jack D, and WDS 2.0.

May 06 2024

Big Money Backs Even the Kookiest Moonbats

They are clowns; they are losers; they are juvenile, not very bright, and often mentally ill. From Antifa kooks brandishing Tupperware shields to pampered Ivy League brats holding their breath until they turn blue on behalf of Hamas to Extinction Rebellion types trying to destroy famous paintings or gluing themselves to the freeway to improve the weather, it is rarely easy to take leftist foot soldiers seriously. But the purpose they are being applied to is no laughing matter — as confirmed by the money involved.

Consider the conspicuously malevolent Hillary Clinton:

A progressive group founded by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cut a large check recently to a climate change activist hub financing organizations behind disruptive anti-oil protests, bringing the total cash transfers to at least $500,000, records show.

Onward Together, which Clinton launched after losing the 2016 election, says it’s “committed to lifting up emerging organizations and leaders who are fighting for our shared progressive values and defending our democracy.” That pledge apparently includes funding Climate Emergency Fund, a charity backing groups leading demonstrations to bring awareness to climate change by vandalizing fine art, blocking major roads, gluing themselves to sports cars, and engaging in other extremist forms of protest.

Even the money Shrillary Rotten can bestow is peanuts compared to the riches of Goldman Sachs:

A New York City nonprofit that received more than $12 million from Goldman Sachs’ charitable arm encouraged anti-Israel activists to re-create the violent protests of “the summer of 2020,” just hours before rioters stormed and occupied a building on Columbia University’s campus.

More than 100 masked and keffiyeh-clad activists convened in the People’s Forum’s Manhattan office [last] Monday evening to plan their next moves as anti-Israel protests reach a fever pitch across the country. …

The People’s Forum, a registered charity that describes itself as “a movement incubator for working class and marginalized communities,” has been a mainstay at anti-Israel protests since Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023, attack on the Jewish state.

You have to be all the way out there to think vandalizing priceless Van Gogh paintings will force civilization to plunge itself into economic collapse in the name of the nonexistent climate crisis. The same goes for taking up the cause of Hamas in response to the terror atrocities of October 7. Crazier still is the money backing these malevolent freaks:

The People’s Forum’s operations are made possible in large part by a $12 million donation from Goldman Sachs’s charitable arm. The source of that money is likely Neville Roy Singham, a communist who has “long admired Maoism.”

Mao killed an estimated 65 million Chinese for the sake of his twisted ideology. There are people who want to do the same to us. Not all of them are smelly Antifa goons living off Hot Pockets in their mom’s basement. Some have money, and money is power.

The revolution Tentifada moonbats bark about is for real. Even some of the most demented among them are well financed because this is a revolution from above.

On tips from R F.


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